Category Archives: Blog

Criticized by Auster

This is a continuation of Criticizing Auster. Previously the focus was on how Auster filters and distorts criticism against him. This addresses some of the vitriol Auster has aimed at me.

On 16 August, responding to one of his paranoid correspondents who was complaining about another, Auster tacks this complaint on the end of his criticism of Sailer mentioned in the previous post:

If you read various right-wing websites, and I’m not talking about explicitly white-nationalist sites, but sites that might be called generically paleocon, you will regularly see this kind of thing. And notice that even Gates of Vienna allowed the anti-Semite (“Jews are my enemy”) Tanstaafl to make anti-Semitic attacks on me.

This is a good example of Auster failing to cite what he distorts. I described the Gates of Vienna thread to which he refers in What We Cannot Do.

The administrators and many of the commenters at GoV are openly philo-semitic. But that’s not good enough. Auster expects them to exclude from posting anyone he denounces. For the moment the exchange he characterizes as “anti-semitic attacks” remains intact at What We Can Do. The relevant portions are reproduced here.

Tanstaafl said…

It’s easy to get Auster to make his own “vermin analogies”. All you have to do is examine liberalism a little more deeply than he does.

How did the suicidal dogma of non-discrimination become the ruling value of society after WWII? Where did what Erich calls “the politically correct multi-culturalist (PC MC) paradigm” come from? What does it have to do with cultural marxism? What does that have to do with marxism? How did neo-liberals convince Westerners that the most heinous sins imaginable are racism, sexism, homophobism, and islamophobism? How did they convince us that the older, more traditional sins of materialism, promiscuity, and fraud (among many others) are now values to be celebrated?

More important: why?

Isn’t it odd that in our own homelands the White Christian Western man is the fattest, most politically correct target? Is it because we’re so powerful that we just don’t care, or because we don’t have the power to stop it?

The West’s weakness doesn’t come from neo-liberalism alone. Neo-conservativism also harms us. Neo-cons think it proper to squander the lives of our predominantly White Christian military men by sending them to every corner of the world to keep it safe for plutocracy and to prevent a second holocaust. Not necessarily in that order. Meanwhile they smear as xenophobes any Westerners who want our own streets and borders policed.

The threat is not only from islam. The West has been invaded by the third world. Our neo-lib and neo-con leaders argue and point fingers. They disagree about who to bomb next. But they agree on the third world invasion of the West. They all welcome it, and they side with the invaders. To stop the invasion we Westerners must first and foremost remove from power and prosecute those who have betrayed us. That done we can address our external threats. Otherwise the West will decompose. Either path will be bloody.

Lawrence Auster said…

Tanstaafl writes:

“To stop the [Third World invasion of the West] we Westerners must first and foremost remove from power and prosecute those who have betrayed us. That done we can address our external threats. Otherwise the West will decompose. Either path will be bloody.”

Just so that people can understand where Tanstaafl is coming from, with his calls for the “bloody” prosecution of internal enemies, he wrote a few months ago at his Age of Treason website:

“Jews are not the only enemy, and not all Jews are enemies. I’m not going to sugar coat what I have to say any more than that…. I’m not being coy. I’ve just realized and said flat out Jews are my enemy.”

I commented on the above and had more quotes from Tanstaafl in my article, “I am attacked for not being an anti-Semite.”

The “enemy” statement Auster loves to quote appears in Committing PC’s Most Mortal Sin. It explains exactly where I’m coming from. Many of the neocon Whites at GoV might also come to understand this if and when they ever question the philo-semitic/anti-White double standard that permeates our society and is found even amongst anti-jihadis, traditionalists, and conservatives who purport to defend the West.

I responded to Auster’s insinuations:

Tanstaafl said…

By all means, anyone concerned about the survival of the West who wonders why philo-semitism is good and required but philo-Whitism is seen as silly or racist should look into where I’m coming from and why. In particular you should research and try to understand for yourself the answers to the questions I posed above.

I am pro-White. Auster calls himself an anti-liberal, a traditionalist, but I argue he is, above all other concerns, pro-jew. My criticism of him is not that he doesn’t share my values. My criticism is how he disguises his values and where they conflict with mine. It is most obvious in his fathomless hypocrisy concerning liberalism.

If you suspect that political correctness and multi-culturalism has something to do with the West’s problems you might want to understand where Auster is coming from. You might want to question, as I do, why one half of the West’s jewish/White alliance is considered above reproach while the other half is politically incorrect to defend.

Auster was also criticized for other reasons by other commenters. He quickly retreated to the safety of his tightly-controlled echo chamber and began complaining about GoV – mainly on the grounds that comments he considered lies and attacks on him were not deleted.

In a GoV thread responding to these criticisms, You’re a Bunch of Complete Cranks, I wrote:

Tanstaafl said…

Auster writes:

(There were also anti-Semitic comments about me from another member of the group, the anti-Semite Tanstaafl, though I’ve just read those comments for the first time during my re-reading.)

I wrote that Auster is first and foremost pro-jew. I provided links in support of that claim. The audacity of me.

Auster’s response is exactly analogous to calling a person an islamophobe (ie. they have a mental problem) for recognizing those who are pro-muslim.

Racism, sexism, homophobism, and islamophobism follow logically from the same basis as anti-semitism, which predates them all. Pathologizing the natural need to distinguish between self and other has spawned an entire hate ideology.

Non-jewish White Western men are the most politically correct group to distinguish and attack. How did this happen? Why? Whatever muslims are doing to the West, they didn’t create the PC that provided them access and continues to protect them.

In following other links from this GoV thread I found Auster’s The GoV campaign of personal destruction continues, where he once again fails to cite what he distorts:

A reader writes:

There is not much I can add in your support that others have not already said. But I have removed Gates of Vienna from my blogroll. I am sad to feel the need to do so, because the site started well, has published worthwhile stuff, and I expect it will continue to from time to time. But this latest flap has convinced me it has attracted too many flaming nutters to be good for the anti-Islamist cause. GoV isn’t as depraved as LGF, but appears like it might be headed that way.

As for Tanstaafl, who is now a regular commenter at GoV, today out of curiosity I went to see his blog Age of Treason. Tanstaafl is back to bashing you, as you undoubtedly know. I skimmed a few of his recent postings. The man is truly demented. He’s perhaps been driven around the bend by political correctness and anti-white racism, but for heaven’s sake, we can’t let our opponents ruin our minds. To have any chance of eventually prevailing, we’ve got to keep a sense of proportion and self-discipline.

