Fear and Loathing and Treason – Part 1


For years thousands of Africans and other non-Whites have been invading Europe, crossing the Mediterranean ocean by boat. Rather than turning these boats around, or simply sinking these invaders, European security forces, ostensibly sworn to protect their countries from invasion, have been increasingly more likely to “rescue” the invaders, to help them ashore, feed them, and release them to do as they please in Europe.

Why do European governments permit this invasion? I’m sure the details of the incidents and legal arguments are complicated and confusing. But to put it simply, it happens for the simple reason that the invaders aren’t offically regarded as invaders, but instead are described as innocent victims, “refugees” who are just looking for a better life for themselves and their families. And the simple reason for that is treason. The governments are operated by aliens and indigenous traitors who demonstrate by their words and deeds that they place the interests of alien invaders above the indigenous Europeans.

UN expert: rich countries must take in 1 million refugees to stop boat deaths, The Guardian, 22 April 2015.

François Crépeau‘s bio at McGill says he is:

the Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Professor in Public International Law at the Faculty of Law of McGill University. In 2011, he was appointed United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants.

UN Rapporteur Francois Crepeau Has A Very Rude Word To Describe UK’s Attitude To Migrants, Huffington Post, 12 March 2014.

The only real solution to Europe’s migrant crisis is to let everyone in, by Dylan Matthews at Vox, 21 April 2015.

VOX’s Dylan Matthews: Ending Europe Forever Is The “Only” Solution To Migrant Crisis, by James Kirkpatrick at VDare, 22 April 2015.

‘Swedes will compare this to the Holocaust’, The Local, 20 April 2015:

A Swedish MEP [Cecilia Wikström] is stepping up a pan-European cross-party campaign for “legal and safe routes to Europe” for migrants in the wake of the latest Mediterranean boat disaster.

I think that my children and grandchildren are going to ask why more wasn’t done to help people running away from Isis, or violence in Eritrea or wherever, when we knew that people were dying in their thousands. People will ask the same question they did after the war, ‘if you were aware, why didn’t you do something?’. In Sweden we allowed our railroads to be used to transfer Jews to Nazi death camps.

Will Africa’s Northern Sea be the Mediterranean or the Baltic?, by Steve Sailer, 23 April 2015.

Swedish navy widens search for mystery submarine, Associated Press, 20 October 2014.

80 thoughts on “Fear and Loathing and Treason – Part 1”

  1. Great show.

    McDonald’s resent presentation in Europe, blaming Whites. http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=33179

    I made a tweet earlier similar to what you stated,
    “Whites are killing themselves for no reason”. No outside influence whatsoever. Whites have collectively chosen to commit suicide, Why? Because we are White, it’s what Whites do, we commit suicide. We have no enemies other than ourselves. If only Whites would or could fix themselves, the jew would no longer be a problem.

    This suicide meme is so pervasive. It boggles my mind as to why Whites must feel compelled to blame themselves. That by doing this it absolves them of responsibility or something.

    Even jew wise people who identify and know jews are the problem. They continue to maintain jews are a problem because Whites are committing suicide. If Whites would just stop killing themselves all our jew issues would be gone. When in reality if jews were gone one has to wonder what problems would be left in Whites?

  2. Adding perspective, Professor MacDonald in conversation with GW and DanielS


    On the Radio page now Prof Kevin MacDonald discusses four topics with GW and Daniel: the individualism of the European, implicit whiteness, the psychology of Jews, and the problem of nationalism dwelling in the past. In addition, certain technical questions raised by Graham Lister are put to Prof MacDonald for his comment.

    The interview is quite a long one by our standards, but I believe it is entertaining and informative throughout.

  3. Chris Taylor –

    It’s really infuriating. MacDonald, Taylor, Spencer, basically all the leading WN’s are hung up on this “White suicide” meme. I think it’s down to three main reasons:

    1. They’re simply afraid of Jews. That doofus John Derbyshire has admitted as such. I don’t think this is such an issue for MacDonald, but it definitely is for others. I’m not sure why MacDonald adheres to it, but it might have to do with my second point…

    2. They’re too proud to admit that they were bested by Jews. Instead they prefer to blame White weakness, as if Whites could not possibly have let Jews come to power unless there was something deeply wrong with Whites. However, Jews have infiltrated and destroyed many civilizations throughout the centuries; Whites are simply the latest victims.

    3. They have actually accepted a Jewish narrative, that there’s something innately wrong with Whites. Whereas Jews say the original sin is white racism, these guys say the original sin is White altruism. There’s no original sin though. This is misdirection. White civilization has been infiltrated by a parasite, a parasite that has survived for 2,000 years by doing exactly what they’re doing now. Jews are literally engineered to do what they’re doing now.

    The White suicide meme is dangerous. Our enemy is external, not internal. We need to focus on our energies on fighting the Jewish genocidal system, not looking inside ourselves for phantom, inherent weaknesses.

  4. Oh also, “White suicide” is simply another form of White self-flagellation, and the Jews probably get a kick out of it.

    “These goyim are ruled by us, and they still think they themselves are the problem, lol.”

    It reminds me of that guy Varg Vikernes, someone who is pro-European and Jew-wise, but even so all he could do in protest was burn down a centuries-old Church instead of a synagogue or an immigrant center.

    Breivik is another example: a white man who went Terminator on a bunch of dumb leftist kids (mostly White) instead of the people who actually had power. All those communists he killed are easily replaceable; the elites aren’t.

    Even these guys who are willing to do physical damage can’t even attack the ones with power. This is how deep the pathology is.

  5. Beside “who is us”, asking “who is blaming whom for what” helps separate sense from nonsense.

    The tragedy of the “pathological altruism” meme is that it appeals to those Whites who feel more comfortable assigning blanket blame to other Whites than to hostile aliens or themselves. I see it as part and parcel of the current jew-created anti-White zeitgeist. Jews psychopathologize and quite literally punish Whites for expressing racial identity and empathy for their own kind, thus these sentiments squirt out elsewhere as a greater than usual expression of individualism and universalism.

    The behaviors that White pathologizers misidentify as “altruism” are in fact a conflation of the powerless, mindless, literally self-destructive degenerates and their polar opposite, the highly self-conscious self-regarding traitors who have some measure of awareness and ability and who “sell out” for personal benefit. The irony is that such misidentification serves the jews, the hostile alien pathogen/parasite who drives and benefits from both White degeneracy and treason, whose crypsis and infiltration no doubt creates further confusion, and which even the jew-aware fail to account for when they go into high dudgeon decrying everyone else’s “white suicide”/”white pathology”/”pathological altruism”.

    White physicians, damn it, heal thyselves.

  6. If Whites would just stop killing themselves all our jew issues would be gone.

    That’s a pithy way of putting it.

    The “pathological altruism” meme packs a “not the jews” premise inside a demoralizing indictment of Whites.

  7. “White” liberals ARE self-annihilating. Many white people are suiciding. And the inherent nature of ALL OUR adversaries is anti-white Supremacy with the commensurate desire to “genocide” all white Supremacists. “Ours” is an amalgamation of self-annihilation, suicide and genocide with the fundamental thread tying it all together white man’s free will and desire to strive towards Supremacy. “Our” enemy has no free will AND YET “we” futilely lament the consequence of such a parasitic state. Grant the enemy free will and hold him accountable or eradicate the parasite. What’s left to discuss?

