Charles Jewsplains The Difference Between Populists and Refugees


The Prince of Wales reads Thought for the Day:

We are now seeing the rise of many populist groups across the world that are increasingly aggressive towards those who adhere to a minority faith. All of this has deeply disturbing echoes of the dark days of the 1930s.

I was born in 1948, just after the end of World War II, in which my parents’ generation had fought and died in a battle against intolerance, monstrous extremism and an inhuman attempt to exterminate the jewish population of Europe.

That nearly 70 years later we should still be seeing such evil persecution is to me beyond all belief. We owe it to those who suffered and died so horribly not to repeat the horrors of the past.

Normally at Christmas we think of the birth of our lord Jesus Christ. I wonder though if this year we might remember how the story of the nativity unfolds with the fleeing of the holy family to escape violent persecution.

And we might also remember that when the prophet Mohammed migrated from Mecca to Medina, he did so because he too was seeking the freedom for himself and his followers to worship.

Whichever religious path we follow the destination is the same, to value and respect the other person, accepting their right to live out their peaceful response to the love of god.

That’s what I saw when attending the consecration of the Syriac Orthodox cathedral in London recently. Here were a people persecuted for their religion in their own country, but finding refuge in another land and freedom to practice their faith according to their conscience. It is an example to inspire us all this Christmas time.

Nearly two years after the invasion of Europe kicked into high gear the moral fraud justifying it remains the same.

Charles draws a clear distinction between the “populists” and “refugees”/”minorities”. The former he sees as inhuman and associates with intolerance, monstrous extremism, and evil persecution of the latter, whom he sees as peaceful people whose beliefs should be valued and respected. Another important distinction is that “refugees”/”minorities” have their own countries, but also have rights and freedoms to “find refuge” in “other lands” currently populated by evil “populists”, who don’t.

Charles is not just saying that “populists” are bad and “refugees”/”minorities” are good. He is explaining that this is the moral of stories told by the jews, the ur-“refugees”/”minorities”. He is echoing self-serving jew-centric moralizing to justify the ongoing dispossession and extermination of the European population of Europe and Whites worldwide.

The jews and the traitors who serve them are troubled. Every time they screech about “populism” they are in effect acknowledging their fraud, the unpopularity of their lies, the rejection of the pathological beliefs they espouse. They are increasingly expressing their fear and loathing for Whites, demonstrating that it has everything to do with the jews.

10 thoughts on “Charles Jewsplains The Difference Between Populists and Refugees”

  1. Prince Charles, ZOG “Empire of the Shopkeepers” front man, the confirmation of a disgusting betrayal. His Divine Right to rule the British peoples in any capacity is forfeit. There’s a Visine guillotine for that.

  2. Two points are worth noting:

    1. White racial torpor has much more to do with Whites being decadent pussies than it does with Whites being Christian. Very simply, Whites were in the past more ethnocentric when they were more Christian. No, of course Christianity did not produce this heightened racial consciousness; nor obviously did it impede it.

    2. The English are a bunch of moralizing, money-grubbing pussies.

    Exhibit A: Prince Charles as quoted above.

    Exhibit B: The English are reputed to be a “nation of shopkeepers”.

    A + B = 2

  3. We are now seeing the rise of many populist groups across the world that are increasingly aggressive towards those who adhere to a minority faith.

    The context in which he uses populist and minority gives the impression that they’re opposites. But the opposite of populist is elitist. The increasing populist aggression is more towards him and Her Majesty’s Government than the niggers.

    The former he sees as inhuman and associates with intolerance, monstrous extremism, and evil persecution of the latter, whom he sees as peaceful people whose beliefs should be valued and respected.

    His title when king will be “defender of the faith.” lol

    He is echoing self-serving jew-centric moralizing to justify the ongoing dispossession and extermination of the European population of Europe and Whites worldwide.

    The main role of the monarchy is to unite the nation.

    The Sovereign acts as a focus for national identity, unity and pride; gives a sense of stability and continuity;

  4. Cora, my mother is a Christian, though I am not. My mother has a genius level IQ ( as high as James Bowery’s) and was awarded the National Merit Scholarship. She is the best and most honorable woman I have ever known. She has come to agree with me on the race issue. If she has not found it necessary to abandon her faith in light of reality than neither should you.

  5. I really do have something of a love affair with Age of Treason and Majority Rights. These were the very blogs that I matriculated my racial consciousness at and found my manhood. GW is an articulate genius that delves deeply into what it means to be human and Northern European. Tan has a genius for exposing what seeks to destroy that which he and I most love: the Jewish pathologization of our immediate European ancestors. Our parents, our siblings, our cousins. All of whom are better and more intelligent human beings than most Jews could hope to be in a dozen ideal life times. These are the people the Jews want to see mongrelized and hence destroyed. As such, Jewish wickedness is an absolute evil, and that which opposes them with utmost fanaticism is an absolute good – that is why I am a National Socialist.

  6. Captainchaos, I didn’t really know where you stood on GW. Appreciate the comment.

    As such, Jewish wickedness is an absolute evil, and that which opposes them with utmost fanaticism is an absolute good – that is why I am a National Socialist.

    GL Rockwell famously came to this conclusion. And I’m thrilled every time I see someone doing the same. In our day, it’s the most noble declaration a person can make.

