Catching up with Kyle Hunt


I last spoke with Kyle Hunt in late 2013. I’ll be joining him again live on the Solar Storm at Renegade Broadcasting tomorrow (Sunday, May 24th) at 9PM ET.

Check out Kyle’s documentary Hellstorm and follow @RadioRenegades.

UPDATE 25 May 2015: The Solar Storm: Tanstaafl (5-24-15) at Renegade Broadcasting. It was a wide-ranging 2.5 hour long conversation. A few of the items we discussed:

The Culture of Critique in France: A review of Anne Kling’s books on Jewish influence in France, Part 1

Bahar Mustafa: As a white man, I’m surprised more women aren’t tweeting the hashtag #KillAllWhiteMen

Obama Stresses Support for Israel, but Refuses to ‘Paper Over’ Discord

Understanding Kostenki 14 (Markina Gora) concerns the murky topic of European racial roots. My best understanding is in a comment:

So to summarize, the two most recent ancestral populations of modern Europeans (=WHG+EEF+ANE) are: Old Europeans (=WHG+EEF, with EEF increasing southward), who were invaded by Aryans (=WHG+ANE, in a 3-1 ratio) about 5Kya. Kostenki 14 (=WHG+EEF+ANE) is dated to 37Kya, thus his apparently “modern” composition is difficult to explain. There are the anomaly/error possibilities Cochran suggests, or Lazaridis is wrong.

Cochran may not say it, but I will. Contemporary scientists very deliberately avoid connecting their work to anything that might validate the pre-DNA, pre-WWII race science understanding of Aryans. BECAUSE JEWS. If the scientists were finding genetic evidence that invalidated this prior understanding of Aryans they would say so, and the jewsmedia would crow about it. This political distortion compounds whatever confusion there is in deciphering and interpreting the evidence.

66 thoughts on “Catching up with Kyle Hunt”

  1. Well, that was good chat with Kyle.

    I liked this from Tan on the suicide vs genocide argument:

    “Calling it genocide means you recognize that there is an enemy and that you have a duty a responsibility to do something about it. And not just say, “Oh well, my race is killing itself.”

    If you say it’s suicide then that absolves you from having to do anything. Crazy people are going to kill themselves, what can you do about it? But if it’s genocide then there’s a call for you to do something about it. In you own mind, in your own personal mindset. And I think that’s one reason why “suicide” appeals over genocide.”

    As I’ve mentioned in previous comments I can see why some might use the term “suicide” as a form of shaming rhetoric. Typically those using such terms are not so jew-wise and are just struggling to explain the inexplicable on a superficial level. But then we have people who are jew-wise like Taylor who uses it as a cop-out to avoid naming the jew. And then we have someone like KMac.

    KMac prefers to use the term “pathological altruism”, I imagine as an euphuism for the much harder sounding “suicide” term that he uses far less. KMac describes the development of altruism in Whites as a positive evolutionary trait developed over many thousands of years in a harsh environment. Yet when such a trait is exposed to the scheming parasite/predator jew and is exploited, he calls it pathological. Surely it’s a case of a strength becoming simply a weakness?

    When the Black Death pathogen arrived in Europe and wiped out untold millions of Europeans would KMac describe Europeans as being pathologically altruistic towards that out of sight, yet deadly, pathogen? I don’t think so.

    Yet when we have a far worst pathogen in the form of organized jewry, that has arguably responsible for far more deaths and destruction of Whites in the 20th and 21st centuries than all the “Black Deaths” combined, he effectively blames the victim, through his inappropriate terminology. He should change his terms here from “pathological altruism” to something like “altruistic weakness”, or in longer form “altruistic weakness to Jewish parasitism/predatorism”.

    It’s not us that suffer from a pathology, It’s the Jewish community that has nurtured and spawned Organized Jewry. An organization clearly demonstrated in recent history alone as being dedicated to a sadistic tyranny over humanity.


    For my latest blog post, The World Conquerors — Part 14: The Jews Have the Atom Bomb /b> click here >>> KATANA


  2. Great show!

    I must admit, I have heard of your website and your name has come up a few times, but this was the 1st time I ever heard you speak. I was impressed. You are on Kevin MacDonald’s level intellectually, without sounding like a politician who is holding back the whole time.

    I’d like to throw a couple of topics out there for you, then perhaps you and I could record a podcast of our own.

    #1. As it was brought up in a passing comment during this podcast, I’d like your thoughts on what I have referred to as the “kosher food conspiracy” (for lack of a better description):

    #2. Also, here are my thoughts on the Jewish race. I have “theorized” of a Jewish hierarchy, where the (more racially) “pure” Jews have essentially created an army of lesser Jews (partial Jews/converts) to (mostly) unwittingly do their bidding (useful idiots, all kept on a need-to-know basis): This bridging the gap between the parasite and its host was a survival strategy:

    In any case, I could go on and on (and I have for going on a decade now), but I’ll leave you with those 3 (relatively short) articles for now.

    I’ll be looking forward to a response from you OR even better an invitation to join you on a podcast to discuss these topics in greater detail.