  8. I don’t think people know what suicide means. Killing oneself is the simply definition. Whites are not killing themselves, that would mean they are knowingly acting out a suicide as a group.

    Then again, which Whites are killing themselves? You, me, non jew wise or jew wise Whites? Suicide leaves the blame on Whites instead the reason, the root, the source of this agitation or as Tan puts it, the pathogen causing the pathology.

    You cannot suicide a group, you genocide a group or race etc. The traitor Whites are helping in the genocide, knowingly or not, not suiciding. This also assumes the visual traitors are White and not jew or jewish.

    Genocide captures it all. An enemy is known, jews, the pray is known, Whites. Suicide leaves out the major reason and factor, in what appears to be a collective suicide. The outside agitation which is jews and leaves the blame squarely on the ones committing this so called suicide, Whites.

    Genocide not Suicide.

  9. Whites just need to become a “social construct” for real.

    Whites must decide among ourselves what we were chosen for, what lands are holy and only ours, and stick to our decisions.

    Disconnected members of a group can’t “suicide” the group. The real problem is are unawareness as a group. What looks like suicide is only the natural result of the atomization our current social order imposes.

    Okay, “White Social Construct NOW!” won’t make a good campaign button. But we do need to know the Lone Wolf strategy is a dead end.

  10. There is an aspect of “pathological altruism” that services the desire of some high IQ “white” males in explaining the phenomenon of a white man with “free will” and no free will.

  11. MacDonald first started drooling ‘White suicide’ irregularly a couple of years ago. Since then the condition has gradually worsened and the outbursts are now quite frequent. Recommend isolation in an exclusively White ward, with NO visits permitted from New Righters, alt-righters, Amreners, NRXers, conservatives and others of semitic origin. Patient does want to get better but lacks willpower and the knowledge of what’s best for him.

    If we don’t turn things around soon we might lose this one.

  12. MacDonald’s *implicit Whiteness*

    All well and good so far as it goes, but unfortunately the likes of Spencer and Taylor, who when forced to choose went explicitly anti-White over even implicitly White, are considered pro-White by MacDonald and will therefore be protected from criticism on his blog.

    He has a too low bar on what is White tending, and no serious consideration of how all his works might be temporarily and partially co-opted by a now quite bloody obvious Paleolibertarian Strategy v2.0 and then just quietly trashed.

  13. holocaust survivors gone wild, sorry, your last two comments were unintentionally stuck in moderation.

    As I understand it, Vikernes burned churches exactly because he recognized them as symbols of alien influence. He has also condemned Breivik for being a zionist and targeting Norwegians.

    Whatever Breivik’s true motives, I think he selected the proper targets, people with real power, traitors and the children of traitors whose politics have or will result in the deaths of far more Norwegians than Breivik killed. Would that there were more Breiviks, rather than less. If there were such a price for treason there would certainly be much less of it.

  14. @hologonewild Maybe McDonald is projecting his perceived defeat from jews onto Whites as a whole, maybe?

    I agree w/ your assesment of the reason why this (pushing suicide) is done. It’s fear of being labeled one of those kind of Whites. Those tin foil hat wearing, it’s jews under every rock , anti-Semetic White people. Their too smart for that, they have degrees. So to appear sane and deserving of their jew-college degrees, they blame Whites.

    White suicide meme is spreading faster than our genocide. I see it all over and honestly it angers me every time I see it, even if only being hinted at. Not only do we have to keep hammering on the itsthejewsstupid, now we have to correct these “pro-Whites” that it’s not suicide.

    They claim suicide even after posting endless memes about White Genocide. Which one is it memers, Genocide or Suicide?

  15. I also hope more Breiviks turn up in Europe. There’s no way the system will allow for democratic reforms.

    However, a big problem is that when America and the USSR invaded Europe in 1945, Jews flooded in and took over the schools, government, media positions, etc. If they or their traitorous European servants in the EU are under threat, America will defend them. There are still 66,000 American troops stationed throughout Europe, about 40,000 of them in Germany.

    Europe is occupied by America, and America is so fanatical about “civil rights” that it calls Putin Hitler for adopting a minor law against gay propaganda. Imagine how America would react to European nationalists revolting against their governments, it would be worse than what they did to Serbia in the 90s.

    I wonder if America needs to die first before Europeans can free themselves.

  16. Nick,

    MacDonald’s *implicit Whiteness*

    Yeah, there’s a disconnect. I’m only halfway through that MR interview, but in it MacDonald clearly recognizes that:

    A) jews have very aggressively attacked and suppressed White racial identity and awareness


    B) even so, Whites still unconsciously express an inherent, instinctive racial preference (“implicit Whiteness”, White flight)

    I say these phenomena are tangible and do not square with:

    C) Whites have some innate, inborn tendency for “pathological altruism”

    I say C is illusory, and furthermore, that the behaviors mistaken for “altruism” and even the desire to see it as such are “massively incentivized” (and disincentivized) by A.

  17. The logic of MacDonald’s final analysis is total eradication. The “white” collective does not possess the will to carry out such a conclusion. This does not however prohibit those seen as parasitic to exploit the logic of MacDonald’s work. NOR DOES IT PROHIBIT “us” from flipping the script and holding an adversary of free will accountable. In addition, the “white” collective is to some undetermined degree a fluid social construct and there is no shame in acknowledging that “we” are also determined to socially engineer “our” future vision called the A Land of white Supremacy.

  18. To be quite frank, this interview was often tedious to listen to.

    Both DanielS and GW have mastered the fine art of “philosophical waffle”, stating what should be straightforward as convoluted verbiage that has me saying, “Get on with it, for God’s sake! State your questions and position in clear, plain and concise English!”

    There was some good discussion though on the National Socialists, with all three of them displaying varying degrees of ignorance as to why so many White Nationalists are concerned with that era.

    For me, and I think it’s the same with most WN and revisionists concerned with that era, it is all about setting the historical record straight. It is not about wanting to march around in Nazi uniforms. It’s about truth.

    The very moment you assert White interests, is the moment that our jew media will eventually call you a Nazi that wants to turn jews into six million pizzas or something like that.

    That’s the reason why holohoax /NS revisionism is so important. To drive a stake through the heart of jewish lies at its very source.

    The three of you still don’t get it, but you will eventually, I hope.


    For my latest blog post, The World Conquerors — Part 4: Millionaire Bankers Back Bolshevism, click here >>> KATANA

  19. If pathological altruism is illusory, then these phenomena do not exist:

    1. Pet hoarders who create hellish living conditions for animals because their initial instinct of altruism toward stray animals overwhelms their ability to think long term about the consequences of their actions and to make rational tradeoffs between values (saving every cat vs. assuring good living conditions for a smaller number of cats) to assure a net positive outcome.

    2. Third World do-gooders who create the conditions for overpopulation, famine, and warfare because their initial instinct of altruism toward the current victims of overpopulation, famine, and warfare overwhelms their ability to think about the long-term consequences of allowing dysgenic fertility to go unchecked by disease and famine.

    3. “Altruistic punishers” who are so zealous at rooting out evil in their communities that they are willing to damage or destroy their societies in the process. For example, the abolitionists and the American Civil War.

    If whites can become consciously aware of an unhealthy propensity toward pathological altruism, then our conscious minds can inhibit this propensity, just as today our conscious minds have been programmed to inhibit our healthy propensity to prefer our own kind to strangers.

  20. GJ, these are bad analogies.

    1. Pet hoarders don’t attack non-hoarders and consider them evil for not wanting to hoard pets. Pet hoarding also doesn’t end with rapes, beatings, and deaths of humans, or riots which burn down cities. The psychology of pet hoarders and that of self-hating Whites is completely different, even if both are dysfunctional.

    2. Do-gooders go to the third world because organizations and charities have been set up to take them there, and because the media advertises them on TV. Without these incentives, no one would be going to Haiti or Africa with medicine and food. People ultimately do what they’re told to do; if our media advertised helping poor children in Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, etc. do-gooders would be doing that instead.

    3. Abolitionists didn’t start the Civil War Furthermore, no one is suggesting that Whites have made terrible decisions in the past, such as the Spanish mixing with the South American natives. What we’re saying is that what’s happening today is completely unlike anything that’s happened in the past, and that it’s not explainable except as a result of Jewish domination of the media, academia, government, and finance.

    Whites can only become consciously aware of their pathological altruism if they’re shown that their pathology is the result of an ATTACK on them by a foreign race that has hostile intent. That’s how you wake Whites up, by showing them the enemy, not by engaging in psychobabble about some kind of inborn weakness. If Whites had any kind of inborn weakness we would have been race-mixed out of existence centuries ago by the various Asian and African races that repeatedly invaded Europe.

  21. Suicide as a meme doesn’t fit as most persons committing suicide are without hope. I don’t see this in most globalist multiculturalists. Even the Jim Jones mass suicide was driven due to hopelessness.

    Pathological suicide stinks of the do called “judeo-christian” being trumpeted about. If one were too peel back and see the source of driving altruism, one will conclude it’s not a meme associated with whites.

  22. “it is all about setting the historical record straight. ” Absolutely. Hitler successfully threw the jews out of Germany and he did so humanely. (But for allied bombing there would have been far fewer deaths in those camps). I see no reason at all not to study what the National Socialist accomplished pre-war. The jews were out and the economy flourished, what’s not to like? Why do some sites concerned with White survival shun the very White man who made the best effort? Studying what he did is NOT hero worship. I suspect they don’t want to upset the jews, or maybe they think the “evil nazi” narrative is unbreakable? If people are told the truth about the second world war and the depths they’ve been lied to, I think they would be fertile ground to accept the truth about race. But people like DanielS scream that I’m immoral and crazy and occidental observer won’t post my comments anymore. Funny that.

  23. Hey, Cat Lady. Cat ladies are the weird exception to the rule and routinely mocked and complained about – just like the pols hired to impose the Jews’ anti-White policies.

  24. I am not offering analogies, I am offering actual examples of pathological altruism as discussed by psychologists.

    Another example: women who stay in abusive relationships because they feel that all they need do is give more love in order to magically transform a savage into a gentleman.

  25. Greg,

    I hesitate to allow you to comment here, or to engage you in argument, because the last time you demonstrated that you are less interested in addressing the points already raised than in redefining the argument and defending MacDonald’s personal honor.

    “Pathological altruism” is the idea that Whites have some inborn desire to transfer personal and racial resources to racial aliens.

    The idea is illusory in that it is a premise masquerading as a diagnosis, the putting forth of symptoms as causes. The argument in favor of this solipsistic just-so narrative typically hypes the personal dysfunction of irrelevant catladys and Amy Biehls (your points 1 and 2). This in effect plays down the treason in high places, the starkly unaltruistic misleadership of the Joe Bidens and David Camerons, which is of a different nature and has a more destructive impact.

    The idea misrepresents the effects of parasitism – the kind of infiltration, manipulation and exploitation which occurs at every level of life – instead as a problem unique to and inherent in the White race. The idea encourages deeper obliviousness to “the stranger”, the parasite, rather than awareness. The idea inspires racial antipathy rather than empathy. Whites internalizing and regurgitating the jew-originated, jew-serving idea that “the White race is born to suck” is part of the problem, not a solution.

    “Altruistic punishment” (your point 3) stands apart from the behavior of the catladies, Biehls and Bidens. I would say it’s a form of pathogen/parasite-induced auto-immune disorder – a hijacking and perversion of racial identity and peer pressure.

  26. Greg,

    I am not offering analogies, I am offering actual examples of pathological altruism as discussed by psychologists.

    The analogy is the characterization of Whites as a race of catladies and Biehls. That’s where it fails.

    Another example: women who stay in abusive relationships because they feel that all they need do is give more love in order to magically transform a savage into a gentleman.

    I touched on this in Gaslighting, the whole point being that a malevolent Other is involved. “Pathological altruism” assigns no agency whatsoever to any Other, much less address the manipulation and deception of the jews.

  27. Tan asks, “Is “pathological altruism” the problem, or jew rule?”

    Why is it either/or? The problem is both.

    Again, Jews could not rule us if we were immune to their influence. Concepts like pathological altruism and altruistic punishment are useful for explaining how it is that Jews rule us, and beyond that, how they induce us to destroy ourselves. Because they could not do this without white agency, and white agency cannot just be reduced to external carrot and stick motives. There are quite a few whites who are quite enthusiastic about our destruction, and they would be indignant if you suggested that they were merely acting out of greed or fear — because they are not. Cat ladies, and their racial equivalents, do actually exist. Amy Biehl actually existed.

  28. Concepts like pathological altruism and altruistic punishment are useful for explaining how it is that Jews rule us, and beyond that, how they induce us to destroy ourselves.

    You’re trying to redefine the terms and shift the argument.

    “Pathological altruism” fits catladies and Biehls – relatively insignificant and self-destructive individuals. Most every use of the term “pathological altruism” occurs without any mention of jews. This is a feature, not a bug. It helps explain how jews rule only indirectly, in that this idea is one of the many which feed a desire to ignore the jews.

    white agency cannot just be reduced to external carrot and stick motives

    Jew rule owes more to carrots and sticks than catladies and Biehls. It is the argument in favor of “pathological altruism” which implicitly reduces jewish agency to zero.

    Cat ladies, and their racial equivalents, do actually exist. Amy Biehl actually existed.

    Their psychology is not like the traitors in high places who actually exist – the Bidens and Camerons and to a lesser extent the Wikströms. Treason or selling out are the proper terms. “Pathological altruism” is not.

  29. There are quite a few whites who are quite enthusiastic about our destruction, and they would be indignant if you suggested that they were merely acting out of greed or fear

    Name one in a high place and I’ll show you a quite ambitious and self-interested liar. In fact one jumps to mind immediately: Bill Clinton.

    What does this have to do with catladies and Biehls? Nothing.

  30. These “suicide” and “pathological altruism” memes are, as Tan and others have pointed out, an excellent means of drawing attention away from the jew behind the curtain.

    A prime example of someone who uses these ideas is Jared Taylor.

    Here’s a recent interview over at Red Ice Radio, where at the 25:10 mark he pays lip service to the jew issue, as one among many causes of White “suicidal” behavior, but quickly dismisses it.


    Jared Taylor – Hour 1 – The Suppressed Conversation About Race
    March 11, 2015

    Henrik Palmgren: Yes, some have called it ethno-masochism. I want to ask you more about that later. But how do you think this was bred out of us. Education, media, popular culture?

    Jared Taylor:
    Some people say that there has been a decisive kind of jewish influence on the thinking of Whites. I think there is something to that as well, but that’s not a satisfying explanation.

