So Fidel’s amigo and leftist icon Oliver Stone made a 9/11 film. What I want to know is: Where are the distraught women sobbing “too soon”? Where are the cynics and their accusations of exploitation? In an election year! You know, the kind of handwringing United 93 was greeted with only four short months ago.
Stone talked about his new movie at the Bangkok International Film Festival:
However, when asked whether the world in general and America in particular was ready for a drama about the 9/11 attacks, the director was dismissive.
“I would hate that to be the main question about the movie, though I sense that is what’s going to happen,” he told the BBC News website.
“I’m not in the business of knowing whether America is ready. You just hope it will be.”
Charlie Sheen was quoted as saying
Call me insane, but did it sorta look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition?
He’ll be disappointed if Stone is hyping government “myths”. It’s more likely Stone’s story will amount to: building falls on two buddies, who with luck and perseverance survive. That wouldn’t be a big surprise. Out of fear or disinterest Hollywood has so far felt no pressing need to confront the more complicated issues.
Questions like who brought those buildings down and why. It’s pretty clear to many of us. If others need mass media treatment and consensus then by all means let’s move it along.
UPDATE: For many New Yorkers it is too soon. It must be true. AFP says so.
UPDATE: An essay by Christopher Hitchens written shortly after 9/11, about an encounter with Oliver Stone:
I challenged Stone to reconsider his view of the immolation of the World Trade Center as a “revolt.” He ignored me. Later he added that this rebellion would soon be joined by the anti-globalization forces of the Seattle protesters. When he was asked by a member of the audience to comment on the applause for the September 11 massacres in Arab streets and camps, he responded that the French Revolution, too, had been greeted by popular enthusiasm.
Hmmm, I wonder if Stone’s opinion has changed?