Global pandemic, jews hardest hit.
But the most alarming similarity between the two is the way the public reacted. During the Black Death in the 14th century, Jewish communities appeared to be dying in fewer numbers than their Christian neighbours. Many saw this as evidence that the Jews were intentionally spreading the disease by poisoning wells, rivers and springs. As a result, Jewish people across Europe were tortured and killed.
During later outbreaks in the late 16th to early 17th centuries, this fear was quickly transferred to all outsiders. For example, a proclamation issued during the reign of Elizabeth I stated that an outsider wishing to enter the city could do so only if they possessed a “special certificate” – an item usually reserved for the very wealthy.
Coronavirus: Concern over New Rochelle case stretches to Washington D.C.:
Already, the tentacles of the investigation into the man’s contacts have reached to the highest levels of government.
“Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 1, Intro and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Discussion
Event 201 is a pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic.”
c.f. ‘here’s one I prepared earlier’ regarding the voluminous Patriot Act text rustled up “after” 911.
– no worries, the vaccine is almost ready! Just like that!
Chinese Scientists Find Genetic Explanation For Coronavirus Discriminating By Race:
The strongest argument that race matters is how the totally jewed regime prioritizes its anti-White/anti-“racist” agenda above all other concerns, doubling down on their virulently jewy psychopathologization of healthy “xenophobia” even in the face of a deadly global pandemic.
The paper ZeroHedge cites only very weakly hints that susceptibility varies by race. Single-cell RNA expression profiling of ACE2, the putative receptor of Wuhan 2019-nCov:
Sciency jew Steven Pinker echoes The Jew York Times:
Here Comes the Coronavirus Pandemic:
Typical jewhadi behavior. They see any indication of healthy goyim immune response as a more serious threat than a global pandemic.
Wow who would have thought there were studies about this, The sidebar has other studies that reveal our best friends are unusually gifted with the cut genes that make them immune. It seems that most of them have had their DNA sequences tested too. I lost the thread, but the crispr edited babies dr. Was targeting this cut DNA sequence to make babies from hiv infected parents resistant. If you look long enough into those articles you will find at least one chief shlomo decrying awful not c science.
‘Wuhan Virus’ tweet from Rep. Paul Gosar sparks accusations of racism, xenophobia in coronavirus response
World Health Organization Best Practices for the Naming of New Human Infectious Diseases May 2015:
It is an indication just how thorougly jewed the regime is that even during a deadly global pandemic its highest priority is pushing migration and mixing while screeching about White “racism” and “xenophobia”.
an indication just how thorougly jewed the regime is
You noticed …… :)
The JYT/Pinker edict applies only to dar al goyim, the jew-only state is locking down: Israel to place anyone arriving from overseas into quarantine in response to growing coronavirus threat
Haven’t yet come across any jewsmedia articles jewsplaining how all their semitically correct screeching about “xenophobia” and “isolationism” is NECESSARY in order to do quarantining and social distancing PROPERLY, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time.
The Jews will probably say that if health officials, motivated by irrational hatred, concentrate on rounding up all the niggers and wogs as the primary disease vector, virus-infected Europeans will be ignored, thus contributing to the spread of the virus.
Too bad Salvini is no longer part of the government in Italy. I think he’d be more than willing to corral some muds using virus-containment as a pretext. It’s got to start somewhere, why not now? This is a missed opportunity.
Nancy Pelosi:
While the (((right))) talks economics and lamely tries to shift blame to the Chinese, the (((left))) goes right on pressing the same attack it has for decades, treating Whites like the real disease.
Deep into crisis, Trump demands ‘something big’ on coronavirus:
The Trump administration, headed by President Kushner.
Online anti-Semitism thrives around coronavirus, even on mainstream platforms:
Nothing new here. Throughout all of recorded history the jews have claimed “anti-semitism” is a disease and accused the goyim of spreading it. Thus it makes perfect sense that they’d feel the need to screech even louder about that in the middle of a global pandemic.
Tired: Save the economy!
Wired: Save the asians, bigots!
Eternal: Save the jews, goyim!
The only Jews who lived according to God’s standards were Abraham, Isaac Jacob, and Jesus.
All the others were apparently pharisaic perverts.
The major genetic risk factor for severe COVID-19 is inherited from Neandertals | bioRxiv:
I.e. a racial bias.
Another racial bias detected.
There are numerous replies from jewesses with “MD” in their name insisting that “race is not biological” and “racism is the real cause”, telling JAMA to “do better”, by which they mean, “oy vey, shut it down”.
h/t Norvin Hobbs.
An ancient coronavirus-like epidemic drove adaptation in East Asians from 25,000 to 5,000 years ago | bioRxiv
My emphasis.
This is another confirmation of the fact that there are substantial genetic differences (affecting immune response in this case) between various “populations”, as well as a disconfirmation of the lame jewy post-war one-race-the-migrating-mixing-nigger-race platitudes concerning “our ancestors” and “our ancient viral foes” that the authors feel compelled to attach to it.
Covid-19 vaccine: Should Black and Latino people get priority access? – Vox
When you reject a priori any biological reason, then whatever remains, no matter how unlikely, must be “an accumulation of factors from centuries of systemic racism”.
This is just an extension of the age-old jew victimhood narrative to all non-Whites. Both sides openly take for granted that the goal must be to do whatever’s best for non-Whites, because they’re not White.
Whoever gets the vaccine, in whatever order, to whatever effect, at some point in the near future the same farcical non-argument will be played out again. Biological racial differences will make the biological one-size-fits-all vaccine produce different results racially, and the anti-White jewsmedia will screech that the non-Whites have once again been victimized by “systemic racism”.
Neanderthal gene found in many people may open cells to coronavirus and increase COVID-19 severity | Science | AAAS: