Fear and Loathing and Treason – Part 2


Continuing from Part 1.

‘Swedes will compare this to the Holocaust’, The Local, 20 April 2015.

What’s wrong with the Swedes — and so many other Whites?, by Kevin MacDonald, 25 April 2015.

Sweden’s asylum offer to refugees from Syria, BBC News, 23 October 2013.

Kent Ekeroth, Wikipedia.

The Psychological Mechanism of White Dispossession, Kevin MacDonald, YouTube.

Swedish Journalist Blamed Jews for anti-Semitism, Israeli Ambassador Wins the Day, The Jewish Press, 18 February 2015.

Nigel Farage says only middle-class white people think UKIP is racist, Daily Mail Online, 24 April 2015.

Green candidate in hot water over tweets suggesting Nigel Farage ’emulates’ Hitler, Manchester Evening News, 25 March 2015.

Conservative candidate makes vile Jewish racist slur against Ed Miliband, Mirror Online, 26 April 2015.

Ed Miliband uses Holocaust Memorial Day to call for vigilance against the terrible roots of prejudice, Mirror Online, 27 January 2015.

The Realist Report: Top Jewish leader claims entire Western world culpable for “Holocaust”, John Friend, 26 April 2015.

79 thoughts on “Fear and Loathing and Treason – Part 2”

  1. Excellent hard-hitting podcast as usual Tan. I will comment later on the content.

    Your graphic though, “Traitor Jew Lie” is beautifully humorous. Just as you intended, yet, I didn’t notice it at first.

    Well done, Sir!

    For my latest blog post, The World Conquerors — Part 7: Why Hitler Had to Go, click here >>> KATANA


  2. The intent, in this image and the last, is to illustrate that we have crystal clear, easy-to-understand, perfectly moral terms to describe reality. That Whites try to avoid or euphemize these terms is a sign of fear and weakness, the beam in the eye of those who go on about the mote of “pathological altruism” in others.

  3. ‘Normalizing White racial discourse’ has come to mean doing what the other side do: generalizing about pathological Whiteness even as Whites are demonstrably innocent of the charge, not blaming Jews for the pathosis they’re responsible for.


    The Mirror is our Labour-supporting tabloid. See how they pretend it’s a Conservative/Labour issue when the clear truth is it was a Muslim/Jew issue to the candidate.

    When the other side are so committed to keeping Whites thinking about politics as right vs. left, then MacDonald’s shock at Wilkström being from a centre right (!) party, and so many other references at real and phoney pro-White sites to ‘leftists’ being the enemy or to us as being ‘rightists’ of some description, should become worrying.

  4. Sweden sheltered tons of Jews during WWII, that’s why there are so many there now. This is the thanks the Swedes get. The scorpion and the frog. If we’re nice to Jews during the day, they’ll murder us in the night.

    Although I give a lot of credit to MacDonald’s work- he has incredible insight into the Jewish psyche, and he’s one of the main reasons why I became Jew-wise- I’d really like for him to comment on these last two podcasts.

  5. Yes, the audio quality was crap. I’m not sure why. Skype fupdated itself just before recording, but I suspect my computer was just more loaded than usual.

  6. As I mentioned in my previous comment, this is a hard hitting podcast.

    Tan starts off criticizing KMac’s “suicide” and “pathological altruism” ideas in explaining why the Swedes are “allowing” their country to be invaded by non-Whites.

    The gist of Tan’s response to such notions is that he is quite wrong.

    And I agree.

    KMac’s description can only be considered “right” in terms of it being a deliberately superficial analysis for the purpose of propaganda. To shame ordinary Whites into action by accusing them of being suicidal and pathologically altruistic.

    From a non-superficial point of view, KMac is seriously wrong, because, excepting a very tiny minority of hair shirt wearing masochists, the majority of Swedes are currently tolerating the “improvement” (destruction) of their society not because of those self-destructive traits, but because they are, and have been, “brain damaged” by brainwashing hostile rulers to accept what is happening as a good thing.

    These international jewish rulers, and their goys underlings have co-opted Swedes through generations of brainwashing to think that transforming (aka destroying) their own society into a multiracial, multicultural society (shit hole) is good for them.

    As Tan points out, the Swede leadership that goes along with all this are simply traitors. I’d say that many of the leadership are acting as traitors by default through being simply clueless to the real agenda.

    Going beyond Sweden and what is happening there, we must recognize that every White country has been subverted by organized jewry. They have taken control of all our institutions and systems with the aim of totally controlling us through racial destruction in the first place, among other methods.

    As Tan later says in the podcast, we need to recognize that jews are at total war with us whether we know it or not.

    It’s time for Whites to wake the hell up and respond in kind.

  7. When people like MacDonald ask, “What’s wrong with Whites?” what they’re really asking is why do Whites accept what harms them. But the answer is very simple: because that’s what they’re conditioned to do from the moment they set foot in Jewish-run pre-schools to when they step out of Jewish-run colleges. And if the conditioning doesn’t work, Jews have laws that allow them to throw dissenters into prison.

    So the real question is, how can Whites not act like this? How are Whites supposed to behave in their own interest when the majority of Whites are brainwashed for years on end, ingesting continual psychological abuse from Jews and traitorous elites from childhood into adulthood? What are Whites supposed to do when the ones who aren’t brainwashed are thrown into prisons?

    If Whites had dominion over Jews, totally outlawed their religion and cultural practices, deracinated them by forbidding them from organizing in any way, and forced them to attend White-run schools where Jewish children learn of the evils of Jewish history, Jews too would very quickly be molded into self-hating, psychologically dysfunctional and self-destructive lemmings.

    What’s happening isn’t supernatural and it isn’t complex. One group is dominating another and driving it to extinction.

  8. Interesting thoughts, but the narrative is nonetheless wide of the mark about Sweden in particular.

    First of all we have the elephant in the room, namely the cause behind the huge refugee influx into Europe, about 20% of which flows goes to Sweden. I’m talking, of course, about the war in Syria. Who is behind that? Well, the United States has shot up the entire region. If Tanstaafl wants to reduce immigration to Europe, the way to do so would be to have his own government stop its aggression in the Middle East. Similar observations apply to Libya and adjacent areas of Northern Africa.

    The second point is about who is white, and to what extent that matters. Africans are one thing, but their numbers aren’t anywhere near as large as the Syrians. They’re typically olive-skinned with straight noses, and easily qualify as Whites. So we have a huge influx of White refugees into Sweden, which Tanstaafl is making a fuss about.

    Thirdly, we have the sociocultural dimension of the problem, and here is where Tanstaafl jars most severely for not being familiar with Swedish history and traditions. A glance at a map will inform you that the Scandinavian peninsula, of which Sweden forms part, is attached not to continental Europe but to Russia. For centuries and even millennia, Swedes have interacted with what is now known as the Slavs and the Russians; indeed the Viking trade routes extended all the way down to Constantinopel (modern-day Istanbul).

    The big misperception here is that Swedes are Westerners pure and simple, and that America is the great nation leading the West. Nothing could be further from the truth. The vast majority of Europeans today, including middle-class Whites, would very much like to see the criminal government in Washington dismantled and the insufferable American “exceptionalism” and similar supremacist notions brought to a swift and definitive end. Swedes have a lot more in common with eastern Europeans and Russians, and even Turks, Iranians and Syrians, than with Americans.

    Appearances can be deceiving, and just because Europeans display external attributes similar to Americans, that doesn’t mean that they’re thinking like Americans. Indeed, that’s a cardinal mistake on the part of Americans in their (mis-)understanding of Europe.

