Category Archives: Blog

Gibson vis-a-vis Polanski

On 9 July 2010, Steven Zeitchik writes Mel Gibson’s mainstream Hollywood career is over — for real, this time:

…as sad as it is that someone with all this experience could walk the world in his own bubble of hate, it’s perhaps sadder that it took so many of us this long to realize what should have been clear all along.

On 12 July 2010, he writes Latest Roman Polanski chapter puts the saga back where it started:

Those who are fans of his films — regardless of their opinions of his character — might be heartened to know he could soon be working again.

Jewish morals on display. A mouthy White gets blackballed. An absconding child-raping jew gets well wishes.

See also James Edwards’ The Crucifixion of Mel Gibson.

UPDATE 12 July 2010: Same day, same paper, same double standards.

On 12 July 2010, Patrick Goldstein writes Has Mel Gibson become a pariah in Hollywood? Or just for the time being?:

There are plenty of tough jobs in the movie business, but right now it’s hard to find any applicants for the job of defending Mel Gibson.

On 12 July 2010, he writes Roman Polanski is a free man. You got a problem with that?:

When it comes to Polanski, history will be the only judge.

Regarding Gibson, Goldstein writes:

Once the extent of Gibson’s racist tirade became clear, it was pretty obvious that there was no way WME could possibly keep Washington if it made any effort to keep Gibson as well. So Gibson was a goner. And as I’ve discovered from talking to the heads of other agencies in town, not to mention the heads of several studios, Gibson is a true Hollywood pariah right now. Every talent agency has a cadre of important African American clients who would be outraged–and rightfully so–if their agency made a play for Gibson as a client.

Since none of the high-level agency executives would speak on the record, I’ll paraphrase their explication of their thought process: Based on what’s happened, you have to assume that Mel is a total jerk, so why would you want to be in business with him, since it’s not only bad for your soul–and probably makes you look sleazy–but if he’s a total jerk to his ex-girlfriend and people around him, then why wouldn’t he be that way to you too? You have to figure that working with him would be both financially and emotionally unrewarding. If it were just one or the other, maybe you could do it, but if it’s both, you just say–Yuck!

In other words, to use a favorite Hollywood maxim: Life is too short.

These heads of agencies, heads of studios, and the media pundits (like Zeitchik and Goldstein) making a stink about Gibson aren’t black. They’re jewish. So in other words, what Goldstein is describing is an essentially jewish boycott of Gibson that they’d like everyone to instead attribute to blacks.

Regarding Polanski, Goldstein regurgitates much of the same apologia he and other jews spun when when Polanski was first arrested. Rather than being a sleazy jerk you wouldn’t want to do business with, Polanski is instead a victim of Glenn Beck and Puritanism, and all the hubbub is a but a clash between European and American values. As with Gibson, the jewish angle is obfuscated, attention is redirected elsewhere.

On 12 July 2010, Steven Zeitchik also writes The Hollywood wagons circle Mel Gibson to complain that rank-and-file Hollywood non-jews haven’t yet joined the pariah parade jews are organizing against Gibson. Zeitchik notes Whoopie Goldberg has actually defended Gibson, and that Danny Glover has so far refused to comment. If more Hollywood blacks don’t start stomping their feet soon jews will be left to take credit for blackballing Gibson themselves. Goldstein intimates that most of the Hollywood jews are afraid to do this because they’re greedy and might want to make money with Gibson some day. More likely they just want someone, anyone else to take the blame. If blacks won’t serve then we can expect to see the “sexism” angle amplified in a bid to recruit women to the pariah parade. That, of course, will only heighten the contrast with Polanski and the pass he has gotten from jewish “feminists”.

Saint Lincoln Said

Any people, anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable and most sacred right – a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own, of so many of the territory as they inhabit.

Abraham Lincoln
January 12, 1848.

Via Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Obama’s Jewish Vision of America

Transcript of Obama’s Immigration Speech.

In this treasonous speech, delivered on 1 July 2010, Barack Hussein Obama, president of the United States, advocates in favor of alien interlopers, claiming that “being an American is not a matter of blood or birth”. This is not surprising coming from someone with a cloud over their own blood and birth. His view is:

It’s a matter of faith. It’s a matter of fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear. That’s what makes us unique. That’s what makes us strong. Anybody can help us write the next great chapter in our history.

In other words, potentially every person on earth is an American.

What are these shared values “we” all hold so dear? Obama takes a while to get to that, finding it necessary to first disparage the founders and their posterity who for most of this country’s history haven’t shared his values. Eventually he comes to what he thinks “our” values are:

Finally, we have to demand responsibility from people living here illegally. They must be required to admit that they broke the law. They should be required to register, pay their taxes, pay a fine, and learn English. They must get right with the law before they can get in line and earn their citizenship — not just because it is fair, not just because it will make clear to those who might wish to come to America they must do so inside the bounds of the law, but because this is how we demonstrate that being — what being an American means. Being a citizen of this country comes not only with rights but also with certain fundamental responsibilities. We can create a pathway for legal status that is fair, reflective of our values, and works.

We have laws, see? Any alien who wants to be an American must admit they broke the law, see? Oh, and you’ll have to register, pay taxes and a fine, and learn English too. The punishment for not doing so? Well, you’ll probably still get your “legal status”. You just might not get to be a citizen. Maybe. But no big deal. A citizen is just an American whose fundamental responsibility is to create a pathway for “legal status” for any alien who wants it.

Obama didn’t mention his relative, Zeituni Onyango, who was recently granted “legal status” by immigration judge Leonard Shapiro even though she never admitted breaking any laws. Obama did however conclude his speech by mentioning that prototypical “nation of immigrants” whose interests so often seem to be more interesting than everyone else’s:

One of the largest waves of immigration in our history took place little more than a century ago. At the time, Jewish people were being driven out of Eastern Europe, often escaping to the sounds of gunfire and the light from their villages burning to the ground. The journey could take months, as families crossed rivers in the dead of night, traveled miles by foot, endured a rough and dangerous passage over the North Atlantic. Once here, many made their homes in a teeming and bustling Lower Manhattan.

It was at this time that a young woman named Emma Lazarus, whose own family fled persecution from Europe generations earlier, took up the cause of these new immigrants. Although she was a poet, she spent much of her time advocating for better health care and housing for the newcomers. And inspired by what she saw and heard, she wrote down her thoughts and donated a piece of work to help pay for the construction of a new statue — the Statue of Liberty — which actually was funded in part by small donations from people across America.

Unfortunately for Americans, Lazarus and her subversive tribemates weren’t long ago forced to flee America. Their golem Obama faithfully represents their twisted genocidal idea that, for their good, America’s highest value should be to displace and dispossess Americans.

Maywood, 96.4% Diverse

Maywood to lay off all city employees, dismantle Police Department | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times:

At a council meeting Monday night, city leaders said they were forced to dismantle the Police Department and lay off city workers because they lost insurance coverage as a result of excessive police claims filed against the department. They also blamed years of financial abuse and corruption from the previous council.

I have said that Mexico does not stop at its border, that wherever there is a Mexican, there is Mexico

Mexican President Felipe Calderon