Left-posing jew Weiss writes, Charlottesville is moment of truth for empowered U.S. Zionists (who name their children after Israeli generals):
For a long time, liberalism and Zionism have gotten along fine in America– just look at the Democratic Party and its love for Israel. But Charlottesville represents a crisis for liberal Zionists. When they condemn white nationalism in the U.S. and celebrate Jewish nationalism in Israel, the contradiction is obvious to all.
Just consider three prominent voices. Wolf Blitzer of CNN, the liberal Zionist group J Street, and blogger and Democratic Party thinker Josh Marshall.
Weiss cites three contemporary jew voices. Below I’ll cite a prominent opposing voice from the past.
The extent of the contradiction is worse than Weiss admits. The jews have an ethnostate, a state explicitly by for and of jews, whereas Whites have none. Not one. Even outside their explicit ethnostate the jews have laws specifically protecting themselves and their ethnostate from criticism. Jews claim that jews are White, that Whites have privilege and thus deserve to be oppressed, and that jews are oppressed by Whites and thus deserve their privilege. When Whites object even indirectly to any aspect of this jewing the jews swarm forth as a tribe and screech louder for even more special funding and protection from their ostensibly liberal host state.
So-called liberals and their liberal democratic states aren’t advertised as elevating one group above others. Quite the contrary. Yet they openly elevate the jews above all others, and especially above Whites. That’s the big contradiction. Zionists do not merely support a state for jews, they oppose any state for Whites. They regard Whites and jews as political opposites. That’s not a contradiction, it’s the parasite having its cake and eating its host too. Liberalism has always served the jews, providing the means by which any and all forms of jewing have been simultaneously advanced and defended.
Weiss continues:
Charlottesville makes this conversation urgent because the hypocrisy of the Democratic leadership hurts resistance to intolerance. You can’t be righteously anti-nationalist in the U.S. and evangelists for Jewish nationalism over there.
This is not just good liberal philosophy. It’s the best policy to fight anti-Semitism. Israel’s status as a human-rights abuser is now its global reputation; and Jews and Jewish organizations who blindly defend it are hurting the reputation of Jews.
It is behind the mask of liberalism that academia, corporations, and the mainstream media have issued a constant stream of increasingly hostile rhetoric psychopathologizing and demonizing Whites. Whites who collaborate are rewarded, even if only temporarily. Whites who resist, even if only rhetorically, are punished. And behind that same liberal mask the same powerful institutions actively denounce and suppress any criticism of jews.
The snarling illiberal reality of this anti-White/pro-jew regime is deliberately concealed behind its smiley weaponized buzzterms. The jews cry “tolerance”, “social justice”, “diversity”, and “equity” as they strike “nazis”, by which they mean Whites, then screech “anti-semitism” when they imagine some ricochet might possibly hit the jews.
Weiss is an apologist for his tribe posing as a critic. He postures as a liberal but frets specifically about the best interests of jews. He minimizes the harm jewing causes Whites. He’s concerned about the potential harm any backlash might cause jews.
Yair Rosenberg provides a more overt example of jew hostility toward Whites. Unlike Weiss, Rosenberg makes no pretense that he’s a liberal and offers no apologies for being obsessed with whatever is best for the jews, in or out of their jew state. Unlike Weiss, Rosenberg’s toxic anti-White opinions are shamelessly amplified by the corporate mainstream jewsmedia.
Rosenberg recently jewsplained Why There’s No Such Thing as White Zionism, directly addressing the anti-White/pro-jew cake-eating Weiss misidentifies. Rosenberg describes the problem as sneaky White nationalists stupidly trying to use liberal-zionist double-talk in the same way jews have. Smirking Rosenberg admits that the argument is senseless, because jews are oppressed and Whites are oppressors, i.e. because jews aren’t White.
Writing nearly a century ago Adolf Hitler discussed this same apparent contradiction and described how he came to understand that jews aren’t Germans, how this fictitious conflict between liberalism and zionism brought about this realization:
It was not until I was fourteen or fifteen years old that I frequently ran up against the word ‘Jew’, partly in connection with political controversies. These references aroused a slight aversion in me, and I could not avoid an uncomfortable feeling which always came over me when I had to listen to religious disputes. But at that time I had no other feelings about the Jewish question.
