Here’s a frequently recurring Leftist theme: the Right is fear mongering. All these terror warnings and terror arrests are an election year scam by a Radical Right Culture of Corruption trying to pump up political support.
The Republicans Have a Plan – And it is Called FEAR
A. Alexander, July 8th, 2006
One week Iran is the face of “evil”. The next it is Zarqawi. Then it is an amorphous thing called “homegrown terrorism”, which was highlighted through the arrest of seven hapless fools in Miami. Suddenly the danger shifts and it is North Korea misfiring several harmless missiles. Yet, before the public can breathe a non-anxious breath, a plot to blowup tunnels in New York City is discovered and reported.
Say what? Is history moving too fast? Sorry, we can’t do much about that.
However it is easier to keep up once you recognize the role of Islam in situations of strife all around the world. Islamist retards at home. Islamists with apocalyptic visions rattling missles and nukes in Iran. Islamists trying to uproot newborn democracies in Afghanistan and Iraq. Chechens murdering Russian kids at school. Palestinians lobbing endless rockets and islamikazes at Israelis. Muslims killing Hindus in Kashmir, Christians in Nigeria, Animists in Sudan, TV watchers in Mogadishu, and Jews whereever they can find them.
This is all imaginary? The worldwide Islamic jihad isn’t real? And to top that off George Bush controls North Korean missle launches? Is it the US’s fault that North Korea is a hard-line communist totalitarian military dictatorship, that Koreans starve because their Great Leader For Life uses his complete command over the economy to build only missles and nukes, which he then uses to blackmail his neighbors? Or is that not really happening?
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The big messages from the Left don’t exactly spell “Relax”. In no particular order and by no means complete we should fear a never-ending war, a police state, environmental change, racial inequality, economic inequality, corporatism, militarism, abortion abolition, and Christian dominion. See the common thread? Deep-rooted all-consuming negativity. Our economic system is flawed. It exploits others, angering them. I’m angry at my insignificance. The government should take care of me. Everyone poorer than me is an idiot. Everyone richer than me is in some way a crook. Take from one give to the other until everyone has the same.
Sheesh that’s an unpleasant way of seeing things.
The Left views the world through a Marxist prism of class and racial conflict, and couples it with an arrogant and ultimately disastrous premise that the State’s role is to right all wrongs. Not that they can even agree what’s right or wrong. Or that there are such absolutes. The Left’s goals include thwarting corporatism, ending nationalism, equality by fiat, and dismantling the remnants of Judeo-Christian culture. The jihadis, driven by a lust to serve Allah, see the world differently. Nonetheless their goals overlap with the Left’s. That is how ideologues of either persuasion find they can agree on the ends even while they may quibble over the means.