Tag Archives: charles johnson

Woe is Charles C. Johnson

woe_is_charles_c_johnsonAlternative Start-Ups Cut Off from Financial Services in Overnight Political Purge by Stripe:

“This canceling of our business was done for political reasons by Edwin Wee, a Democratic political operative turned Stripe employee, and it exposes the libertarian lie that one can simply just go and create a competitor if one dislikes Silicon Valley ventures,” said Charles C. Johnson, CEO of Freestartr. “You can’t. We need to get over that canard.”

Johnson, who’s been accused of being a Holocaust denier and of using racial slurs and making false charges against several individuals, is right on this issue. [Update: Johnson denies the allegations that he’s a Holocaust denier. See his explanation below.] Every time reports of conservatives being silenced on social media platforms come out, a large percentage of libertarians shout, “but private companies can serve whoever they want! Build your own platforms.” It is a constant criticism of anyone saying that social media and Silicon Valley need regulation or that political viewpoints need protection under the law. But when marginalized voices create their own platforms, the puppet masters of Silicon Valley who control all the infrastructure shut them down.

. . .

Update 5:12 p.m. EST: Charles Johnson vehemently denies being a Holocaust denier. “I am not, nor have I ever been a Holocaust denier. I am a strong supporter of both the state of Israel and the Jewish people,” he told PJM. “It’s awkward to have even to say this, but the #FakeNews is trying to smear me and hurt my friends and allies because I have worked tirelessly to expose the Russia collusion lie at great personal expense and to support candidates who want to release the memo.”

Johnson told PJM, “I am one of the Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center’s largest donors.” More here.

Charles C. Johnson Responds To Defamation – Updated:

If my persecutors are hoping that they will scare me off, they are sorely mistaken. They have just opened my wallet further.

. . .

I unambiguously believe the Holocaust happened, that 6 million Jews died, that some of those Jews who died in labor camps, gas chambers, ovens, and in all manner of dehumanizing ways. Without question, the program to exterminate the Jewry stands out as one of the 20th century’s worst crimes. My actions, as reflected in my previous statement, reflect my long-standing commitment to that historic fact. My Jewish friends, family, and allies know well my positions and others know well my financial and intellectual contributions.

I sincerely apologize to both the survivors of the Holocaust and their family members who may have been hurt by my words and I pledge never again to exploit the Holocaust — and especially Holocaust denial — in political fights against my foes. It is precisely out of respect for their plight and of those of other victims of tyranny that have I fought so hard against censorship online. Those who burn books may well wind up burning people.

. . .

In summation: I apologize to those who may be offended by some of the tactics I have used and while they have been effective at my narrow political goals they have harmed positive relations among all people and for that I am sorry. I commit never to using such a tactic again because its use is ultimately harmful to the Holocaust survivor community and to the greater cause of good will among Jew and Gentile alike.

Kikeservative psychology. The kick-lick dynamic. Jew York Syndrome. So vile.

Whatever else Johnson has said or believes, the point of the excerpts above is that he believes free access to banking services and the internet hinges on expressing a positive attitude toward jews. He is trying so desperately to signal how deferential and worshipful he is and has always been toward jews exactly because he understands his persecutors are jews.

The “holocaust survivor community” bit made me LOL. A perfect illustration of Poe’s Law. The point stands.

Jewsmedia Language Matters


In the latest development in the jew war on Whites, a few dozen men gathered in public in Charlottesville and chanted, “you/jews will not replace us”, and, “we will be back”. As usual, this triggered the jewsmedia to unleash an immediate torrent of hysterical anti-White invective. In a textbook example of the exception proving the rule, there was at least one lapse, swiftly remedied.

NBC29: “#BREAKING @Pdeluca29 reports: white activists gather in Emancipation Park with torches. https://t.co/ZAINeAcRlv”

Charles Johnson: “@NBC29 @PDeLuca29 “White activists?!” Are you fucking kidding me? These are NAZIS. https://t.co/SsqCXlCHab”

Charles Johnson: “@NBC29 @PDeLuca29 When I see media refer to these rotten scumbags as “white activists” it makes me sick. Cut it out. Don’t legitimize them.”


NBC29: “Correction: White nationalists, not activists, gathered in Emancipation Park on Saturday evening.”

The Urge to Purge

There is a blog dedicated to documenting Charles Johnson’s purge of commenters at Little Green Footballs.

The post titled Levi from Queens and the Great Discarded Lizard Chainsaw Massacre of 2008 – Case Study #24 – LGF BANNED AND BLOCKED concerns the banning of several “racists” and “fascists” who dared to speak in favor of “race realists” Lawrence Auster and Ian Jobling.

I left a comment that compared Charles to Auster, noting that they disagree on ethnic European nationalism, but agree on jewish nationalism (it’s good), muslim nationalism (it’s bad), and silencing anyone who vexes them.

Then Ian Jobling dropped by. He linked an ostensibly pro-“white” manifesto in which he writes:

Carrying on the dismal tradition of American white supremacism, most pro-whites today believe our current racial dispossession is due to Jewish influence on the West, if not actual Jewish conspiracies against whites. However, these tired lies conceal the real dynamics of white dispossession, which has been inflicted by white Gentiles on themselves. While it is true that Jews have been inclined towards highly liberal—that is, leukophobic—beliefs, nevertheless more than 90 percent of white racial liberals are Gentiles. Moreover, that Jewish leukophobia could thrive in America suggests that it was a mere extension of something in our national character. For these reasons, the pro-white movement repudiates anti-Semitism and will resolutely oppose the obsession with Jews that poisons and discredits our cause.

