Some Google software engineer wrote an internal memo complaining about the echo chamber at Google, the same jewy anti-White environment which prevails at corporations generally, as well as academia, media, and government.
The author treads cautiously, focusing mainly on sex, barely touches race, and says nothing directly about jews. But the thrust of their argument and choice of words indicates a deeper understanding. The tone smacks of the race-realist HBD-o-sphere. This is someone who is disturbed by the impact jewing is having on their life, and though they have the requisite insight and capacity to figure it out, they instead try to imagine it’s about something else.
Though they can see the bias they’re complaining about is sexual and racial, against White males, they still lamely try to misunderstand the conflict as an abstract “left” versus “right”. They’re upset that the “PC-authoritarians” are replacing “villains” like themselves with non-White “victims”, because “diversity” and “oppression”. They refuse to accept what their own description of the situation means, and try instead to rationalize some way out.
The engineer is likely a White man, or someone who might be mistaken for one, but certainly doesn’t want to be mistaken as arguing in favor of Whites. Like any good “conservative” he’s only trying to signal his enlightened liberal attitude, his willingness to play along with the jewed elite’s language and agenda, if only his tormentors would let him:
I hope it’s clear that I’m not saying that diversity is bad, that Google or society is 100% fair, that we shouldn’t try to correct for existing biases, or that minorities have the same experience of those in the majority. My larger point is that we have an intolerance for ideas and evidence that don’t fit a certain ideology. I’m also not saying that we should restrict people to certain gender roles; I’m advocating for quite the opposite: treat people as individuals, not as just another member of their group (tribalism).
He drops a hint about the nature of this tribalism in a footnote, implying the ideology of Google’s senior leadership is akin to the anti-White jewing of the Frankfurt school:
As it became clear that the working class of the liberal democracies wasn’t going to overthrow their “capitalist oppressors,” the Marxist intellectuals transitioned from class warfare to gender and race politics. The core oppressor-oppressed dynamics remained, but now the oppressor is the “white, straight, cis-gendered patriarchy.”
Perhaps he believes he can dance around the crux of the issue, but these two sentences and the reference to tribalism overshadow everything else he said. Any jew who can read will understand what he’s complaining about, even if he doesn’t. And by downplaying race he only made it easier for Google to ignore it.
Of course, when the “diversity” commissar was hired and her agenda was explained, race was front and center. The Google leadership says Google is too White. Just like Hollywood, or Wall Street, or social science departments. It’s a big big problem, and there’s no mystery why. A ridiculous number of the “whites” are actually jews. They’re all on board with the anti-White agenda. They’d all screech if anyone tried to count the jews as jews.
To understand what’s happening here you need only understand that the racial distinction between Whites and jews is what matters most. That’s the big taboo. Nothing is more “politically correct” than pretending some bit of jewing isn’t jewing. Nothing is more semitically correct than white-washing that jewing by actively shifting the blame for it onto Whites.
(((Yonatan Zunger)))‘s response is classic echo chamber. Long-winded. The critic is stupid. He’s the problem. His co-workers should punch him in the face. The jew would just fire him.
So, about this Googler’s manifesto:
In a footnote the jew links Tolerance is not a moral precept, where he echoes Marcuse. (((Tolerance))) means no quarter for Whites.
Diana S. Fleischman: “To people making fun of #GoogleMemo dude’s appearance. You don’t have to date articulate men with PhDs who work for Google. More for me.”
Looks like a jew:
Lots of intersectional jewing nuance incoming.
In old mob stories, when they wanted to insert someone into a crime family, one of the best ways to make that person appear trustworthy was to introduce him to the targeted family by setting up a situation where the police appeared to attack him. That’s how they began the most recent phase of this whole operation, with Jewish “radicals” and “men’s rights activists” leading to AmRen, to TRS/Radix, et cetera. And of course, the only redeeming quality the likely-Ashkenazi Trump ever had going for him, besides lying about a milkwater-indirect nationalist agenda, was that the media cooperated in defining him as “anti-establishment and disliked by the Jews.”
In this whole much-covered incident, are we merely seeing the birth of a new Moldbug?
(Good honeypot trick, too. A “just hot” honeypot is only effective on the stupid-stupids; a plausible honeypot for the ordinary-stupids comes with a backstory which explains why she couldn’t possibly go public and/or to the feds, ergo is trustworthy. Like, her pimp is after her, she broke parole, or she can’t get hired at Joogle anymore.)
