Category Archives: Blog

WSJ and O’Reilly: Deportation Deniers

Video: WSJ editorial board gleefully slanders conservatives

“It’s all about culture. But they can’t say that.”

Memo to the WSJ editors, in case nobody has told you this yet:

I don’t want to live in a filthy violent Third World shithole with a banana republic government whose politics are dictated by mobs in the streets. We are being invaded and I expect my government to protect its territory and its citizens, not to side with the invaders.

I’m also having a problem understanding why we’re letting so many free-speech-hating jihad-prone Muslims in.

Is that cultural enough?

Friday night Bill O’Reilly said: “I agree with Tony Snow, the federal justice system could not possibly deport 12 million people.” “That’s insane, never gonna happen.”

For some reason neither Snow nor O’Reilly applied that same argument to the even larger bureaucracy that will be required to administer Z visas and background checks and fines and the rest of the Senate amnesty bill. That, apparently, is perfectly doable. Why?

Nobody asks. Nobody explains.

O’Reilly also asserted: “The California economy would implode.”

Implode? How could losing 5-10% of the least skilled, below-average educated, above-average unemployed, above-average criminal portion of our society cause the economy to implode? Even if they go gradually?

Nobody asks. Nobody explains.

What about the benefits of losing that 5-10%? Less crowding. Less crime. Less burden on our schools, hospitals, and other infrastructure. Less pollution. Less mobs in the streets.

Nobody asks. Nobody explains.

The problem is these big city know-it-alls aren’t troubled by shitholes. They live and work in the skies above the country’s biggest shithole, New York City. They made their peace with it long ago. They don’t care what their open borders idealism costs the rest of us.

The cost of replacing their servant class, on the other hand – their nannies, housekeepers, landscapers, valets, doormen, waiters, cooks – with more expensive and uppity natives…well, that’s just too barbaric to even consider. It is literally unthinkable.

It’s all about their servants. But they can’t say that.

Waking Up To Z Revolution

Here are samples of some more or less popular mainstream conservative pundits and their audiences, many of them loyal and long-time Bush supporters, who are just beginning to realize how completely our country has been betrayed. Their cognitive dissonance is palpable, though many have yet to accept the full extent to which their worldviews have been shaken.

Audio: Laura Ingraham unleashes on the amnesty bill

Linda Chavez: If you’re against open borders, you might be a Nazi

Paul Gigot & WSJ Editorial Board: The Right Is “Not Even Rational” Anymore On Amnesty Bill, Motivated By Anger, Hate, And Bigotry

Shut Up, Shrubya

What is Amnesty?

In that last link, after noting just how absurd the pro-amnesty open-border lies have become, Rich Lowery asks:

How stupid do these people think we are?

The answer is: very stupid. And I have to agree. What they know is that the good and righteous people of the law-and-order variety can be distracted indefinitely with the right mix of “you’re a raaaaaaacist” shaming and pseudo-intellectual theatrics.

Many of these pundits never cared much about immigration. They can’t see the effects, or have friends they don’t want to upset. They’re fond of saying they’re “pro-immigrant” and only oppose the illegal variety. They’re displeased at having to discuss the subject, and look forward to returning to the partisan snark they’re so much more comfortable with.

They have yet to fully absorb the implications of current events. POOF! It’s legal. Now what’s your argument racist? What part of usurpation don’t you understand?

Some legislators had also mentioned to us (oftentimes laughing) how they had “defanged” or “gutted” anti-immigration bills and measures, by neglecting to fund this program or tabling that provision, or deleting the other measure, etc. “Yes, we passed that law, but it can’t work because we also…” was a usual comment to assuage the Mexican delegations.

The Founding Fathers also prescribed a cure for usurpation. Hopefully the American people will not apply it so literally, for the sake of those legislators.

Consider me thoroughly radicalized.

The United Shitholes of America

Bush Attacks Immigration Deal Opponents

GLYNCO, Ga. (AP) – President Bush attacked opponents of an immigration deal Tuesday, suggesting they “don’t want to do what’s right for America.”

“The fundamental question is, will elected officials have the courage necessary to put a comprehensive immigration plan in place,” Bush said against a backdrop of a huge American flag.