    None of these things individually or in combination to me come close to explaining so un-natural as a group that is willing to subordinate itself. A majority group, not just in the Unites States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe, wherever we are, all of us have been infected by this sickness that says, OK take our countries, take our culture, take our woman, take us away. That to me is just without precedent in the history of the world and I don’t know of a satisfactory explanation.

    HP: Yes, it’s very strange, very interesting indeed.

    Throughout this interview, again and again, Taylor expresses bewilderment and befuddlement as to what could possibly be the cause of our racial “suicide” as he puts it. Is Taylor really that stupid? Decades of intense study, yet he still can’t pin the tail on the jewish donkey?

    His apparent inability to connect the dots that lead to the obvious conclusion that it is the jews that are the central number one instigators of the on-going destruction of the White race leads me to conclude that he is deliberately lying and deceiving his followers.

    Given his intelligence and long involvement in the White movement I don’t think there is any other reasonable explanation. Taylor must know that it is the jews behind our destruction.

  31. http://majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/mr_radio_guessedworker_speaks_with_tanstaafl#c144138

    John Derbyshire and The Suicide Thing. “Ethnomasochism” doesn’t fit what’s happening any better than “suicide” does. This is the kind of superficial pap that’s produced by people who are deliberately ignoring the jewish elephant in the room.

    “The Jewish Question” – Jared Taylor Vs. Brit – When confronted about jewish hostility Taylor admits there “is no question” of “jewish duplicity on the question of race”. Then he proceeds to undermine the credibility of himself and the superficial race-realism he espouses by saying he thinks one can’t afford to be a “crank” on more than one subject at a time – as if the jews and race are two distinct and unrelated subjects.

  32. katana,

    Taylor expresses bewilderment and befuddlement as to what could possibly be the cause of our racial “suicide”

    That’s a tell. Taylor is not just ignoring all the symptoms which implicate the jews. He examines them, wonders aloud about them, shrugs his shoulders about it all, and dismisses the idea. Then he slips into the “white pathology” schtick, and suddenly he’s confident and authoritative.

    Among pro-“whites” Taylor is the main proponent of the “pathological altruism” meme. He puts it forth as an alternative to the jews, so as not to discuss them. It’s a more sciency version of the “white guilt” meme, which Taylor is also a big proponent of. “Pathological altruism” is “white guilt” 2.0. These ideas are catch-alls which serve to root all blame in Whites. Period. Ask who is the pathogen, who is the guilt-tripper, and the response, if you get one, is that such questions are just craaaazy talk aimed at blaming the joooos for everything. Another tell.

  33. MacDonald and Andrew Joyce are of a different mold. They do talk about the jews. In fact the main thrust of Pathology and Pathogen, Fear and Genocide and Gaslighting was to examine and point out how their own ideas about the jews help explain what they misidentify as “white pathology” and “suicide”. In their case it seems they use those terms not to avoid the jews entirely, but instead to signal moderation, so as not to be seen as one of those craaaazy “anti-semites” who blames the jews for everything.

    I think some jew-wise intellects just don’t want to confront the fact that the fix that Whites (including themselves) need most of all is to hear and accept the simple wisdom that with jews we lose, to realize that the jews are indeed full-fledged existential enemies, not just some odd form of “white” “liberals” or “neocons”.

    When jew-wise intellects claim the problem is “us” they should stop disingenuously pointing their finger at everyone else. Stop blaming catlady nullities. Stop misinterpreting treason as “suicide” or “guilt”, stop dressing it up as “pathological altruism”. Stop dreaming that Whites can end jew rule by ignoring that jews rule. If all you are willing to do is think and talk, then at least start thinking and talking about ending jew rule.

  34. I guess all of this hinges on the false premise that one can only blame either Jews or whites, but not both, for our race’s predicament. Thus if one tries to figure out why whites are so susceptible to Jewish subversion, one is accused of covering up the role of the Jews, or posturing as a moderates. Both of these claims are accusations of intellectual dishonesty. When this position is challenged, it is simply repeated in increasingly strident tones.

    I would like to offer a counter-accusation: simple-mindedness or monomania or oversimplification. I think it is more important for Tan to simply “accuse the Jews” in this little corner of the internet than to actually fix the Jewish problem, which requires, first of all, that we fully understand it.

  35. “Again, Jews could not rule us if we were immune to their influence. ”

    Jews use their wealth and verbal abilities to buy politicians and elites. Every nation and every race has greedy people who are willing to sell themselves for prestige and betray their own kin. There is no “immunization” against Jews unless you somehow breed a populace that has no interest in the attainment of wealth and status, and I don’t see how that can be achieved in the short term.

    The point is this: Jews will never have a dearth of traitors to exploit, no matter how traditional, masculine, and aristocratic the nation is. Therefore the closest we can get to immunization is this:

    1. Removal of Jews from the nation(s) and their subsequent permanent banning.
    2. Punishment of traitors and mandatory death penalty for anyone caught dealing with Jews in the future.
    3. Mandatory education about Jews, their history, their religion, and their tactics.

    But in order for step one to happen, people need to be made aware of the fact that Jews are here as our enemies, and that they seek to destroy us.

  36. Whites are known NOT to be highly susceptible in general to Jewish subversion on race and nation issues. Brits for example supported the BNP’s formerly nationalist policies on these issues even after decades of re-education, media brainwashing, legal suppression and political bullying.


    Any poll of White Americans shows the same normal conduct.

    We need advocates who don’t lie and say how bad we are for bringing this all on ourselves. Like I say, we need advocates, not detractors and subverters like Gayg Johnson.

  37. thordaddy: The logic of MacDonald’s final analysis is total eradication. The “white” collective does not possess the will to carry out such a conclusion.

    Helvena: Hitler successfully threw the jews out of Germany and he did so humanely.

    The jews have been kicked out of various countries over 100 times, sometimes more than once. You’d think folks would learn, but that’s not nearly the biggest problem.

    The irresponsibility of those kicking jew monsters out of their own countries, simply to “poison the wells” of other countries, must be addressed.

    It has happened over 100 times. This must not continue!

  38. “I guess all of this hinges on the false premise that one can only blame either Jews or whites, but not both, for our race’s predicament.”

    Sure. There are all those White Nationalists out there that openly disagreed with Abe Foxman and Noel Ignatiev on race and nation issues who would never and did never express any disagreement with Clinton and Blair over the same issues out of race-loyalty. You really do believe that Gayg, because it really is a plausible theory and you’re really interested in getting to the truth. I guess.

  39. Greg,

    the false premise that one can only blame either Jews or whites

    Life and death are either/or. What I’m advocating is a more complete and accurate diagnosis. I’m explicitly pointing out the jewish pathogen behind “White pathology”. You are determined not to get that point.

    You argue that: 1) I’m mistaken, 2) all the “white pathology”/”pathological altruism” rhetoric is already about figuring out how to break jew rule, and 3) Whites are the real pathogen.

    Obviously what makes you tick isn’t logic or reason.

    if one tries to figure out why whites are so susceptible to Jewish subversion, one is accused of covering up the role of the Jews, or posturing as a moderates. Both of these claims are accusations of intellectual dishonesty

    You demonstrate here your own intellectual dishonesty. Again.

    I’ve made my case against the “pathological altruism” meme logically, by providing specific examples. You speak in phony platitudes. I’m pointing at an example of White weakness, how Whites are subverted, how even jew-wise Whites appear determined in their final diagnosis to ignore the agency of jews and specifically to ignore the impact of jewish infiltration and manipulation.

