Cartoon Piffle From the Left

The leftist response to the latest furor in the Muslim world is in danger of being drowned out by crickets. Unfortunately the story has become too large to ignore, so Atrios explains:

I’m not too sympathetic with the notion that anything under the cover of religion is automatically entitled to deference. On the other hand, “don’t be an asshole” about peoples’ religious beliefs when they aren’t trying to impose them on you seems to be reasonably good etiquette. The cartoons weren’t funny and the visual portrayal of Mohammed was done just to “be an asshole” without any larger point to it. It’s like parading around in blackface just for the hell of it. There’s no point other than “I’m doing this to see who I can piss off.” I certainly defend the right to piss people off, though not always the decision to do so.

Strange, isn’t it, that a habitually potty-mouthed leftist should be so concerned with etiquette.

The larger point of the cartoons, for Atrios and anyone else too technologically challenged to use a search engine, can be found at

Jyllands-Posten called for and printed the cartoons by various Danish illustrators, after reports that artists were refusing to illustrate works about Islam, out of fear of fundamendalist retribution. The newspaper said it printed the cartoons as a test of whether Muslim fundamentalists had begun affecting the freedom of expression in Denmark.

So the response to this test demonstrates that there are indeed some assholes out there trying to impose their religious beliefs. And no, unfortunately for the left, it has nothing to do with Chimpy W. McHalliburton and the Far Right Wing’s attempts to pack the Supreme Court with “extremists”. Which goes a long way toward explaining the left’s lack of interest.

Most of the rest of the pro-anti crowd has nothing less inconsistent to say than Artrios, they’re just smart enough not to blurt it out.

Not that that would be Kos’ excuse. After a weekend of headlines about the violence the tag “muslim cartoons” at the left’s most popular site rates exactly one story. Kos himself hasn’t said anything about the cartoons yet, and if he never does we can safely assume it’s because “it’s pretty obvious — we don’t love terrorists”. Republicans “hate the terrorists because they’re Muslim” but at the same time love the American Taliban with whom they have so much in common.

This is the kind of ill-informed and self-contradictory piffle that passes for logic in the fever swamps of the traitorous left.

Religion of Peace Declares War

Kill those who insult the Prophet Muhammad

The kuffar in their sustained crusade against Islam and Muslims have yet again displayed their hatred towards us this time by attacking the honour of our beloved Messenger Muhammad (saw). In September 2005 the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 10 cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad (saw) which were later republished by a Norwegian paper Magazinet. Until now both governments have refused to denounce the drawings and to condemn the publication of them.

Via Little Green Footballs. Image via ¡No Pasarán!

Danish consulate in Beirut ablaze in cartoon row
Sun Feb 5, 2006 1:12 PM ET

As peaceful demonstrations turned to ransacking Danish diplomatic offices and burning them in Syria and Lebanon, world leaders as well as prominent moderate Muslims appealed for calm.

“This has nothing to do with Islam at all,” Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora told Future television. “Destabilizing security and vandalism give a wrong image of Islam. Prophet Mohammad cannot be defended this way.”

In Britain, politicians and mainstream Muslims called for the police to deal with Moslem militants after a protest in London featured placards saying “Europe you will pay, your 9/11 will come” and “Butcher those who mock Islam”.

Via Drudge.

Anyone who maintains “this has nothing to do with Islam” is living in a fantasy world. We hear nary a peep from Muslims regarding the cold-blooded deliberate murders perpetrated daily by Islamists around the world. But Allah forbid a Koran is soiled or his Prophet is lampooned. Somehow that motivates the Islamic world community to turn out and demonstrate their “peaceful” and “tolerant” feelings.

When will the civilized world wake up to the threat such petulance portends? How long will we heed the Islamic apologists who want us to disbelieve our own eyes and ears? How long will we tolerate the threats and intimidation aimed at anyone who is critical of Islam? Hateful and malignant ideologies have been identified and vanquished before. It’s looking like it’s getting to be that time again.

Steyn contrasts politically correct “sensitivity” and Sharia. Is anyone listening?