Tag Archives: robert oculus

Thinking About How to Excuse the Jews

Or, How Lawrence Auster’s Vile Sycophants Carry On His Poisonous Legacy.

(Start reading here if that makes no sense to you.)

The Thinking Housewife, Laura Wood, recommends to her readers an explanation Why Jews and Blacks Are Not the Enemy:

I’M sure many of you have begun to enjoy the incisive and pithy observations of Robert S. Oculus III in The White Book. Do you feel as if you’ve read this book before? That’s the way good books are. They draw forth and organize half-formed thoughts. They are mental cleaning services (the ultimate housewifely compliment), dusting, clearing away cobwebs, mopping floors, and putting everything back in order, maybe in a way they were never in order before.

Wood is actually praising Oculus’ book’s most obvious flaw. True to Auster style, what she calls clarity and order is to my mind muddled and contradictory.

The most important thing to understand about this book is that it only takes on a semblance of favoring Whites. The portion quoted here actually comes across as more of an indictment and restraining order against Whites. Except to dismiss them, it has little to do with blacks. In contrast, Oculous spends the first 26 pages describing how “The War on White People” relates to several subsets of jews, most of whom he sees as “at worst neutral” or even potential allies. On page 14, in a section titled “THE REAL ENEMY”, he describes the people in control – the media, political, corporate and financial elite – as “lily white”. He admits a few jews are involved, but only “in spite of their jewishness”.

The excerpt Wood has selected begins:

Do you ever get sick of hearing Jews on TV blaming you for anti-Semitism? Do you ever get tired of seeing some black guy on TV blaming you for his people’s problems? You do?

Physician, heal thyself. If you blame the problems of the white race on “the blacks” or “the Jews”, you are doing the same thing they do: avoiding responsibility for your own problems. Just as the Jews and the blacks and every other racial group are responsible for their peoples’ failings, we must step up and take responsibility for our own.

What I’m sick of hearing, especially on the few forums which even permit somewhat open discussion of race or the jews, is how Whites are to blame. It’s the same refrain that can already be heard on every other forum. The idea that Whites are to blame isn’t new. It’s ubiquitous. And pointing at other people, even if you claim you’re White and are you’re pointing at other Whites, is not taking responsibility.

What’s somewhat novel is Oculus’s more or less direct admission that jews aren’t White and that blacks and jews have more in common with each other than they do with Whites.

His book captures the spirit of the forum Auster used to provide, and which Wood continues to provide. Their discussions of race, blacks, muslims, mestizos, “white guilt” and “liberalism”, and even occasionally the jews make them appear on the surface to be sympathetic to Whites. In the end, however, they excuse everyone else and assign all the blame to Whites. In this regard they’re no different than the “liberals” they’re always complaining about. What they provide here is yet another example.

Oculus continues:

The Jews are not the enemy. Jews don’t make us watch filthy movies or moronic TV shows. Jews don’t make us divorce our spouses or abort our children or contracept our future into non-existence. Jews don’t take the money out of our pockets and make us buy crap we don’t need. No, we do all those things with our own little powder-white paws – and then when it all blows up in our faces we point the finger at the Jews. As if we don’t have free will! As if our Lord and His every saint haven’t warned us of the wages of sin!

Friends, when I say we have to See the truth in order to survive I don’t just mean seeing the motes in the eyes of the dead-hearted schmucks that run this country. I don’t just mean seeing the truth about black and Jewish and liberal group behavior. I mean taking a hard, honest look in the mirror and admitting to what we See.

White, Christian America is rotten – and we let it rot. We let our standards slide. We abandoned our race, our culture, our creed, and our collective conscience. All the blacks and Jews in the world couldn’t have done this to us. We did it to ourselves.

His emphasis.

“The jews are not the enemy”, “we did it to ourselves”. This is the suicide meme. It’s all about blaming Whites, specifically to excuse the jews. It’s doubly sickening because it comes from dissimulators posing as brave truth-tellers who claim they’re advocating in favor of Whites.

It’s one thing to encourage your people to buck up and look within themselves for strength – especially in the face of some natural, inanimate adversity. It’s quite another to point directly at another group of people, competitors who are harming your people, and telling your people that those other people aren’t the enemy, that your people are harming themselves. The former advice is sound and constructive. The latter advice is deluded and destructive.