There were very few Jews in Linz. In the course of centuries the Jews who lived there had become Europeanized in external appearance and were so much like other human beings that I even looked upon them as Germans. The reason why I did not then perceive the absurdity of such an illusion was that the only external mark which I recognized as distinguishing them from us was the practice of their strange religion. As I thought that they were persecuted on account of their Faith my aversion to hearing remarks against them grew almost into a feeling of abhorrence. I did not in the least suspect that there could be such a thing as a systematic anti-Semitism.
Then I came to Vienna.
Once, when passing through the inner City, I suddenly encountered a phenomenon in a long caftan and wearing black side-locks. My first thought was: Is this a Jew? They certainly did not have this appearance in Linz. I watched the man stealthily and cautiously; but the longer I gazed at the strange countenance and examined it feature by feature, the more the question shaped itself in my brain: Is this a German?
As was always my habit with such experiences, I turned to books for help in removing my doubts. For the first time in my life I bought myself some anti-Semitic pamphlets for a few pence. But unfortunately they all began with the assumption that in principle the reader had at least a certain degree of information on the Jewish question or was even familiar with it. Moreover, the tone of most of these pamphlets was such that I became doubtful again, because the statements made were partly superficial and the proofs extraordinarily unscientific. For weeks, and indeed for months, I returned to my old way of thinking. The subject appeared so enormous and the accusations were so far-reaching that I was afraid of dealing with it unjustly and so I became again anxious and uncertain.
Naturally I could no longer doubt that here there was not a question of Germans who happened to be of a different religion but rather that there was question of an entirely different people. For as soon as I began to investigate the matter and observe the Jews, then Vienna appeared to me in a different light. Wherever I now went I saw Jews, and the more I saw of them the more strikingly and clearly they stood out as a different people from the other citizens. Especially the Inner City and the district northwards from the Danube Canal swarmed with a people who, even in outer appearance, bore no similarity to the Germans.
But any indecision which I may still have felt about that point was finally removed by the activities of a certain section of the Jews themselves. A great movement, called Zionism, arose among them. Its aim was to assert the national character of Judaism, and the movement was strongly represented in Vienna.
To outward appearances it seemed as if only one group of Jews championed this movement, while the great majority disapproved of it, or even repudiated it. But an investigation of the situation showed that those outward appearances were purposely misleading. These outward appearances emerged from a mist of theories which had been produced for reasons of expediency, if not for purposes of downright deception. For that part of Jewry which was styled Liberal did not disown the Zionists as if they were not members of their race but rather as brother Jews who publicly professed their faith in an unpractical way, so as to create a danger for Jewry itself.
Thus there was no real rift in their internal solidarity.
This fictitious conflict between the Zionists and the Liberal Jews soon disgusted me; for it was false through and through and in direct contradiction to the moral dignity and immaculate character on which that race had always prided itself.
Yes. Race and morality are key. Liberalism and zionism are simply code for death by jewing. They have mutated somewhat yet remain two faces of the same jew-first moral fraud. Both incite non-jews into fighting “racism” (Whites being White) and “anti-semitism” (anything that interferes with jews jewing). Both are championed by jews for the benefit of jews.
Hitler described accurately not only what was happening in Germany in his time, but also foresaw the jew-dominated future we’re now living:
The Jewish domination in the State seems now so fully assured that not only can he now afford to call himself a Jew once again, but he even acknowledges freely and openly what his ideas are on racial and political questions. A section of the Jews avows itself quite openly as an alien people, but even here there is another falsehood. When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, the Jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Gentile. They have not the slightest intention of building up a Jewish State in Palestine so as to live in it. What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organization for their international swindling and cheating. As a sovereign State, this cannot be controlled by any of the other States. Therefore it can serve as a refuge for swindlers who have been found out and at the same time a high-school for the training of other swindlers.
As a sign of their growing presumption and sense of security, a certain section of them openly and impudently proclaim their Jewish nationality while another section hypocritically pretend that they are German, French or English as the case may be. Their blatant behaviour in their relations with other people shows how clearly they envisage their day of triumph in the near future.
The jew war on Whites is waged stealthily under the fiction that jews are White. It started and will end with the realization that they aren’t.
With White Nationalism Emboldened, American Jews Consider Exit Strategies:
The telling difference between White flight and parasite flight: The jewsmedia treats the former, which is real, as if Whites are to blame, and the latter, which is fake, as if Whites are to blame.
The telling difference between jew nationalism and White nationalism: There is actually a jew state which literally determines jewness by DNA.
And the jew-first rationale for all this: M-muh six gorillion!