Jobling unequivocally blames Whites and absolves jews for any animosity between us. His is a pro-jewish manifesto cloaking itself in “white”. It is cut from the same cloth as Auster’s blame-for-the-“majority” protection-for-the-“minority” double-talk:

In my view, the Jewish neoconservatives advance an _ideological_ vision of America, and oppose any notion of a _substantive_ American nation, precisely because they fear that they would not be seen as 100 percent full citizens in it. To this degree, they are still functioning as a self-conscious minority trying to weaken an “oppressive” majority. And the majority, by yielding to the minority’s demands, does indeed weaken itself and even puts itself on the path to extinction.

My solution to this dilemma is that the majority must re-discover itself _as_ the majority, and see the minority _as_ the minority. This doesn’t mean exclusion, persecution, or loss of rights of the minority.

With “allies” like Jobling and Auster Whites don’t need enemies.

UPDATE 24 Oct 2008: Thanks to Guessedworker I see Jobling has answered, after a fashion. In Anti-Semites Stink Up Another Discussion Thread he writes:

I left a comment linking to my blog post on the incident and explaining why I’m not a fascist, hoping I might get a decent discussion of race realism going with the moderates who traffic the site. However, it was not to be: I was immediately set upon by a couple of professional anti-Semites named tanstaafl, who runs the blog Age of Treason, and Greg Polden.

Jobling either doesn’t care or is counting on the LGF BANNED thread disappearing, because anyone who’s interested can read for themselves who said what and who set upon who.

Jobling adds very little to what’s already been said. All he presents here is essentially point-and-sputter. He seems to be hoping LGF BANNED will delete the offending thread now that he has declared it “stinked up”. His modus operandus is just like Auster’s. What a coincidence.

I will continue to purge my comment queue of all dire ruminations sent in by tanstaafl and his like.

The urge to purge is strong in this one. I consider myself forewarned and thus will only waste time responding here.

The most substantial thing he wrote was in a comment:

Tanstaafl is referring to the fact that moderates like Johnson support Israel, but neither Islamic fundamentalism nor white nationalism. Since all that tanstaafl can see in politics is conflicts between different ethnic interests, or nationalisms, Johnson’s attitude seems completely nonsensical to him and can only be explained as a result of Jewish brainwashing.

However, once you go outside this absurdly narrow view of human motivations and realize that people’s political views are motivated by many different factors, then Johnson’s views make sense, even if you think they are mistaken. What matters most to moderates like Johnson is democratic, Western values. Since they think Israel exemplifies these values, they are pro-Israel. Since they think neither Islamic fundamentalism nor white nationalism are democratic ideologies, moderates are against them. Nationalism really has nothing to do with this preference; values explain them.

Bottom line: A person’s political outlook is rooted in many different factors, such as political ideology, ethnicity, class, and so forth. If you take a simplistic view of human motivations, the world makes no sense to you and leads you to make an ass of yourself in public.

I’m glad to see I got my point across. Yes, I think ethnic/racial interests are important. More important than class or political ideology. Jews are a perfect example. Despite their class, politics, country of residence, or how much Jobling denies being able to notice – jews just can’t seem to set aside their ethnocentrism.

I am simplistic. I say flat out that I’m pro-White. Jobling and Auster are more complicated, but in a deceptive way. They present themselves as pro-“white”, as “race realists”. But they refuse to distinguish between Whites and jews. And they attack Whites who do distinguish, but not jews.

Going on about “democratic, Western values” while calling for political opponents to be silenced is a good way to make an ass of yourself. If Johnson and Jobling think the jewish ethnostate represents “democratic, Western values” then why do they oppose White ethnostates? If jews do not differ from Whites “in any important respect” then I should be able to move to israel and collect welfare, right? What’s that? My mother has to be jewish? I don’t object. But to demonstrate his consistent values Charles Johnson should either denounce zionists as racists, or he should support White ethno-nationalism like he supports zionism. The latter is especially sensible if he cares for “the West”.

I’ve been deleting a lot of pro-MacDonald comments because their authors show no sign of having read the Lieberman article and are thus incapable of expressing an informed opinion. Anti-Semites show their typical dogmatism by leaping to the defense of MacDonald before they even know what the argument against him is.

Jobling seem to realize at some level that the urge to purge is not right. Thus he tries to transfer responsibility for the problem to those expressing the opinions he wishes to suppress. He makes repeated appeals to psychology…say doctor, heal thyself.

I didn’t mention MacDonald until Jobling did. I agree with and respect much of what MacDonald has written, but what I think and write doesn’t hinge on the truth or falseness of MacDonald’s positions.

Yes, trying to convince the Age of Treason types to take a reasonable view of this issue is like trying to teach a monkey table manners. All you’ll get for your pains is faeces thrown at you.

I’ve taken pains to understand Jobling’s arguments and to use his own logic and phraseology in answering and critcizing him. He can call that feces if he likes.