Tag Archives: boston bombing

Pressure Cooker Sympathies

Why do the Sirotas sympathize with the Tsarnaevs but fear and loath the McVeighs?

From Hollywoodism (one facet of jewsmediaism):

The Hollywood movie moguls and their parents came from a place which was like a colossal pressure cooker. The Pale of Settlement in the Russian empire was the only place where jews could live legally under the czar. They had a very marginal existence, lived in poor villages. There was a tremendousry? of over-population. People were constantly migrating around. This area really was the equivalent of a sort of huge indian reservation. Not only were people poor but there were very few things they could do to earn a livelyhood. Their neighbors were often violent. There were tremendous constraints on jewish life and also a real sense of vulnerability.

The oppression narrative in Western political discourse (based on the glorification of the dark-skinned alien and vilification of Whites) is an outgrowth and generalization of the jewish narrative, at the heart of which is antipathy and contempt for Europeans.

P.S. Sirota:

is a Slavic last name. In Russian, “сирота” means “orphan”.

Avoiding The Real Question

David Sirota’s latest attempt to spin the Boston bombing, The huge, unanswered questions post-Boston:

1. Why did so many conservatives seem to want the suspects to be a foreign-born Muslim?

2. Will the Boston response finally change America’s posture toward public employees?

3. Does 24-7 news and technology make us more safe or less safe?

The inveterate dishonesty of the jewsmedia is a reflection of jewish nature and the illegitimacy of jewish rule.

1. Why does the jewsmedia pretend it doesn’t understand the jewsmedia?

2. Why does the jewsmedia pretend it cares about “America” or “public employees”?

3. Why is the jewsmedia afraid of questions, discussion, debate and opinion forming outside the jewsmedia?

These are rhetorical questions – facets of the larger Jewish Question.

Sirota and Wise Define The New Normal – “White Privilege” as a Jewish Construct

David Sirota writes Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American:

As we now move into the official Political Aftermath period of the Boston bombing — the period that will determine the long-term legislative fallout of the atrocity — the dynamics of privilege will undoubtedly influence the nation’s collective reaction to the attacks. That’s because privilege tends to determine: 1) which groups are — and are not — collectively denigrated or targeted for the unlawful actions of individuals; and 2) how big and politically game-changing the overall reaction ends up being.

This has been most obvious in the context of recent mass shootings. In those awful episodes, a religious or ethnic minority group lacking such privilege would likely be collectively slandered and/or targeted with surveillance or profiling (or worse) if some of its individuals comprised most of the mass shooters. However, white male privilege means white men are not collectively denigrated/targeted for those shootings — even though most come at the hands of white dudes.

If recent history is any guide, if the bomber ends up being a white anti-government extremist, white privilege will likely mean the attack is portrayed as just an isolated incident — one that has no bearing on any larger policy debates. Put another way, white privilege will work to not only insulate whites from collective blame, but also to insulate the political debate from any fallout from the attack.

Tim Wise writes Terrorism and Privilege: Understanding the Power of Whiteness:

White privilege is knowing that even if the Boston Marathon bomber turns out to be white, his or her identity will not result in white folks generally being singled out for suspicion by law enforcement, or the TSA, or the FBI.

White privilege is knowing that even if the bomber turns out to be white, no one will call for whites to be profiled as terrorists as a result, subjected to special screening, or threatened with deportation.

White privilege is knowing that if the bomber turns out to be white, he or she will be viewed as an exception to an otherwise non-white rule, an aberration, an anomaly, and that he or she will be able to join the ranks of Tim McVeigh

among the pantheon of white people who engage in (or have plotted) politically motivated violence meant to terrorize and kill, but whose actions result in the assumption of absolutely nothing about white people generally, or white Christians in particular.

And white privilege is being able to know nothing about the crimes committed by most of the terrorists listed above — indeed, never to have so much as heard most of their names — let alone to make assumptions about the role that their racial or ethnic identity may have played in their crimes.

In short, white privilege is the thing that allows you (if you’re white) — and me — to view tragic events like this as merely horrific, and from the perspective of pure and innocent victims, rather than having to wonder, and to look over one’s shoulder, and to ask even if only in hushed tones, whether those we pass on the street might think that somehow we were involved.

It is the source of our unearned innocence and the cause of others’ unjustified oppression.

That is all. And it matters.

David Sirota is a jew. Tim Wise is a jew. It matters.

The narrative of oppression is, after all, the jewish narrative. This is a narrative in which Whites and jews are polar opposites – where jews and other people of non-Whiteness are innocent victims of unjustified oppression by Whites.

Wise and Sirota, as hypersensitive as they are about race and identity, are well aware of this. The hypocrisy of their anti-“racist” screeds against Whites and the dishonesty of their “White like me” anti-White guilt-trip schtick can only spring from an unfathomable hatred for Whites.

To describe what’s going on in their own terms, it is jewish privilege that allows them to vent venom against Whites based on nothing more than literal fantasy – “if the bomber turns out to be White” or even “hoping the bomber turns out to be White”. Their shrill denunciations of illusory “White privilege”, echoed ever more often and loudly across the media, are an indication of just how deeply dishonest and malevolent jewish rule is.

Boston Bombing

It’s not clear yet who planted the bombs or why. As usual I’m more fascinated with the jewsmedia spin.

In Boston Bomb Attack No Excuse for Media Speculation Jeffrey Goldberg stikes a pose as the voice of reason:

In an era in which none of us like to leave anything unsaid, and in which technology offers us the opportunity to say things fast, we often succumb to the urge to speculate. Shortly after the 2011 shootings in Norway, I asked publicly whether a Mumbai-type attack had visited Europe, the implication being that Muslim terrorists were behind the atrocity. It was perfectly plausible to suggest that Muslim terrorists were to blame — except that they weren’t. I learned my lesson.

The lesson was: “Hey guys, let’s not rush to judgment. This could be another Breivik!”

Terrorism Expert: Boston Blast a McVeigh-Like Attack:

“It’s interesting the timing of this event,’’ Dr. Harvey Kushner told Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show.

“It’s Patriot’s Day, Tax Day. It’s a holiday in Boston and we’re coming up on what was the Oklahoma City bombing April 19th, and also the Battle of Lexington, which started the American Revolution.

“A lot of domestic terrorist organizations used to key in on that date, April 19. And Boston … is the center of this patriot movement and patriot feeling.’’

Kushner, author of “Holy War on the Home Front: The Secret Islamic Terror Network in the United States’’ and “The Encyclopedia of Terrorism’’ said the marathon’s prominence appears to be a factor in it being targeted.

“You have cameras there you have news coverage, so a big statement has been made by this,’’ he said.

“Whether it’s at the hand of a domestic terrorist, or an internationally sponsored group or a wannabe, this is not good for this country because it just shows the vulnerability of this nation.

“This is not flying planes into buildings, but it’s certainly hitting America on an important day and it just shows our vulnerability.’’

He said he believed the explosions could be the work of “a McVeigh type, if I could be so bold.’’

The “experts” aren’t sure which jewish boogeyman to blame yet.