Discussing Breivik on The Friday Show (with Mike Conner and Matt Parrot)

I’ll join Mike Conner and Matt Parrot on the Friday Show, live tonight at Voice of Reason, Friday, April 27th at 9PM ET. In today’s Breivik headlines, Anders Breivik: Unraveling Violent Crimes and Mental Illness, at ABC News: “When people struggle to comprehend what lies behind the mass murder of adolescents gathered for a weekend […]

Breivik Trial, Day Five

Courtroom twitterers: Paul Brennan (paulrbrennan) on TwitterHelen Pidd (helenpidd) on TwitterTrygve Sorvaag (trygvesorvaag) on Twitter Selected twits from 20 April 2012, in chronological order. @helenpidd: Breivik: “I am not a racist, I am an anti-racist.” Concerned with the “anti-European racism” in the Norwegian media. @helenpidd: Breivik complains that “cultural conservatives” such as himself has no […]