    Either way, thanks for your efforts.


  3. Great interview. Too bad audio got all mucked up for a bit at the 2 hour mark. Tried to call in but it never connected.

    Genocide not suicide. If people don’t like either, use jewicide.

    I do remember Kyle, for a while was pushing this suicide stuff, especially w/ Henrik and Lana, to new promoters of suicide. Glad Kyle, has come around on that topic.

    Some of these bigger names seem to push suicide and the other false labels, to align w/ McDonald, as a way to side with an intellect. Even though this intellect is wrong. Many, many “names” push it and the lesser, more anonymous,seem to do it to rent seek with the bigger names.

  4. DanielS,

    It’s a shame that Tan would say that I’m “not using my brain”.. “don’t have my thoughts organized clearly” and then take an idea that I have clearly organized and advanced for some time, and promote it on the Hitler worshiping “Renegade Network”, saying that he has this idea that our objectivity has given us advantages but also susceptibilities.

    You should link where that previous exchange you’re mixing into your critique took place so your readers can judge that previous exchange between us for themselves.

    For the record, I don’t think you’re stupid Daniel. I just don’t share your overriding concern about “monocausalism” and “Hitler worship”. That’s where it seems to me your brain shuts down. You see those terms as trump cards, argument enders, whereas to me they’re nothing more than another way of saying “anti-semitism” and “nazi”.

    It may sting to hear it, but I often find the way you express yourself difficult to understand. I think that’s because you have tried to organize your thoughts but neglect to consider that others haven’t followed the details of your philosophizing, aren’t familiar with your jargon, or simply disagree with you.

    Which brings me to the main thrust of your criticism of the interview, which amounts to “I’m incensed that Tan said things I disagree with in a venue I don’t like”.

    My response: That’s too bad.

    As I’ve already explained, I’ve been thinking and talking about objectivity for a while, independent of whatever you’ve said about it (of which I’m not even aware). It was in Race and Genetics – Part 5, late 2012, that I came to understand that the race scientists behind national socialism, specifically Fritz Lenz, had identified objectivity as a key Aryan mental trait. That’s also where I first mentioned how the jews use this tendency against us, how even Lenz was moved by the fear of appearing biased, of being seen as an “anti-semite” (or as a “Hitler worshipping monocausalist” as you might put it).

  5. One more, Tan, you’re right on most topics, but as with many other jew wise people you are completely wrong on the “kosher tax”. It’s not about money or some hidden tax, how hidden can it be with labels right on the product?

    Kosher means clean, poison free food, not healthy food. That is to say, do you think the jews who poison medicine, vaccinations, the water, the sky and our gene pool, would all of a sudden stop to not poison the food? They poison it, and keep theirs clean, so the kosher stamp is in place to show its cleanliness.

    On the whole kosher food is cheaper. Example, Kosher conventional peanut butter is cleaner and safer than Organic non kosher peanut butter. Jews control it all, and to think they would not control the food is odd.

    Would you trust a USDA stamp of organic to be clean, or a jew who is running the show to keep their food clean and dirty for the goyim?

    The “blessing” people write it off as, means that a rabbi has inspected every single item to its source, going into the food, the production of, and the cleaning supplies maintained in the process. Assuring that this product is free of harmful contaminants. Rabbis get paid a flat fee to do this, they do not make any money after that point, for each of those “blessed” units sold.

    I will leave this link for you to read through, I left comments on DS article on this secret Kosher tax, you can read Scott Roberts comments as well.

    Why would a jew freak out and kill a goy over not being taxed by a fellow jew? Or more likely, he freaked because of the toxic content of the food.

    You seem to be a thorough researcher, dig a little deeper on this topic. Read some kosher certification websites.

    Relevant links:

  6. I first made the connection between Spengler’s Prussianism (Prussian socialism, proto-NS) and Aryan mentality (ala Ricardo Duchesne) in Yockey on Liberalism – Part 6:

    a proud and exclusive Socialism for men of race, for the elect of life

  7. as with many other jew wise people you are completely wrong on the “kosher tax”

    Huh? I haven’t done any deep research or expressed any firm opinion on kosher food. I probably will someday. I agree it’s about more than money, but it is also just one of the many, many facets of jew rule.

  8. Apologies, Sentence wasn’t worded properly. My comment was in regards to the recent show with Kyle Hunt, where kosher food was expressed to be a “blessing” or just a “tax”. The topic is deeper than that and deserves a more intense look-through. That’s all I was trying to say, failed I guess.

  9. I’ve put this interview up on TFeed. The two and a half hours talking with Kyle was a fairly exhaustive (and exhausting) review of what’s on my mind, so there will be no AoTR podcast this week.

  10. “For the record, I don’t think you’re stupid Daniel. I just don’t share your overriding concern about “monocausalism”

    Monocausalism is NOT the important term with me. The important issue is systemic maintenance and homeostasis in leverage against our enemies attacks. And we are not only attacked by Jews. For you to focus on them is fine. But when you try to suggest that someone like me is following the likes of Auster or trying to distract from the Jews or falling for their tricks that’s paranoid.