  7. Populism is a poodle barking. Nationalism is the roar of a grizzly bear.

    Every time they screech about “populism” they are in effect acknowledging their fraud…

    Populism is a term casually thrown around every where you look, and often a euphemism for nationalism. When edgy phrases, like ‘radical rightwing populist’, begin to dull, nationalism is the grand finale. But it is usually accompanied by ‘racism’, ‘supremacy’, ‘white’, you get the picture.

    Populism vs Nationalism is apples to oranges, really. Proper, unbiased definitions do exist. In short, populism is beleaguering the elite for whatever reason, while Nationalism is a sound ideology, which doesn’t compromise the homogeneity and autonomy of a nation’s people. But it’s all shades of the same mud color to the race mongrelizing globalists.

    Traditional judaism cozies to the elite. But I don’t think they are worried about populist challenges, per se. They’re nervous about something else.

    Prince Charles reeks condescension. If populism is what he’d call BREXIT, he’s got a point, but what an understatement. Here in his address, the Holohoax again is the hammer, the eternal excuse why we can’t have our own countries. The same WWII invocations were raved whenever Trump, a ‘notorious populist’, opened his mouth.

    Trump, “How can there be a nation without borders?”
    Libtart, “OMG, did you hear that!? Trump wants to kill 6 million jews!”

    They jump to these conclusions because they are sniffing out nationalism.

    To suppress real nationalism, the jew-jerk response training course was developed. On the ‘white’ board, we have the logical implication:

    Nationalism ==> Nazism

    “Nationalism implies Nazism” They should be more careful, though. The shock value is wearing off. The underfunded, unaccredited Goy schools, offering the compatible course, and lacking qualified rabbi instructors, have alarmingly mistaken it as an equation:

    (1 / White Genocide) x Nationalism = National Socialism

    Cora, discerns a clever misdirection. Populism levels complaints and accusations AT THE ELITE. And it does so (largely) by legal protocol, in so much as it avails. Yes, populism normally loops indigenous folk, but its purpose was never meant to cover those engaged in bashing niggers and running off rag-heads. That is, unless English law has changed since last I looked. Besides, defensive doesn’t mean aggressive. Or, maybe law abiding objectors have gone rogue. Still an unwarranted slur. And as for…

    We are now seeing the rise of many populist groups

    …dear ol’ Charles is fashionably late to the party. This dissension didn’t start yesterday and has gradually given up on any legal recourse. Of the aggressive sort of whom he speaks, that ship long since sailed. And patronizing them as “populist” isn’t likely to change which way the wind blows.

    Again, “populist” infers “elites”, typically the aloof variety who exacerbate populism in the first place. You said it, Charles.

    When desperate populist appeals go nowhere, what congeals is nationalist groups and movements. If dropping ice sickles on their heads isn’t getting their attention, try an iceberg. And these movements are characteristically resentful, let’s just say, toward ‘entrenched management’. I’d wager the spineless, Kalergian, mockup monarch Charles knows this.

    So, is it possible that Charles and his ilk skulk in verbal subterfuge, beyond the jewed history and religious drools? Real Europeans and Americans are vetting bona fide and serious nationalist concerns – “We are being invaded!” Populism is a convenient retort, as it does not predefine a country’s people. The elite answer, “Uppity populists, we elite will define the ‘we’ within OUR incorporated nation.”

    The jews and the traitors who serve them are troubled.

    Their bombastic public addresses aren’t sufficient enough to nip nationalism in the bud. They see it happening. And revolutionaries are well passed whining to deaf elites.

  8. The pomposity we’ve come to expect from these fraudulent “elites” is beginning to grate on John Q. Public I expect. Prick Upchuck who fractured his Fairy Tale Wedding by leaving his virgin Princess to run off with his horse is just the latest fool who has failed to see the writing on the wall. You cannot stop an idea whose time has come. Equalistic fraud has met the end of the road. As prosperity draws to a close, those unaffordable luxuries like charity and “divershitty” are about to be Chucked into the River. Rivers of blood shall flow, but the bloodletting will be cathartic at this point. Little fops like this fraud will swim in the blood of their folly.
    We have nothing to lose but our chains and the monkeys on our backs. The unearned luxury and privilege of Prick Upchuck and the Cargo Cult is about to meet the Icy Hand of Death.

  9. Thanks, Captainchaos :) The Christian bashing is always done with the same tone and flavor as the racist bashing. What a cohenncidence that both racists and Christians are supposedly stupid, old fashioned, unworldly and kooky. Jews are so intimidated by Christianity that even the Judeo Christianity toilet water called religion is seen as a threat.

    If a jew was in a room with an atheist racist and a Christian racist and had a gun with only two bullets, he’d shoot the Christian twice.

  10. Studies have shown prosperity tends to foster liberal values – at least amongst Whites. In the latter half of the twentieth century, with Western Europe and America enjoying unprecedented luxuries, more widely distributed than at any previous point in history, drinking the judeo-liberal kool aid was hardly onerous. Who really gave a shit if stupid, violent niggers, released from their cages by the crafty Jew, rioted and burned down whole cities if you could just move to the suburbs? Now the money is drying up, and the once lily White suburbs grow darker by the year.

    William Pierce was right all along, the goys had to lose their precious creature comforts before they could be awakened from their stupor. Now is apparently the beginning of that epochal shift in consciousness.

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