He described his proposal—which has been agreed to by a bipartisan group of senators—as one that “makes it more likely we can enforce our border—and at the same time uphold the great immigrant tradition of the United States of America.”

No. The fundamental question is: why has our government for so long done such a poor job enforcing our borders? Followed by the second most fundamental question: why would anyone but an idiot or liar ignore that truly fundamental question? Followed by: why, after very similar promises to “enforce the border” have been made and broken over and over and over again, would anyone but an idiot/liar ever make such arguments again?

“Those determined to find fault with this bill will always be able to look at a narrow slice of it and find something they don’t like,” the president said. “If you want to kill the bill, if you don’t want to do what’s right for America, you can pick one little aspect out of it.

“You can use it to frighten people,” Bush said. “Or you can show leadership and solve this problem once and for all.”

The bill would give temporary legal status to millions of unlawful immigrants, provided they came forward, paid a fine and underwent criminal background checks. To apply for a green card, they would have to pay another fine, learn English, return to their home country and wait in line.

I for one find the entire premise of the bill flawed, not some little details.

What good are new laws when existing laws go unenforced? What good are “requirements” that nobody but idiots or liars would say will actually be followed? Why would anyone but an idiot want to become a citizen when it affords no additional rights and only more responsibilities? And finally, how can a nation full of wealthy well-educated people improve itself by absorbing millions of the world’s poorest, least educated people?

Who doesn’t think the millions of irredentist losers this country has already absorbed are something to be frightened of? Who isn’t frightened at the prospect of absorbing millions more sure to come once they get the good news that we think we have no right to refuse them? What part of any of this makes any sense?

In the “America” I used to fantasize existed the president would have recognized that the “right thing” would be to fearlessly advocate for and protect the interests of his country and its lawful residents. He would denounce subversives who put their ethnicity above the law and eject them from government. He would confront rogues who offer sanctuary to invaders. He would root out and expel the invaders.

The “America” Bush represents is obviously totally different.

He’s right about one thing. The Senate plan will “solve this problem once and for all”. By obliterating any remnant of the old fantasy America. Then, maybe, he and his friends can finally admit out loud that their America doesn’t really have any borders. Or immigration laws. Or citizens. You see, our all-powerful overlords no longer need the antiquated notions of the nation-state. All they require are workers who will migrate and serve wherever the overlords require them.

America is dead. Welcome to Zamerica.

The New Z-ality

It’s been a disturbing week. Civilization’s swift decline has definitely sped up. The Phoney War is almost over. Sorry to be so negative. I’m trying very hard to be realistic, not pessimistic. The implications of what we’ve learned this week are astounding. And I think we can count on it getting worse.

There is bad news from all jihad fronts. The slow-bleed whack-a-shaheed grinds on in Iraq and Afghanistan. Toward what end? I once hoped democracy, with a little help, could be uncorked in the heart of the Middle East. Now with thousands of valuable lives shattered and trillions of dollars spent there is still no end in sight. Not in this direction.

I don’t buy the Bush Doctrine any more. The majority of Iraqis do not crave liberty and democracy. Not as we Americans think of it. This Vast Majority Big Lie is just as wrong as the Tiny Minority Big Lie. It goes beyond wishful thinking. It is deliberate disinformation.

Democracy is moot whereever sharia takes root. Because sharia eats democracy. It thrives on civil liberties and pluralism more than it ever could under the Islamic world’s autocratic norm. Our trendy “anything goes” style of democracy, our Age of Treason, is especially fertile ground for jihad.

Even if this were not true, the Wilsonian premise is certainly false. I’m ashamed to have ever believed it. How can Americans give what they themselves don’t possess? Our best and brightest patriots are dying to bestow “liberty” and “democracy” while at home these idealistic notions have been revealed as little more than illusion.

Separationism sounds saner than trying to win more false friends. It’s just unlikely separationism ever come to pass. Take for example the damage we knowingly do ourselves with our addiction to oil. Our own money builds more mosques and madrassas to produce more anti-civilization hatred. In spite of this knowledge our dependence on oil only grows.

The cultural jihad also grinds on. Foot washing basins, prayer rooms, and constant calls for more favors. They’ve plugged right into the booming Western grievance industry. At the same time, by odd coincidence, our own hard-core atheists and church/state separationists are also on the offensive. Not surprisingly, conspicously little of their criticism is aimed at Islam.