Faux-White poseurs like Auster and Wood speak in favor of “whites”, but only so long or far as it serves the interests of jews. When it comes to defending one or the other, they side with the jews. Oculus is more willing to plainly admit that jews and Whites are distinct. But he too sides with the jews over Whites. Ironically, this is clearest in the half-formed doublethink we’re looking at right here. First Oculus says the jews make Whites sick by wrongly blaming us for “anti-semitism”. Then he says “White, Christian America” is rotten, because Whites are to blame even for what the jews do.

Any White who accepts and imbibes this kind of demoralizing self-recrimination will certainly become sick and rotten if they aren’t already.

Oculus continues:

And that’s why hatred isn’t the way to go. If we hate the Other we hate the wrong people. If we hate ourselves we have no future.

And that’s why becoming a skinhead, a Klansman, or a Nazi hurts instead of helps. Ordinary, next-door-neighbor-type white people cannot relate to, and will not associate with, hateful people. Everyday white people can detect the sour smell of burning crosses and jackboot polish a mile away, and if they smell it on you any chance you might have had to open their eyes will disappear. How does that help white people? If you go the Jew-hating route, the black-hating route, your days of being taken seriously by other white people are at an end – and with them any good you might do for the cause of White survival.

I repeat: Hatred is not the answer. Hatred is negative and cannot serve as the basis for the revival of the white and Christian civilization we want. Only love, love of our own kind, can be a firm foundation for our cause.

We must learn to love ourselves as a people before we can make any progress. When Jewish poet Leonard Cohen says “Love’s the only engine of survival” he’s not just making the words rhyme. Hatred solves nothing, builds nothing, grows nothing good. Only love can create, construct, and grow. Only by instilling love of our own kind, rather than hatred of others, are we going to win this war.

If we are to win the War on White People, we have to awaken the everyday white person to the truth and convince them to make common cause with other whites. We have to teach them to love white people.

The solution to the black question, the Jewish question, is not hatred, and it most certainly is not persecution or violence. We will examine the answers to these questions later in this book.

Though I have never met him, I believe I have more than enough reason to hate Oculus.

The notion that “hate” is wrong and counter-productive is the very essense of “liberalism”. What he has to say about love and hate is worse than worthless. It is perfectly normal and healthy to hate anything that harms what you love. His previous admonition that Whites should blame ourselves conflicts with this new admonition to love ourselves. He doesn’t describe what the jewish question is before declaring what the answer to it isn’t.

He implies there is something wrong with certain Whites who love Whites – who put the interests of Whites like themselves first. He says other Whites don’t and shouldn’t want to associate with them. In this he expresses his own failure to identify with Whites, confessing that he instead identifies more with “liberal” jews like Leonard Cohen.

When Oculus says Whites who blame jews won’t be taken seriously by other Whites he’s only repeating a mantra long propounded by jews. Jews have ruthlessly sought and acquired power over media and academia, and they have ruthlessly used that power to propagandize ideas like this to their advantage. The consequences for Whites have been disastrous. Someone who truly loves Whites would be more concerned to address things like this than to blather about love and hate.

“Never mind the jews Whitey. You’re the real problem Whitey.” Why should Whites take this seriously? In effect he’s arguing against Whites, in defense of the jews, and he’s doing so in the same duplicitous ways that the jews usually argue.

Even if he weren’t doing this, I wouldn’t be able to take him seriously because of this:

But if “the Jews” and “the blacks” aren’t the Enemy, then who is?

It’s easier to define them by what they are not. The real Enemy is not the blacks, the Jews, the communists, the bankers, the Rockefeller family, the Ford Foundation, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Gray Aliens, or any of those other false targets set up to distract us. Members of the groups can be found among the ranks of the Enemy, true, but you must never forget that the real enemy is the power elite behind the black radicals, behind those Jews who hate and fear whites and Christians, behind the communists, behind the bankers, the Rockefeller family, the Ford Foundation, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, and – for all we know — behind the Gray Aliens.

The real Enemy in the War on White People is the Devil himself, and the cabal of atheistic, materialist cultural Marxists given power by him to manipulate the global economy, the political systems of the world, and the news and entertainment media in order to bend reality to fit his infernal will.

His emphasis.

If Oculus were interested in telling the truth he would have titled his book “It’s the Debil”, which in this case is just another way of saying, “It’s Not the Jews, It’s Anybody but the Jews”.

I’ve only taken my critique this far to demonstrate the lengths some people will go to excuse the jews. I see no value in any further analysis of this drivel.