    I trust intellectually honest Whites, including the men whose ideas I’ve criticized, are able to judge the value of my points for themselves.

    I would like to offer a counter-accusation: simple-mindedness or monomania or oversimplification. I think it is more important for Tan to simply “accuse the Jews” in this little corner of the internet than to actually fix the Jewish problem, which requires, first of all, that we fully understand it.

    The pseudo-intellectual cries out against simple-mindedness as he insults you.

    I think here we see what makes you tick. It’s all very personal. Not race. Ego.

    And so here we are once again, with you wasting your valuable time in my little corner telling me how stupid, crazy and insignificant I am. It’s pathetic for you to stoop so low. You should go now. You’ve got a war on White catladies to fight.

  40. Tanstaafl…

    IF the Jew qua Jew is truly parasitic THEN is makes perfect sense for the masses to treat the Jew as if he had no agency. In return, a thing with no agency is like a thing invisible. An invisible parasite. No free will and unable to be eradicated.

    “We” must make up OUR minds on the Jewish Question.

  41. Two equally clearly absurd claims:

    1) There are no thugs in Baltimore.

    2) Swedes are committing suicide,

    Both are clearly racial in content. Both clearly tend anti-White. Have they the same ultimate source?

  42. Let’s also note that Bryan Caplan has said that White Nationalism is the worst nationalism of all, using typically Jewy tactics like conflating it with colonialism, slavery, etc. Typical anti-White Jew.

  43. I agree that the word suicide must be avoided, because it obscures the role of the Jews, but anyway, the use of the word suicide to describe the race replacement program is always ambiguous. Most people use the word loosely, not literally. What they mean is that current policies are harming us.

    Most often, those who use the word actually refuse to believe that the government wants to kill us. They may think there is a problem of self-hatred, with White elites hating their own race, but they would rather think that the main problem is misguided idealism and “suicidal” incompetence. And they don’t realize that we are ruled by Jews who do not identify as White.

  44. The supposed “altruism” at the top is a charade, a FRAUD. As I pointed out in the podcast, the most elaborate public displays feature reality-inverting rationalizations based on arguments which are either bald lies, or where the stated ideals better fit opposition to the policies and morals being advanced.

    Nobody in any position of power really gives a fuck about helping the invaders. They care only about putting on the appearance of such. It’s more about helping themselves and hurting Europeans than anything else.

    The idea that the cause is “pathological altruism”, as if it has anything to do with catlady or Biehl behavior, is dead wrong. It boggles my mind that any pro-White would even advance it, much less defend it from criticism. Instead of swallowing and regurgitating the FRAUD and denouncing Whites, pro-Whites should be pointing out the FRAUD and denouncing the traitors and enemies hiding behind it.

  45. Counter-Currents Radio: Greg Johnson interviews Richard Edmonds

    Edmonds describes the hostility of the contemporary (judaized) British establishment and the BBC toward native Britons and traces it back before WWII. He describes how they deceived Britons on immigration, how the Tory (torah) party leaders repeatedly “played the race card”, intimating they’d stop immigration only to increase it once in office. He notes the moral tone of the post-war narrative being typified by (jew) Studs Terkel’s The Good War.

    Edmonds really seems to understand what’s happening and how. He mentioned traitors, for example. Just one sour note. He did not even hint that he saw “pathological altruism” as the real problem. Maybe Greg can set him straight on that point next time.

  46. I’ve posted this comment over at the Occidental Observer.


    Andrew Joyce wrote:

    Here at TOO we are increasingly concerned with the origin, nature, and expression of pathological altruism in Whites. While there are a number of causes behind our rapid biological and cultural decline, this is surely one of the most potent, and it requires urgent and ongoing attention.

    This thing called “pathological altruism” is just another term for Whites’ inclination for “do-goodism”, in other words, to help the less fortunate, to be kind. It’s a positive inclination of Whites that has been hijacked by our jewish overlords and turned against us. There’s nothing “pathological” about this altruism in itself when it operates outside of jewish scheming.

    Another example of how our jewish overlords have hijacked a positive inclination of Whites and turned it against us, is with sex. Jewish domination of our media have turned the natural sexual urges of Whites into hyper sexual overdrive through the spread of pornography at every opportunity. Should we label this as “White pathological sexualism”?

    And one could go on through a list of such so-called “White pathologies”, each one in itself a beneficial trait under normal conditions, yet when manipulated by our jewish rulers they become poisonous to us.

    Perhaps there’s some value in calling what is happening to Whites as “suicide”, “pathological altruism” and similar terms, as shaming devices, as propaganda devices to shake Whites out of their deep sleep. Yet, “pathological altruism” is in reality, simply White altruism being subjected to jewish manipulation for the benefit of jews. It is not the cause though of our problems.

    Our problems exist because we have an alien, jewish domination of our societies that is intent on destroying us through intense psychological warfare, using all methods, against us.

    Whites are apparently committing “suicide” by letting in the third world and other measures. Yet it is not really suicide. It’s called “doing the right thing”, the result of intense jewish propaganda telling them that not to do so makes them “Nazis”, the most “evil thing in history”.

    The reality is that that the most evil thing in history is in fact the opposite of “Nazism”, namely organized jewry.

    White altruism is a wonderful attribute of our race.

  47. Tan: “Nobody in any position of power really gives a fuck about helping the invaders. They care only about putting on the appearance of such. It’s more about helping themselves and hurting Europeans than anything else.”

    The Jews usually scream bloody murder and yell “RACISM” at the very same time they promote our race replacement. So, we have to fight the defamation, and it leaves us less time to fight the race replacement attack.

    Of course, their accusations of racism are phony. The mantra sums it up: “antiracism is a codeword for antiwhite”. Many people now realize that jewish antiracism is a scam. But I think the manipulation works in more ways than one.

    I agree that people in positions of power don’t care about the non-whites. Most of the leftists who are not in positions of power don’t care either. They are simply posturing.

    But I think that people like Nixon, Thatcher, Giscard, Schmidt and Kohl didn’t realize they were going along with the Jewish effort to destroy the White race. I think they probably disapproved of race replacement but thought there was some honest anti-racist concern on the part of the media and the international organizations. And there are many people like that in western governments who don’t fully realize that antiracism is a jewish antiwhite scam. Unlike them, people like the Clintons, Obama, Cameron, Merkel, Sarkozy and Hollande know what they are doing.

    Maybe the main utility of the antiracist propaganda is to make us think that our elites believe in it, as in the Emperor’s new clothes story, as described here: EGI Notes.

    White society has been atomized by the jewish government and the jewish media. People are isolated and do not realize that others feel the same way they do. One day, thanks to the internet, they will realize that they are not alone, and Jewish power will naturally collapse.

    I think there is some truth to that reasoning. The Jews would find it harder to rule over us if people realized that we are in a Jewish dictatorship. But the main source of Jewish power is actually their direct control on the government and the media, not their manipulation of popular opinion. And in fact, when people notice that the government relies on manipulation, it obscures the fact that it relies even more on raw dictatorial power.

    For example, when the Jews go after a public figure who’s said something pro-White, they organize a public media campaign and they want us to believe that the targeted man is being destroyed by the public accusation of racism. In fact, his destruction is implemented behind the scenes by jewish money and jewish political power, in a direct or indirect way.

    So, the phony antiracism rhetoric of the jews is not only used to make it harder for us to resist their racial attack, it is also used as a smoke screen to hide their frightening power.