““I lie awake at night wondering how to get my kid out of the country.””
I hope so.
I will never understand how Whites can be so ignorant of the evil of this tribe after 2,000 years of treachery by them.
The One Thing Jews Should Be Doing To Combat White Supremacy:
Beinart regularly oy veys about the jew war on Whites, though he usually doesn’t mention both sides in the same article.
The elite, thoroughly jewed, has already been effectively replaced. So now the jews are feeling secure enough to gloat as well as screech. This is the usual historic pattern. The difference is that the jews now seek to kill the White race rather than merely hobble and feed upon us.
Jennifer Rubin: “He ran as an instigator of white grievance and still clings to that message, depriving himself of moral legitimacy https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/wp/2017/08/22/trump-has-destroyed-his-own-legitimacy/ ”
In bagel republic, chutzpathic loxists define moral legitimacy.
This is rather blackpill. If a studious Hitler barely got it, in prewar Vienna what chance has the average American today. The State can either lock up the few Everest summiteers or pay them off, if ignoring them becoes more difficult. A house and pension in Belarus or Sing Sing.
Hitler had uncommon vision. Today, This Fictitious Conflict is in everyone’s face. In the wake of Charlottesville, with the unapologetically zionist jewed elite loudly screeching bloody murder against White nationalism, their duplicity is impossible to ignore. This is why jews like Weiss and Rosenberg are trying to jewsplain it.
A conversation from 2013, wherein two jews jewsplain how their tribe jewed America from the top, and touch on This Fictitious Conflict.
How the Jews Defeated Hitler, a Q&A:
What we call nation wrecking, or jew-a-forming, the jews call “repairing the world”.
This is the crux. Even after infiltrating and merging with a host elite it remains alien to the jews, who continue to recognize themselves as a distinct whole. Layers of euphemism and apologia and false division disguise the single-minded pursuit of the parasite’s interests.
Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds | The Independent
Hamish’s fisking of Beinart’s article is striking a chord.
I had overlooked this point.
“one of the most common background characteristics is some kind of family disruption”
Intersectional jewing afoot. First the Frankfurt jews conspire to deconstruct the White family, because it is the root of “anti-semitism”. Now along comes Beinart saying, hole up, this mysterious White “family disruption” is bad for the jews.
Jews have no special obligation to oppose Trump – Opinion – Israel News | Haaretz.com:
“Stop condemning jews and focus on telling the goyim what to think!”
The jew moral standard: Two jews, three opinions about what’s best for the jews.
Linder has put out 2 really good Lindercaust episodes:
Here’s yet another jew trying to jewsplain away the double standard on ethnostates with the usual oppression narrative – the backhanded admission that jews aren’t White and have nothing but antipathy for Whites. Richard Spencer Might Be The Worst Person In America. But He Might Also Be Right About Israel:
In other words, this is just more intersectional jewing. The down-low jew is afraid all the in-your-face jewing is not going to be good for the jews.
Weiss again mischaracterizes, exulting, Jews argue whether Zionism is racism — in the Forward! Weiss, who married a White woman, is invested in hyping This Fictitious Conflict as cover for the jews’ underlying monolithic (ruthless, multi-faceted, full-court) pursuit of their own best interests as jews.
Remember when it was edgy to notice that “anti-racist” is just code for anti-White? Now the jewsmedia is admitting “White supremacist” just means White.
How ordinary people become ‘white supremacists by default’ – CNN:
(((They))) say if you’re not anti-White and pro-jew, you’re the problem.
What a cohencidence, Naison is a life-long professional anti-White jew.
Toxicy Shalev: Trump’s fit in Phoenix shames the presidency and humiliates America.
In bagel republic, kikes and kikeservatives define humiliation.
Worried About Anti-Semitism? Practice The Tolerance You Preach:
The reaction to anti-White jewing inspires the jew to anti-White harder.
Why Trump’s Jewish Backers Love the Alt-Right:
The simpler, saner explanation is that some jews are more anti-White and some are more pro-jew. While some jews focus on jew-a-forming dar-al-goyim, others prefer to provision the jew state. They’re all hyper-sensitive to who is or isn’t a jew, all agree that “what’s best for the jews” is the only legitimate worldview, and all quite consciously obscure these truths behind left versus right theatrics.
“what’s best for the jews” is a major precept of the jews. The immediate corollary that follows “is it bad for the gentiles” and they use that by the barrel.