SteveStewartWilliams: “Here’s Google memo guy’s original memo, including the graph and links that @Gizmodo removed: “
We Know Who He Is – Cate Huston – Medium
True. My first thought is objective, noting that anti-Whites don’t see that self-righteousness and hostility cut both ways. My second thought, I bet CRISPR can fix this.
Lehmann edits (((Quilette))). She’d never admit it, but she’s talking about the clash between jew narrative and White science, the structure of prevailing semitically correct taboos versus empirical reality.
Damore is getting lots of sympathy and support from alt-jews, much like Tuvel and Weinstein. The threat jewing poses to jew businesses (like Google) is overblown. The toxins jews produce mostly hobble non-jew enterprises. The jews carve out whatever exceptions to jewing jews require to continue jewing.
Who is James Damore? Alt-Right Furious After Google Fires Engineer Over Anti-Diversity Memo
Breitbart and two alt-jews are furious. #loljews
Julian Assange: “1/ Censorship is for losers. @WikiLeaks is offering a job to fired Google engineer James Damore. “
I am always reminded that the PC construct always refers to jews that engage in abhorrent behavior as “self-loathing”, as if those jews really aren’t jews. Laughable.
They are engaging in abhorrent behavior directly because they are jews, not in spite of the fact that they are jews. They are not “self loathing”, but rather loathesome.
A similar canard is that ridiculous claim that America is based on “Judeo-Christian” principles, as if a single jew was ever vested in America, or ever signed the Declaration of Independence. Both claims, patently false.
Which part of Judeo Christian values contradict America? Worshiping a rabbi for being oppressed by a white empire? Or welcoming all men as brothers, giving them free food, and forgiving them if they hit you or rape your women? Sounds exactly like America to me.
The good parts of Christ-worship were not ever related to the Torah or to Rabbi Jesus. What good has been associated with Christianity has occurred only when the people who adopted it were doing something good anyway, then also happened to thank Jesus as part of that. Calling Christianity a positive influence is like thanking Hollywood when a good movie happens to be made. If someone makes a good movie, Hollywood at best can be said to have hoped to make some money off of that movie. It is noxious, offensive, and utterly stupid to credit anything humans do in spite of occupation with the occupation at the time. Might as well thank cancer-values for someone having lived another year.
The so-called “self-loathing” jew is just a less common variant of the more typical iconoclast. Whereas the bulk of jewry heaps all their vitriol on non-jews, out of concern for the jews, the exception is a critic of some facet of jewing, out of concern for the jews.
FDR3783 Google Memo: Fired Employee Speaks Out! | James Damore And Stefan Molyneux
Jordan Peterson interview, 2017/08/08: James Damore and his Google Memo on Diversity.
@45:10 Peterson: This discrimination (against White men) might eventually harm the jews. It’s already harming asians!
Google Employee Memo: Read YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki’s Response:
He who controls the discourse on jewing controls the discourse on race and sex and everything else.
This article is causing Damore-sympathizing alt-jew race-realist/HBD twits to twit.
Stop Equating “Science” With Truth – “Science” Is One Reason the Google Memo Happened. Here’s the core point:
This is a textbook recital of the toxic anti-White jew narrative on “scientific racism”, the ideology Damore complained about and got fired for opposing. Yet the twits who sympathize with him and the scientists whose work he cited are even less willing than he has been to confront the explicit anti-White nature of this hostility, never mind its jew origin.
No surprise, the author of this narrative-trumps-science screed is Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, a professional jewess who sees her own freakishness as justification to tell non-freaks what they can think or say.
How to Talk to Minorities, Part 1:
6 Common Traits of Narcissists and Gaslighters | Psychology Today
Just call them jews. The entire anti-White hate-hoax culture revolves around muh holocaust, mass gaslighting based on lies about mass gassings, the fakest of fake news, exactly because these chutzpathic tribalist loxists control the media and swarm to punish any opposition to their semitically correct agenda.
Bloomberg interview, Fired Engineer James Damore: I Feel Google Betrayed Me.
@4:00 After confidently arguing that personality traits do differ by sex, Dalmore is pressed on Wojcicki’s point, that personality also differs by race, and suddenly he caves and backpedals: “That’s a false analogy. She’s trying to lump me in with racists and other bigots. Which I’m not. I’m not a sexist, and I’m not a racist.”
