Discussing Jewing and Alt-Jewing with John Friend

John and I spoke earlier this evening, mainly about the TRS debacle and the issues specifically around jew-mixing. In the course of the discussion we touched on LARPing vs fraud, poz/degeneracy reflecting the jew agenda, gaslighting as a metaphor for the relationship between Whites and jews, the insanity of the “good jew” argument, NRx, “left” […]

“Kabbalah is nothing but expanded Spinozism”

The negation word game mentioned in Timothy Murray’s comment brings to mind E Michael Jones’ shallow argument that all White means to him is “not black”, which for me calls into question any other argument Jones makes about anything. Googling “Hegel used Spinoza’s claim that every determination is a negation as the basis for his […]

TFeed Index 2022

This is an archive of the items that appeared in TFeed during 2022. TFeed is an RSS feed for audio files I’m either interested in hearing or have already heard but think might appeal to others with similar interests. You can send suggestions (please include link) for audio to put in the feed to tanstaafl […]

TFeed Index 2021

This is an archive of the items that appeared in TFeed during 2021. TFeed is an RSS feed for audio files I’m either interested in hearing or have already heard but think might appeal to others with similar interests. You can send suggestions (please include link) for audio to put in the feed to tanstaafl […]