    7 key points where Jews have overriding power: finance, religion, media, academia, politics, international business, law. Their use of these power positions against us is second to none in importance. That is what I say!

    “and “Hitler worship”. That’s where it seems to me your brain shuts down.”

    On the contrary, that is where the Hitler worshiper’s brains shut down. As if we need to resurrect him to think for us! He is a permanently divisive figure – he is unnecessary to redeem. That’s it.

    “You see those terms as trump cards, argument enders, whereas to me they’re nothing more than another way of saying “anti-semitism” and “nazi”.

    Because you don’t get it man, you see everyone as on just two sides – the Hitler/Nazi side or the Jew side and it isn’t that way.

    “It may sting to hear it, but I often find the way you express yourself difficult to understand.:”

    It doesn’t sting. You might try a little harder. Or not try, but don’t bullshit me like Duke tries, that Hitler was so perfect, didn’t do anything bad, that he was defending all Whites and we can’t live without him.

    “I think that’s because you have tried to organize your thoughts”

    I HAVE organized my thoughts.

    “but neglect to consider that others haven’t followed the details of your philosophizing, aren’t familiar with your jargon, or simply disagree with you.”

    It isn’t exotic or arbitrary jargon that I am using. It is based on Aristotle, biological philosophy and more recent post modern philosophy.

    “Which brings me to the main thrust of your criticism of the interview, which amounts to “I’m incensed that Tan said things I disagree with in a venue I don’t like.

    My response: That’s too bad.”

    I thought you were more honest than to straw man me like this.

    No, I am incensed that you are reconstructing the The Nazi/Jew diatribe, and the Nazi mirror of the Jews as the chosen people, pure light unto the world and eternal ex nihlo victims.

    As I’ve already explained, I’ve been thinking and talking about objectivity for a while, independent of whatever you’ve said about it (of which I’m not even aware). It was in Race and Genetics – Part 5, late 2012,

    And I have been talking about it since the 1990’s; have done so with Meztzger, on VoR and just recently in comments in criticism of you.

    I would not have objected if you had said something like, and similar as what our friend over there at MR, DanielS is saying about Objectivism being a problem for us, I have been thinking as well, that it has yields but entails susceptibilities..

    …if you had been talking to Friends who care more about European peoples than Hitler and the Nazis: You are not comforting friends when you are unanimity with Kyle who can see no wrong in Hitler, who is tight with this Markus guy who hates Poland and has a long list of reasons why he supposes war should be instigated with them Again! etc.

    “I came to understand that the race scientists behind national socialism, specifically Fritz Lenz, had identified objectivity as a key Aryan mental trait. That’s also where I first mentioned how the jews use this tendency against us, how even Lenz was moved by the fear of appearing biased, of being seen as an “anti-semite” (or as a “Hitler worshipping monocausalist” as you might put it).

    I don’t tend to use the word monocausalist, Tan. I have probably less than ten times in my life.

    Citing reasons and things he had right is one thing. Making excuses, covering-up and lying for him, quite another.

    When you try to bury what I am saying under the rubric of Hitler as the grand unifier, getting all cool with Hitler worshipers, I do have a problem with that. Go back and re-listen to some of table talk; and if you can’t find it in yourself, the way Duke et. al, can’t find it in himself to look at him critically and reject him as a proposed unifying figure, if you think he’s cool then you are the one who is screwed up.

    I think you can understand this:

  11. “The jews have hijacked our targeting system.”

    One tactic they are most adept at is misdirecting our empathy (naturally strongest in those with greater creative ability) into sympathy for things not in our interest. An example is Whites adopting African niglets out of kikejew inspired misguided altruism.

    It’s the “Empathy-Sympathy Trap”.

  12. Here is the comment which seems to have had an instigating effect:

    Tanstaafl’s paranoia:

    Age of Treason Radio
    Fear and Loathing and Treason – Part 2

    Tan says:

    “Monocausalism” (like Johnson’s “monomania”) is just another way of saying craaazy “anti-semitism”. Use your brain and make an argument.”

    Wrong, Tan.

    Think about what I am saying: we will do best to set about with two poles, one Jewish, the other our susceptibility for objectivism (objectivism as opposed to looking after our relative group interests as we should). From there, we may attend to Jewish power and influence and our systemic maintenance most often; and in process attend to other problems as well – other non-White imposers and traitors high and low.

    You may not like the term monocuasalism* and it may be used by people who are trying to distract from the J.Q., but there is NO suggestion here that we are crazy and that Jews are not hostile, powerful antagonists requiring acute and priority focus (again, keeping ongoing and most frequent vigil with regard to 7 key niches, while perhaps not giving them ALL attention ALL of the time).

    Next, you quote the feeble minded and dishonest Katana to concur where he is totally wrong:

    “4 May 2015 at 12:57 pm

    I think your writings are unclear because your thinking is unclear, because your language is unclear, being filled with abstractions and jargon. An example of that…

    I concur. And good example.”