    So the bottom line is that yes, there are too many refugees pouring in to countries like Sweden, and yes, it is very costly and causes social and cultural tensions. But the people coming in are not necessarily “hostile” to Swedes nor are they “invaders” in any meaningful sense. The vast majority of the refugees are Whites and they’re in dire need of help because of the war that AMERICA has foisted upon the region. Swedes as well as other Europeans are sick and tired of serving as cleaning maids after America shoots up one country after the other. That’s undobtedly done at the behest of a small criminal elite, including many of the hook-nosed devils that Tanstaafl put in the spotlight.

    Those who know and understand Sweden have long pointed out the country’s special status as a testing ground for the global elite’s social transformation schemes. An early and sharp observer of this was Roland Huntford, famous for his Shackleton biography, who worked as a Swedish correspondent for The Observer throughout the 1960s and crowned that with his classic study The New Totalitarians: Brave New Sweden.


    That’s highly recommended reading in order to gain a deeper understanding of what’s been happening in Sweden over the past five decades, and Sweden’s role as a reliable precursor to developments in the rest of the West. America is only now beginning to catch up, so the bewilderment is understandable.

  9. But despite all that, hsgw, Whites still do generally oppose all the harmful racial policies.

    TOO writers lie about this. I challenged Andrew Joyce’s unsourced claim that, a

    “majority of White Europeans [is engaged in] an increasingly frenzied moral panic about the Continent’s reception of ‘refugees.’ Pathological Whites are clamoring for it to be made extremely easy and safe for those trying to enter Europe illegally…”

    My own followed lots of comments praising the article but nobody had pointed out that Joyce was quite obviously wrong in this detail and therefore in his entire argument. I said that aside from the usual coterie of journalists, pols and Human Rights activists, the overwhelming majority of Brits, for example, simply didn’t give a toss about invaders’ rights. This is true everywhere and so bloody obvious I shouldn’t have to supply supporting links, but

    generally: http://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefingPaper/document/249

    this propaganda cycle specific: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/19/it-is-our-antipathy-towards-migrants-that-kills-in-the-mediterranean

    My comment didn’t pass the censor – and that is why I feel justified in using the word lie. TOO writers know at least that their claims are controversial, know in fact that there is evidence they are wrong, but prefer to pretend it’s a clear case of suicide and seek to persuade others of that view and hide evidence to the contrary.

    The Guardian is fairer to Europeans here than TOO.


    These clearly false, objectively anti-White ideas simply cannot have originated among honest White nationalists intending to serve White interests. Their increasing currency and the stubbornness with which they’re defended, suggest their progenitors retain not a little control of the dissemination.

  10. Aurora Borealis,

    So Syrians are White, White like Swedes. Do you happen to be a Syrian living in Sweden, or married to one?

    Those who know and understand Sweden have long pointed out the country’s special status as a testing ground for the global elite’s social transformation schemes.

    Skimming, I don’t see any hint of this in the link you highly recommend. Instead it smells like a marxist just-so narrative. I see plenty of sweeping negative statements about the character of Swedes in general but little insight into the impact of the “global elite”, and not a word about how thoroughly judaized it is.

  11. Sweden is the least “anti-semitic” and the most “holocaust aware” nation in the world acording to ADL. The people have been brainwashed through the Jewish controlled media and in schools for a very long time. And as a rule, Swedes rarely questioned authority.


  12. Kevin MacDonald has said on his blog that “our altruistic tendencies are being manipulated by elites to the point of self-destruction”. He thinks the present crisis of the Western world would not have been possible without the Jews. He also wrote an article titled “The Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden“. So, the quarrel over the use of words like suicide and pathological altruism is largely a matter of presentation.

    It’s impossible to tell exactly how much of our behavior is due to Jewish influence through their control over our governments, mass media, and ruling elites, but we know that White people can sometimes fall victims to their own misguided idealism, even without Jewish intervention. And what’s happening now is that White people’s idealism is being manipulated by the jews.

    White idealism + Jewish manipulation = deadly cocktail for the White race.

    It’s not the only method used by the Jews. They are constantly engaged in buying up corrupt politicians and strengthening their networks. They hide their identity so they can impose Jews in the decision-making top positions. And they are able to silence the opposition by buying up all the newsmedia.

    It’s difficult to tell how much of their power relies on having their men in the decision-making positions, and how much relies on manipulation and control of public discourse. As Simon Darby said on his blog, “you get the feeling that times could change very rapidly with a society constructed around what is nothing more than virtual reality.”

    Now, how come the anti-White craziness seems to be worse in Sweden than in most of the rest of the White world? This isn’t because there are more Jews in Sweden. It is probably due to the preexisting characteristics of Swedish society, and maybe of the Swedes themselves. It makes sense to talk about that.

  13. The Occidental Observer blog is just another blog that promotes the jewish strategy that whites are to blame for their own extinction. The posters pushing this meme include Cesar who used to frequent your old blog. I have called them out on it many times.
    The ignorance of European history by so-called defenders of western civilisation is breathtaking. People like Cesar get away with telling the most blatant lies because nobody knows any history to challenge them. Most post -Reformation history books were written by jew- friendly protestants. It was the protestants that emancipated the jews after all. Now all of our European history is being rewritten by jews like Simon Schama.

  14. I think that the Swedes have somehow been made to feel guilty for their superior physical beauty, intelligence and virtue. That is the only reason I can think of that swedish men would stand by and let others rape and violate their women; they think that for some reason they deserve it.

  15. One comment I often use is simply:

    “Name the JEW !!!”

    The Two Pillars of White Destruction are the kikejew and White susceptibilty to its manipulation. Kmac concentrating on the second aspect is another flaw in his thinking, along with his discounting the overwhelming Khazarian influence in their criminal scheming.

  16. Armor,

    ‘Kevin MacDonald has said on his blog that “our altruistic tendencies are being manipulated by elites to the point of self-destruction”.’

    and that’s false isn’t it? Our altruistic tendencies certainly are being pushed to the Nth degree, but we still are not in favour of self-destruction, or even supportive of the principal policies that merely tend in that direction: continued mass-immigration, PC, affirmative action, and so on.

    “the quarrel over the use of words like suicide and pathological altruism is largely a matter of presentation”

    I sometimes get involved in this quarrel and for me it’s just a matter of facts.

  17. “but we still are not in favour of self-destruction, or even supportive of the principal policies that merely tend in that direction: continued mass-immigration, PC, affirmative action, and so on.”

    There is a minority of people who are in favor, not of self-destruction, but of policies that tend in that direction. Those people are in power, together with the Jews. Do they have any altruistic tendencies? I think many of them do and it plays a role in their behavior, in a perverted way.

    In the general population, most people are opposed to immigration, but even those normal people are probably inhibited a little by their altruistic tendencies. They will feel a little embarrassed about asking for the expulsion of non-Whites. If you have a compassionate nature, it is easier for the Jews to use censorship and intimidation against you ; it is easier to make you afraid of being called a racist, and to shame you into accepting idiotic phony altruism.

    I think many leftists really have altruistic tendencies. The leftists can be simultaneously self-serving, sadistic, and altruistic in a stupid way. They don’t want to destroy the White race but they still support policies that are destroying it. They don’t have goals, they have postures.

    Cecilia Wilkström, pictured above, is destroying Sweden, but I don’t think that is her objective. Supporting mass immigration allows her to have an interesting and well paid job. So, she can be described as a traitor. Even so, my guess is that she’s lying to herself about her motivations. She probably sees herself as a good altruistic person, not as a despicable traitor. That’s what she is told by the people she works with.

    I think that most people who collaborate with the Jews in our Western governments are lying to themselves and do not understand the power of the Jews and their drive to destroy the White race.