“consciously obscure these truths “, in Hebrew, that’s called ‘atum’, it means ‘opaque’, so the gentiles can’t see what’s happening.
” As a white Jewish woman, I have for years approached racial justice work from the position of “ally” or “accomplice.”
Sure, because it acts like poison in your enemies cup. The most effective and permanent way to deal with competition is to kill them off. Age old jewish practice.
Jews know the consequences of race mixing, a weak, degraded,stupid people.
It’s bad for the gentiles, good for jews.
I thought you might want to take a look at this
We Need To Start Befriending Neo Nazis – The Forward:
“Nazi” means “evil subhuman” to a “jewish person”. And Mandel is specifically talking to jews, about Whites. So the argument is: For our own good we jews must do a better job infiltrating and manipulating these evil subhuman Whites.
To learn to hate this parasitic tribe all you have to do is watch and listen to them.
Is Violence the Way to Fight Racism? by Peter Singer – Project Syndicate:
A more honest title would be: Is Violence the Way to Wage the Jew-Led War on Whites?
They already do use violence, but the jewsmedia either suppresses reports or inverts the cause, as in Charlottesville.
Uninverted, Singer’s argument implies that Whites should use violence to stop our genocide. But Singer’s argument is incomplete. He omits the subsequent jew-led war on Germans and the ghoulish jew-led purimfest which followed. He also omits the lead up, the fact that national socialism was a reaction to centuries of jewing. The jews were unwelcome interlopers in Germany, part of a larger invasive and destructive tribe, whereas the German nationalists were responding in defense of their people and homeland. The anti-fascists in Germany, like the Allied militaries which later genocided Germans, were nothing more than violent proxies for the jews, just different forms of golem.
https://dstormer6em3i4km.onion.link/ also still works.
Notice the new PR slogan being pushed,
“There’s no place in America for”…..nazis, KKK, White Nationalism, etc.
“No place for” ??? What happened to FREEDOM?
Have poke through this laughable and totally jewish thread. This guy reeks of jew but Im havent dug too deep
Just a religion goyim:
Jewish ‘Anti-Fascists’ Pull No Punches In Fight Against ‘Alt-Right’ And Neo-Nazis – The Forward
The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia – The Forward
“Anti-fascism” is just another name for organized criminal anti-White jewing, with jews enlisting even “islamo-fascists” against Whites.
On the Current Status of the Daily Stormer and the Weird Events Surrounding It | Andrew Anglin:
I’m not sure how or why, but https://dstormer6em3i4km.onion.link/ works like any ordinary non-darkweb URL, and has continued to work even while the other ordinary DNS names have come and gone.
Gary Cohn Criticizes Donald Trump’s Response to Charlottesville Protests:
In bagel republic, jews inside the “nazi” “White supremacist” White House fight “nazi” “White supremacists” on the outside.
Monument Removal Is a Symptom of an Old Western Disease:
Goldberg jewsplains the symptoms of pathogenic jewing.
Nazi lives don’t matter – The Leveller:
The author appears to be a transracial transsexual jew.
An idea:
Could you put a button at the top of your front page, saying “Dailystormer” linking to stormers current address?
It could help both your traffic and Anglin’s. This might catch on with other Pro- White sites and entirely defeat the anti’s scheme to silence Anglin. It would be a sure sign of Whites standing together to oppose our foe.
Done. I’ll add a Stormfront link too if I can find one.
Someone at Davidduke.com should put a link to Stormfront at the top of his page, since the two are long time friends. I suppose none of them foresaw this sort of sabotage.
This sort of “wreck the goy” strategy is right out of Theodor Fritsches “The Riddle of the Jew’s Success”. In the section on grain manipulation it discusses how Jews wrecked the mills of competing gentiles. Jews did much the same in wrecking the early gentile movie studios in Malibu and arson of the three big parks on Coney Island. I suppose these methods are 3000 years old. Nothing new, just the same devious tricks applied again and again.
Just a thought.
If Trump isn’t careful, one of his court Jews will stab him in the back, just like Joe McCarthy’s downfall.
Stormfront White Nationalist Website Shut Down By Webs.com
Stormfront shut down.
“They crossed the line of permissible speech”
Just (((who))) drew that line?
No First Admendment, if you’re White!
Classical Jewish Double Standard :
Jonathan A. Greenblatt
National Director ADL.
Antifa Violence Is Ethical? This Author Explains Why – NBC News:
Confirming “antifa” is anti-White and pro-jew, like the regime it serves.