But Tanstaafl is mild compared to many of his commenters; I felt ill reading them. Possibly I have been naive; I honestly thought old-fashioned anti-Semitic, worldwide-Jewish-conspiracy crackpots were out of business. They are probably less numerous and outspoken than they used to be, but Tanstaafl sure knows how to draw them out of hiding.

It’s discouraging that there are people who are ostensibly on my side of the political spectrum that I want to dissociate myself from, but it can’t be helped.

Hang in there.

LA replies:

“They are probably less numerous and outspoken than they used to be,”

To the contrary, serious anti-Semites are more numerous and outspoken than they used to be. I didn’t even think there was any serious anti-Semitism in this country to speak of until around 1999-2000, when I started becoming aware of it; then, after the 9/11 attack, it really took off.

In any case, the anti-Semite Tanstaafl is now an accepted member of GoV’s Auster anti-fan club. I’ve become GoV’s Goldstein, the source of all evils. Tanstaafl has made openly anti-Semitic statements at GoV, including calling for the “bloody … prosecution” of America’s internal enemies, which elsewhere he makes plain are the Jews. No one there has objected. He has also, at GoV, attacked me as a person of Jewish background. Then when called an anti-Semite (by me), he lies and says he’s only concerned about people who are more “pro-jew” than they are pro-white.

So I am “demented” and many of my commenters are worse. This is just a small sample of how a “campaign of personal destruction” is waged. Ironically, Auster and his friends do this, and excuse themselves for doing so, because they assume this is what I’m doing to him and the jewish people he values and defends more than anything else.

Auster’s words above, presented alongside the words to which he is responding and with links to the original context, demonstrates exactly what I have claimed: that he is first and foremost pro-jew. This priority determines how he interprets criticism. It provides the basis for his own criticism of others. Nothing else matters as much. Not truth, not free expression, not “the majority” (his euphemism for Whites) or their interests.

Accompanying this bias are a paranoia and intellectual dishonesty that run so deep that they enable him to imagine and attribute to me thoughts I do not hold and have never expressed. His emotion so overwhelms his reason that he resorts to the very dishonesty and smearing tactics he decries. His constant complaints about being attacked and his egotistic “source of all evils” rhetoric are pathetic.

Among the many snide little smears that can be found amongst the results returned by that google link was this little brain fart in “Conservatives” who embrace moral liberationism:

Terry Morris writes:

” … the anti-Semite Tanstaafl (who has written, “I’ve just realized and said flat out Jews are my enemy,” and who has become an accepted, chummy member of the GoV discussions, where he has pursued his argument that my real aim is to achieve Jewish ascendancy over the white race),…”

Wait!, is Tanstaafl right? Is your real aim to achieve Jewish ascendancy over the white race, over me, a member of the white race???

Only a vile Auster sycophant cannot see it, right?


In the West jews have already achieved ascendancy. In politics and the media the interests of jews trump all others. They certainly trump the interests of Whites. That is why it is de rigueur for our presidential candidates to visit the wailing wall and pledge to protect the people of israel and its border, even as they support open borders and the influx of hostile and disproportionately non-white immigrants to the West. That is why our disproportionately White soldiers are sent overseas to keep the world safe for disproportionately jewish plutocrats. That is why the media is full of anti-Christian and anti-White sentiment and at the same time obsessed with ferreting out anti-semitism.

Auster and most of his sycophants certainly can see this philo-semitic/anti-White double standard clearly enough. They just don’t want to discuss it. They prefer instead to mock and blow whatever smoke they can, hoping that smears and insults and shunning will accomplish what they cannot accomplish in direct confrontation with those who would discuss such things.

LA replies:

If you click on the linked word “accepted,” above, you’ll see where Conservative Swede apologizes to Tanstaafl for having called him a nutcase. The reason Swede called him a nutcase was to dissociate himself from Tanstaafl, since I had humorously joined them together when I pointed out the ironic contrasts between their respective cases against me.

I wrote:

Conservative Swede claims that I’m a phony defender of the West, because I really just care about asserting traditionalist Christianity and putting down secular liberalism.

Meanwhile, the anti-Semite Tanstaafl claims that I’m a phony defender of the West, because I really just care about defending the Jews and putting down whites.

To which Swede replied:

As usually instead of engaging in discussion you lower yourself into attacking the character of your interlocutors. The fact that an anti-Semitic nutcase appeared in this thread does not make my argument less valid.

A little later Swede felt he had been unfair to Tanstaafl and wrote:

I would also like to say that I’m sorry for having referred to Tanstaafl above as a “nutcase.” That was unfair and uncalled for, the unfortunate result of hasty writing.

Swede doesn’t apologize for having called Tanstaafl “anti-Semitic,” but he does very politely apologize to him, thus showing that he considers him a welcome participant in the discussion.

Note also Swede’s classic, off-the-planet mischaracterization of what I said about him. I summed up his argument against me in this way: “that I’m a phony defender of the West, because I really just care about asserting traditionalist Christianity and putting down secular liberalism.” Yet Swede describes this accurate and objective summary of his own argument as “attacking the character of your interlocutors.”

And that catches in a nutshell the level of the GoV anti-Auster lynch mob. I make logical, legitimate statements (in this case merely describing my opponent’s position), and in return they say that I’m attacking their character, smearing them, and so on.

And that catches in a nutshell the level of Auster’s hypocrisy. To use his own standard… at GoV I merely described his position as pro-jew, provided examples and argument to back that assertion up, and he responded by attacking my character, smearing me, and so on.

Before and since he has also made all manner of absurd misrepresentations – that I accuse him of not being an anti-semite or being a fifth columnist, and here of being a phony defender of the West and putting down Whites. At least he finally mentioned and got one criticism partly right: that he “really just care(s) about defending the Jews”. By the hyperbole in which he wraps it however he seems to be denying it is true.

Auster’s “lynch mob” discussion continues with comments from someone who claims to have read the GoV “thread that degenerated into base anti-Semitism” and the “kooky fools over at Age of Treason” and how this shows “how large elements of the conservative movement have acquiesced to liberalism”. For all of Age of Treason’s flaws I don’t regret not having someone that weak-minded comment here. I also don’t envy Auster’s ignoble task of managing a growing blacklist and meticulously editing and posting comments that so blatantly regurgitate his own propaganda. But it does seem to satisfy him.

