Chinese president Hu Jintao gets a warm welcome in Nigeria:
Analysts said Hu’s offer of an alternative to the United States’ prescriptive foreign policy and “War on Terror” would be welcomed by African leaders.
“China is saying it wants to build a new world order based on consensus and tolerance, not the clash of civilizations,” said former foreign minister Bola Akinyemi.
Would that be the same consensus China seeks when it stands with North Korea and Iran, against most of the rest of the world? And the same tolerance they’ve shown Tibetans, or their native Christians and Muslims? China doesn’t clash with other civilizations, oh no, it brutally represses them. How long will the “consensus and tolerance” canard fly as their thirst for oil grows and they are forced to interact more and more with the rest of the world? Will they ever fly to the aid of disaster victims, or is that just something bullies like the US do?
“It is bound to resonate in Africa, where we have 900 years of coexistence between Christianity, Islam and traditional religions.”
Oh yes, everything is just peachy in Africa and has been since the dawn of Man. If by peachy you mean violence bordering on barbarism. Odd that Akinyemi draws the line at 900 years. Christianity in Africa goes back as much as 2000 years, and “traditional” African religions must go back further. Is he unaware of the role Islam has played in Africa?
Black Africans were transported to the Islamic empire across the Sahara to Morocco and Tunisia from West Africa, from Chad to Libya, along the Nile from East Africa, and up the coast of East Africa to the Persian Gulf. This trade had been well entrenched for over 600 years before Europeans arrived, and had driven the rapid expansion of Islam across North Africa.
Oh, I see. He said “coexistence”, not “peaceful coexistence”.