Tag Archives: jewish influence

“Kabbalah is nothing but expanded Spinozism”

The negation word game mentioned in Timothy Murray’s comment brings to mind E Michael Jones’ shallow argument that all White means to him is “not black”, which for me calls into question any other argument Jones makes about anything.

Googling “Hegel used Spinoza’s claim that every determination is a negation as the basis for his dialectic” returned no links to Jones, but the top hit was interesting.

Omnis determinatio est negatio”: determination, negation, and self-negation in Spinoza, Kant, and Hegel, by Yitzhak Y. Melamed.

I stopped reading a few paragraphs in, when this jew Melamed quotes jew Maimon’s claim that “the Kabbalah is nothing but expanded Spinozism”, and further, “that Spinoza is wrongly described as an ‘atheist,’ since in fact in his system only God truly exists”.

Maimon’s claims are remarkable because they fly in the face of the more common and spurious jew argument that Spinoza was no jew, or at least not a good jew. Indeed, Maimon makes the kind of claims of responsibility I referred to in The Enlightenment: Good for Whom?. These are admissions that bolder jews make once they deem their tribe’s crimes sufficiently white-washed, or at least that the targeted goyim no longer have the will or power to strike back.

Like Marx, Spinoza ranks among the jewiest of jews exactly because he is not generally recognized as a jew, and because his impact is not generally recognized as harming Whites or benefiting jews. The jewsmedia depiction and thus the popular perception is that Spinoza was a renegade jew, a hero who helped Europeans climb out of the Dark Age. In fact Spinoza pioneered a fresh phase of more stealthy and virulent anti-White jewing called the Enlightenment, which spawned both communism and liberalism, which have now combined and mutated into the increasingly naked war on Whites now commonly euphemized as “wokeness” or “wokeism”.

The Screeching Will Continue Until Democracy is Saved

Rob Reiner, 15 Oct 2021:

We are being ruled by an unchecked disturbed Sociopath, his lunatic White Supremacist followers, and Joe Manchin. We no longer live in a Democracy.

Rob Reiner, 30 Oct 2021:

No prosecution of Donald Trump for his violent attack to overthrow our Government. No Voting Rights. We are watching Democracy slip away and die.

We are seeing jewing. As Ezra Pound put it decades ago, “Democracy” is just jewspeak for “a country run by jews”.

“Anti-semitism” is on the rise, goyim. “White supremacism” is to blame for this, goyim. “Liberalism” must go into “Wokeness” mode or “Democracy” won’t survive, goyim.

For 75 years jewing has run rampant, completely unopposed. They make the rules. They’re changing them. Every day the jewsmedia narrative gets insaner in its attempt to either distract from or jewsplain the totally jewed regime’s latest violation of its own previous political, medical, economic, financal, social, and legal norms. Covid, BLM/antifa, trannies, caravans – and why won’t you filthy uppity goyim ever save the jews from Hitler?

Every day more goyim must be wondering, is this peak jewing? And every day the jewsmedia figures out some way to take it to the next level. Sorry goyim, it’s a feature not a bug. The more obvious the jewing becomes, the louder and more kooky their screeching becomes. They screech as if all this jewing isn’t jewing, yet they’re only screeching to begin with because they know it is.

Double-Crossing, The Rubin Con

The systematic replacement of White people – the Great Replacement, or White Genocide – is vehemently denounced as a “conspiracy theory” by the same shitbags who otherwise cannot contain their glee in celebrating it. The same shitbags hiss and sneer that race is a social construct, but only applaud the deconstruction of one race – the White one. What does this mean? It means these shitbags are anti-White. They feel justified to attack Whites no matter the cause or rationale.

Recently, data from the anti-White regime’s latest census has been published, and what’s more important, the jewsmedia has started trying to jewsplain what it means. Census data shows widening diversity; number of White people falls for first time, published by The Washington Post earlier this month, summed up the main take-away well enough in its title.

More “diversity” means less White people.

There’s alot to say about polls and demographics. Let’s just focus here on this part of this report:

The opioid epidemic and lower-than-anticipated birthrates among millennials after the Great Recession accelerated the White population’s decline, said William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution.

“Twenty years ago if you told people this was going to be the case, they wouldn’t have believed you,” he said of the White decline. “The country is changing dramatically.”

This grim news has been a long time coming, the predictable consequence of a quite conscious and deliberate policy to fill America with non-Whites.

Sure, many Whites refuse to believe there is a war on Whites even now, which is at least in part because they know they’ll be demonized and attacked for expressing any concern. What we can clearly see today that we couldn’t twenty years ago is the now constant stream of denouncements and edicts against “White supremacy” and “rising anti-semitism” coming from the most powerful perches of a thoroughly jewed academia and media and government.