Thirty Frames of Joy Per Second

Du bist Deutschland (You are Germany)

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Tartan Terrors – Pumpkins Fancy

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Tartan Terrors – Finale

Clogging, dancing and fiddling…

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YouTube loves to make great videos like these disappear. If your geek quotient is high enough you can use youtube-dl or clive to grab copies of the ones you treasure.

Criticizing Auster

Lawrence Auster writes in Responding to criticisms of VFR and myself:

Among the reality-turned-on-its head lies that are repeatedly told about me are the charges that I only allow people who agree with me to post comments at VFR; that I am unable to reply to criticisms and refuse to do so; and that I exclude commenters who question me and my ideas.

My criticism is that Auster filters the comments he posts at VFR and sometimes distorts the arguments of those he argues with. His ability to distort is greatly aided by his willingness to filter.

Among the 20-odd links he provides as examples of his forthrightness in facing critics is a response to one of my criticisms of him that I was not previously aware of:

Does the First Law of Majority-Minority Relations apply to the Jews? [The anti-Semite Tanstaafl (before I realized how serious an anti-Semite he was), asked me at another blog why I don’t apply the First Law to the Jews, and I reply.]

This item is a good example of Auster’s willingness to filter and distort. His example does not quote the criticism it answers and does not link the discussion which spawned it.

Unfortunately for him about a month after he wrote this I described the same argument as part of a more general critique titled Auster and Anti-Anti-Semitism. It contained Auster’s original explanation of why his “First Law” (of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberal Society, AKA MMRILS) does not apply to jews. The differences are highlighted below:

I just came upon this exchange and want to reply to the points made by Tanstaafl (which frankly sounds like a neo-Nazi moniker, but which, I’m informed, is an acronym for the libertarian slogan “There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.”).

Tanstaafl is just wrong to say that the First Law of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberal Society is about Jews and that I’m covering that up. The First Law is about conspicuously different minorities who are perceived as minorities, and who are perceived as dysfunctional, unassimilable, alien or hostile. Since Jews are not generally seen these ways, except by anti-Semites, the First Law does not apply to Jews, though some aspects of it may apply some of the time.

When I say this, I am not covering up denying the fact that there is a Jewish problem because, since that is something I often talk about. But I believe in the need to talk about it rationally. The Jewish problem—not the Jewish problem of the Jew haters, but the real Jewish problem—consists in the fact that Jews are a distinct people who because of their energy and talents tend to become dominant in culturally influential areas of society. This leads to the problem that a small minority group begins to become the definer of cultural standards for the majority. For the most part, this is not due to any Jewish racial agenda or conspiracy, as Kevin McDonald MacDonald would have it, rather it is just built into the fact of Jewish distinctiveness combined with Jewish talents. But even though the situation is not anyone’s fault, it is not a healthy situation. The way the problem can be resolved, as I’ve said many times, is by the majority recovering and maintaining its majority identity, functions, and authority, and thus requiring minorities to conform to the majority’s standards.

It used to be this way in America. A classic example is the Golden Age of Hollywood. The movie industry was largely a Jewish creation, yet the Jews of Hollywood loved the majority culture and elevated its ideals. For example, the beautiful MGM movies of the late ’30 and early ’40s that were set in England and were imbued with an English atmosphere (so that it’s hard to believe the movies were made in Los Angeles), were the brain child of Louis B. Mayer, head of MGM. Contrast that with today, when many of the Jews of Hollywood, such as Steven Spielberg, are self-consciously alienated from the majority culture and seek to tear it down. An example is “Saving Private Ryan,” in which the elderly Ryan, re-visiting Normandy in his old age, is bizarrely portrayed as a broken down figure overwhelmed with guilt. That’s the way alienated leftist Jews want to portray the Christian majority.

What is the solution? There is no quick solution, but there is a solution. The majority needs to rediscover itself and start acting like the majority again and start setting the standards for America. Once a new elite was in place setting different and better standards than what from those we have now, the viciously anti-American movies that are now standard fare in Hollywood would cease being made. Jews who persisted in alienation toward or simply a lack of identification with the majority culture would still be able to express themselves in a minority cultural setting, but their minority views would not be considered legitimate or authoritative for the society as a whole. The basic principle is that people who do not identity with a society do not have the right to speak for that society. I am not talking about legal restrictions, but about the restrictions that a healthy majority culture would naturally impose.

In short, the Jewish problem can be solved, and Jews can function, as they have in the past, as a minority that has a certain distinctiveness and yet conforms itself to the standards and allegiances of the majority culture.

It is not the same with, say, Muslims. Muslims cannot be conformed to our culture. The relationship between Muslims and our culture is of an entirely different order from the relationship between Jews and our culture. Jews are assimilable. Muslims are not only not assimilable, but are commanded by their god to subject our society to Islamic law. The fact that that a major non-Western group is unassimilable intrinsically incompatable with and dangerous to our culture is not acceptable to cannot be acknowledged by the liberal consciousness, which must cover it up. And thus we arrive at the First Law because it would disprove the liberal belief in the equality and fundamental sameness of all human beings. Therefore the liberals must conceal the truth about Islam–the more unassimilable and hostile Muslims are, the more they must be praised and celebrated. We saw this happen immediately after the 9/11 attack, when, even as Muslims all over the world were cheering the wound inflicted by devout Muslim jihadists on our country, Muslims began to receive vastly more bouquets from our government than they ever had before. It was a perfect example of the First Law in action. The First Law applies to dysfunctional and unassimilable groups, it does not apply to functional and assimilable groups.

Far from being dysfunctional outsiders whose failures must be covered up, Jews are successful insiders. However, as indicated above, this does not mean that the Jews, with their distinctiveness, their activism, and their frequent leftism, do not represent a challenge to our culture. They do. And it goes without saying that this fact is denied by the liberal culture, since liberalism must deny any group differences that matter (not to mention that there is a particular need to defend the Jews from anti-Semitism). So there is inevitably some overlap here with the First Law. But because the Jews are highly successful and productive insiders rather than obviously incompetent or incompatible outsiders, the socialistic dynamic conveyed by the First Law–the more alien a group is, the more it is celebrated, the more undeserving a group is, the more it is given–does not apply to them.