  18. holocaust survivors gone wild: 7 MAY 2015 AT 3:44 PM

    If Whites had dominion over Jews, totally outlawed their religion and cultural practices, deracinated them by forbidding them from organizing in any way, and forced them to attend White-run schools where Jewish children learn of the evils of Jewish history, Jews too would very quickly be molded into self-hating, psychologically dysfunctional and self-destructive lemmings.

    What’s happening isn’t supernatural and it isn’t complex. One group is dominating another and driving it to extinction.

    Spot on holosgw.

    Whites have been brainwashed by jews to be passive and even enthusiastic about being over-run by the third world. They largely remain so because they haven’t realized that there is a deadly genocidal plan to it all, being oblivious to jewish psychopathic intent to destroy behind all the jew lies about constructing a better world. Even if they realize it’s not good for them they think it is for a better and higher good.

    Armor: 7 MAY 2015 AT 10:18 PM

    Kevin MacDonald has said on his blog that “our altruistic tendencies are being manipulated by elites to the point of self-destruction”. He thinks the present crisis of the Western world would not have been possible without the Jews. He also wrote an article titled “The Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden“. So, the quarrel over the use of words like suicide and pathological altruism is largely a matter of presentation.

    KMac has a range of takes on this topic yet he predominately pushes the suicidal/pathological altruism angle as a major cause of our dispossession under our current hidden jewish tyranny.

    White kindness, altruism is being used by jews to destroy us, no question. But these traits are NOT pathological or suicidal as such.

    What KMac should be pushing is how jews are ABUSING these admirable traits of Whites to genocide us. His focus should be on jewish pathological selfishness and jewish homicidal/genocidal tendencies.


    For my latest blog post, Hellstorm – Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (video documentary), click here >>> KATANA


  19. Katana: “Whites have been brainwashed by jews to be passive and even enthusiastic about being over-run by the third world.”

    It’s funny that you would say this in a comment where your main point is that Whites are not suicidal: Not suicidal, but enthusiastic about being over-run? Seriously, Katana…

    Actually, most people are passive but still very much opposed to race replacement.

    “Even if they realize it’s not good for them they think it is for a better and higher good.”

    They don’t even think that. I think people are trained by the jewish system not to acknowledge the elephant in the room. It has to do with conformism and the desire to avoid trouble, but no one in his right mind sees the third-world invasion as anything less than a disaster.

    You would expect White people to start panicking about what is happening to their nations. But there are well-known techniques used to stop panic attacks. Just google: How to stop a panic attack.

    If you suddenly feel your heart racing, the pressure building in your chest, and many other disturbing symptoms, one method used by people is to try to relax and think of something else so as to calm down. I think the Jews are using a similar method: they won’t allow us to take heed of the disaster that is currently unfolding. As a result, people go on about their business, as if nothing was happening.

    Sometimes, you have a crisis, you start thinking that it is urgent to try something, anything, to save White people from their wholesale replacement. Much more than your life depends on it. But you don’t know what to do. Maybe you could throw a brick through the window of the local antiwhite newspaper? There isn’t even an organized movement where you can talk to people. The jews have seen to that. So, after a little while, you calm down and get back to your normal life.

    I think that the jewish technique of silencing public discourse works like the techniques used to stop a panic attack. The jews are able to prevent us from listening to ourselves. That’s why we remain passive and can’t organize anything. Public action has to be preceded by public discourse. But I hope things are going to change rapidly in the next few years.

  20. Armor 9 MAY 2015 AT 11:48 AM
    Katana: “Whites have been brainwashed by jews to be passive and even enthusiastic about being over-run by the third world.”

    It’s funny that you would say this in a comment where your main point is that Whites are not suicidal: Not suicidal, but enthusiastic about being over-run? Seriously, Katana…


    Armor, I think the misunderstanding here is because of different assumptions being made about terms. Let me elaborate.

    The term suicide in its normal usage refers to an individual killing themselves, typically as a result of severe stress, depression, etc. An escape from unbearable mental pain and so on. For a group to do that would require exceptional dire circumstances.

    Obviously brainwashed Whites do not fit that above description, either individually or as a group. They have been brainwashed by the jew media, etc., into remaining passive and even enthusiastic about importing the third world, mostly not realising the full consequences of doing so, i.e., eventual racial destruction if it continues. They remain so because to think otherwise, to resist the programming, would brand them as “racist” and a whole lot of such terms, leading up to them finally being labelled as naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews.

    In other words there is no “suicidal intent” going on here by Whites. There’s conformity to jew engineered social “norms”. But there’s longterm genocidal intent going on, on the part of the jews.

    For KMac to call what’s happening in places like Sweden “suicide” has some value in terms of shaming or chiding effect, yet it draws attention away from the most serious real cause. The real cause is the multi-generational jew led social engineering project to get Swedes to accept and even celebrate their eventual demise.

  21. “The jews are able to prevent us from listening to ourselves.”

    and that is what certain parasites in nature do, they take over the central nervous system and drive the host to kill itself.


    So in a way, the suicide meme is right… however, what MacDonald and the rest don’t understand is that Whites are only committing suicide because they can literally no longer think. Their thinking has been hijacked by the Jewish parasite, which seeks to destroy it.

    Or to sum it up in a simple image:


  22. holocaust survivors gone wild
    10 MAY 2015 AT 8:31 PM
    “The jews are able to prevent us from listening to ourselves. …

    So in a way, the suicide meme is right… however, what MacDonald and the rest don’t understand is that Whites are only committing suicide because they can literally no longer think. Their thinking has been hijacked by the Jewish parasite, which seeks to destroy it.


    Sorry guys to carry on like a real curmudgeon, but I don’t see the “suicide” idea as useful, let alone true.

    As you say holosgw, White minds have been hijacked by the jewish parasite, the result of long term psychological warfare being waged against them, through jew control of all the mind control systems, such as Hollywood, media, education, etc.

    Yet, the average White goes along with the jew race replacement project not because they are intent on committing suicide but because they have been kind of convinced it’s a good thing.

    And it can be very rewarding to help it along.

    They of course have natural doubts yet they defer to authority and their “betters”. And if they don’t defer, they can end up unemployed or in prison under “hate [truth] speech” laws. So besides the brainwashing our jewish overlords are using sweet carrots and painful sticks to divide us into left and right lines on their selection ramp.

    The vast majority of Whites are completely clueless that their so called leaders are beholden to organized jewry and their diabolical scheming to destroy us.

    If they were to know the whole truth of how jews have engineered the wholesale slaughter of Whites in the past hundred odd years, through wars, revolutions, and so on, there would most likely and rightly be a great shortage of lampposts and rope.

  23. I don’t support the “suicide” meme at all, as it’s based on the idea that Whites:

    – Consciously recognize themselves as White.
    – Consciously want to destroy themselves, and their fellow Whites.

    It’s not like that. Yes, Whites are basically killing themselves, but not because of their natural thoughts or inclinations, and certainly not because they have reasoned that it’s the good thing to do. They’re under the sway of Jews. That’s why I like to call them golems as opposed to liberals. They’re not liberals, as there’s npthing liberal about them. They’re soulless machines doing what they’ve been programmed to do.

  24. katana,

    “Yet, the average White goes along with the jew race replacement project”

    I disagree. The average White opposes the race-replacement project but has no-one to speak for him because every legit would-be leader becomes compromised by ideas extraneous to nationalism thru’ infiltration or weakness like Carto, MacDonald and James Edwards, or else is imprisoned on false charges like Duke, Strom, Sheppard and O’Farrell.

    Get anywhere and they’re surrounded by people whispering bad ideas in their ear; have the strength to ignore them and stay true and they’re going to jail.

  25. Listening to MacDonald on James Edwards’s show this weekend it’s clearer than ever he doesn’t just use the suicide idea as a way to shock people into waking up to what’s coming down on them. I think Armor is trying to find an explanation for MacDonald saying something that’s obviously false, without considering that MacDonald has been misled into sometimes actually believing it.