How could any country supposedly ruled by Whites allow this to happen? The answer is simple. Whites don’t rule this anti-White/pro-jew regime, jews do.

The idea that nobody knew where all this anti-White jewing was headed is ridiculous. Kevin MacDonald published his indictment, Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review, in 1998. The who/whom of this particular demographic whodunit was already history twenty years ago. Stephen Steinlight’s screech-brag is not well known among Whites, but is perfectly typical of his tribe’s penchant to claim responsibility for making changes while also posing as the biggest victims of those changes.

The whole point of the century-long jew assault on American immigration policy was to physically undermine the White majority, to reduce and ultimately destroy it. And with the border opened, the tribe shifted their efforts to the finer-grained work of destroying neighborhoods, families, or anything else they deemed “authoritarian”. Cohencidentally, this was about the same time jews invented the term “conspiracy theorist”, which to this day they use to psychopathologize anyone they suspect might dislike their jewing.

It’s important to note that this jew attack was not confined to America. Whites were simultaneously attacked everywhere by the same hostile tribe using the same tactics, even where Whites were not the majority. The jew attack on White South Africans has been just as virulent as anywhere else.

Also, opioids are just one of the many psychological and chemical weapons manufactured and trafficked by a parasitic tribe with a long sordid history of poisoning their hosts for profit. The same tribe also invented the toxic slogan “diversity is our greatest strength”, selectively deploying it to benefit themselves while inflicting incalculable harm on Whites.

One especially loxist response to the non-news of the White race’s planned demise came from Jennifer Rubin:

a more diverse, more inclusive society. this is fabulous news. now we need to prevent minority White rule.

“Fabulous news”, croaks the shark-eyed goblin, too ebullient to capitalize any word but White. All she’s doing here is celebrating “diversity” and “inclusion”, just like everyone else in the thoroughly jewed regime. Yes, she’s one buzzterm short of the full “wokeness” mantra, but let’s face it, “equity” can be translated as “we need to prevent minority White rule”, which is more forthright about the target.

In case anyone is wondering, Rubin is a full-throated, full-time tribalist shitbag – a professional jewsmedia jew whose job is to spell out what the goyim can think. She is of course keenly aware that what she calls “fabulous” would be regarded by shitbags like herself as an attack if it were aimed at any group other than Whites.

Rubin went to work for the Washington Post in 2010 under the laughable pretense she was a “conservative”. Rubin’s previous employer was Commentary, founded by the American Jewish Committee with an explicit mission to promote jews-first jews-only nationalism and jewing more broadly. Reading the narrative on Rubin’s move, it’s apparent that her only “conservative” qualification was that she was attacking Obama. Curiously, she was specifically getting promoted for doing so, even as jewsmedia cabalists were colluding to denounce “conservatives” as “racists”.

Naturally, Rubin has never had to fear being black-balled. She spent eight years screeching that Obama was the most “anti-semitic” president ever. Then she spent the next four years screeching the same about Trump, standing out amidst a veritable swarm of lesser “anti-Trump” and “anti-anti-Trump” jews. These Clark Kentbergs all drone on about “American interests” and “American values” until something ticks off their inner superjew. Then out flies yet another column or book about “anti-semitism”, or yet another shameless denunciation of everybody else’s tribalism.

During Trump’s term Rubin became increasingly explicitly anti-White, sounding more and more like any “leftist” jewess. In September 2020 Rubin finally dropped the “conservative” mask and tried on a “classical liberal” mask instead:

The name is far less important than the outlook and the rejection of extremism, racism, authoritarianism, isolationism, xenophobia, cruelty, deceit and tribalism.

Like the Weinsteins, Rubin plays the same games jews have always played with words and identity.

A few days after her “fabulous news” twit, Rubin published an op-ed to expound on it. The census reminds us America isn’t static. The GOP needs to deal with it:

That [demographic] reality has, of course, freaked out a significant share of White Christians who do not see “their America” as predominate. It was never “theirs” to begin with, and the assumption that something is amiss if White Christians are not in charge is the essence of white supremacy and Christian nationalism. It is also fundamentally un-American; our country is defined, as President Biden rightly says, by an “idea.”

It is easy, then, to understand why a political party based increasingly on its appeal to White Christians has adopted so many anti-American traits.

. . .

The GOP is so dependent on the right-wing media generator of White angst and resentment, and so fearful they will lose their grip among Whites, that they have chosen instead to try to hold back the demographic and cultural tide washing over them.

Things change, goyim. Get over it.

“White Christians” is just this noxious jewess’ clumsy way of signalling that her disdain is for Whites, not jews. America’s founders were White nationalists, not Christian nationalists. They doomed themselves and their posterity by welcoming jews, and despite delusional jew screeching to the contrary, would not have excluded jews even if they had been Christian nationalists. Christianity is a jew-serving ideology.