To Thus to try to make the First Law be about the Jews—and especially, in Tanstaafl’s treatment, be primarily about the Jews—would hopelessly confuses the issue and ruin the First Law as an analytical tool. It is but another illustration of how anti-Semites, because they see all issues through the filter of the Jewish issue, cannot see any issue truly. Their lunatic obsesssion obsession with Jews as the source of all evil makes them intellectual cripples who are incapable of defending the civilization they supposedly want to defend.

The red and overstruck text was included in what Auster originally posted at John Savage’s blog (which is no longer available). The green text was added in the “revised and expanded version” Auster posted to his own blog on the same day.

For an intellectual who so often picks apart the arguments of others Auster exhibits a curious inability to squarely face my argument here. Contrast either version of what he wrote above with the text below that he was responding to. Savage’s post was an attempt to collect Auster’s various slightly different statements of MMRILS. Auster wrote (his emphasis):

As I look over your collection, it’s clear to me that there is but one Law, and it’s simply this: that the more difficult or dangerous a minority or non-Western group actually is, the more favorably it is treated. This increasingly undeserved favorable treatment of an increasingly troublesome or misbehaving minority or non-Western group can take numerous forms, including celebrating the group, giving the group greater rights and privileges, covering up the group’s crimes and dysfunctions, attacking the group’s critics as racists, and blaming the group’s bad behavior on white racism.

To which I first responded:

And the corollary: Jews are the most favorably treated minority of all, therefore they are the most difficult and dangerous.

Or shall we just label such an observation anti-semitic and discard it?

After that John Savage disagreed that jews are most favored, and I provided some arguments to support my claim. I think it’s fair to say that weeks later when Auster finally offered the dual-response above both versions were dishonest. Allow me now to summarize his rambling non-answer and editorialize with some helpful remarks.

Auster’s not covering anything up (especially not that I never claimed he was). MMRILS does not apply to jews because only anti-semites would say it does (however it does apply to all other unassimilable, alien, hostile minorities). There is sorta kinda a jewish problem but it’s not what irrational jew haters think it is (remember, this is not a cover up). It’s just that jews are really energetic and talented and they just tend to dominate the culture (ie. the most favored minority thing just happened). If only “the majority” would regrow their backbone jews would stop dominating (and would stop prosecuting jew haters). Jewish movie moguls used to love “the majority” but nowadays they don’t (sounds hostile to me, and what about the jewish media influence beyond Hollywood?). Muslims are different (for example they don’t control the West’s media). They are protected because liberals like to cover things up (unlike Auster). The First Law is about overtly aggressive groups like muslims, it is not about covertly aggressive groups like jews (and remember, we’re not covering anything up). To make this argument that my First Law applies to jews you must be a lunatic intellectual cripple (and probably not a jew).

Almost a month after he wrote this drivel I came upon it at Savage’s and wrote Auster and Anti-Anti-Semitism, to document and continue the debate.

Shortly afterward Auster responded with I am attacked for not being an anti-Semite. He does not link back to Does the First Law of Majority-Minority Relations apply to the Jews? though he does mention how and why he answered:

The question Tanstaafl had posed to me about the First Law was a serious and legitimate one, and when I came upon the discussion at Savage’s site, I answered it seriously. At the same time, I saw that Tanstaafl was an anti-Semite, and I indicated as such. Not that it took any great insight. Someone who calls Jews “the most dangerous” minority has already made himself pretty clear.

Auster isn’t being clear at all. Is the question a serious and legitimate one, or is it not worth answering because he perceives some moral failing in the asker?

He also isn’t fair. “Dangerous” is his own word, and it comes from applying his own Law. Neither one of his non-answers to that point are serious. They amount to deflection. He transforms a point about his own logic using his own words into insinuations about me personally. Auster’s first non-answer certainly sounded like he agreed jews were a minority hostile to the majority before his non-sequitur that this is invalid because it is anti-semitism. Auster’s second non-answer left out the majority-minority relations entirely. In both cases the focus ended up solely on the person questioning him. It included the application of delightful names like “neo-nazi”, “jew hater”, “intellectual cripple”, “lower lifeform”. And of course any objection to such empty ad hominem could only be considered “whining”.

Perhaps Auster didn’t provide a link to his first non-answer because he didn’t want to call attention to his own confused rationale, or for anyone to notice its subtle differences from the one I quoted. Or maybe he’s just forgetful.

It appeared to me from the first that Auster’s fixation on my pseudonym was odd. It seemed he was trying to avoid discussing the corollary I proposed to his First Law. That was before I even knew he had discussed it. Now in retrospect I can see Auster was either pretending he didn’t know what TANSTAAFL stood for when he wrote his second non-answer, or he went to the trouble to go back and modify his first non-answer so he wouldn’t look too paranoid.

– – –

John Savage and I disagreed again more recently about the most favored status of jews. I wrote about it in Who’s on Top? I always knew the ADL considered such talk, true or not, to be a sure sign of irrational jew hatred – now I also understand that even “radical” “anti-liberal” “traditionalists” like Auster feel the same way.

Here are some previous criticisms of Auster that may interest visitors:

What We Cannot Do. Wherein Auster tells the anti-jihadis at Gates of Vienna what not to say, who not to associate with, etc.

We’re White, We’re Indigenous, Get Used to It. Auster provided a non-answer titled Am I an orthographical fifth columnist? that didn’t link what he was not answering.

Irony Thy Name is Auster. Luke O’Farrell is in jail for his anti-jewish opinions. This is certainly not evidence of any privileged jewish status. Hollywood will make a movie about Sheppard and Whittle just as soon as “the majority” convinces the media to conform to Western standards and report the story. Auster will discuss it some day too. The world is just so full of Austerian irony he can’t possibly comment on all of it.

UPDATE 4 Aug 2008: The example cited above of how Auster responds to criticism by smearing his critic goes a bit deeper than I realized. It contains a link to a restatement of his First Law from 2002 where he provides his own corollary:

That last point leads us to the first corrolary of Auster’s First Law of Majority/Minority Relations in Liberal Society: The more egregiously any non-Western or non-white group behaves, the more evil whites are made to appear for noticing and drawing rational conclusions about that group’s bad behavior.

Emphasis added.

Auster has not only provided a Law that serves as a useful tool for analyzing liberalism. By going beyond a rational argument or even flat denial that jews are a hostile minority and claiming instead that the person who poses such a thesis is evil Auster has done quite the opposite of hopelessly confusing the issue or ruining his tool’s value. He has demonstrated its power. Thank you Mr. Auster.