    He is, as always, careful to say that this question of White psychology is central and that he’s trying accurately to describe it. And yet he says explicitly, “Whites are committing race suicide” (or damn near that). He says because of some innate characteristic. He says North-Western Europeans are especially prone to this kind of pathological behavior.

    But this interview took place a day before MacDonald published an interview with Jack Sen that linked back to a TOO post citing a poll that said 25% of all Brits (can’t get much more Northern or Western than that) want all immigrants repatriated, and commenting further that,

    “The fact that 25% of the population have overcome their fear of falling foul of the PC police and say that they do not merely want immigration stopped but sent into reverse is stunning. Moreover, because political correctness has taken such an intimidating place in British society it is reasonable to assume that a substantial number of those who said they disagreed did so simply out of fear of being accused of racism.

    “The obverse of the immigration coin was shown by the question “In an increasingly borderless world, we should welcome anyone who wants to come to Britain and not deter them with border controls” (P16 of the report). The results were 14% agree, 67% disagree and 19% don’t know.”


    MacDonald is simply all over the place on this argument: sometimes seeing with his own eyes Whites as we are (clearly wanting to live), sometimes running on someone else’s programming (*they’re* suicidal).

    He’s written a new book over the last two years that is seemingly based on the dumb idea that Whites want this crap, and how that can be explained by science. But in just as many interviews or articles, often the very same interviews and articles, MacDonald lets slip we don’t. The only important pathological altruism in play might be his being led by the nose people who don’t wish us well.

  26. The second podcast loved it, plain talk, straight talk, accurate!
    Kevin is an academic has to maintain a degree of diplomacy due to his profession, overall I
    admire his many arduous efforts and the writers on his website. OccidentalObserver.net

  27. MacDonald is a sociologist, not a political leader, so he speaks of pathology instead of treason. Treason is outside the scope of his field of study.

  28. TCA, no, that’s not it. MacDonald was/is on the AFP board. Moreover, he defines his scope by the questions he asks. Even as a mere academic he ought to be calling out the most explicative answers.

    I explained in Pathology and Pathogen how I think MacDonald’s own work explains how jews manipulate even “anti-semitic” academics and intellectuals into shifting blame onto Whites:

    The [psychopathologizing] attack the jews make elicits a defensive posture, causing their enemy to question themselves. That the jews cloak their attack in scientific terms, as a medical diagnosis, is an intentional deception. Such fraud is a feature of their aggression, not a flaw.

    . . .

    The jews get the defensive response they seek: “B-but we’re not stupid or crazy. A-allow me to provide some objective arguments and examples.” Joyce supplies several paragraphs in this vein, and it’s as eye-opening and edifying as his writing usually is. He perceives the jews as enemies, but the examples he cites demonstrate the point. Throughout history even the most notorious “anti-semites” have been far too willing, in the attempt to be objective and fair, to blame our own people, to fruitlessly seek some built-in flaws our race simply must have, somewhere.

    The irony is that in striking such a defensive posture it is self-esteem which keeps us from accepting that this behavior is the flaw we’re looking for. Whites don’t have an inherent racial lack of self-esteem relative to jews, we have a relative lack of group-esteem. We have a relative willingness to accept responsibility, especially guilt, especially collectively.

    I don’t think this lack is entirely inborn. I think a large portion of it is induced by jews pushing the psychological button Joyce has noticed but mistaken the significance of. Jews have been moralizing and lecturing Whites for millenia now that, “It’s all your fault, you stupid/crazy/evil goyim.” While some Whites are able to shrug it off, few actually see it for the purposeful guilt-tripping, the aggression, the assault it is.

  29. Where does the YOU-JUST-WANT-TO-BLAME-EVERYTHING-ON-THE-JEWS meme come from? Why does it work? Why should any sane White be moved by it, much less adopt and parrot it as their own concern?

    These are questions any pro-White intellectual should be interested in understanding, especially if they’re wringing their hands about “White pathology”.

  30. The “you just want to blame everything on the Jews” meme comes from observing people like Tan and Helvena. It names a perverse and irrational mindset — based on the arguments given on this site — that seeks to reduce the causes of white decline to (1) Jewish aggression and (2) white treason, and labels attempts to explain white susceptibility to Jewish subversion as intellectually dishonest, chiefly as an attempt to exculpate Jews and blame whites. There are two main false premises here:

    1. The idea that either Jews or whites but not both are the cause of our problems

    2. The idea that explaining psychological mechanisms for behavior is the same as the blame/exculpation game

    This sort of monomania is irrational because it is based on faulty reasoning and probably some psychological naivete. It is perverse because it actually weakens our team and strengthens the enemy.

  31. I listen to Tan’s shows at work around machinery with ear-defender headphones. The volume is usually higher than podcast average and has never been a problem.

    I sometimes use the free and simple AUDACITY software to amplify lower-volume mp3s and it’s a popular tool for podcasters too at the other end.

  32. Gayg, where are the Whites not personally controlled by Jewish money – so outside of politics, big business, finance, media (no offense), etc. that don’t oppose race-replacement?

  33. Greg,

    to reduce the causes of white decline to (1) Jewish aggression and (2) white treason

    “White pathology” reduces the causes to (0), it just happens.

    attempts to explain white susceptibility to Jewish subversion as intellectually dishonest, chiefly as an attempt to exculpate Jews and blame whites

    This is you not being intellectually honest. Again.

    My critique of “White pathology” rhetoric is that it is not an attempt to explain “susceptibility to jewish subversion”. Instead the premise is that there is some inherent flaw in Whites which has nothing whatsoever to do with the jews. It is a de facto exculpation of both the jews and the super objective and intelligent individual who transfers blame to Whites (other than themselves).

    two main false premises

    Two strawmen.

    This sort of monomania is irrational because it is based on faulty reasoning and probably some psychological naivete.

    You haven’t pointed out any flaws in my reasoning.

    it actually weakens our team and strengthens the enemy.

    I argue that there is an enemy. I argue that Whites lack consciousness of jews as an enemy. I argue that “White pathology” rhetoric is an example of this problem, not a solution.

    From the way you think and argue I don’t believe you and I are on the same team.

  34. Johnson:

    There are two main false premises here:

    1. The idea that either Jews or whites but not both are the cause of our problems

    And yet you just said in the preceding paragraph:

    based on the arguments given on this site — that seeks to reduce the causes of white decline to (1) Jewish aggression and (2) white treason

    So first you say that we recognize that both Jewish aggression and White treason are the causes of our problems, then you claim that we don’t. Can you at least get your arguments straight before you criticize others?

    We know that Whites are susceptible to jewish machinations. No one disagrees there. But all races are susceptible to Jewish machinations. A racial weakness specific to Whites is not to blame. Do you actually think that Jews haven’t wormed their way into the governments of China, Japan, and many other nations across the planet?

  35. Can you at least get your arguments straight before you criticize others?

    Look, Greg’s argument is simple. “White pathology” is about explaining “white susceptibility to Jewish subversion” and if someone argues that it actually should be then that’s only because YOU-JUST-WANT-TO-BLAME-EVERYTHING-ON-THE-JEWS.

    Seriously though, it wouldn’t surprise me if his next trick is to argue that YOU-JUST-WANT-TO-BLAME-EVERYTHING-ON-THE-JEWS (what the jews call “anti-semitism”) is an example of “White pathology”. I’ve already made that connection and he’s already insisted the two are completely different, but as you’ve noticed logical consistency isn’t really his concern.

