Nigel Farage: ‘Jewish lobby’ has disproportionate power in the US.
Farage is about to get the Hagel treatment. The jews, who have tirelessly organized and lobbied to codify the conflatation of jews and Israel, are screeching that Farage has…conflated jews and Israel while noticing they organize and lobby. Under jew rule speaking about jew power is a criminal offense.
Like any good kikeservative, Farage will likely attempt to atone by humiliating himself. This would involve loudly professing that he is not a “racist”, has always especially loved the jews, their lobbying, and their state, maybe while visiting one or more of the many prominent places of jew-worship and sliding a pile of shekels their way. The jews will then undoubtedly return to demonizing him, and he will return to acting as if they don’t exist except when told to speak or perform some service for them. As usual.
Jez Turner appears at a central London Magistrates Court
This powerful Adelson-funded Israel lobby could soon rival AIPAC’s influence in Washington – U.S. News –
Two “rival” jew lobbies, three opinions about what’s best for the jews.
Jews Should Concern Americans More Than Russian Influence, Nigel Farage Says:
The jewsmedia is part of the conspiracy, cites full-time anti-White jews as if they are supranational authorities.
“Conspiracy theory” is a semitic trope, a loaded term jews cry out as they swarm and screech in unison.
My favorite quote:
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
He is toast, they are going to put the stones to him. You can criticize any other group but the Jews.
Nigel Farage, Trump’s Favorite British Politician, Goes on Anti-Semitic Riff About ‘The Jewish Lobby’:
Two jews, three “what’s good for the jews” agendas, all screech “STUPID CRAZY CONSPIRACY TROPE CANARD!!1!” whenever anyone notices.
The full show: – it starts with a brief interview with former White House kikeservative Gorka.
Farage was responding to Trump, Assange, Bannon, Farage… bound together in an unholy alliance. Cadwalladr’s theory:
It would be simple if Cadwalladr were describing the jew lobby or the jewsmedia. But instead:
Cambridge Analytica looms large in a related article Cadwalladr wrote last December, Google, democracy and the truth about internet search. The basic idea is that the internet is bad for the jews. The crux of her argument is that there’s a vast anti-jew conspiracy network, powered by Google and Facebook. Furthermore, she imagines this network is driven and tracked by Cambridge Analytica (meaning Bannon and the Mercers), whose data was used by Trump (Kushner actually, though she never mentions him) to target “propaganda” and get elected.
Cadwalladr’s theorizing starts with the premise that jews are good. Thus she is forced to imagine a world in which the jew lobby and jewsmedia don’t exist, but instead jewed corporations and kikeservative lickspittles constitute an “unholy alliance” conspiring, monolithically, in unison, against the jews. And this, cohencidentally, is exactly how the jews see it.
Cohencidentally, right now the jewsmedia echo chamber is screeching about Mercer.
Jon Swaine: “Mercer email to staff also contains most extensive public account of his conservative politics he’s ever given. Denies being racist. ”
Laura Rozen: “wow. Mercer distancing himself from the white supremacists ”
The louder anti-White kikes screech “White supremacy”, the more obsequiously kikeservatives toe the semitically correct line. And vice versa. That’s the totally jewed reality of contemporary political discourse.
A few selections from a long thread of raw uncoded jewing.
Sophie Ellman-Golan: “Non-Jews: An important thing to know right now is that Jews are feeling v anxious that Jared Kushner will be the primary scapegoat. We know he deserves to go down—we want him to be stripped of power & held accountable. What’s scary is what will come next.”
Sophie Ellman-Golan: “Non-Jews: You need to learn and listen for these code words. Do not fall for the age-old trick of turning this investigation into a conversation about “Jewish influence.” We know the influence behind/courted by this admin. It’s white supremacy, not Jews”
Sophie Ellman-Golan: “Final note: if a tiny voice in your head is saying “well Jews DO hold an awful amount of power in this country/the world,” that voice is anti-semitism and white supremacy, and it’s not gonna help any of us get free.”
Sophie Ellman-Golan: “The tiny voice that says “Jews DO seem control a lot of industries/power” is the same voice that says “Black people DO seem to commit more crimes” and “Muslim people DO seem to commit more terrorist acts.” If you know the last 2 are bullshit, please acknowledge the 1st is too.”