UPDATE 9 Aug 2008: More criticism of Auster, triggered by his attack on Vanishing American, can be found in the thread following this post from February 2008.

This portion with specific examples is worth reiterating here:

Auster is an anti-anti-semite, someone whose pro-jewish bias goes beyond mere philo-semitism to aggressive bigotry. I hesitated to claim so, even after I first recognized something was not right, because I had not connected enough dots. I have since. Consider the following points:

He smears Ron Paul (who opposes the Israel Lobby and neocons) as “anti-American”, supposedly for criticizing US foreign policy and associating with the wrong people.

He smears Kevin MacDonald (who opposes the Israel Lobby and neocons) claiming he “hates Israel and sees it as the source of all problems in the world, along with Jewry generally” (a telltale exaggeration made by anti-anti-semites) ostensibly because MacDonald reasons about “jews qua jews”.

He smears Pat Buchanan (who opposes the Israel Lobby and neocons) as an anti-semite, ironically for “protesting too much” the smears of anti-anti-semites.

He notes approvingly the recommendation to “vote for the crook” rather than the pro-White pro-Christian David Duke (who opposes the Israel Lobby and neocons) “because it’s important”. Important why exactly? Oh right, because Duke criticizes jewish supremacism, though Auster is not forthright enough to mention that.

Meanwhile when Auster criticizes anti-White anti-Christian jews he euphemizes them as “liberals” and their policies as “liberalism”. Rarely does he note they are jews and he never dehumanizes them or calls for them to be ostracized as he regularly does with anyone he labels anti-semitic.

The man is driven by “what’s good for jews”. I don’t have a problem with that. What I have a problem with is the fact that he is dishonest about it. He denies it, disguises it, and overtly bases his arguments on “what’s good for Christians” or “what’s good for the majority”. What is clear on scrutiny is that the former priority always trumps either of the latter. I am sensitive to this and resent it not because I am anti-jew, but because I am pro-White.

UPDATE 11 August 2008: What do liberals want? provides an excellent example of Auster’s treatment of Ken Hechtman, an anti-White anti-Christian his own readers presume is a jew:

You’re beyond the left. You’re off in some fantasy land of your own.

his agenda is not to preserve our existing society, but to advance Muslim power and influence in Canada and America as step toward building One World

It may seem, as I said earlier, that Ken Hechtman’s views are so extreme that they cannot be seen as representative of even the usual (i.e. the radical) pro-large-scale immigration, pro-open-borders position, such as that of the people who supported the Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

You want to destroy Canada, the U.S. and Europe. You want to destroy everything the West and the Western peoples have been.

KH’s ideas are simply a formula to destroy everything that we are, and should be identified as such.

These leftists live in an unreal world and are hyper-alienated from anyone who doesn’t share their unreality.

Auster does not call Hechtman evil, accuse him of being driven by hatred, or claim he is insane. He does not smear him and does not recommend he be shunned or silenced. Instead he says:

I hope Mr. Hechtman doesn’t feel he’s being ganged up on here

Perhaps this is because Auster and Hechtman agree on what’s most important: anti-semitism. See In which circle of hell do the anti-Semites reside? from December 2007 where Auster claims anti-semites say “Jews are indeed the source of all evil and must be destroyed” and have “given over their whole being to the idee fixe that the Jews are the source of all evil” to which “Ken H.” (Hechtman?) responds by comparing anti-semites to Christians and other “true believers”. Auster is disturbed because this seems “an attempt by you to relativize anti-Semitism”. Once satisfied they are in agreement about “the monomania of the anti-semites” Auster never questions “Ken H.”‘s distain for Christians.

Auster describes anti-semites as

obsessively telling everyone they encounter that one small population group of human beings is the source of all evil in the world and must be eliminated

The ironic thing about this statement is how perfectly it describes himself and his anti-anti-semitic obsession with “anti-semites”. He meets no other enemy with as much fury, disgust, strident language, and moral indignation.

UPDATE 16 August 2008: Auster’s exchange with Hechtman continues on 13 August with Auster identifying the core crime:

What Mr. Hechtman seeks is to exclude from the political universe the very possibility of a country controlling it borders. He said that it is “no business” of the government of a country to say who enters that country. Meaning that in his view one of the very powers that defines a country as a country does not exist. That is not just a particular policy or law he is proposing. It is an all-controlling meta-principle. It is, in effect, a global constitution, which he, as global legislator, would impose on humanity if he could.

The all-controlling meta-principle Mr. Auster would impose on humanity if he could is to exclude from the political universe the very possibility of Whites pursuing their own interests independent of the interests of jews. He conflates these interests and attacks anyone who suggests they are distinct.

In addition to the several examples cited in the 9 August update above Auster has just provided another. In The bad demographic news–and an unrelated discussion of Steve Sailer he attacks Sailer for the sin of insufficient love of israel:

Sailer is not merely indifferent to Israel, and therefore indifferent to the possibility of its destruction. His professed indifference to Israel’s destruction is the way he expresses his profound hostility to Israel.

Read Sailer’s The Iranian War Machine first so you can truely appreciate Auster’s profoundly hostile (and paranoid) interpretation.

Sailer’s supposed indifference to israel’s destruction turns out to be criticism of “the apparent run-up to a war with Iran” in which “foreign policy commentary appears to be largely the obsession of men with the irrational team-loving emotional instincts of baseball fans”. In fleshing out this analogy he says the media’s “Iranian fear-mongering” is “as if bored New York sportswriters, following, say, a collapse by the large market Boston Red Sox, got into a frenzy over the long term threat to Yankee dominance posed by the small-market Kansas City Royals”, and makes the point that “it wouldn’t happen on the sports pages, because baseball fans know the numbers and the pundits would get laughed at by their own readers”.

Auster thinks countries should be able to control their own borders, but not their foreign policy. His all-controlling meta-principle drives him to condemn any discussion which does not give priority above all else to whatever he imagines the interests of israel to be. Not even liberal open borders fanatics, who according to Auster “want to destroy everything the West and the Western peoples have been”, are treated to the kind of personal invective he aims at Sailer. He believes Sailer is “a bigot against Israel” and thus it follows naturally from Auster’s own pro-israel bigotry that Sailer is “a human being devoid of moral sense, devoid of soul”.