  36. To Holocaust survivors gone wild:

    The inconsistency you spot is in Tan’s position, since he in the same thread will argue as if “It is either whites or Jews but not both” and then grant that some whites do work against our ethnic interests, but then claims they are merely traitors working for the Jews. The real position he wants to argue, but does not state clearly, is that: “There are no whites who are in good faith — i.e., because they think it is the right thing to do — working against the genetic interests of our people.” That proposition is false.

  37. Whether traitorous Whites believe themselves to be morally righteous or not is completely irrelevant. Some of them might be aware of their treason and are merely going along with the Jews to achieve wealth and status (typically sociopathic elites like the Clintons, Bushes, Rockefellers, etc.), while others (typically everyday types) might be doing so simply because they’re told by Jews that it’s the “moral” thing to do.

    Certainly Stauffenberg and his fellow aristocratic conservative fools thought they were being patriotic in trying to decapitate the Reich’s leadership and surrender to their enemies to “save Germany,” even though the terror-bombings, mass murders, and mass rapes the Allies were committing made it abundantly clear that their intention was not to subdue Germany, but to annihilate it. Western governments are full of hopelessly stupid people like Stauffenberg, who are somehow incapable of recognizing what kind of enemies they’re up against, no matter their level of wanton criminality and depravity. But most people aren’t like Stauffenberg; most people are simply sellouts.

    Whether Whites are conscious of their treason or not is beside the point. Whether they are traitors or fools, their behavior stems from Jewish infiltration of the West. At the end of the day, the problem can only be solved by removing Jews from their seats of power and privilege.

  38. “There are no whites who are in good faith — i.e., because they think it is the right thing to do — working against the genetic interests of our people.” — Gayg.

    Yea, pretty much.

    White people who would say something like, “My goal is to destroy the White race and only the White race”?

    If such White people even exist they are not represented among the powerful, are miniscule in number, and even the mainstream conversation would admit they are mad or bad. They are less of an issue than cat-ladies or else we’d all agree they exist and have a handy name for them. And surely it would be reasonable to suppose they’re the people most affected by anti-White propaganda scripted by Jews?

  39. Whether Whites are conscious of their treason or not is beside the point. Whether they are traitors or fools, their behavior stems from Jewish infiltration of the West. At the end of the day, the problem can only be solved by removing Jews from their seats of power and privilege.

    No, not all self-destructive white behavior stems from Jewish infiltration of the West.

    Question: Tan has part-Jewish children. He has said that he is fine with the idea that the White Nationalist society which he might be helping create would have no place for his own children. Is Tan engaged in biological altruism, because he is working to create a society which serves the genetic interests of people who are less related to him than his own children ?

  40. Greg,

    The real position he wants to argue, but does not state clearly, is that: “There are no whites who are in good faith — i.e., because they think it is the right thing to do — working against the genetic interests of our people.” That proposition is false.

    Your interpretation is false. I have no problem stating that there are Whites who work against the genetic interests of Whites, and that some do it because they think it is the right thing to do. In fact, I think confusion on what constitutes the “right thing” and why is a significant part of the problem. I discussed this a bit in “Moral Fraud”.

    The point you continue to ignore is that the traitors at the top are the ones doing the most significant “work”, not the catlady nobodies that the “White pathology” rhetoric addresses. The traitors at the top openly espouse jew-worship. The “right thing”, for them, is based on a jew-originated, jew-centric morality. Defending the interests of jews is the rationale which makes “working against the genetic interests of Whites”, at the very top, the “right thing”. For some this worship is sincere, for others it is an act. Either way it is personally profitable, not self-sacrificial, ala “pathological altruism”. The main point is that, at the top, White interests do not matter precisely because jewish interests do.

    You have repeatedly mischaracterized “White pathology” rhetoric, claiming it’s about trying to explain “white susceptibility to Jewish subversion”, as if that’s a good thing. Yet such explanations are exactly what you’re here to object to. Like the traitors at the top, you think anti-jew “monomania” is a bad thing. You disagree with them only on where to draw the line.

    Why have you not offered a sensible critique, pointing out something that’s truly missing or wrong here? Why do you instead try so hard to redefine other people’s terms and arguments and contradict yourself in the process? Why?

  41. No, not all self-destructive white behavior stems from Jewish infiltration of the West.

    That’s not what I said. I don’t claim that Whites lack self-destructive behavior. All races have that. The point is that what is leading to our racial destruction today is a result of Jewish power. Without Jews, the natural self-destructive habits of some Whites would be easily dealt with, and wouldn’t even be a problem to begin with, as these Whites would not rise to the top in any society, but would be shunned as weirdos or traitors.

    Question: Tan has part-Jewish children. He has said that he is fine with the idea that the White Nationalist society which he might be helping create would have no place for his own children. Is Tan engaged in biological altruism, because he is working to create a society which serves the genetic interests of people who are less related to him than his own children ?

    From a White perspective he’s being biologically altruistic by helping bring about a society that benefits Whites. From a familial perspective he’s not being altruistic. I don’t see what this has to do with what’s happening to Whites, anyway. I think you’re more interested in sparring with other White nationalists and playing games than helping the movement in general.

  42. What is missing or wrong here is that I see no reason to believe that the white predicament can be explained fully by: (1) Jews, (2) white traitors working for the Jews, and now (3) sincere whites who believe in a Jew-defined, Jew-centric morality. All roads lead to the Jews with you.

    But don’t you wonder what is it about whites that make us susceptible to this? Your answer to that question is, in one form or another, is simply to repeat: Jewish subversion. But the question remains, what makes us susceptible? It is as if we asked why do bullets harm us, and we are told: bullets.

    But no, one can’t ask that question around you, Tan, because it sounds too much like Jared Taylor. Of course, if Taylor is the clever liar you have made him out to be, wouldn’t he choose to veil the Jewish role by raising a question that is, in itself, valid?

    Why is it a valid concern? Because currently we don’t have the power to change the Jews, or the traitors at the top, but we do have the power to change ourselves, and if we can render ourselves less susceptible to Jewish manipulation, then they lose their power over us.

    It is also good to establish whether some people at the top push white dispossession in good faith, because that at leaves us at least a remote possibility that they can be persuaded otherwise. And that is good, because at this point, the primary power we have to change the elites is by persuading them.

  43. Greg,

    No, not all self-destructive white behavior stems from Jewish infiltration of the West.

    Of course it isn’t. In fact I would still agree even if you removed the “self-destructive” qualifier which makes it a tautology. I’m getting tired of pointing it out – but this is yet another indication that “self-destruction” is your premise.

    Question: Tan has part-Jewish children. He has said that he is fine with the idea that the White Nationalist society which he might be helping create would have no place for his own children. Is Tan engaged in biological altruism, because he is working to create a society which serves the genetic interests of people who are less related to him than his own children?

    For reference, A Personal Disclosure.

    Like any racialist, I care about the interests of my race. Like any outspoken White racialist, I have considered that speaking on behalf of my race’s interests will likely harm the interests not only of my children, but my extended family and friends.

    What does this have to do with the argument here? You argue that catladies are the White race’s main problem. I argue that it’s traitors, realizing it is an indirect indictment of myself as well. Do you not understand this, or are you trying to insinuate something else?

  44. The kikejew ability to manipulate us does not make us guilty of anything. It simply means that we and they are different species.

    That we have survived to date is testament to both the strength of our resistance, and its deficiencies. This must be resolved, as we destroy the kikejew enemy.

  45. All roads lead to the Jews with you.

    No, what I am (and others here are) saying is that the one road that’s causing our genocide leads to the Jews.

    We have other problems, and we have dysfunctional elements in our society, but they are not the ones that started WWII, they are not the ones that destroyed Russia in 1917, they are not the ones who enforce open borders and hate speech laws in our lands, they are not the ones who use their power in media, academia, and finance to subvert our countries and promote miscegenation, and they are not the ones to whom the traitors answer.