    Totally wrong.

    I am clear in what I think**, and clear enough in how I say it for anyone, but perhaps those, like Katana, who want to believe in Hitler’s perfection (and for people to not hear what people like myself are saying).

    Tan, the messiness, the less than perfectly clear causality of the multi-interactive social world must be why you prefer to cite John Friend (with his neat but absurd conspiracy theories to explain all) as a definitive authority.

    What you do in focusing on Jews is a good thing, but you are taking it to paranoia when you suggest that someone (e.g. myself) is not using his brain and trying to obfuscate the Jewish role when he looks at our susceptibilities and philosophical corrections thereof.

    I can hope for better from you, but if you are endorsing Katana’s BS and John Friend, then perhaps the William Pierce perspective has you held too captive to let go.

    William Pierce was smart, but we can do better. Indeed, we must.

    * Actually, I did not have Tan, or anyone in particular, in mind when chiding “computer nerds” as being susceptible to anti-social explanations, but come to think of it, I believe that Tan is a computer guy. Therefore, he may have an additional proclivity to “monocausality” because, as a computer person, one is involved with technology, looking at transmission circuits for THE place where the circuit is broken. Whereas the social world, of praxis, is multi-interactive, agentive and reflexive (factual terms which he would be inclined to look upon as “jargon” because they do not fit his computer training discipline).

    Not that computer training is the only thing playing into monocausality or even that there is anything wrong with focusing on the Jews; but that he is taking too myopic a perspective and that (computer training) might be one factor..

    ** And I can prove that I am clear in what I think by answering in clarification of any question that you could have for me about what I’ve said.

  13. DanielS,

    when you try to suggest that someone like me is following the likes of Auster or trying to distract from the Jews or falling for their tricks that’s paranoid

    I’m paranoid? Where did I suggest what you claim?

    Because you don’t get it man, you see everyone as on just two sides – the Hitler/Nazi side or the Jew side and it isn’t that way.

    I think I do get it.

    The national socialists recognized the jews as mortal racial enemies. You imagine you’re somehow above or outside this conflict, that you can finesse your way around reality and history by finding some different words or thinking to describe it.

    I get that in your mind Hitler “is a permanently divisive figure – he is unnecessary to redeem”, perforce, anyone who disagrees is a “Hitler worshipper”. These are your terms and they reflect your own binary thinking on the subject. I get that the supposed iredeemability extends in your mind to national socialism generally, then, now or ever. Hitler is just the personification of the unecessary-to-explain-animus you feel. I don’t share it.

    don’t bullshit me like Duke tries, that Hitler was so perfect, didn’t do anything bad, that he was defending all Whites and we can’t live without him

    Thinkers who have a sensible argument to make don’t need to resort to strawmen or pull in other unrelated issues. I have no idea what your beef with (David?) Duke concerns. What you’re doing here is projecting onto me the exact opposite of your “permanently divisive figure”/”unnecessary to redeem” thinking. I would offer you the friendly advice not to think and speak in such absolute and unequivocal terms unless you really mean it, but instead I take you at your word and accept that you really do mean it. So much so that you think I think that way too.

    I would not have objected if you had said something like, and similar as what our friend over there at MR, DanielS is saying about Objectivism being a problem for us, I have been thinking as well, that it has yields but entails susceptibilities..

    Let me be clear. I feel no obligation to credit you for thoughts (about Aryan objectivity or anything else) that I didn’t get from you.

    Hitler is your bugbear, your litmus test. That’s your idea. Again, I don’t share it.

  14. [This comment was blocked at, which itself is replicated above at

    “and “Hitler worship”. That’s where it seems to me your brain shuts down.”

    On the contrary, that is where the Hitler worshiper’s brains shut down. As if we need to resurrect him to think for us! He is a permanently divisive figure – he is unnecessary to redeem. That’s it.

    “You see those terms as trump cards, argument enders, whereas to me they’re nothing more than another way of saying “anti-semitism” and “nazi”.

    Because you don’t get it man, you see everyone as on just two sides – the Hitler/Nazi side or the Jew side and it isn’t that way.


    This is the clearest and most concise answer you have given to make your ultimate point that not all pro-White folks favor Adolf Hitler as being a paradigm, particularly those who were considered untermenschen by him.

    Please concentrate on keeping things simple. In business it’s KISS (keep it simple, stupid).


  15. DanielS, I do not think and have not argued that everyone who uses the word “suicide” is trying to excuse the jews – it is only the first and most insidious use of that term that I noticed and called “the suicide meme”.

    Johnson clearly intends the word “monomania” as an insult, a bit harsher and more personal than your “monocausalism” or “myopic”, but with the same basic thrust. He, like you, agree with some of what I say, especially when it’s focused on the jews, but you dislike some of what I say, who I say it to, or who I say it about. You want me to change/remove those parts, to stop thinking or saying what you don’t want thought or said. Bizarrely, you both dress up this desire of yours as my problem, that I’m the one being too simplistic or narrow-minded.