In contrast Auster is very concerned to express that his much milder treatment of jewish liberal Hechtman is not in any way intended to be dehumanizing. That is clearly something he reserves for those who may otherwise consider themselves political or philosophical allies but who fail his pro-jewish litmus test.

UPDATE 19 August 2008: Continued at Criticized by Auster.

What We Cannot Do

Gates of Vienna has posted an essay titled What We Can Do proposing that the West destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities, reject muslim immigrants, deport non-citizen muslims, forbid any predominantly muslim country from building or obtaining nuclear weapons, reduce our dependence on oil, require our governments to persistently denounce islam, and finally, shatter the muslim faith by preemptively destroying mecca and medina.

This is by far the most aliberal collection of anti-islam proposals I have ever read in my life. The premise is unapologetically pro-Western and it elicits many comments questioning just how far the West can go to defend itself.

Lawrence Auster links the essay and writes:

It remains a remarkable fact that free political debate about a life and death issue facing our civilization only takes place on the Web.

It is a boring and hardly remarkable fact that Auster, from his lofty moral high ground, considers it his duty to define “free political debate”. Thus he shows up to let us know what we cannot do. For instance, we cannot use words like “vermin”. That and any similarly dehumanizing labels are reserved for anti-semites. You know, anyone who recognizes that the West has enemies beside islam and people to defend beside jews.

What I find remarkable, and commented about, is the role of PC and cultural marxism in hobbling the West. The problem, very clear here amongst the discussion of who to bomb and how many to kill, is illustrated in the pavlovian anti-anti-semitic reaction to any questioning of the conflation of White and jewish interests in what “we” call “the West”.

As long as White Westerners permit their speech and ideas to be constrained and their interests subordinated to pushy self-interested minorities we will continue to be invaded by turd worlders invited by our greedy and White-hating rulers. Under a regime where we may only argue about the symptoms and misdiagnose the disease there is no hope for any defense of the West.

Anyone who cannot stand to hear such ideas is part of the problem.

UK Thought Criminals Sheppard and Whittle Jailed in LA

On 11 July 2008 the Yorkshire Post published Holocaust denier convicted of trying to incite race hate online:

A jury at Leeds Crown Court yesterday found Simon Sheppard, 51, guilty of nine counts of publishing racially inflammatory written material on his website between March 2005 and April 2006. The court heard Sheppard’s website attracts 4,000 visitors a day.

Four of the articles were penned by Stephen Whittle, 41, who was yesterday convicted of four counts of publishing racially inflammatory written material.

The others included a cartoon by the American cartoonist Robert Crumb and an article written during the 1960s by the leader of the American Nazi Party, George Lincoln Rockwell.

Prosecutor Jonathan Sandiford told the jury that Sheppard and Whittle were a pair of racists who held what they may regard as fairly extreme views about people who were Jewish, black, Asian, Chinese, Indian and, in reality, anyone who wasn’t white.

“People in this country are entitled to be racist and they are entitled to hold unpleasant points of view, but what they aren’t entitled to do is publish or distribute written material which is insulting, threatening or abusive and is intended to stir up racial hatred or is likely to do so.”

On 15 July the Yorkshire Post published Hunt for race hate writer on run:

Police have launched a manhunt after a writer who penned race hate articles for a controversial website failed to turn up at court.

Stephen Whittle penned five offensive articles which appeared on the Internet, a jury was told.

Prosecutor Jonathan Sandiford told the jury that Whittle used the pseudonym Luke O’Farrell for the articles, which were posted on the web between March 2005 and January 2006.

The articles were either threatening, insulting or abusive and may have been intended to stir up racial hatred, Mr Sandiford added.

I first read of these developments at Majority Rights.

A google news search currently returns 8 hits, only one of which reports on what has transpired since the conviction of Sheppard and Whittle.

An google web search returns a fairly informative page titled Why don’t US media report that Simon Sheppard and Steve Whittle from Britain ask for asylum in the US? It contains the following:

Piercing the Press Blackout on the Heretical Two

After establishing the media black-out on the Sheppard and Whittle story by contacting the Immigration authorities in Los Angeles who told her their phone lines were red hot with call after call from the UK media about the Heretical Two, the BPP Women’s Division organiser has written to every major daily newspaper to ask why they are following the story but NOT reporting it.
Below is a copy of the email sent:


I have been following with great interest the recent story concerning Mr. Simon Sheppard and Mr. Steve Whittle who were the first people in the World to be tried and subsequently charged with Inciting Racial Hatred for anti-Semitic articles they published on a website hosted in the USA. When found guilty they fled to Ireland and then flew to Los Angeles to claim political asylum after they had received confirmation from the US Government that the articles were not illegal there. They fled persecution and to my knowledge they are the first White indigenous people from the UK to have ever done this. The Court case was a total sham but most crucially, as I said, was the first of its kind in the World (previously sites hosted in the US were deemed out of the jurisdiction of the UK laws) and now they are also the first from the UK as White indigenous people to claim they are fleeing Political persecution in the UK (rightly so). I spoke with the Department of Homeland Security in America who state quite clearly that the British media have ‘gone crazy’ about this story with them receiving hundreds of telephone calls a day yet the only publications to have even mentioned this story are local Yorkshire ones, this indicates to me that the bigger publications KNOW of the story and are actively following it but are not publishing it, this does not make any sense to me at all? I would surmise that the people of the UK need to know about the dictatorial regime we live under where the most fundamental of human rights is not afforded to us – the right to freedom of speech. I would be most grateful if you could look into this and get back to me.

Kind regards.

Miss K Dermody

Simon and Steve are currently being held in Santa Ana Jail, California and their addresses are produced below. Please give these comrades your support by sending them messages of goodwill which they will appreciate.

Whittle, Stephen
c/o Santa Ana Jail
P.O. Box 22003
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Sheppard, Simon
c/o Santa Ana Jail
P.O. Box 22003
Santa Ana, CA 92701

A video titled Fugitives from British Injustice! contains more information and pictures of Sheppard and Whittle (extracted and reproduced above).

– – –

For the moment Sheppard’s site Heretical Press is accessible and its contents, including the articles written by Steve Whittle under the pseudonym Luke O’Farrell, remain intact.