    But don’t you wonder what is it about whites that make us susceptible to this? Your answer to that question is, in one form or another, is simply to repeat: Jewish subversion. But the question remains, what makes us susceptible? It is as if we asked why do bullets harm us, and we are told: bullets.

    All races are susceptible to Jewish manipulation. Jews have tremendous influence in China and Japan; did you not hear the recent controversy over the black beauty pageant winner in Japan? The organizer of the contest was a Jew. Believe me, if Jews wanted to, they could easily flock into Japan and wreck that country as well. If they succeed in destroying us, they probably will.

    Jews have been engineered over the course of 2,000 years to live as parasites. They are a nation of people who are educated from childhood on how to deceive, how to gain trust, and how to manipulate. Jews are found across the planet: European Jews resemble Europeans. East Asian Jews resemble East Asians. Middle Eastern Jews resemble Middle Easterners. They use crypsis to achieve power in host nations. They are engineered to infiltrate, manipulate, and destroy. You’ve even written about this on your site: the metaphor you used was that Jews are like hackers who know how to find weaknesses in host nations and exploit that. Why are you playing dumb here?

    Why is it a valid concern? Because currently we don’t have the power to change the Jews, or the traitors at the top, but we do have the power to change ourselves, and if we can render ourselves less susceptible to Jewish manipulation, then they lose their power over us.

    Hitler did it. Did he do it by saying there’s something wrong with Germans, or did he do it by removing Jews from Germany?

    We need to spread the word about Jewish treachery and Jewish hostility. We need people on our side. We need to get Whites to make a conscious decision: us, or the Jews.

  46. I never said “main” problem. Just part of the problem. How big a part is another question.

    Are you really a traitor, Tan? I thought you might just be a catlady type, i.e., that you are sacrificing your genetic interests — engaged in genetic altruism — because you think it is the right thing to do.

  47. Greg,

    But no, one can’t ask that question around you, Tan, because it sounds too much like Jared Taylor. Of course, if Taylor is the clever liar you have made him out to be, wouldn’t he choose to veil the Jewish role by raising a question that is, in itself, valid?

    Taylor is the primary proponent of the “White pathology” meme, and he delivers it in it’s most clear not-the-jews form. I would like him to stop doing that, and for others to stop parroting him. I would like them to recognize the jews and the traitors who are obviously causing disastrous harm, but I think it’s more likely they will continue talking about catladies.

    currently we don’t have the power to change the Jews, or the traitors at the top, but we do have the power to change ourselves, and if we can render ourselves less susceptible to Jewish manipulation, then they lose their power over us.

    Your view is solipsistic and demoralizing. Your advice lame. Jewish power and White susceptibility to jewish manipulation will not be reduced by pretending that they don’t exist or can’t be changed. It is certainly possible to change the jews and traitors at the top. Literally.

    at this point, the primary power we have to change the elites is by persuading them.

    The “White pathology”/”pathological altruism” rhetoric isn’t about explaining elite behavior, and it isn’t aimed at persuading them to change either. As I’ve been saying, it’s an evasion, not a search for solutions. In it’s most poisonous form – yours and Taylor’s – the conclusion is the premise: Whites are genetically programmed for self-destruction. No jews required.

    Are you really a traitor, Tan?

    I disclosed my crime, Greg. I do not deny or try to minimize it. If you were in my shoes that’s not what you would do. I get that.

  48. Tan, I have chosen to overlook your insults and increasingly emotive and obnoxious tone, because I think there is a real issue here worth discussing, and I think we are actually making progress.

    I am going to stipulate, for sake of argument, that you are correct about Jared Taylor. But even if you are right about Jared Taylor you are not right about the issue. If Jared Taylor were using the Pythagorean theorem as a tool of deception, that would not alter the truth of the Pythagorean theorem. Do you grant this premise?

  49. Daniel,

    You say that we do not have the power to change ourselves, but we do. Each individual has the power to change his own thinking, and we have the power to change other people’s thinking too. There are social relations and forms of communication that do not involve Jews and their enforcers as distorters and policemen. We are engaged in that sort of communication right now.

    We have to use the power we have, and the forms of communication that are available to us, to change as many of our people’s minds as possible.

    It is backwards to think that we have to change the system at the top in order to change ourselves, because how will be become the kinds of people who are capable of changing the system at the top?

    How will we get there from here? By starting where we are and changing everything that is in our power, with the aim of gaining greater and greater power, so that someday, we have the power to topple our rulers.

  50. Shared Values? White Nationalism & Jewish Nationalism – Jared Taylor explains, to the jews, how we hwites did this to ourselves.

    15:29 – Taylor brings up the “contradiction” of a US government which imposes multiculturalism domestically while supporting Israel as a jewish state. He concludes by saying he can’t explain it, and claims nobody else has ever given him a satisfactory explanation.

  51. Survivors gone wild:

    If your website is vulnerable to hackers, do you locate the vulnerability and fix it, or do you:

    1. Insist that all other websites have vulnerabilities too

    2. Publicly identify the hackers

    3. Repeat the identification of the hackers

    4. Denounce people who offer to diagnose and fix your website as hacker apologists

    5. Identify the hackers yet again

    6. Wait for others to organize somehow to take out the hackers before they take down your website

    7. Defend your policy of waiting for someone to take down the hackers by citing an example of how the FBI took down some hackers once


  52. Greg,

    Your analogies are poor. Your arguments are weak. I’m not going to waste any more time detailing how. You just keep going back to your “self-destruction” premise, which I disagree with. So what’s the point? Are you simply trolling here?

  53. Johnson,

    You fix what’s been hacked and then you bring the hackers to justice. However this really isn’t a good analogy, because we cannot fix what’s been “hacked” with us before we get rid of the hackers themselves.

  54. Sorry Tan, but saying that your arguments are strong does not make them so, and saying that my arguments are weak does not make them so. Frankly, you don’t seem capable of reading and accurately characterizing what I say, much less evaluating it. For example:

    I wrote:

    currently we don’t have the power to change the Jews, or the traitors at the top, but we do have the power to change ourselves, and if we can render ourselves less susceptible to Jewish manipulation, then they lose their power over us.

    You reply:

    Your view is solipsistic and demoralizing. Your advice lame. Jewish power and White susceptibility to jewish manipulation will not be reduced by pretending that they don’t exist or can’t be changed. It is certainly possible to change the jews and traitors at the top. Literally.

    I said that we currently do not have the power to change the people who rule us, and you just ignore the sense of the word “currently” and gloss this as a flat denial. And that certainly does not imply “pretending that they [the problems] do not exist or can’t be changed.” There is nothing solipsistic about starting with things that you can do, and building from there. There is nothing demoralizing about simple realism about our present situation.

    Then there is your breath-taking assertion that my position is the same as Jared Taylor’s and that it amounts to the view that whites are genetically programmed for self-destruction. One form of lying is to present hunches or hypotheses as facts. You do that all the time (while being hair triggered with charges of intellectual dishonesty). In fact, I do not believe that whites are genetically programmed for self-destruction. I daresay you have not inquired about my views on these matters at all, so you are in no position to summarize them or equate them with Taylor’s views. So why do you say things that you cannot know to be true as if you have knowledge? Why can’t you just deal with the issues?

    As far as I have seen, you have never squarely taken on the question of white vulnerability. You just evade it, attack straw men, and resort to insults. That is a sign of intellectual weakness, not strength.

    I guess it is some consolation to me that I end in good company: along with Kevin MacDonald and Wilmot Robertson, I have been weighed and fuond wanting in intellectual honesty and rigor by the Great Tanstaafl.

  55. I guess it is some consolation to me that I end in good company: along with Kevin MacDonald and Wilmot Robertson, I have been weighed and fuond wanting in intellectual honesty and rigor by the Great Tanstaafl.