It almost goes without saying that Rubin must be utterly confident in her own tribe’s predominance. How else could she so unselfconsciously assert her own jew-serving vision while psychopathologizing Whites for supposedly doing so. Rubin clearly loaths Whites, and takes for granted that everyone else should as well. Yet she can’t articulate why except to portray us as thinking and behaving like jews.

In America in 2021 both major political parties are anti-White and pro-jew, differing only in their emphasis. The main figures in both parties regularly decry “racism” (by which they mean White people simply being White) and “anti-semitism” (any criticism of jews or their jewing). They’re all as dismissive of Whites as they are subservient to jews. Like Rubin, their idea is that America exists to serve jews and their jews-first jews-only state.

It is no surprise that in this environment Rubin claims that one of these parties is actually trying to serve Whites. After all, she’s spent the last 12 years claiming that both parties are actually run by “anti-semites”. These claims are connected.

“The GOP is the White party” is an old narrative. During the Obama era it was a staple of jews who favored an increasingly anti-White political discourse. Even as “conservative” Rubin was attacking Obama in blatantly pro-jew terms, “liberal” jews and their “woke” pets were attacking Romney in blatantly anti-White terms. “Woke” Rubin in 2021 sounds like Harold Meyerson in 2008:

[T]he GOP’s last best hope remains identity politics. In a year when the Democrats have an African American presidential nominee, the Republicans now more than ever are the white folks’ party, the party that delays the advent of our multicultural future, the party of the American past. Republican conventions have long been bastions of de facto Caucasian exclusivity, but coming right after the diversity of Denver, this year’s GOP convention is almost shockingly — un-Americanly — white. Long term, this whiteness is a huge problem. This year, however, whiteness is the only way Republicans cling to power.

Unlike Rubin, Meyerson didn’t pretend he was a “conservative” or that he was shitting on Christians.


BioShock Part One: The Ethnic Struggle

I’m shocked, bioshocked, to discover that a cabal of jews made a video game not so subtly psychopathologizing Whites, portraying jews as victims of Whites, and shifting blame for jewing onto Whites.

Excellent decoding and analysis by American Krogan. Starts gently but pulls no punches. A disturbing glimpse into the minds of jews. Naive goyim will find it eye-opening. Perfectly sensible at 1.5 speed if you’re already familiar with jewing.

Bari Weiss, Superjewess

Bari Weiss – Where Did the Media Go Wrong?

In this interview with two sympathetic alt-jew jesters Weiss revels in her hyper-tribalist jew identity while venting her hostility toward Whites. She sees herself first and foremost as a member of the world’s first and foremost collectively-imagined victim collective. She laughs as she refers to herself as an “unhinged zionist”. She describes her worldview as “liberalism”, claiming it is based on the “truths” that everyone is an individual, created in the image of “god”, and therefore should be treated equally by law. She says “no person should be held to a standard of collective innocence or collective guilt” due to their “immutable characteristics”.

This is the standard IDW shtick, though IDWers more typically avoid saying the jew part out loud. They prefer the jew-led war on Whites continue by deception, under the guise of “liberalism”. They oppose the more overt “wokeism” tack only because they believe more open aggression may somehow not work out as well for jews. Weiss makes her jew-first mindset more plain than usual, causing more cognitive dissonance. (Her new podcast, laughably titled “Honestly”, is bound to be more of the same “liberalism” double-talk.)

The portion of Weiss’ motivation which she does not credit directly to being a jew she attributes indirectly to an inner voice telling her to fight “anti-semitism” for her tribe’s collective benefit. She wrote what has to be the six gorillionth book on the subject.

As Weiss jewplains in the interview, she deplores “the right” because “anti-semitism”, but thinks it’s obvious to everyone. She prefers to focus on screeching about “anti-semitism” on “the left” (citing Columbia and the Jew York Times as her primary examples) because she imagines it is relatively unrecognized and unopposed.

Weiss is not so much stupid, delusional, or even hypocritical as she is unapologetically, unselfconsciously, and unfathomably jewy. Convinced that the jew-first “left” and “right” just aren’t good enough, she seeks to spawn a jew-first “center”.

You can picture Weiss’ frustration when she finally decided to leave the Jew York Times, having screeched herself hoarse at the supposed “anti-semitism” of all those uppity house niggers and with no White men left to blame. After so many hard years in the mainstream jewsmedia, boosted by her tribemates from one cushy position to another, constantly discussing what is or isn’t good for her tribe, Bari Weiss is now a mogul, raking in the shekels at the alt-jewsmedia hub Substack, finally free to be the Superjewess she always wanted to be.