In a 1998 article titled Social Psychology, Religious Belief, Censorship and the Holocaust Sheppard quotes Sir Stanley Unwin:

The enemy of subversive thought is not suppression, but publication: truth has no need to fear the light of day; fallacies wither under it. The unpopular views of today are the commonplaces of tomorrow, and in any case the wise man wants to hear both sides of every question.

The Crumb cartoon, When the Goddamn Jews Take Over America, was easy enough to find. It originally appeared in Weirdo #28, 1993.

There are four George Lincoln Rockwell items:

Rockwell: Boat Ticket 1
Rockwell: Boat Ticket 2
Rockwell: Lincoln Rockwell
Rockwell: The Swastika

It was perhaps the third link containing excerpts from This Time The World that the court considered offensive:

I examined the tactics of the Jews in dealing with all previous approaches to the problem, and found they had a sliding scale of increasingly vicious attacks on those who tried to expose and oppose them publicly.

The first and instinctive weapon of the Jew is economic. If you are an ‘anti-Semite’, then you and your family must starve, if it is in the power of Jewry to accomplish this — which it almost always is, since they supply, control or patronize all businesses. The whole weight of Jewish business is brought to bear on anyone who dares to oppose these lovers of free speech. Usually this is enough to terrify and reduce any man, especially one with a family, to humiliating and disgusting submission to Jewry.

But if that doesn’t work, they go after his reputation and social life. He is smeared and blasted and lied about in the Jew-controlled media of entertainment and information. He is called a ‘bigot’, a ‘hate-monger’, a ‘failure’ and finally, when all else fails, he is damned as a ‘Nazi’.

If there is still life in the would-be exposer of Jewish treason, they then reverse the field, for fear of giving him publicity, and give him instead the ‘silent treatment’. His meetings, speeches, distributions and resolutions are simply ignored, no matter what he does. This is a particularly frustrating experience and usually discourages even the toughest battlers, with the mere passage of time.

If the rising ‘anti-Semite’ survives all this, they next try their jail bit. The police are pressured until they crack and are willing to harass and persecute the ‘offender’ for all sorts of ‘violations’. And if the Jew-fighter persists regardless of the fines and other penalties incurred for not having a properly licensed dog, for distributing literature in a disorderly manner, etc., they prepare a ‘frame’ for him, as they did to Emory Burke in Atlanta. The patriot is found with dope in his possession, or it is ‘discovered’ that he has been giving ‘kick-backs’ to his employees, or his tax returns are not in order, etc.

Failing this tactic, the Jews hit their man with their newest masterpiece: ‘mental health’. The patriot must be ‘sick’, so he is locked up ‘for his own good’ in the bughouse.

If this also should fail to stop such a ‘mad anti-Semite’, then the Jews resort to the eternal weapon of all tyrants: naked violence. The would-be opponent of Jewish treason and tyranny is beaten up by hoods, his place is attacked by fire and missiles, and he discovers that his life is in danger, unless he stops doing whatever it is that offends the Jews.

During all their direct attacks against the staunch patriot, the Jewish ‘lovers of sweet reason’ employ two equally dirty indirect plays: They build up sincere, but harmless anti-communist outfits, like the John Birch Society, by showering them with publicity to draw off the growing hordes of maddened Americans from any real and therefore dangerous activity and, secondly, they open up a heavy media bombardment of lies about Hitler and National Socialism, in order to destroy by discrediting ‘Nazis’ like ourselves, without giving us any publicity.

There is no question that a man who has survived all these attacks will be killed, if possible, by the Jews or their agents. The Jews have no choice. They are too guilty to permit anybody to expose them and organize any effective resistance against them. Traitors cannot survive such an exposure. With such as the Jews, it is kill or be killed.

Rockwell was shot and killed on 25 August 1967.

I have found no reference to precisely which O’Farrell articles the court deemed offensive. Every one is witty and unapologetically pro-White. They are all well worth reading. I recommend you begin at the bottom and work upward through them all. That way you can try to judge for yourself which thoughts the court considers too dangerous for adults to read.

I’ve taken the liberty of noting here a handful I find particularly relevant.

Dr. Strangeloathing – or – How I Learned to Start Thinking and Hate the Jews (27 FEBRUARY 2005)

There are two types of people in the world: people who think there are two types of people in the world and people who don’t. I’m among the first type and I think the world is divided into people who recognize the Jewish problem and people who don’t.

In other words, the world is divided into smart people and dumb people. If you’ve got an IQ of 80, have difficulty operating a can-opener, and recognize the Jewish problem, you’re smart. If you’ve got an IQ of 180, have already won a couple of Nobel Prizes, and don’t recognize the Jewish problem, you’re dumb.

I’ve been dumb for most of my life: it took me a long time to recognize the Jewish problem. I didn’t think for myself, I just accepted the propaganda and conformed to the consensus. Jews are good people. Only bad people criticize Jews. Jews good. Anti-Semites bad. But then, very slowly, I started to see the light.

Recognizing Jewish hypocrisy was the first big step. I was reading an article by someone called Rabbi Julia Neuberger, a prominent British liberal. I didn’t like liberals then, so I didn’t like her for that (and because her voice and manner had always grated on me), but her Jewishness wasn’t something I particularly noticed. But as I read the article I came across something that didn’t strike me as very liberal: she expressed concern about Jews marrying Gentiles, because this threatened the survival of the Jewish people.

Whodunnit? Jewdunnit! – Lifting the Lid on the Guilty Yid (18th JULY 2005)

At any time before the 1950s, brown-skinned Muslim terrorists would have found it nearly impossible to plan and commit atrocities on British soil, because they would have stood out like sore thumbs in Britain’s overwhelmingly White cities. Today, thanks to decades of mass immigration, it’s often Whites who stand out like sore thumbs. Our cities swarm with non-whites full of anti-White grievances and hatreds created by Judeo-liberal propaganda. And let’s forget the hot air about how potential terrorists and terrorist sympathizers are a “tiny minority” of Britain’s vibrant, peace-loving Muslim “community”.

Freedom of Screech – Non-white Cuckoos in the White Nest (7 OCTOBER 2005)

Evidence that we’re less racist than non-whites is actually evidence that we’re just concealing our racism. We’re guilty till proved guilty, and we have to wake up and understand the truth about anti-racism and the ever-growing “diversity” industry. Not only is equality between different races impossible to achieve, anti-racists and diversocrats do not want to achieve it. They want non-whites to take everything Whites have got, and the only freedom they’re interested in is the freedom for non-whites to screech louder and louder about racism as more and more White power and money are handed over to them.