    As so, once again, Greg finally reveals the little soap opera in his mind, driving his nonsense arguments.

  56. Tan, you have spent far too much time trolling the internet. You are good at it, and therein lies the problem. Because trolling and grandstanding before imagined audiences of adoring dullards is too low a bar. You don’t have the logical tools or patience or ethical commitment needed to get to the truth. You just have simplistic talking/trolling points, which you defend with sophistries. It isn’t good enough.

  57. I can see that what makes me tick is not what makes you tick. I can also see that you can’t. For example, I’m not as insecure about my intellect or what others think of me as you are. Thus your insults, aimed at what you assume should wound me like you, fall flat instead.

    However, I do wonder what you’re doing here. Why do you waste your time arguing with someone you say is so simplistic, so far beneath you? What’s wrong with you? Who do you think you’re fooling?

  58. Greg Johnson 14 MAY 2015 AT 12:44 PM

    The “you just want to blame everything on the Jews” meme comes from observing people like Tan and Helvena. It names a perverse and irrational mindset — based on the arguments given on this site —

    Greg Johnson, the “you just want to blame everything on the Jews” meme is a very pro-jew idea in itself.

    The rightful focus on calling out jews as the overriding cause of our problems is distorted and characterized by you as a form of obsession and being the product of “a perverse and irrational mindset”.

    There is nothing perverse or irrational about wanting to stay focussed on the enemy. Not doing so only helps the enemy.

    that seeks to reduce the causes of white decline to (1) Jewish aggression and (2) white treason, and labels attempts to explain white susceptibility to Jewish subversion as intellectually dishonest, chiefly as an attempt to exculpate Jews and blame whites.

    White “decline” is the result jews waging war on us. That’s it.

    Everything else, including white treason, sellouts, “pathological altruism”, “suicide”, White “guilt” and what have you, are all reactions to the war that jews are waging against us.

    In itself, attempts to explain White susceptibility to Jewish subversion is NOT intellectually dishonest. I agree with you there, GJ. It’s most welcome as a way of helping us in this war.

    BUT, the problem is when that attempt is used or hijacked to shift the attention away from our enemy, the jews. And to start talking about what is happening to White countries as some sort of “suicide” with mysteriously origins rooted in White’s makeup, is dishonest if it is coming from those that should know the score regarding jews.

    Jared Taylor is a prime example of someone who must know that jews are behind the third world invasion, etc., that he fights against, yet remains silent on the jews, whenever he can get away with it.

    He speaks eloquently and with high intelligence and knowledge when the topic is on symptoms of jewish warfare against Whites, but when it comes to the ultimate root cause, jews, he becomes a dribbling mental retard, expressing exasperation, wringing his hands, in total confoundment. His final refuge is in this “White suicide”, “pathological altruism” meme. That Whites are for some inbuilt perverse and irrational reason are allowing what is happening to them deliberately.

    This is complete and utter nonsense. And Taylor must know this. He has to express stupid bewilderment because otherwise he will be forced, by honesty, to name organised jewry as being the real cause.

    What is happening to White societies is clearly the result of intense muti-generational psychological warfare being waged by organized jewry.

    There are two main false premises here:

    1. The idea that either Jews or whites but not both are the cause of our problems

    2. The idea that explaining psychological mechanisms for behavior is the same as the blame/exculpation game

    Your first (1) “false premise” is in itself nonsense. Who, here, have said as much? Everyone on board here supports the view that jews are the cause of our problems. No one suggests that Whites are the cause. And no one suggests that it has to be one or the other, but never both. I suppose you simply mis-wrote what you intended to say?

    Your second (2) “false premise”, is a mis-understanding of the point of view that I have explained above. To reiterate:

    “In itself, attempts to explain White susceptibility to Jewish subversion is NOT intellectually dishonest. I agree with you …”

    Explaining and exploring White weaknesses to jew subversion is useful when done so in the larger context of jewish warfare against us.

    This sort of monomania is irrational because it is based on faulty reasoning and probably some psychological naivete. It is perverse because it actually weakens our team and strengthens the enemy.

    There’s no “monomania” in clearly naming the enemy.

    But, I do notice a certain monomanic tendencies in your choice of terminology in the above sentence, GJ, i.e.; “monomania”, “irrational”, “faulty reasoning”, “psychological naivete”, “perverse”, “weakens our team” and “strengthens the enemy”.

    For the benefit readers; new, puzzled or confused by all this argument, let me summarize it:

    a) White destruction is self inflicted, it’s suicide. Organised jewry doesn’t exist as a main factor. The Jared Taylor, ostrich world view. Let’s focus on symptoms and White weaknesses. Don’t ever mention the jews!

    b) White destruction is mostly self inflicted, a kind of suicide. Organised jewry exists but is just taking advantage of our weaknesses. The Steve Sailor, etc., world view. Let’s focus on White weaknesses and jew power (when it’s unavoidable).

    c) White destruction is mostly not self inflicted, it’s a combination of genocide and suicide. Organised jewry is taking advantage of our weaknesses. The KMac, GJ world view. Let’s focus on White weaknesses and jew power.

    d) White destruction is NOT self inflicted, it’s outright genocide. Organised jewry is taking advantage of our weaknesses to destroy us. A world view shared by myself and many others here. Let’s focus on the enemy of humanity, organised jewry.


    For my latest blog post, The World Conquerors — Part 11: What Has Become of Six Million Jews?, click here >>> KATANA


  59. Why do I argue with you, Tan? Because ideas have consequences, and bad ideas have bad consequences. Beyond that, it is important for me to understand the many perverse and self-defeating mindsets that handicap our side, and you and your amen corner here are an interesting study.

  60. Greg’s not going to be answering here, but it’s clear he thinks the jewish problem is really a White problem. He can explain himself on his website.

    I think the solution to the jewish problem starts with the understanding that there is a jewish problem, and that without jews there wouldn’t be a jewish problem. It’s that simple.

    The solution doesn’t require a deep understanding of history or of the nature of the problem. It requires the proper attitude – a moral certainty that you and your team are right and good, and whatever you must do to prevail is right and good.

  61. Tan: “I think the solution to the jewish problem starts with the understanding that there is a jewish problem”

    Will the dictatorship fall apart when most people realize that the Jews are behind our race replacement?

    You can also leave out the Jews and ask: Will the system fall apart when people eventually figure out that the government wants to destroy the White race?

    In any case, the priority is to tell people that the Jews are killing us. But I don’t think the dictatorship relies entirely on ignorance and mental manipulation. The Jewish coalition holds the police, the army, the tribunals, and the executive power. That’s hard power in their hands.

    At the same time, they have not shut down the internet so far, and we are still not in jail. Do they lack the power to do so?

  62. Daniel, expulsion is an integral part of the jews’ life cycle – in other words, part of the problem, not a solution.


    But I don’t think the dictatorship relies entirely on ignorance and mental manipulation.

    Agreed. The jews use brute financial and physical force when and where the more subtle methods fail. At the top, much of what might appear to be ignorance is actually fear – an understanding that, as Derbyshire put it, if you fuck with the jews they will crush you.

  63. Jews thrive through miscegenation and gene theft. Miscegenation isn’t a problem for them because they’re already mongrels, and Jewishness is psychological and legalistic. They purposefully marry the high-status members of a society to end up with the family’s wealth and use it to advance their tribe.

    Theoretically speaking, if every nation on earth were to banish Jews to Israel, the Jews would conceivably die out over a period of time, kind of like how a black hole dies when it stops gobbling up matter and decays. Over time, Jews would become so inbred, and Israel would become so dysfunctional and backwards from lack of money flowing into it, that the race would collapse.