  48. Katana,

    You have said this before and I have addressed it before. It isn’t true:

    “Both DanielS and GW have mastered the fine art of “philosophical waffle”, stating what should be straightforward as convoluted verbiage that has me saying, “Get on with it, for God’s sake! State your questions and position in clear, plain and concise English!”

    I do not use words to embellish. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I am neither confused nor trying to confuse.

    You hear/read anything other than “Hitler was perfect in every way” as effusive nonsense.

    You persist in ignoring and distracting from important matters as a result.

  49. And Tan, this is one of the reasons why monocausality is to be avoided. It makes one myopic in a world that should be investigated processually.

    The Jews as the “every problem “will be used by Hitler worshipers as a part of their desperation to justify his program across the board – which translates to antagonizing and dividing most of Europe.

    There is no need to be paranoid that someone is necessarily trying to distract from the JQ if they are taking care of and understanding their own system, including its susceptiblities.

    Jews have predominant influence in 7 key niches and vigilance must be turned most often to these elite positions: religion, finance, law, media, business (esp. international), academia and politics.

    The problem that I can see with a term such as “pathological altruism” is that it is a psychologism – too narrowly packed onto the psyche rather than a looked upon in social terms, which would be the more fruitful investigation – and again, both our positive maintenance and problems ought to be looked upon as an ongoing process.

    Fine, we look at the Jews as most crucial among problems, but we have our own system to take care of as well.

    Recognizing our susceptibilities does not let the Jews off the hook for exploiting these openings.

    In the service of defending our system and not getting caught up in mere reaction to Jews, I am satisfied that my structuring (which Katana dishonestly tries to say is obfuscatory) of two problems Jewish interests on the one hand and objectivism on the other, provides a good, orientative balance (in particular, we need to correct objectivism with acknowledgment of the validity of our relative group interests. Objectivism, which would outstrip that, carried to its logical extreme, is both compelling as a means to power and to get beyond guilt, and easily exploited by Jews.

  50. *I understand Katana’s problem. To him, hermeneutic process is “waffling” when we should all just fall in line behind Hitler.

    Its almost as foolish as saying Craig Cobb was giving us all great advertising by having the media showing Swastika’s paraded around a tiny village.

    Anglin and John Gage are similarly misguided/misguiding

    Europeans are not going to be united under that crap. It bespeaks a fundamental lack of decency and judgement. Not the stuff leaders are made of at all. They can propose themselves as leaders but better people will not follow.

  51. Cleaning up a previous comment:

    And Tan, this is one of the reasons why monocausality is to be avoided. It makes one myopic in a world that should be investigated processually.

    The Jews as the “every problem “will be used by Hitler worshipers as a part of their desperation to justify his program across the board – which translates to antagonizing and dividing most of Europe.

    There is no need to be paranoid that someone is necessarily trying to distract from the JQ if they are taking care of and understanding their own system, including its susceptiblities.

    Jews have predominant influence in 7 key niches and vigilance must be turned most often to these elite positions: religion, finance, law, media, business (esp. international), academia and politics.

    The problem that I can see with a term such as “pathological altruism” is that it is a psychologism – too narrowly packed onto the psyche rather than looked upon in social terms, which would be the more fruitful investigation – and again, both our positive maintenance and problems ought to be looked upon as an engaged, interactive, reflexive and ongoing social process.

    Fine, we look at the Jews as most crucial among problems, but we have our own system to take care of as well.

    Recognizing our susceptibilities does not let the Jews off the hook for exploiting these openings.

    In the service of defending our system and not getting caught up in mere reaction to Jews, I am satisfied that my structuring (which Katana dishonestly tries to say is obfuscatory) of two problems – Jewish interests on the one hand and objectivism on the other – provides a good, orientative balance (in particular, we need to correct objectivism with acknowledgment of the validity of our relative group interests. Objectivism, which would outstrip that, carried to its logical extreme, is both compelling as a means to power and as a means to get beyond guilt, but is easily exploited by Jews.

    *I understand Katana’s problem. To him, hermeneutic process is “waffling” when we should all just fall in line behind Hitler.

  52. DanielS,

    “Monocausalism” (like Johnson’s “monomania”) is just another way of saying craaazy “anti-semitism”. Use your brain and make an argument.

    This bit makes sense:

    The problem that I can see with a term such as “pathological altruism” is that it is a psychologism – too narrowly packed onto the psyche rather than looked upon in social terms

    Likewise when “suicide” and “self-deception” are stretched to fit collective behavior.

  53. Let’s say that hypothetically, Whites do have some kind of inborn weakness. That doesn’t change the fact that we’re going to have to, sooner or later, face the Jews head-on. It’s obvious by now that the system will never allow a White Nationalist to come to power in any White nation. Therefore any White leader will need to use force, as there is simply no other option. How would a White leader come to power and draw followers? By telling Whites to search themselves for psychological weaknesses, or by telling them that they have enemies embedded in government, media, and academia?

    The white pathology argument is worse than incorrect, it’s completely unnecessary. We don’t have to engage Jews or their traitorous White servants. In fact we can’t engage them anyway, as they simply censor or imprison us as opposed to addressing our arguments. What does investigating “white pathology” get us? It gets us nothing. It serves no purpose, neither intellectual nor pragmatic. Hitler didn’t come to power by telling Germans there was something wrong with them, because there wasn’t. In the Weimar Era, Germans were getting drunk in bars and screwing pregnant prostitutes: under Hitler, those same Germans were raising families, working, and contributing to the nation.

    When Jews are in charge, Whites do what they’re told. When Whites are in charge, Whites again do what they’re told. Most people in all races are like that. Bottom line: people follow orders. The goal is to get White patriots into power.

  54. DanielS 3 MAY 2015 AT 10:41 PM
    In the service of defending our system and not getting caught up in mere reaction to Jews, I am satisfied that my structuring (which Katana dishonestly tries to say is obfuscatory) of two problems Jewish interests on the one hand and objectivism on the other, provides a good, orientative balance (in particular, we need to correct objectivism with acknowledgment of the validity of our relative group interests. Objectivism, which would outstrip that, carried to its logical extreme, is both compelling as a means to power and to get beyond guilt, and easily exploited by Jews.

    DanielS you are calling me dishonest because I said that you waffle on and don’t state your questions and position in clear, plain and concise English. You describe this as me saying you are being “obfuscatory”, with the implication that I think you are deliberately trying to confuse, obscure and generally bewilder your audience.
    That’s an interesting thought that never entered my mind. That you are some kind of language troll.

    But I don’t think you are deliberately trying to confuse people with mumbo-jumbo. I think your writings are unclear because your thinking is unclear, because your language is unclear, being filled with abstractions and jargon. An example of that is your paragraph quoted above (MAY 2015 AT 10:41 PM). WTF does that all mean?

    Look DanielS, perhaps what I said stung a little more than I intended. Sorry about that, but I wrote it in the sense of “tough love”, trying to be helpful, believe it or not.


    For my latest blog post, The World Conquerors — Part 6: The Real War Criminals, click here >>> KATANA


  55. I was listening to Horace’s latest podcast at White Rabbit Radio last night. I like 95% of what he says because it’s upbeat and inspiring however, a red flag went up when he started saying we don’t need to address the jewish question unless someone else brings it up in conversation because antisemitism is at such a high level now that even young jews are attaching their elders. Horace believes young jews will take care of the SJW and the big jews themselves. Move along folks, no problem here. REALLY. When in history as the jews corrected themselves? Yet we as Whites are to reflect and correct our own nature. NO. The core of the problem of White genocide is the jew and we must no let up on naming the jew. (I note that from a Black point of view they are under genocide and the core of their problem is the same as ours.)