Programmed for Pogrom – You Can’t Say That – It’s True! (9th December 2007)

Most voters in the UK would have no idea what “LFI” and “CFI” are and do, but you can be sure that every member of parliament is well aware. You do not get to the top in British politics without groveling hard and long before Jews, Britain’s richest and most selfish ethnic group. Jews like Levy, Abrahams and “Sir” Ronald Cohen, Gordon Brown’s chief financial backer, aren’t funding the Labour and Conservative parties out of the goodness of their goy-loving hearts: it’s a yid pro quo. Jews supply the cash, goys obey the orders. The same rule applies in the US with the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the same hysteria greets any attempt to put Jewish power under scrutiny. Recall that Melanie Phillips wailed about “Walt and Mearsheimer”, authors of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (2007), being “given a respectful hearing” and having “their calumnies broadcast on the BBC”.

But who is really broadcasting calumnies and peddling caricatures here? Phillips, Pollard and the rest of the hysterical Jewish chorus obviously believe that the goyim are programmed for pogrom and that this “progromming” is always ready to run. If any caring, sharing anti-racist gentiles are reading this, you should recognize that Jews regard you in the same way as they regard knuckle-dragging neo-Nazis like me and Simon Sheppard. All goys are dangerous and all goys have to be kept under control:

O’Farrell then quotes a Lawrence Auster article titled Why Jews Welcome Muslims that I’ve quoted several times myself:

Just the other week I was telling a secular, leftist Jew of my acquaintance, a man in his late sixties, about my idea that the only way to make ourselves safe from the specter of domestic Moslem terrorism is to deport all jihad-supporting Moslems from this country. He replied with emotion that if America deported Moslem fundamentalists, it would immediately start doing the same thing to Jews as well. “It’s frightening, it’s scary,” he said heatedly, as if the Jews were already on the verge of being rounded up. In the eyes of this normally phlegmatic and easy-going man, America is just a shout away from the mass persecution, detention, and even physical expulsion of Jews. Given the wildly overwrought suspicions that some Jews harbor about the American Christian majority who are in fact the Jews’ best friends in the world, it is not surprising that these Jews look at mass Third-World and Moslem immigration, not as a danger to themselves, but as the ultimate guarantor of their own safety, hoping that in a racially diversified, de-Christianized America, the waning majority culture will lack the power, even if it still has the desire, to persecute Jews.

The self-protective instinct to divide and weaken a potentially oppressive majority population may have served Jews well at certain times and places in the past when they truly were threatened. Under current circumstances – in America, the most philo-Semitic nation in the history of the world – it is both morally wrong and suicidal. Not only are the open-borders Jews urging policies harmful to America’s majority population, but, by doing so, they are surely triggering previously non-existent anti-Jewish feelings among them. The tragedy is that once a collective thought pattern gets deeply ingrained, as is the Jews’ historically understandable fear of gentiles, it takes on a life of its own and becomes immune to evidence and reason…. What this means is that in the minds of Jews, any desire on the part of gentiles to maintain an all-gentile country club, or any statement by a Christian, no matter how mild and civilized, that shows any concern about any aspects of the cultural and political influence of secular Jews in American life, is an expression of anti-Jewish bigotry that could easily lead to mass extermination, and therefore it must be ruthlessly suppressed.

Joyim for Goyim – Miliband, Mild Mel and the Joys of Judeocracy (17th February 2008)

Oh dear, so it wasn’t the MCB [Muslim Council of Britain] who wanted to turn us into a police-state after all: it was the philosemitic politicians who conducted the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Anti-Semitism. Whoever would have guessed it? Anyone who knows about Jews and free speech, that’s who. If Jews have power and influence, they start working to take away free speech. It’s no use arguing that some Jews support free speech and some white goyim oppose it: the average effect of the two groups is perfectly clear. It was whites who created free speech in the West and it is Jews who are taking it away. Was there any popular support for Britain’s race laws, introduced in the 1960s and steadily harshened ever since? No, there wasn’t, but what does the will of the people matter in a democracy? The Board of Jewish Deputies wanted the race laws and got them. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League would like identical laws in the United States; so far, thanks to the evil white males who created the First Amendment, it hasn’t gotten them.

Nothing to see here. Move along now.

UPDATE 1 August 2008: More information via Vanguard News Network Forum: Asylum racist facing LA prison ‘Porridge’
Published Date: 19 July 2008
By Jenny SImpson

A racist Preston writer who fled to the apparent safe haven of Los Angeles could be set for a hairy few months – after being banged up in prison.

[American immigration expert] Mr [Alex] Rojas reckons Whittle’s bid for asylum is unlikely to succeed and he could face up to a year in jail in Britain if convicted of absconding.

Mr Rojas said: “It is very difficult to get political asylum from the UK. You have to establish a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality or membership of a particular social group or political opinion.”

That’s “White privilege”: members of the White race persecuted for their political opinion are unlikely to get political asylum.

Racist who fled hate trial caught in America
From The Jewish Chronicle
Leon Symons
July 18, 2008

The court heard that Sheppard was investigated by police following complaints and when his flat was searched in March 2005 police seized a number of computers and found documents entitled “Dumb Niggers, Gloating Jews” [7th March 2005, actual title: Dumb Niggers and Gloating Sheeneys: Sometimes People Say More Than They Mean To], “Make Niggers History” [10th July 2005, actual title: Make Niggers History: It’s Fingerclickin’ Good!], “Diversity = Death” [7th September 2005, actual title: Diversity = Death: Why Multi-Racial Societies are Doomed to Fail] and “Rockwell, the Swastika”.

Sheppard has been found guilty of 11 of the 18 counts he faced. The jury failed to agree on seven further charges relating to the possession, publishing and distribution of two pamphlets called “Tales of the Holohoax” and “Don’t Be Sheeple”.

Links added. White adults may wish to click through and read what we are forbidden to write.

“Don’t Be Sheeple” took some extra effort to find. The search turned up an essay written by Sheppard in January 2008 titled BNP Religion: The Psychology of False Messiahs and Illusory Utopias. It explains the purging of “vermin” from the BNP (relevant to the discussion at GoV), the demographic dead end Whites in Britain face (and anywhere else where our borders are open to non-white invasion), and the relentless, unscrupulous, self-interested nature of the enemies doing these things.