    That, by the way, is the same psychological trick the jews exploit when they scream “anti-semitism” at an intellectual. The essense of psychoanalysis is: “You like what I don’t like, therefore you must be stupid or crazy”. Just to be clear, I’m not accusing either of you of being jews. It’s just ironic that you are trying to use the same tactic they use. Perhaps you do so without even realizing it, though it’s hard for me to understand how, because this trick is what I have been trying to describe as a real White weakness, the one that most enables this “White pathology” rhetoric to fly.

    To put it bluntly, some explicitly pro-White/jew-wise intellectuals have overcome their fear of the jews but still fear appearing too anti-jew. I think underestimating the jews is the problem, not overestimating.

  16. DanielS, you write so much, even though it’s very simple:

    the problem is that Hitler also made Slavs of nations to his east into enemies. He was not an advocate of all Whites in defense against Jews, as simple as that

    I get it. You think Hitler was bad for the Slavs. Again, that’s not how I see it. Suffice it to say that I understand that jewish parasitism (and to your point, judeo-bolshevism) came before Hitler. You forget the pathogen. I don’t.

    All the rest of what you’re saying stems from this disagreement. You get so wound up that you can’t even read what I’m writing straight. For example:

    Wait a minute! I don’t criticize anything you say about the Jews!

    Exactly. You’d like me to focus on the jews then you call that monocausalist/myopic. You are rambling and incoherent. Your mind is clouded with emotion.

    I’m not going to change what, where or who I say it to just because it upsets you. Get over it already.

  17. From Mami’s Shit: The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2015.05.24:

    NB: Please donate to Kyle since you’re retarded and don’t know shit from Shinola. The White power crap is orchestrated by Jews but hey, It don’t matter. DUH!

    regarding your NB: Jews play all angles. White supremacy crapola fits in nicely with their Israel scheme. The other side fits in with the diaspora.

    The flip-side of the “monocausalist”/”monomania” hand-wringing is this “White power/supremacy crap/crapola” nail-biting.

    The jews do indeed play all angles, including all psychological angles. Under the current anti-White/pro-jew regime the White fear of being too anti-jew goes hand-in-hand with the fear of being too pro-White – and it should not be forgotten that some portion of the hand-wringing and nail-biting comes from non-White poseurs.

  18. Check out this madness. This article, presumably written by a Jewess for Thought Catalog, seems to be stating the obviously genocidal tendencies of the Jews through the filter of satire.

    The comment section is flooded with White nationalists and /pol/ trolls right now.

    I’d like to think that this was just a trolling article used to bait anti-Semites but it’s too similar to a recent article written by another Jew named Max Benwell for The Independent:

    I think Jews are getting nervous and are now trying new tactics.

  19. Hello TANSTAAFL

    I just discovered this blog via Renegade radio, not hearing of you since your melt down against Carolyn Yeager on the White Network some time ago.

    You are the same TANSTAAFL that Martin Lindstedt calls a sicilian guido with a jewish wife and mischling kid? If so Just wondering how this affects your “movement credibility”?

  20. One thing I continue to wonder about is why hasn’t our race gotten wise to the Jews, after 2,000 years of dealing with their evil? We kept kicking them out and letting them back in, over and over again. What’s the deal?

    Europe never had a shortage of scholars, writers, artists, and leaders who condemned the jewish race. Why did no European nation apart from England just put its foot down and ban jews for good? What was stopping them?

    I’m not implying that maybe there is a major screwloose with Whites when it comes to Jews, but does anyone have a theory as to why we can’t seem to just do what’s necessary to this race and banish them forever?

  21. HSGW,

    Many others throughout history have gotten more or less wise to the jews, though as with the blind men and the elephant most have only grasped a portion of the problem. Even today, with the internet, most of the people who might regard themselves as “jew-wise” still underestimate the depth and breadth of the problem.

    Communication is key. As Linder has put it, the jews run the media because they have to. The same can be said of historical narrative and morality. I think the main force keeping more goyim from becoming wiser to the jews is that the jews themselves have always dedicated a great deal of effort into preventing it. Where taboos and disinformation fail they resort to more coercive means, like laws. The private indoctrination and networking they use to reinforce their own collective consciousness is also used to alert each other and coordinate their attacks on any signs of consciousness in their hosts. Thus the jews have always worked to ensure that their enemies can have nothing private which excludes jews.

  22. why we can’t seem to just do what’s necessary

    Assimilation. Their infiltration of a host also involves some measure of mixing with the host. This not only increases the effectiveness of their manipulation and exploitation, but also makes it more difficult for the host to stop any of it. Whether it’s because jewish genes are dominant, or some other reason, the historic precedent is that mischlings tend to serve the interests of the jews.

  23. Great show with Kyle. You both kept the conversation focused and interesting. Hope you two do more shows together.

  24. They even had Augustus in their pocket. Amazing. I wonder if all those Roman senators who stabbed Caesar to death were the patriots, and if Caesar was in the Jew’s pocket as well. I’ve read that he was pretty popular with them.

