Tag Archives: tWn

When Circular Firing Squads Attack

Responding to Carolyn Yeager’s most recent program, Movement Madness, Rodney Martin made a SPECIAL BROADCAST via his by American Nationalist Network.

The complaints Yeager and Martin have about each other don’t interest me, but I would like to answer Martin’s references to me.


My wife is not an injun, sorry to disappoint you Carolyn. I would ask you however to have you to post a picture of your partner over at the White network, Tanstaafl, and if you like I can reveal his name and his jewess wife, and let’s just see how much Ashkenazim blood runs over there. We wanna get into your tagline “Whites talking about Whites about White interests”, let’s really get into this. This all could have been resolved if you had just sent me an email…

I don’t see what I or my wife have to do with this, and neither did Martin until he decided he didn’t like what Carolyn was saying. He lashes out at me out of spite, not based on any principle he wouldn’t have continued to overlook if he had gotten the right email.

If I wanted my name or face revealed I would reveal them myself. What I have disclosed about myself personally, including my wife’s background, I have done in order not to speak under false pretenses.


Talking about hypocrisy, you don’t attack people using a fake name, you don’t have a person running your network and talking about White issues who’s married to a jewess and using a fake name, who’s terrified about being contacted by anyone in the movement…

My fake name and wife are really beside the point. The point is that I help keep Carolyn online, and since Martin has decided he doesn’t like what she’s saying, I have to go.

I’m a technician and analyst. I have no ambition to be a public spokesman for Whites, much less a leader. Even though I don’t make myself easy to contact, I have met several people, including one or more who have probably met Martin.


Can you imagine if I were to open my email right now and read every email that people sent me regarding Carolyn Yeager? I can tell you people would be shocked. If I were to read the emails telling me about her co-host Tan? I’m not gonna do that today, I won’t do that unless I have to. He’s disclosed that he’s married to a jewess. One of the criticisms we’ve had/heard was that during the Thanksgiving week, which was also Hannukah, they didn’t have any programs. Were they taking Hannukah off, because of the face-to-face relationship there? I don’t know.

If Martin thinks he knows something other Whites should know, he should disclose it. Holding it out as a threat, to be disclosed only “if he has to”, signals vendetta, not principle.

I took two weeks off after making podcasts for 75 weeks straight. During most of that break I was on the road with my family. We’re not jews. We don’t celebrate jewish holidays. My wife’s father was a jew. He died when she was a little girl. If you want to condemn me, let it be for what I’ve done, not some trumped up bullshit out of your imagination.

“White Pathology” on Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn

At 2PM ET this afternoon at the White network Carolyn Yeager and I will discuss Kevin MacDonald’s Recently in The Occidental Quarterly: Special Sections on White Pathology.

A related video I’ve run across is Psychology of White Self Hatred, which is introduced by the speaker, Hugh MacDonald, as: Group Polarization and the Fad of Ethnomasochism. The case is well stated, as far as it goes. My concern with any exposition of “White pathology” is that it sometimes amounts to nothing more than a review of symptoms, with causes left unexplored if not unmentioned.

Whites do not exist in a vacuum. We fail in refusing to acknowledge the role and import of the Other – among other things, the harm of the jewish narrative cannot be countered if it is not recognized.

UPDATE: On White Pathology, with Tanstaafl (Download)

Discussing Trayvon/Zimmerman with Carolyn Yeager

Prayer, Anger and Protests Greet Verdict in Florida Case, NYTimes.com:

Lawmakers, members of the clergy and demonstrators who assembled in parks and squares on a hot July day described the verdict by the six-person jury as evidence of a persistent racism that afflicts the nation five years after it elected its first African-American president.

“Trayvon Benjamin Martin is dead because he and other black boys and men like him are seen not as a person but a problem,” the Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock, the senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, told a congregation once led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Warnock noted that the verdict came less than a month after the Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 to void a provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. “The last few weeks have been pivotal to the consciousness of black America,” he said in an interview after services. “Black men have been stigmatized.”

To the extent blacks have been stigmatized it is due to their own misbehavior and despite the best efforts of the jewsmedia, which has excused and even glorified them for decades.

I’ll join Carolyn tonight to discuss this in the second hour of the Heretics Hour, which starts at 9PM ET at the White network.

UPDATE: Racial Politics in the Aftermath of the Zimmerman Verdict (mp3).