The Ugly Side of Antifa – Leighton Woodhouse:
Typical jew behavior.
Why Antifa Nazi-Punching Is Just a Gift to the Right:
“Decades of jew-driven anti-White mass media propaganda might be bad for the jews!!1!”
Hanlon Rejects Visiting Scholar’s Stance; Scholar Says Antifa Comments Were Misrepresented:
“antifa” is just another euphemism for jews jewing.
Birds of a feather: White supremacy and Zionism | Middle East Eye:
“Zionism” is a euphemism for jew parasitism, of which the jew state serves as glaring evidence. Weak “anti-zionist” rhetoric, such as above, serves only as a mask for full-blown anti-White jewing.
Even if one hasn’t read Spencer’s lengthy pro-Jewish screeds, the amount of attention their media apparatus is giving to him suggests that he’s serving them, whether or not he consciously intends to. I have yet to see mainstream media figures drive traffic here by saying, “Tanstaafl is seriously pro-goy, better avoid him.” For the ad-click alt-right goys who (1) are actually goys, and who (2) aren’t receiving talking points directly, I wonder if they ever think about why they’re getting so much attention. Probably not–I get the impression they’re like rap stars who actually believe the music industry went crazy over them because they personally composed excellent lyrics.
From Chris’ link:
Typical jew double-talk. 23andme is owned and operated by jews. The business can only exist because race is genetic. The business is booming because race matters. The business can only report % jew because jew is racial. Meanwhile jews like this one screech only because this is all true, because the parasite FEARS EXPOSURE.
Evan McLaren: “Reaching levels of Zio-posting that should not even be possible. https://t.co/OHHqs8JW3N ”
In bagel republic, jews screech “white supremacist” and “anti-semite” at each other.
‘ “antifa” is just another euphemism for jews jewing.’
Yep, just another herd of mules. Like NAACP, C.O.R.E., Urban League etc.
Without paid handlers, coordinators and field agents the streets would have been empty, save a few hecklers. Few Americans know that MLK’s famous speech at the Reflecting Pool was entirely synthetic. (((Masters))) of the rigged game.
Yes, Spencer’s media attention is suspicious, especially when contrasted with the total blackout on Duke.
Throwing urine and feces at Charlottesville . Which (((group))) has a fixation on urine and feces?
Paging Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud.
If this is a civil war, pick a side: Donald Trump, white nationalism and the future of America:
Tim Wise is a professional anti-White jew who has literally made a living out of speaking for Whites, against Whites, while pretending to be White. Here he’s saying it’s time for Whites to choose a side in the jew war on Whites. I agree.
Lovecraft on Race:
Antifa=ISIS. And I don’t mean the upper reaches of the River Thames even where they flow past the Finishing School for Snakes.
And now a small collection all illustrating the multidimensional War On Civilization:
The drive to physically eliminate Whites has surpassed the intense and attained the status of ‘bizarre’.
“I was a neo-Nazi. Then I fell in love with a black woman.”
That’s a lesbian opining on revised race consciousness.
A sexually confused woman is also an identity confused woman.
*Contra Naturam* will do just as well. Why should you be concerned about needing an adult diaper? That might conflict with our *Transgender Agenda*.
All against the ongoing humdrum backdrop of agitation for extending abortion rights in those few parts of the British Isles that don’t make paramount a so-called woman’s right to choose.
Mayhem was the offence of self-harming to deprive the sovereign of a member of his armed forces. Why should women have rights to late term abortions of offspring?
From 1hr 36m of http://renegadebroadcasting.com/shows/solar/SolarStorm-2017-08-20.mp3
Segregation as essential part of the evolutionary process.
Standard media whore cucking
Meantime deconstruction of the (White) nation state continues apace through regionalisation, devolution, and the growth of the City State:
All professions are a conspiracy against the laity, but some against many of their own:
Cui Bono? Not the White Man.
Regrouped, the rearguard action inevitably commences
I feel ashamed to be in a society that allows furless apes to wreck one of the world’s richest and most spectacular cities.
The case against antifa – Vox:
“It helps the goyim know, shut it down.”
Will Saletan: “How many Trump supporters are racists? A lot. Here’s how many are willing to admit it to a pollster. More data here: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2017/08/trump_s_bigoted_base_by_the_numbers.html ”
In bagel republic, support for “the chosen people”, their ethnostate, and their anti-White loxism is never psychopathologized as “racism”, because that would be “anti-semitism”.