    However, I was talking more about post-Roman northern Europe. When a country expelled the Jews, why weren’t they kept out? The French expelled them something like five different times. I know Jews engage in crypsis and bribery, but how on earth can they do this over and over without the society in question getting onto them?

    Fool me once…

  25. Alexandria is perhaps the earliest example of what Oliver identified as a key aspect of the jewish strategy, and they have been using it ever since.

    Why does it keep working? Because unlike the jews, the goyim generally don’t understand or forget. Because unlike the jews, the goyim at the top imagine they can profit personally, and don’t care much what happens to their countrymen or in the future. And because unlike the jews, the goyim getting screwed don’t really understand how or who is doing it.

  26. My problem is really you using the acronym “TANSTAAFL” rather than a name. When People call you TAN, they are actually saying “ThereAintNo”, which is meaningless. Consider a pseudonym such as “Hunter Wallace” that has a human quality but also conveys an image. For example, What do you think of “Pierce Goodrock” as a name for yourself? It’s reminiscent blend of William Pierce and GL Rockwell’s names.

  27. This is a good argument for temporary authoritarianism, and why the conservative aristocrats in Germany were a bunch of hopeless fools, even after Hitler reformed the country, which was something they couldn’t do.

    If aristocrats are so easily bought then aristocracy isn’t the answer, at least not when there’s a pathogen out there that specifically targets them. Same with proles and bolshevism. Jews have a poison for everyone.

  28. Tanstaafl is a clear pseudonym. I’m not trying to be someone I’m not. I’d just rather not make it easy for shitheads to harass me. My name would matter more if I were trying to lead. I’m not. At any rate I assume it will come out at some point.

  29. Surely Enoch you have bigger problems than Tan’s alias? If not then you are lucky.

    “What do you think of “Pierce Goodrock” as a name for yourself? It’s reminiscent blend of William Pierce and GL Rockwell’s names.”

    WTF :) Are the self appointed PR agent for Tan? Do you recommend he wears a hat and tie when doing podcasts, just to get him in the right mindset?

  30. Good show ! I always look forward to your programs because they provide insight and clarity into a difficult subject. You bring several issues into sharp focus and cut through the deceit of our times.

    JEWS INVERT REALITY …………(that is a priceless jewel, universally useful)

  31. ” I know Jews engage in crypsis and bribery, but how on earth can they do this over and over without the society in question getting onto them?”

    Rockwell’s parable of ‘The Ducks and The Hens’ is the best illustration. The generations forget the hard lessons of their ancestors if there isn’t an active cultural institution to keep the lessons alive. Plus, the protection afforded the jews by 15 centuries of the dominant western theology.
    There was a massive uprising in Gaul against the usury of the ‘grain traders’ in which most all of the ‘grain traders’ were killed. Caesar retaliated with an immediate wholesale massacre of Gauls. Caesar then gave these ‘traders’ exceptional protection. If you want to get a hint of who these ‘grain traders’ could have been, read Theodor Fritsch’s ‘The Riddle of the Jew’s Success’. The section on ‘Grain usury’ will be informative and fit the puzzle. Additionally, Caesar was always deeply in dept and I can only imagine who the dominant lenders were.

    “I engaged in all the tricks of brokering” … Barabas (The Jew of Malta)

  32. Fred Wilson – 27 MAY 2015 AT 3:38 AM

    “If you want to get a hint of who these ‘grain traders’ could have been, read Theodor Fritsch’s ‘The Riddle of the Jew’s Success’. The section on ‘Grain usury’ will be informative and fit the puzzle.”

    Fred and others, I’ve serialized that book in 17 parts.

    Starting from here:

    The Riddle of the Jew’s Success


    Here’s the Table of Contents.

    I Preface

    II Jewish Methods in the Economic Life

    III Particular Business Tactics of the Jew

    IV The International Connection and Secret League of the Hebrews

    V The Peculiar Morality of Jewdom

    VI An Explanation with Sombart

    VII Jewish Successes in Modern Times

    VIII The Stock-Exchange

    IX How Sound Business Methods are Forced Out of the Field by the Jews

    X Jewish Trade Specialities

    XI Moral Principles in Trade

    XII The Hebrews as Supporters of Capitalism

    XIII Business and Religion

    XIV The Race Problem

    XV Origin of the Jewish Entity

    XVI The Influence of the Jew Upon Womankind

    XVII The Jews and the World-War

    Concluding Words

  33. WTF :) Are you the self appointed PR agent for Tan? Do you recommend he wears a hat and tie when doing podcasts, just to get him in the right mindset?

    … and I might add, smoke a corn cob pipe and have a cat slung over his shoulder as well?*

    * Charming characteristics of Rockwell and Pierce.

  34. This podcasts is pure gold. I’ve listened three times. Tan, you have a great way of cutting the fat on these dense topics.

    Many topics can be picked out and further elaborated on into shows unto themselves.

    Your podcasts have helped me get a better hold on some of these topics, I struggled with when first becoming jew wise, years ago.

