Last week Gates of Vienna administrator Baron Bodissey introduced Here We Go Again like so: Certain posts at Gates of Vienna, among them those by Takuan Seiyo, tend to attract the attention and comments of people who are preoccupied with the Jews. They frequently refer to “Holohoax” in World War Two, often supplementing their scornful […]
Bill Rhyes focused his 29 Jan 2015 Might is Right Power Hour program on Anders Behring Breivik, mainly based on information and links in a recent article, Anders Breivik Jewed the Jews, posted at The End of Zion. Rhyes plays a snippet of William Pierce reading a passage concerning innocence from The Turner Diaries; reads […]
Via Mangan, Richardo Duchesne at Council of European Canadians asks, The Great Fear — Why do Whites Fear their own Ethnicity? I encourage readers to watch “The Great Debate – Xenophobia: why do we fear others?” This debate, which took place at Arizona State University, March 31, 2012, was about the human instinct to form […]
Fjordman’s latest essay at Gates of Vienna, When Treason Becomes The Norm: Why The Proposition Nation, Not Islam, Is Our Primary Enemy seems to be a move in the right direction. He’s talking about treason now, eviscerating the suicide meme he previously flirted with, though without directly disavowing it. Fjordman intertwines one sour note with […]
A good (and true) joke, according to Lawrence Auster: From a discussion at the blog Half Sigma, where the topic is the irrationality of the Jew-hating and Israel-hating white nationalists. A commenter says: As I said on the von Brunn thread, the bigger mystery is why they hate the Federal Reserve. The Fed has nothing […]
Politics + Technology = Nonsense at the Speed of Light