Category Archives: Blog

Open Thread on Trayvon, Zimmerman, Derbyshire, Weissberg, …

Here’s an older article by self-righteous black pundit Leonard Pitts spouting the jewish narrative about “White privilege”. Surreal, especially in light of John Derbyshire’s subsequent crucifixion.

Commentary: Race and privilege must be considered in Trayvon Martin’s death:

The long reason begins with an understanding that the word in question — race — is a term both meaningful and yet, profoundly meaningless. It is meaningful in the sense that it provides a tool for tribalism and a means by which to organize our biases, fears, observations, social challenges and sundry cultural products. It is meaningless in the sense that, well . . . it has no meaning, that there exists no definition of “black” or “white” that carries any degree of scientific precision.

We are taught to believe the opposite, that “black” and “white” are self-evident and immutable. But I invite you to look up Walter White, the blond, blue-eyed “Negro” who once led the NAACP, or Gregory Howard Williams, the university president who didn’t even know he was black until he was 10 years old. Dig up the old Jet magazine story about a woman who gave birth to twins — one “black,” one “white.” And then think again. Race is a fraud, a cruel and stupid fraud.

The people who came here from Europe did not automatically consider themselves “white.” They identified as Irish, Hungarian, Italian, Jewish, Armenian. As David R. Roediger observes in his book, Working Toward Whiteness: How America’s Immigrants Became White, they were emphatically taught that “white” was the identity that conferred status and privilege and that it was defined by distance from, and antipathy toward, black. They were advised to avoid being friendly with blacks or else put their whiteness at risk.

Nor did Africans kidnapped into slavery think of themselves as “black.” They were Mandinkan, Fulani, Mende, Songhay, Wolof. “Black” was something imposed upon them as justification for slavery and other means of exploitation. As one historian puts it: Africans did not become slaves because they were black. They became black because they were enslaved.

Well into the 20th century, America recognized dozens of “races.” In that America, people we now regard as white — the Irishman, Conan O’Brien; the Armenian, Andre Agassi; the Jew, Jerry Seinfeld — could not have taken for granted that they would be seen that way. People like this had to become white, had to earn whiteness, a feat African Americans have found impossible to duplicate, no matter how many harsh chemicals they use on their hair and skin.

White, then, is not simply color, but privilege — not necessarily in the sense of wealth, but rather in the sense of having one’s personhood and individuality respected, a privilege so basic I doubt it registers with many whites as privilege at all. We’re talking about the privilege of being seen, of having your worth presumed, of receiving the benefit of the doubt and some human compassion, of being treated as if you matter.

Consider that, then consider the fair-skinned Hispanic man, George Zimmerman, who evidently stalked and killed an unarmed kid he wrongly thought was up to no good, yet was not arrested, nor even initially investigated. He said it was self-defense. Police took him at his word and sent him on his way.

Folks, that’s not just white. It’s blinding.

Greg Johnson: Our Fault?

In Our Fault?, Greg Johnson groks the suicide meme:

Most of the time, the claim that white dispossession is “our fault” really means one thing: that it is not the fault of the organized Jewish community. The primary purpose of blaming whites is merely to avoid blaming Jews.

He takes the next logical step, addressing those who would defend Whites rather than blame them:

But once one knows understands one’s mistakes and learns how to avoid them in the future, there is no point in dwelling on the past. Our goal as White Nationalists should be to bear no further culpability for our ongoing genocide. And the way to do that is: (1) to understand the problem to its roots, (2) to reject all the causes of our predicament, and (3) to actively work for our race’s salvation. Until you do that, you remain part of the problem.

The cost attached to any such understanding is one of the many forces discouraging Whites from from accepting it. Far easier, at least for the time being, to continue in willful blindness, or even by pretending you can join the Other in their multicult paradise. The genocidal anti-White nature of the regime will make itself increasingly difficult for Whites to simply wish otherwise.

How Whites Took Over America

How whites took over America (This link fast-forwards to where the argument begins.)

This video was perhaps inspired by the cartoon discussed in Anti-White Rationalizations at Reddit. It’s the same idea: Apply anti-“racist” rhetoric to non-Whites. The resulting cognitive dissonance and gnashing of teeth highlights the disturbing reality that anti-“racism” is anti-White.

I don’t find the underlying subject at all amusing, but I have to admit that I chuckled quite a few times at Horus’ pitch-perfect delivery of arrogant, mendacious, judeo-liberal moralizing.

Jews Claim Responsibility for Occupy Movement

Filmmaker’s Son Takes Occupy to the Internet, by Marc Tracy, Tablet Magazine:

Pierre Sauvage, whom literary editor David Samuels interviewed for Tablet Magazine, makes documentaries such as Weapons of the Spirit and Not Idly By, about people who saved Jews during the Holocaust. While his son David would never claim to have the equivalent subject, he argued that, the Website he founded which launched today, as well as the larger message of Occupy Wall Street are consonant with his father’s themes.

“His running theme in life is people who save people in crisis,” Sauvage told me. “The evil in his movies is never the Nazis, it’s always the people who stood ‘idly by’—who let it happen. The real evil guys are almost not the point.”

He added that the point of Occupy is to turn the system’s bystanders into activists. “Occupy Wall Street,” he explained, “is a bunch of people saying, ‘We’re not going to stand by anymore.’ There’s a whole host of systemic injustices that people have been letting stand by for years.” aims to be ground zero for Internet media—words, photographs, videos, music, even games—for the Occupy movement as it aims a spring rebirth, most notably perhaps with the general strike called for May 1. It is not a “working group,” not officially sanctioned via general assembly and consensus and the other arcane procedures by which OWS is governed; it is calling itself an “affinity group.” “As editors, we’re just giving a place where all the content that’s being produced will be curated, and putting it up there,” said Michael Levitin, a veteran of the Occupy Wall Street Journal.

Levitin also noted that most of’s staffers, including himself and Sauvage, are Jewish. Even the site’s prime funder, whose name was not given, is apparently a left-leaning, Jewish philanthropist.

Sauvage’s trajectory feels typical of many young people who got involved in the Occupy movement. Grew up in L.A.; majored in English at Columbia; wrote and directed some plays; worked in television; went to business school (the founder of has an MBA!); made a well-received documentary short. Two friends (who, he noted, knowing his audience, also happen to be Jewish) took him down to Zuccotti Park, and he was hooked.

Jewish moralizing in action. Note how skillfully the particularist jewish interests are wrapped up in and justified by universalist-sounding rhetoric. Unwrapped, the message isn’t just at all.

Jewish holocaust propaganda is aimed at guilt-tripping non-jews who don’t actively put jewish interests before their own. The theme of Occupy’s ringleader jews is consonant with this, and they deem the Occupy movement, or leading it at least, to be in the best interests of the jews. Standing idly by, not doing what jews want you to do when and how they want you to do it is, to a jewish mind, the very definition of evil.

[The image above comes from an article written and published by jews whose main concern is that Occupy is bad for the jews.]

No Separation, No Peace

The whole purpose of throwing a self-righteous, self-conscious tantrum is to divert attention away from something even more disturbing than the tantrum.

In this case blacks are painfully aware they are their own worst enemy. They realize how violent and uncivilized they are. Most want to live in a nice, clean, peaceful White neighborhood. They want more welfare, not less. They want blonde, blue-eyed baby-mommas.

For this intolerable reality someone must pay, and it’s not themselves.

Blacks, as a group, say: No justice, no peace. What they’re implying is that if they don’t get what they want they will cause trouble for the rest of us.

Our notions of justice are so different that they cannot be reconciled.