    But this is far-fetched. If the West banishes Jews they’ll go to Russia, China, Japan, and Korea and possibly use them to wage war on Europe. Asian countries have no history of anti-Semitism; Japan, Germany’s “ally” during WW2, sheltered many Jews, so I doubt if these nations would prevent Jews from living there.

  64. Greg Johnson
    17 MAY 2015 AT 1:32 AM
    Why do I argue with you, Tan? Because ideas have consequences, and bad ideas have bad consequences. Beyond that, it is important for me to understand the many perverse and self-defeating mindsets that handicap our side, and you and your amen corner here are an interesting study.

    Greg Johnson, if you really were genuinely interested in studying the “many perverse and self-defeating mindsets that handicap our side” surely you would try to be civil in your comments in order to draw out and explore all that juicy perversity and those self-defeating mind sets that you believe exist here?

    I just see you slyly insulting people when your opinion is not accepted. Your above comment is a good example. There’s an undercurrent of posturing and posing in your comments in general that suggest self image takes a higher priority above a good old argument where we can thrash out the truth of a proposition.

    Tacking that good quote in the front of your comment actually also supports the view here.


    For my latest blog post, The World Conquerors — Part 12: Spiritual and Economici Persecution click here >>> KATANA


  65. Whites must first realize that they have an external enemy. This is how I woke up: I learned that there is a group of people who are behind everything that is destroying the West. Once I knew there was an external enemy, then I proceeded to fix my internal pathologies.

    This is how you wake Whites up, not by telling them that have innate pathologies or inborn altruism. This is far too abstract for most people, and it’s also disingenuous, because these pathologies were created by jews, an external enemy. I don’t think Johnson understands how successful movements are created.

  66. Between Two Lampshades: Forced to be Free with Greg Johnson

    Interesting conversation, mainly because of Enoch. Enoch set the tone from the get-go – so, for example, instead of evasive hand-wringing about catlady “White pathology” and “suicide” they discussed instead how jews manipulate and exploit White personality/psychological traits and explicitly identified them as parasites.

    Zip to 1:34:00, where Johnson describes his interest in helping NRx-types “complete the thought” and see the jewish problem. While trying not to be seen as a “monomaniac”, of course. Ironically, he doesn’t seem to understand how thoroughly jewed NRx is.

    Throughout, but especially here, Johnson comes across as the kind of snobby, “liberal”, “leftist”, “SWPL” which he otherwise identifies as a problem. Enoch, in contrast, sees the class distinctions but is comfortable with what he is, clearly identifies with rednecks without demonizing other classes of Whites.

  67. Johnson must not realize that he himself exemplifies what the problem he states is, it’s Whites like himself who believe themselves to be too smart for the simple answer, it’s the jews stupid.

    Glad you gave an overview of this lampshade, I wasn’t too excited to listen, knowing Johnson was the guest.

    I like Enoch, despite his mulatto slip up on the last Shoah, he comes across as an honest man.

  68. I’ve only had time to listen to the first hour and so far I agree with Greg. I’m confused as to why he comes on here and attacks us as being mono-causal? There IS only one problem, the jew. He agrees that social trust is what has made White societies successful and that it is the jews that have exploited this trust. So why attack us for naming the jew??? Ezra Pound identified the jews control of our means of communication. But for the development of the internet we would still have no way to communicate. The internet has given us a forum and we have jumped in and named the problem, the jew. Whites aren’t suicidal, we just weren’t been able to hear anything that the jews didn’t want us to. Now we have and the tide is turning.

    Greg needs to decide what he really believes and then man up and stick with it. It seems he wants to ride Taylor’s coat tails but Taylor only confronts straw men. Taylors interview with the jewish nationalists turned my stomach. Taylor may think he is being strategic but I don’t put too much stock in trying to out jew the jews.

    BTW “redneck” is pejorative which is why the SJW use it.

  69. “I’m confused as to why he comes on here and attacks us as being mono-causal?”

    Greg’s beef is personal, not factual or logical. He creates confusion by trying to make it appear otherwise.

    It’s connected to my criticism of Wilmot Robertson in November 2013, which he alludes to above. That was the first time I’m aware of that he expressed a dislike for me personally. That’s also the first time I heard “monomania” from him. No doubt it goes back farther, to when Carolyn did a few “Homosexual Menance” shows critical of him on tWn in mid-2012.

  70. Helvena – 22 MAY 2015 AT 12:23 PM
    I’ve only had time to listen to the first hour and so far I agree with Greg. I’m confused as to why he comes on here and attacks us as being mono-causal?

    Helvena, I’ve listened to it all and it’s an agreeable chat by the like-minded. There’s nothing new if you have been around for a while in this movement, yet it’s nice to hear it all again interspersed between the personal banter and good will they express. For libertarians or those recovering from it, it’s particularly well worth a listen.

    As far as Greg’s attacks here, Tan has given a reasonable explanation. It’s personal. As I mentioned in another comment, GJ doesn’t take it kindly when he’s bettered in an argument. Then he takes it personally and resorts to implied or direct insults with the resultant poor consequences. Hopefully he’ll mature out of this.

    In the chat, the “Holohocaust” was mentioned with Greg being careful not to denounce it as the hoax, that he should know, it is. I’d say he’s acting “dumb” on this, because, as a semi-public figure who gets around, going full Holohoax doesn’t suit him.

    As for Jared Taylor, I find his denial that jews are the architects, the cause of our dispossession, evidenced by his total silence on jews, to be a misdirection, also bordering on being traitorous. Being a “nice congenial guy” excuses nothing. I don’t see anything “strategic” about his approach.

  71. http://www.counter-currents.com/2015/05/mad-max-fury-road/#comment-227501

    Faurisson once said that the fake holocaust created by Jews could become the blueprint for the real thing. (Just to be clear, I don’t subscribe to Faurisson’s views and think that much of the holocaust story is true.) I think that the fake Western patriarchy projected by feminists is becoming the blueprint for the reaction. Another reason for clear headed Right-wing metapolitics, rather than neurotic and hysterical reactionary posturing.


    I just don’t have time to go into this topic, particularly because I don’t think it is important.

    This is Johnson’s attitude toward the moral touchstone of the current anti-White/pro-jew regime he otherwise pretends he opposes.

  72. “No, not all self-destructive white behavior stems from Jewish infiltration of the West.”

    Name some that doesn’t.

  73. I made the following comment on a Peter Frost post:

    “White tendencies toward non-kin-based cooperation (which some call “universalism”) can explain only so much. This tendency had both potential benefits and potential costs and could plausibly have evolved. We can call it a ‘characteristic’.

    “A full inversion of the societal immune system, in which, the immune system attacks self for the benefit of non-self has no evolutionary benefits. It could not have evolved. This inversion is properly characterized as a ‘disease’.”

    Isn’t the germ theory of disease settled science?

  74. “Question: Tan has part-Jewish children. He has said that he is fine with the idea that the White Nationalist society which he might be helping create would have no place for his own children. Is Tan engaged in biological altruism, because he is working to create a society which serves the genetic interests of people who are less related to him than his own children?”

    Wow – that’s stunningly backwards. It would be “altruism” if he put his children’s genetic interests ahead of his own.

  75. “What is missing or wrong here is that I see no reason to believe that the white predicament can be explained fully by: (1) Jews, (2) white traitors working for the Jews, and now (3) sincere whites who believe in a Jew-defined, Jew-centric morality. All roads lead to the Jews with you.

    But don’t you wonder what is it about whites that make us susceptible to this?”

    We don’t need to wonder. We’ve known since circa 2003 when MacDonald wrote What Makes Western Culture Unique? The problem isn’t finding the answers, it’s spreading the knowledge, and even many of the people who are supposed to be on our side are terribly obtuse or disingenuous in rejecting the truth.

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