The Great Shuttening: You’re Either with Us, or You’re with the Enemies of America:
Well put.
Antifa=ISIS=Golems for the rabinate.
@Posis1959……….good links :)
No Strangers to the Homeland: Why It’s Wrong to Label Israeli Jews Colonizers | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson:
Clash of jew narratives, AKA intersectional jewing.
That research link confirms that jew is a racial group, colonists everywhere, indigenous nowhere.
“To learn to hate this parasitic tribe all you have to do is watch and listen to them.”
Why America’s far-right is still obsessed with Jews – The Jewish Chronicle:
That’s a jewsplanation, typical jew psychobabble. The jew is a parasite, “anti-semitism” is anti-parasitism.
BBC is now offering news in pidgin! Just another marker in social and cultural degradation. This has happened in many former Crown Colonies, going from a high standard of English to something that isn’t intelligible to anyone but the locals.
As the older Brits die off and expatriate we’ll see an abrupt slide in British civilization. The country has little in natural resources and a tremendous need for them. Outside of Britains native ppl, are there even sustaining resources?
Thought Leaders in ‘The New Political Center’ | Thinklab
center = jewed elite + alt-jewed elite
It cost millions to finance the Antifa terrorism at Charlotteville, where did the funds come from, where is the FBI ?
The ACLU’s free speech stance should be about social justice, not ‘timeless’ principles – LA Times:
“The ACLU should not support free speech for Whites because [insert some jew bullshit].”
“are there even sustaining resources?”
Sure there are. Just kill all the niggers, grind them up, and sell them as dog food. Lulz
Liberal American Jews are ‘basically anti-Israel,’ ex-Trump aide Gorka says – U.S. News – Haaretz.com:
This Fictitious Conflict. The truth is that left-posing jews are more anti-White, right-posing jews more pro-jew. Both screech that the other is anti-jew because it’s real in their minds.
“The truth is that left-posing jews are more anti-White, right-posing jews more pro-jew. ”
Tearing from two directions. Guess who is in the middle ?
Two dogs can kill a lion.
Looking at murder rates.
Boise, 0.5 pet 100,000
St. Louis, 60 per 100,000
Just what could make that much difference ? We’re all the same , right ?
( Bethcha , if we factored for race, the ratio would be much larger than 120 )
Thought on crypto currencies:
Could the wild speculation in crypto get so extreme it leads to an inevitable collapse pulling down world economies with a panic leading to gov legislation to control it ?
Bitcoin @ $4800, mrkt cap 80 billion (not too bad), but another year at current grow rates means 0.5 trillion . For an asset with no intrinsic value ?
Do we bugs suffocate when the elephant poops ?
Bitcoin has intrinsic value coming out of its ears and cannot be ‘controlled’ if by controlled you mean anything like the way GBP or USD or gold and silver are so easily manipulated by big Jew and his governments.
Seems antiSemitism shut down is on its way, or just furthering along
Off topic, but why does everyone love this Evola so much?
“Christianity did not forget the parasite, it put them front and center – granting them moral superiority, granting them authority over history, and creating a big beautiful door through which they could pass if and when it suited them.” TANSTAAFL
Not to mention granting them exclusive rights on the hyper-lucrative usury biz, through which they amassed concealed fortunes which are now being used to buy our institutions, media, banking, gov etc.
Also granting them immunity from prosecution, with expulsion the only punishment. The original ‘get out of jail free’ card.
Julian Assange: “Text that rich ultra-Zionist bullies are trying to censor & bankrupt my friend @CraigMurrayOrg over. Spread it. https://t.co/l10ihCBjFY https://t.co/9UrYoURbjT ”
Murray’s original article: The Racist Concept of Israel.
Under the anti-White/pro-jew regime “racism” is a serious crime, but calling jews “racist”, i.e. mistaking them for White, is “anti-semitism”, a more serious crime.
Liberal American Jews’ feelings towards Israel now include conspicuous contempt:
Toxi is one of the many professional jews constantly hyperventilating about how he imagines the sky is falling on his tribe. “Shonda for the goyim” gives the fictitiousness of the conflict away, highlighting the fact that jews always view non-jews as the real enemy.
Soros and reptilians controlling the world: Yair Netanyahu posts meme rife with anti-Semitic themes – Israel News – Haaretz.com:
This is so eminently emblematic of the political discourse today, in the jew state and their various bagel republics – jews and their tools screeching at jews and their tools about what’s best for the jews.