Kay on Breivik on “The Jew”

The mainstream reporting on Breivik’s thinking has so far neglected to dig into his opinions on “the jews”. Perhaps that’s because it would be difficult to describe that thinking faithfully without either embarassing or infuriating “the jews”. Jonathan Kay at the National Post seems to think he has found a way. Kay has skimmed Breivik’s […]

Anti-European Experts Driving Media Narrative on Breivik

Norway massacre exposes incendiary immigration issue, Reuters, 25 July 2011 (my emphasis): Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik said he killed 93 people to spark a “revolution” against the multiculturalism he believed was sapping Europe’s heritage, and experts say a frank debate about immigration may be the best way to prevent similar explosions of violence. In some […]

TFeed Index 2014-2016

TFeed is an RSS feed for audio files I’m either interested in hearing or have already heard but think might appeal to others with similar interests. You can send suggestions (please include link) for audio to put in the feed to tanstaafl at age-of-treason dot com. Since TFeed’s inception just over two years ago I’ve […]