    Thank you for the work you put into this dense and horrible situation we Europeans find ourselves in.

  35. I just added a bit to the original post concerning my current understanding of European racial roots. The sad fact is that even Whites who want to focus on such topics and forget the jews really can’t. Jew-driven semitic correctness, anti-“racism”, and especially their anti-“nazi”/Aryan bugaboo thoroughly cloud all that science.

  36. It’s unfortunate that it took Europe almost 2,000 years for a leader to attempt to educate the people on the evil of the Jews. Hitler’s reforms, which sought to bolster German identity and ensure that the Jew was recognized as a foreign parasite, were the only attempts at immunizing the nation against Jewish parasitism. This pretty much makes Hitler the only decent European leader in modern history.

  37. “The sad fact is that even Whites who want to focus on such topics and forget the jews really can’t. Jew-driven semitic correctness, anti-”racism”, and especially their anti-”nazi”/Aryan bugaboo thoroughly cloud all that science.”

    “Maximum disruption” Richard Warman’s instructions to his hired thugs. I am certain that is a guiding principle for the hate filled tribe.

    ” It is not sufficient that I succeed, but all else must fail ” credo of Genghis Khan. I think another group of Asiatics have adopted this. ( Has everyone noticed how often the haters of humanity take the name ‘Khan’ or some close variation of it ? An analog of Cohen.

    Couple the two above precepts and it is a potent system of sabotage used by our pathogen.

  38. enoch, Tan’s credibility isn’t compromised by his self-described situation; How could it be?

  39. @ katana

    The Riddle of the Jew’s Success

    That is a great resource. Packed with information and insights. Thanks for the work :)
    (Such a resource would have saved me years of effort gathering information and teasing out the connections.)

  40. HSGW: “One thing I continue to wonder about is why hasn’t our race gotten wise to the Jews, after 2,000 years of dealing with their evil?”

    2000 years ago they were not openly vocalizing demands that we submit to their demands that our ethnonations be destroyed even as we protected theirs. It wasn’t always quite so obvious. But still, whenever the threat was observed White groups did act and did survive.

    This makes for a contrast with the enemies of the Jews from the middle-east. A long list of those targeted nations do not survive.

    Whites are not known to be especially vulnerable to Jewish subversion. The evidence in fact says we’re unusually robust.

  41. What do people like Martin Lindstedt even hope to accomplish? All he and his friends do is bash on other White nationalists and divide everyone. His podcast is laughably awful and it seems like he’s constantly in trouble with the law. Meanwhile we have hundreds of thousands of people online who are jamming the system through information dissemination, trolling, and propaganda. We have folks who work in media, government, and academia. We’re outnumbered for sure and most of us see eye to eye on little but we don’t need folks who are nothing but a drag.

  42. This makes for a contrast with the enemies of the Jews from the middle-east. A long list of those targeted nations do not survive.

    The ones from biblical times? The Jews had military power back then. The Roman destruction of Judea turned them into a nomadic race bound together by rabbinical laws.

  43. Tan,

    Thanks for your comment on the dutch link from last week. I also wanted to hear your take on this Ann Coulter interview with Jorge Ramos an influential Hispanic journalist on immigration if you had time. Ann seems to talk very openly about how immigration is changing America while also harking back to quoting Louis Brandeis. I know lots of conservatives who feel this way and are comfortable talking about culture but will not touch the race aspect of culture. Have you experienced this in the past and how have you dealt with it? Do you see any hope in conservatism or the GOP on this issue? What is your opinion of people like Ann?

  44. Scribe, see:

    Ann Coulter’s Radical Rhetoric and Game Over, Death Squads and Other Lies

    My conclusion:

    It would be stupid to take Coulter’s radical rhetoric seriously. She doesn’t take it seriously herself. She advocates that Whites, who she won’t even address as Whites, vote for a party she knows has betrayed them, and will continue to do so. She won’t acknowledge the long-term, jewish nature of the project that has wrecked White America. Her “beautiful and perfect answer”, to offer freedom and a better life to any alien who wants it, is exactly how the wrecking was accomplished.

    “Liberals”, in general, are relatively honest about the significance of race. “Conservatives” like Coulter, in contrast, deny it. Both favor non-Whites over Whites, because both march to a tune called by the jews.

  45. Tan, I’m from New Jersey. Like you, I grew up assuming that the Jews around me were simply a goofy group of Whites with a different religion. After being duped into fighting their post 9/11 wars I was EXTREMELY shocked, pissed, and depressed for a few years.

    I’ve read and listened to nearly every piece of content you have put out. Your work is always well organized, cited and of the highest quality. Of all the pro-white advocates out there, I agree and relate most, with you. Of course I don’t know you but you and many of the pro-white advocates on the net have been a significant factor in helping me make sense of the who, what, why and how I ended up invading and occupying a foreign country that posed no threat to us or our way of life. For that I am forever grateful.