    I like the mantra and I like Horace and Bob Whitaker but I do note that under Reagan (who Bob worked for) the neocons came to power. So my advice would be to never ever take your eye off jew.

  56. I think your writings are unclear because your thinking is unclear, because your language is unclear, being filled with abstractions and jargon. An example of that…

    I concur. And good example.

  57. IF the modus operandi of the anti-white Supremacist is to snuff out the white man’s free will THEN both the labeling of theenemy as “parasitic” AND the dismissal of “white” self-annihilators as the dominant majority DO JUST THAT, however paradoxical that may appear.

    Parasites have no free will.

    The “pathological altruist/conscious self-annihilator” PROCEDURALLY self-annihilates out of his own free will.

    The nature of this intellectual sphere IS TO ALWAYS SUSPECT that those at the forefront of the discussion are ACTUALLY the MOST crypto of Jews.

    Sorry Tan… You, like so many other anti-white Supremacists (you too, Cesar Tort), START with a white man who lacks free will and then you fit all the evidence in order to solidify that fundamental frame. This is your fatal flaw.

  58. thordaddy, I can see I’ve been too kind in allowing you to prattle. I wonder, briefly, why I would behave as you describe even if I thought as you describe – and then realize you’re just full of shit.

  59. I’ve been rebutting this suicide argument for more than 10 years now:


    And it’s a testament to the extent of jewish influence that so few dissidents are able to examine this issue rationally and scientifically. It’s really not very difficult. The suicide notion is silly, and we don’t even need to consider the jews in reaching this conclusion. We can dispose of the question on purely theoretical grounds.

  60. http://majorityrights.com/weblog/comments//sweden#c2401

    The words of eminent evolutionary biologist George C. Williams cannot be repeated too often:

    “As a general rule, a modern biologist seeing an animal doing something to benefit another assumes either that it is being manipulated by the other individual or that it is being subtly selfish.”

    Thank you Ben.

  61. A stronger statement from a less-eminent source:

    Natural selection normally makes animals behave in their own selfish interests. Even when it favours altruistic behaviour, it is only in the interests of some broader form of selfishness. However, parasites may exploit their hosts, forcing them to behave in ways which do not benefit the hosts (or their genetic relatives). (Alan Clamp and Julia Russell, Comparative Psychology, Hodder & Stoughton, 1998, p. 29).

    And I read the “broader form of selfishness” as referring to selfishness at a different level of organization (cf. David Sloan Wilson). Falling on a grenade is personally unselfish, but it advances the interest of the group you’re part of and the interests of the genetic structures that you share with fellow members of your group.

  62. Majorityrights has gone thru 5 major stages. The second, where GW, who to his credit had always insisted on free debate, was forced by the power of wintermute and ben tillman’s comments to agree that antisemitism had some real cause, value and necessity, is the one worth reading.

    If you’re coming new to these questions you can get almost as much out of those discussions as from books like CULTURE OF CRITIQUE, google:

    site:majorityrights.com wintermute
    site:majorityrights.com “ben tillman”

  63. katana, I expected waffle, but thought GW was uncharacteristically clear and focused on things that matter. No speculations about possible future states of consciousness, no lingering vote Conservative or else warnings. Just race. This was GW as good as he’s ever been.

    The moronically anti-Third Reich thing is something GW will never get over, but he doesn’t matter. If we can persuade MacDonald to stand tall that would count. It isn’t essential that all our important spokesmen get fully informed, but none of them should be disinformed and misinforming.

  64. Nick Dean – 4 MAY 2015 AT 9:19 PM

    The moronically anti-Third Reich thing is something GW will never get over, but he doesn’t matter. If we can persuade MacDonald to stand tall that would count. It isn’t essential that all our important spokesmen get fully informed, but none of them should be disinformed and misinforming.

    Nick, I suspect (or hope) that MacDonald knows the deal re the Third Reich, the holohoax, etc., but thinks it would harm his reputation and also suffer consequences from the Tribe if he was to express sympathy and understanding in that area. But now that he is retired he may start to shift.

    As to why GW & Co don’t get that the Germans were fighting for us, the White race, I can put that down to them being unable to break out of a lifetime of anti-German propaganda. Yet there is still hope for them if they genuinely seek to know the truth of that era.

  65. “Monocausalism” (like Johnson’s “monomania”) is just another way of saying craaazy “anti-semitism”. Use your brain and make an argument.”

    Wrong, Tan.

    Think about what I am saying: two poles, one Jewish and the other our susceptibility for objectivism (As opposed to looking after our relative, group interests).

    You may not like the term monocuasalism and it may be used by people who are trying to distract from the J.Q., but there is NO suggestion here that we are crazy and that Jews are not hostile, powerful antagonists requiring acute focus (while perhasp not ALL attention ALL of the time).

    Next, you quote the feeble Katana and concur where he is totally wrong:

    “4 May 2015 at 12:57 pm

    I think your writings are unclear because your thinking is unclear, because your language is unclear, being filled with abstractions and jargon. An example of that…

    I concur. And good example.”

    I am clear in what I say, and clear enough in how I say it for anyone, but perhaps those like Katana who want to believe in Hitler’s perfection (and for people to not hear what people like myself are saying).

    Tan, that must be why you go on to cite John Friend (absurd conspiracy theories and all) as a definitive authority.

    What you do in focusing on Jews is a good thing, but you are taking it to paranoia when you suggest that someone (e.g. myself) is not using their brain and trying to obfuscate the Jewish role when we look at our susceptibilities and philosphical corrections thereof.

    I can hope for better from you, but if you are endorsing Katana’s BS and John Friend, then perhaps the William Pierce perspective has you held too captive to let go.

    William Pierce was smart, but we can do better. Indeed, we must.

  66. DanielS,

    Think about what I am saying: two poles, one Jewish and the other our susceptibility for objectivism (As opposed to looking after our relative, group interests).

    I think you actually listen to my podcast, so you should know I have not neglected to mention the White tendency toward objectivity, especially relative to the jews. See, for example:

    Race and Genetics – Part 4 and Part 5. (Trigger warning: national socialist worldview.)

    Pathology and Pathogen is a more recent example, and more directly related to the argument here because I have described it as a White weakness vis-a-vis the jews.

    I think the negative effect of this tendency toward objectivity is visible in Joyce and MacDonald’s academic approach, trying to stand above and outside it all, to avoid appearing biased (and thus being accused of being stupid or crazy) by siding too strongly with Whites and against the jews.

    The curious thing about the “monocausalism”/”monomania” slur is that it is invariably used by someone (eg. Chechar, Johnson, yourself) arguing in favor of White solipsism. Here we are looking at real examples of Whites failing to confront the jewish reality, and your contribution is to cry foul and advise we not listen to those who do confront it.

    You can do better, and you must.