The demographic jihad news is worst of all. Europe is lost. France is sinking, with the Netherlands, England, Norway, and the rest not far behind. The EU is run by an invisible, unelected elite. Even if the majority of Europeans wanted to do something they can’t. Short of revolution their ruling class simply cannot be reached. Thus the no-go zones where sharia already rules today will only grow. The remaining native Europeans will at some point find themselves beseiged and terrorized in ever-shrinking enclaves. Revolution is coming to Europe. An Islamic revolution.

In America our intelligence bureaucrats continue to leak secrets. Major networks pass these secrets on and give Islamist double-talkers like Ahmed Younis a prime time soap box. In the wake of every Islamic terror story they demand apologies for bigoted backlashes that never come and voice sympathy for the “powerless” Muslims who see no other means to express themselves than blowing up innocent people. As with every other Big Lie, the less justified their cries for sympathy the louder they shout. Is anyone else fed up with this yet? Not our TV people. They’re bringing “diversity” to the “debate”.

The immigration “debate” is even more critical than the jihad. Immigration subsumes the jihad. Obviously we’re doomed if we allow jihadis to walk amongst us. How many more Fort Dixes do we need before this is clear? Our irrational immigration policies toward Muslims guarantee more “homegrown” mayhem.

As scary and inevitable as a Jericho-like al Qaeda attack is, we have a more immediate problem. The Ladeeenyo invasion. Their threat isn’t radioactive (yet) but what they bring is just as toxic to our health, wealth, and pursuit of happiness. Mobs marching in the streets? That’s how French and Mexican politics “work”. You don’t have to be a racist to want no part of it.

Latin America has for centuries been a social, economic, and political shithole. Extreme gaps between rich and poor. No respect for the rule of law. Cronyism, nepotism, payola – it’s ingrained in their minds. Top to bottom, rich and poor. What we know now is that the US will shortly become this kind of shithole banana republic too. By design.

Why would anybody want that? Three main reasons, in order of importance:

#1 – Business/economic interests. Businesses and the upper classes are addicted to their servants. They’re more loyal to their economy than they are to any nation. But they do feel a bit guilty. The new z-ality is a sop for their faithful servants. It also secures an enormous servant-labor market forever. Or at least until next quarter. They don’t really think much beyond that.

#2 – Ladeeenyo interests. Irredentist La Racists. More and more of their fifth columnists are hopping out of the Trojan horse every day.

#3 – Leftist interests. Prying away at the foundations of civilization is dirty work. There’s no end to the uses of useful idiots.

To ram through a law with only 26% of the public in support illustrates just how absurdly disproportionate business’ influence has become. Yet this revolution, this usurpation, goes virtually unreported by the media. They are complicit. The revolution is not being televised.

The system we live under isn’t democracy. It isn’t a constitutional republic. Our government, their elections, their laws, the “watchdog” media – it’s nothing but lies.

“It’s so easy to criticize, why don’t you propose an alternative?”

“We can’t just deport them all! What would that do to our economy?”

“It’s not amnesty, they have to pay fines!”

Isn’t it shocking that there are so many people – people with advanced educations and high paying jobs in positions of authority and responsibility – that can repeat such ignorant and/or duplicitous drivel? It’s a waste of time to argue with them. It’s clear now that anyone making these arguments has no intention of enforcing any immigration laws or ever deporting anyone. Quite the contrary. They think whoever wants to come to the US should be welcome to do so. And if our new zitizen “workers” want to bring their families with them, and live with five other families in a house built for one, that’s ok. Things like building codes, occupancy codes, sewer codes, and parking codes only apply to Pilgrims. If the zitizens want to run prostitution slavery rings out of their house, that’s ok too. They’ve got sanctuary. No zitizen is illegal – even when they commit crimes.

In the face of all this the pols sit in Washington debating how much of the country to give away and how fast. It is treason. Has everyone in government forgotten their duty, their oaths, their honor? Have these words, as well as our laws, lost all meaning? Any true and decent American would walk away from this “debate” in disgust. There is nothing to negotiate with traitors.