An alt-jewsmedia take from Pollack at Breitbart, Jake Tapper, Newsweek, ADL Smear Nigel Farage with False Antisemitism Claim:
As with the Hagelcaust, and the Gorkacaust, all the screeching is coming from jews, because they’re jews. And as usual, nobody else who supposedly holds power dares to open their mouths.
@’Jez Turner appears at a central London Magistrates Court’
Listening to another podcast, it was said near every other word of the Crown Prosecutor was “hate”. Magick spells and incantations.
This “hate” * flash bomb has to be defused and the defence Briefs in these cases schooled in the effective deployment of an equal and opposite.
Now Bob Whitaker is no longer with us, will the weighty responsibilty fall on Horus to come up with le mot juste? It’s got to be concise, encapsulated, not multiword rationalising. Those who explain are on the backfoot already.
Don’t look to me – ‘prate’ doesn’t exactly trip off the tongue of 90% of Brits. ‘Debate’ might figure in it though.
Sophie’s getting hammered on her tweet box. Sad
The jews define hate. Literally and figuratively.
Congress to recognize the 100-year anniversary of Balfour Declaration | Jewish Telegraphic Agency:
ZOG in the US commemorates ZOG in Britain. A century on and jews are still screeching when anyone notices they control either government.
The Secret Drafts of the Balfour Declaration reveals some details of the jew conspiracy driving the original declaration.
Another example, recounted by Jeffrey Goldberg in 2005, illustrates not only the same subversive alien influence, but the same chutzpathic tendency to double-down after exposure:
Hard work appreciated, Tan.
at some point, though – probably about the time the (((debtbuck))) collapses – a shabbatz goy slightly less cowardly than the common ruck will tell the truth about the ZOG and, when the usual chutzpahstorm descends, respond with something like:
“F you Jews. You know it’s true, and now I’ll say it again…”
instead of the usual whining and apologizing. Then
the floodgates will open.
The debt-load need never ‘collapse.’ If only. We’d have every reason to demand a new financial model. But Jews won’t ever run out of zeros to add. Ignore all conventional economics talk. If, for some reason, they decide to collapse the system that promises them endless profits eternally, beware the better option they have in play.
Ellman-Golman is gold.
“The tiny voice that says “Jews DO seem control a lot of industries/power” is the same voice that says “Black people DO seem to commit more crimes” and “Muslim people DO seem to commit more terrorist acts.” If you know the last 2 are bullshit, please acknowledge the 1st is too.”
Pretty much all White people KNOW that Blacks do commit more crimes, and Muslims more terrorist acts. We are generally much less conscious of Jewish power and control of key industries
‘NOT ENOUGH’ Britain’s top Jewish writers slam Jeremy Corbyn for tolerating Labour anti-semitism under the cover of opposition to Israel:
Three jews jewing jewily, screeching that Britain’s kikeservative government must do more for the jews.
With direct opposition to jewing outlawed, jews leverage that protection to outlaw even indirect opposition, e.g. criticism of their alien state. According to jew logic, opposition to jewing should be criminalized because jews are jews.
It’s Jew vs. Jew as Congress weighs a new definition for anti-Semitism | Jewish Telegraphic Agency:
Two jews, three opinions about what’s best for the jews. They can’t decide whether they want to make the conflation of jews with Israel official or illegal. So they’ll do both.
Patel fallout ‘will set us back 20 years’ – The Jewish Chronicle:
The implication is that “British jewry”, “communal representatives”, and “pro-Israel activists” see jews as distinct from Britons and openly conspire to put the concerns of jews ahead of all others.
Letter penned by Prince Charles sparks controversy | Daily Mail Online
“Powerful jews are a myth”, screeches the powerful jew, “shocked” at the powerless uppity heir to the throne.
This was thirty years ago. Since then each POTUS has been more kikeservative than the last, and jew screeching has intensified.
The list of supposedly powerful people who have “come under fire” from the jews, for somehow vexing the jews, is much longer than this. The parasite sees every place as their homeland, every host as some kind of foreigner.
Jeez! In 1986 Charles was 38 years old. He’s generally seen as a thoughtful, engaged, intellectual type. Yet his comments there suggest a total absence of accurate background information on matters so critical. I’d say the same about the Arab leaders who thought of Israel as a US colony also. This reminds me of GHWB and James Baker, saying ‘Fuck the Jews, they don’t even vote for us anyway!’