  67. First of all, a big thank you for this site and for the great work here, and for the brilliant comments as well.
    However, I do take issue with the criticism toward MacDonald. You have got to be kidding. It would not be possible to accuse him of fear of the Jews if you have read his books. The man is a genius, and he NAILS the Jews in his trilogy, nails them so badly they can’t even dispute his claims.
    My take on “pathological altruism.” I don’t see the concept of PA as taking away from the fact that we have been hijacked. I see PA as simply a reflection of the fact that whites have a Christian value system that causes whites to be too gracious and too nice. I don’t see that it lets Jews off the hook in any way. MacDonald is looking into the question of how/why we have allowed the Jews to take over, and PA is a slice of a larger explanation. I kind of like it because it makes me feel that we are maybe not as stupid as I formerly thought. I think Greg Johnson put it brilliantly when he said the Jews are “hackers who found a vulnerability in the white computer system.”
    PA is not a “diversion” at all. Taylor diverts, yes, but KM does not. He has balls the size of grapefruits.
    By the way, all of you guys are brilliant and we should express goodwill toward other WN’s at all times because God knows we don’t get any kindness anywhere else.

  68. Brandon,

    I have never said I think MacDonald is afraid of the jews. In his case, and Joyce too, I think the fear is of appearing stupid or crazy in the eyes of fellow Whites. Intellectuals are especially sensitive to such concerns.

    Greg Johnson put it brilliantly when he said the Jews are “hackers who found a vulnerability in the white computer system.”

    The parasitism analogy is a much better fit.

    Perhaps Johnson has since changed his tune, but what he argued here was the opposite of brilliant. His point was not that jews have hacked Whites, but that Whites are inherently vulnerable to being hacked. His point was not that we need to confront the hackers, who in his mind just happen to be jews, but that we should ignore them and fix ourselves. Never mind the hackers who pwn the system. Just get busy fixing…something.

    This is what “conservatives” have been doing for decades.

    “Pathological altruism” is indeed a diversion. We are not ruled by catladies. We are not even ruled by jews because of catladies. Taylor promotes the idea. MacDonald and many others who should know better have gotten diverted by it. Many more will follow MacDonald.

  69. Brandon Fisk 3 JUNE 2015 AT 11:55 PM

    “My take on “pathological altruism.” I don’t see the concept of PA as taking away from the fact that we have been hijacked.”

    Brandon, the problem with this term “pathological altruism.” is that it is being misapplied. The correct use is in describing people who harm themselves (and others) by taking an obsessive interest in the welfare of other people or things. Like cat ladies, like someone who believes that all creatures deserve the same comfort as he has and brings poisonous snakes, spiders, etc., into his home and is constantly being bitten and rushed to hospital. Like a White couple who adopts a dozen African nigglets and uses nearly all their resources on them at the expense of their own children. There is clearly something wrong with these people and the term “pathological altruism” is a good fit. Although with the last case it could be argued that the couple is suffering from jew induced behavior as they mimic and outdo jew owned movie stars who adopt nigglets as fashion accessories.

    With normal White people their natural altruism is simply being exploited by jews and therefore the fault lies with the jews. If you removed jews form White societies this altruism would not be a problem. Calling normal White altruism “pathological” is like describing people who have been stabbed and are bleeding everywhere, as suffering from hemophilia (a serious disease that causes a person who has been cut or injured to keep bleeding for a very long time)

    So KMac calling normal White altruism “pathological” is simply a wrong use of the term. Instead he should drop the word “pathological” and simply say that “White altruism” is being exploited by jews to harm us and that we need to wise up.

    “I don’t see that it lets Jews off the hook in any way.”

    Well it does let the Jews off the hook because when the jew stabs you in the back the good doctor starts talking about your tendency to bled excessively, all over the nice carpet, that is to say, shifting the focus from the criminal to the victim.

    “MacDonald is looking into the question of how/why we have allowed the Jews to take over, and PA is a slice of a larger explanation.”

    We all appreciate his efforts, but as I have explained above “PA” is the wrong terminology and not helpful to our cause, however well intentioned.

    “I kind of like it because it makes me feel that we are maybe not as stupid as I formerly thought.”

    This is this “We’re letting it happen, we’re doing it to ourselves, we’re half to blame” kind of thinking that again shifts attention away from the enemy, the jew, into a worldview of shrugging ones shoulders and saying “it can’t be helped”.

    The jews have taken over through a slow but steady process over many generations that leverages jewish characteristics (that KMac describes) such as intelligence, psychological intensity, ethnocentrism, ruthlessness, deception, cunning, sadism, messianic zeal, patience, etc., to combine into a highly organized international cabal, led by psychopaths, hell bent on world control.


    For my latest blog post, The World Conquerors — Part 19 (last): The Hungarian Freedom Revolt; Epilogue, click here >>> KATANA


  70. I do not believe that KM has shifted his position due to any fears whatsoever. He has suffered persecution for many years and stood his ground, proud soldier that he is. His school crapped on him and he wasn’t allowed to teach the last year. They removed him. There are clips on Youtube showing rotten leftist students giving him grief in his classroom, and he dealt with their stupidity with soft intelligent replies.
    “The Culture of Critique” is a MASTERPIECE. I’ve read everything I could find, but I keep going back to the CofC. I do not believe that his latest work in any way invalidates his previous work. I do not believe that he is giving in or blaming whites. The CofC is bulletproof because KM brilliantly used Jewish sources. In some ways he repackaged what the Jews themselves had already found to be true. And none of it is pretty. I was literally sick to my stomach for DAYS after reading the Culture of Critique because I knew without any doubt that the book is totally accurate. It was like a nuclear explosion in my brain.
    I see KM as a heroic figure who’s given his all. He’s not a sellout.
    White people ARE somewhat to blame for NOT FIGHTING BACK. In fact I feel like giving up sometimes because the people around me are such douchebag idiots. I live in mexican occupied southern California and I have experienced severe anti-white discrimination. All of the white people I know are marxist lunatics. MORONS. Brain dead IDIOTS. People who’d rather DIE than be called the R word. This IS a pathology. When you disregard survival mechanisms, when you hate yourself and your own people, when you allow INVADERS to take over your own habitat, there is something wrong with you.
    Yes, the Jews are manipulative devious hateful crazy hypocrites, but that doesn’t explain the likes of Bill Clinton and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.
    Yes, the Jews are nation wreckers, it’s obvious, but our shabbos goy leadership is just as much to blame. Call it pathology, or suicide, or selling out, call it peanut butter, it doesn’t matter. Some of our people are simply ROTTEN. Hillary Clinton is ROTTEN. John McCain is ROTTEN.
    We need to take it to the streets and FIGHT BACK.

  71. Brandon,

    White people ARE somewhat to blame for NOT FIGHTING BACK. In fact I feel like giving up sometimes because the people around me are such douchebag idiots. I live in mexican occupied southern California and I have experienced severe anti-white discrimination. All of the white people I know are marxist lunatics. MORONS. Brain dead IDIOTS. People who’d rather DIE than be called the R word. This IS a pathology.

    The point you’re missing is that what you’re talking about is not the “White pathology” Taylor, Johnson, Joyce, and MacDonald are talking about. They have not identified White ignorance or demoralization or the lack of fighting back as “White pathology”. Instead they cite “pathological altruism” as their primary example. They argue that this “White pathology” is baked into our genes, that by definition it is not a product of enemy activity, that the solution is not to fight back against the jews, but to fix ourselves. In fact, even the fixing comes across as beside the point. Even if the problem were cat ladies, they’re not offering any suggestions what to do about that.

    What I argue is that this “White pathology” rhetoric, such as it is, actually feeds upon and exacerbates White ignorance and demoralization. I say the solution is to fight back, and that this begins with explicitly identifying the jews as the enemy and pointing out the harm they have caused.

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