Damore has previously testified (both in his paper and near the start of the Peterson interview) that Google’s furtive jewed agenda specifically discriminates against White sexually-normal men. His original incoherent critique of that agenda was, “you’re the real racists but I’m on your side”. Now it is the more honest, more sensible, “I’m on your side against the racists”.
The key point, which best explains what’s happening here, is that jews are racially disctinct from and hostile towards Whites. That is precisely the point Damoresque alt-jewing never presses, because at root it is just more jewing.
In Defense of the Google Manifesto | Areo Magazine:
Alt-jewing points directly at the mentality of jewing, misdiagnoses it as “human nature”.
Another popular alt-jew take from the jew at Slate Star Codex, Contra Grant On Exaggerated Differences:
As usual, the jew plays down the jewy anti-White nature of the “giant hatefest”. Not that he disagrees with the jew consensus on “nazis”, he just doesn’t like being mistaken for one.
That jewy we. So magnanimous. “We did this to ourselves, trust me.” Ha ha, fuck you, kike.
Damore’s hero Haidt, The Google Memo: What Does the Research Say About Gender Differences?
Another tedious alt-jew attempt to ignore the jewy anti-White agenda and pretend that the problem is Damore didn’t provide enough citations.
Notable & Quotable: The ‘Diversity’ Paradox – WSJ
Geoffrey Miller just wants to “highlight a paradox at the heart of the ‘equality and diversity’ dogma”.
No paradox. Just anti-White jewing.
Anna Wiener, How Silicon Valley’s Workplace Culture Produced James Damore’s Google Memo | The New Yorker:
The misunderstanding involves jews dissimulating as “white”. Nobody dares to count the jews. Nobody dares criticize their anti-White agenda. There’s the power.
JRxer James Miller, Get ready for the ‘tech alt-right’ to gain influence in Silicon Valley – Business Insider:
The anti-White ideology hides in plain sight behind semitically correct corporatese like “diversity initiative”. Numerous jewniversity courses and jewsmedia articles explicitly identify Whites as the enemy. What concerns the alt-jew is the White reaction:
Stealthy tribalism might someday threaten stealthy tribalism! The alt-jew take on jewing.
New alt-jew twitter account: James Damore (@Fired4Truth)
Based Marco Randazza, Outrage over Google memo is misplaced – CNN:
Categorical opposition to tribalism and PC of unknown origin = based alt-jewing in a nutshell.
“This (((PC code of conduct))) defined by this (((small cadre of people))) may influence millions but has no influence on the state or its laws, trust me.”
Cynthia Lee, I’m a woman in computer science. Let me ladysplain the Google memo to you:
Engineers solve problems. Bitches bitch about their feelings.
Wojcicki’s taunt. Google’s policies are anti-White, favor non-Whites. The explanation is jewing.
Damore downplayed race, then backpedaled from there. His defenders have avoided the subject completely. It is telling. The pretext for the jewing is that Whites have too much power. It’s a sham. Not a single supposedly powerful White dares to speak up in defense of Whites.
The “work” is anti-White jewing. The alt-jewing lends it cover.
Another alt-jew take on Damore. Free speech must apply to all — even those we find offensive | London Evening Standard:
The gist of Ginsberg’s argument: I disapprove of what Damore said, but I’ll write an op-ed arguing that it’s bad for the…uh…”marginalised communities” if…uh…we suppress it.
As with alt-jews generally, the attempt here is to twist and blunt the point. Damore didn’t simply argue leftism is bad for business. He argued that the prevailing “politically correct” presumption of biological equality is factually incorrect. He exposed and questioned existing corporate policies which cite this false premise as justification to disciminate against sexually normal White men. He alluded in a footnote to the source of these policies, the cultural marxism of the Frankfurt school. And finally, when he was fired, the rationale for doing so was the same as this op-ed presents against it: this is what’s best for “marginalised communities”. So in other words, this is just the old, two jews, three opinions about the best way to jew.
Frankfurt jew Herbert Marcuse wrote Repressive Tolerance in 1965. He described the prevailing mindset of the jewed elite today. Alt-jews try to obscure the jew-origin and jew-serving nature of this mindset even as they serve up yet another variation on it.
BTW, professional “free speech” jew Jodie Ginsberg collaborates with explictly anti-White jewsmedia jew David Aaronovitch. What a cohencidence!