I can’t think that gross stupidity on Jewish issues among potentially powerful non-Jews is a purely natural, uncontrived state of affairs.
The kick/lick dynamic. The supposedly powerful licker sometimes forgets their place, thus triggers a truly powerful kick. The kickers, for their part, send mixed signals by pretending the lickers are the kickers, especially while kicking them.
Here’s the jew take on George H.W. Bush:
Bush didn’t even dare to say jew lobby, but the kickers knew who the lonely licker was talking about.
Prince Charles’ letter from 1986 blamed Jews for unrest in Middle East – Europe –
This article puts the perfectly typically hysterical jew reaction (“jaw-droppingly shocking”) right next to the letter’s perfectly mundane understatement. The contrast between the jews’ brazen public screeching and Charles’ furtive tentative private musings could hardly be greater. Nixon and Graham were likewise furtive, and the jew hysterical overreaction just as screechy, but at least those goys explictly acknowledged that jewing posed a domestic existential threat.
The article ends by revealing a recent secret visit Charles made to his grandmother’s grave. Naturally it fails to mention that she, like her grandson, was an obsequious kikeservative:
If Charles had simply parroted the jew narrative and blamed Britons, Europeans, or Americans then jews would be trumpeting his righteousness. Instead he vexed them by imagining he could criticize them, even if only in private, even if only out of soft-headed sympathy for their fellow semites. Whenever and wherever jewing is exposed the jews try to cover it back up by crying that anti-jewing is the real problem.
Stormer, Volume 12: Hong Kong Phooey – Daily Stormer
The world’s foremost problem.
Robert Siegel on the Stereotype that Jews Control the Media
A typical example of jew double-talk. Jews take it for granted that their jewing is by definition good and right, thus their take is: no, jews can’t possibly ever have enough control over the media.
Prince Charles faces backlash for asking if any US president would ‘have the courage’ to stand up to Jewish lobby
Charles “faces backlash”, “under fire”. From a “myth”. Will HE even stand up for HIMSELF against the jews? Lolno.
Nigel Farage: “I recently made some remarks praising the achievements of Jewish Americans and was condemned (as usual). Where is the outcry from the same commentators over Prince Charles?”
“C-charles is the real nazi.” What a faggot.
“A typical example of jew double-talk.”
Of course, Jews are taught a dual morality from childhood, one set of rules for Jews and another for gentiles. It only follows that double-talk would be a consequence. Also, the duplicity they are notorious for is a result of their teachings.
I would think that the specific character of the culture produced by Jews is an expression of their characteristic genetics, Fred W. It cannot be the other way around when all other cultures on the planet have expressed similar cultural ideas both good and bad at times, but yet none appears like the Jew to be so determined to dominate, subjugate, destroy, enslave, genocide, subvert, etc., other peoples, as an ideal.
All groups over-extend, outrage in violence, and commit crimes, on occasion. But why do Jews have no even distant rivals in the category of ‘National Religions Celebrating Successful Genocides’? It’s because every normal people collectively comes to regret war and mass murder. They don’t.
The standard modus vivendi for everyone else is live and let live. The typical mindset of the collective Jew is, ‘Who next to invade or destroy?’
And if the influences were cultural not genetic, would not the Jew, the most widely dispersed and cosmopolitan of all nations be the most average, not the anomalous outlier?
Daily Stormer: “Another Island nation kiked us. Samoa alleging “TOS/AUP violations” and seizing our domain.”
I’m sorry, but this is proof that the problem doesn’t come from the Jews. How many Jews in Samoa? Certainly not enough to noticeably influence the Samoan government’s policies.
(Only joking!).
“I would think that the specific character of the culture produced by Jews is an expression of their characteristic genetics”
Amen, to that!
The culture is an expression of their genes and the culture reinforces the genetic attributes, like regenerative feedback. The culture jump starts the genetic attributes.
In yeshiva, preteen even kindergarten, children are encouraged in the stereotypical jewish concepts. They are heavily pressed in all things yiddishkite. This gives their genetic character a big stimulus to early development and to come to fuller expression. Their insular culture and breeding are both self- reinforcing and crosslinked ( a super strong structure ).
“Jews take it for granted that their jewing is by definition good and right”
Yep, they are taught this from childhood. After all, they are self- destined to rule the world.