    I think that much of what passes for PTSD in today’s combat veterans is less related to the horrors of war but rather a moral and spiritual injury. I naively believed that I was serving a true telos, defending our implicitly White homeland. Once a combatant begins to doubt his mission, confusion and despair are not far behind. This is where you and the other pro-White advocates come in with answers. I hope that more post 9/11 White veterans will find their way to sources of information like AoT and others. The PTSD they’ve been told they have will melt away faster than the structural steel of the twin towers.

    Thank you thank you thank you
    Best wishes,

  46. Juston,

    Thank you, and best wishes to you too.

    I think that much of what passes for PTSD in today’s combat veterans is less related to the horrors of war but rather a moral and spiritual injury.

    Yes. The confusion and anger, even if it’s cause never quite bubbles into the forebrain, has a devastating effect. Instead of the bile being directed where it belongs, at the source, it eats you up and splashes out in other forms and onto the people around you. The deeper your sense of duty and patriotism, the more insidious the effect. Many never figure it out, or never allow themselves to, and no doubt it results in all kinds of dysfunction and many suicides – a good deal of “White pathology”.

    Painful as it is, accepting that you’ve been duped and defrauded is the only way to begin to fix the problem. The reality behind around and in front of us is awful, but we must confront it, including the jews, in order to change it.

  47. We should have invaded Mexico and forced them to take back 40 million of their unwanted.
    That will never be sanctioned by our jewish tyrants.
    Tyrants of the mind.

  48. great show with Kyle.

    I twitted this to Colin flattery:
    How do #antiwhites deal with documentation showing its open season on Whites? #colinflaherty
    He responded: deny, ignore, lie
    I believe as we continue to push the #whitegenocide meme we will have more convergence and more will come out more openly. There is probably dissimulation as some are trying to get a message out which reaches and helps us in the long run.
    The idea of White suicide is ridiculous as we have been under propaganda and brainwashing for hundreds of years. Remove these and our native cultures and beliefs will regrow very quickly.

  49. That might have felt like a response, HSGW, but the Jews are a military power today and most intensely and effectively genocide the other Asians that are most closely related to them.

    And back in the bible era the Jews’ primary White enemies were Greeks and Romans, both survived and indeed thrived after the Jewish attacks.

    After Jews murdered hundreds of thousands of Greeks in Cyprus for example, Romans invaded the island, killed the Jewish invaders, and race laws were enacted forbidding Jews from the island.

    Rome, whether we say it morphed into the Italian people or the Catholic church went on to be the most influential society on earth in the realms of philosophy, art, music, religion, science and politics for almost 2000 years.

    Jews and the many other Asian nations they killed-off and those they didn’t, not so much.

    We’re fine. There isn’t a problem here.

  50. “When a country expelled the Jews, why weren’t they kept out?”

    “The Roman destruction of Judea turned them into a nomadic race bound together by rabbinical laws.”

    Rome failed mankind when it allowed any jew emigration at all. The poisoning of so many other wells then was a travesty of which we may not survive today.

    Birobidjan, or nothing at all.

  51. Fred Wilson: “We should have invaded Mexico and forced them to take back 40 million of their unwanted.”

    The US army should occupy a 100 mile wide strip of Mexican territory along the US border from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. It would have enough space to send the Mexicans there with other non-Whites. I think separate settlement areas would have to be given to the different racial groups (Mexicans, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians, Iranians, Turks, Arabs, Caucasians from Caucasus, Somalians…) and to racially mixed people. At first, it will have to be simple tent villages with some prefabricated buildings. Those who don’t want to live there can try going back to their country of origin.

    The area would be about as large as Britain. The main problem is that the North of Mexico is mainly a desert. It isn’t a perfect place to receive a large population. But the Mexicans can go further south if they want.

    Another problem is that you can’t start doing anything until you get rid of the current Jewish power structure.

  52. We have traditionally been very lenient with Jews, even though Jews (or any of our enemies) have never been lenient with us. The Romans had no problem wiping out the Carthaginians; why did they simply disperse the Jews after all the atrocities they committed? Sometimes I do consider the possibility of Whites having some kind of weakness regarding these people.

  53. Having just finished Revilo P Olivers’ “jewish strategy”. I have a small bone to pick with his “Aryan suicide” “western suicide”. Other than the use of those terms this book must be owned and read. Oliver outlines in less than 70 pages the jewish problem of over 2,000 years.

    The books is a fantastic and afrustrating read. Frustrating in that as far back as recorded time, jews have been jewing Aryans, and to this day the problem still plagues our race. One has to wonder why?

    National Socialists gave the jewish problem the first real opposition on record, but why did it take over 2,000 until Germany to stand up, when one would think the power of the Aryan would have solved this problem decades of not centuries prior?

    I think Oliver gets a possible answer with the statement, Aryans, fight fair while our enemies (jews) do not.
    Waged war by clever deception.

    Aryans duped into killing Aryans for the benefit of jews, can a race so easily duped be fit to fight back against the true enemy jews or to even survive this current onslaught against us? Have we been cowed to the point of no return?

    Can we be honest, and think a NSDAP type movement could ever take place again and succed? The mind poison is deeper now than then.

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