Dilemmas False and True


Elaborating on a brief exchange on Twitter concerning terminology, logic, and identity.

A_Linder on Twitter: “Whites won’t even divide up verbally, but persist in using language of the conqueror. “Antisemtism” & “racism” = #antiwhite clown concepts.”

Tan Staafl on Twitter: “@A_Linder_5 likewise xeno/homo/islamo-“phobia” – the jew psych-warfare packed right into the word”

Sigmund Freud and pseudo-scientific Freudianism is the best known example of this characteristically jewish psychological warfare – the identification of fear as not just irrational but wrong, psychopathological, baseless.

The seminal work of the Frankfurt school, the source of what is referred to as cultural marxism, is The Authoritarian Personality:

Some observers have criticized what they saw as a strongly politicized agenda to The Authoritarian Personality. Social critic Christopher Lasch[26] argued that by equating mental health with left-wing politics and associating right-wing politics with an invented “authoritarian” pathology, the book’s goal was to eliminate antisemitism by “subjecting the American people to what amounted to collective psychotherapy—by treating them as inmates of an insane asylum.” Similarly, Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek wrote, “It is precisely the kind of group loyalty, respect for tradition, and consciousness of differences central to Jewish identity, however, that Horkheimer and Adorno described as mental illness in Gentiles. These writers adopted what eventually became a favorite Soviet tactic against dissidents: anyone whose political views differed from theirs was insane.

Richard Hofstader pushed a similar agenda in 1964 with The Paranoid Style in American Politics.

A_Linder on Twitter: “@TanstaaflAoT the jew’s verbal strategy is forced false dilemma, which is a logical fallacy. works only if you control mass media.”

A dilemma is any problem with two potential solutions. It’s more than just a fork in the road. A dilemma has negative connotations, captured in common expressions such as “caught between a rock and a hard place” and “stuck on the horns of a dilemma”. “Choosing between the lesser of two evils” captures the essence of the US selection/election process over the past several decades.

A false dilemma is a logical fallacy that leverages a strong tendency toward binary thinking. “My way or the highway” and “noose or loose” are examples of this tactic. Binary thinking is baked into Aristotlian logic, the premise being that any statement must either be true or false, with nothing in between – the law of the excluded middle.

I’ve often encountered a false dilemma when arguing against the suicide meme. Apologists who describe what’s happening as White “suicide” are implicitly assigning jews 0% responsibility, and when challenged they pretend the exact opposite, that jews are 100% responsible, is the only other possibility. Neither extreme fits the asymmetric, parasitic nature of the relationship and the genocidal effect the jewish agenda is having on Whites.

A_Linder on Twitter: “@TanstaaflAoT all their terms amount to: you’re either with us or agin us. and if you’re against us, you’re evil and should be suppressed”

A_Linder on Twitter: “@TanstaaflAoT One problem is PhDs on our side use clown terms like ‘antisemitism’ and ‘racism,’ thereby validating them.”

Tan Staafl on Twitter: “@A_Linder_5 they fear being seen as stupid/crazy/evil by their enemies, fear to even acknowledge that the enemy is an enemy”

The failing of our most intelligent, our would-be/could-be elite, is to clearly distinguish between peers and enemies, between Us and Them. To make a clear distinction is to expose oneself to ridicule and attack.

Tan Staafl on Twitter: “@A_Linder_5 thoughts shape language, and vice-versa, when us/them-recognition works the proper language follows, reinforces it”

Tan Staafl on Twitter: “@A_Linder_5 which is why jews psychopathologize/demonize White us/them-recognition most of all – “put down the gun Whitey, do it now””

Terms like “racist” and “anti-semite” are terms of abuse, used to identify and intimidate enemies. They are “buzz terms”, packed with a pejorative payload, weaponized by repetition by supposed authorities, experts in academia and media. The mere recognition that such terms are used by enemies and represent an attack deprives them of their psychological punch and inspires a healthy response instead.

A_Linder on Twitter: “@TanstaaflAoT it’s sickly funny that the only verbal recognition of jew-commies’ mass murder of 100m last century is: political correctness”

See Master List of Politically Correct Terms (and Arguments, Frames, Concepts) at Vanguard News Network Forum.

Political correctness is the only term (or one of a few) which represents some form of pushback against the jewish agenda and jew rule. Joe Sobran suggested that it would be more appropriate to call it semitic correctness. “PC” is just a “PC” euphemism for SC.

Sobran also noted that “anti-semite” used to be someone who hates the jews, now it’s someone the jews hate. It hasn’t actually changed, both meanings co-exist. Whites almost always mistake it for the former, whereas jews have almost always used it to mean the latter. Before “anti-semite” was popularized in the 1870s the word jews used to identify their enemies was “Amalek”. Since the 1930s “Nazi” has been used for the same purpose.

A_Linder on Twitter: “It’s not hatred when jews attack whites. It’s humor. Edgy. Daring. Boundary breaking. It’s hatred, rather, when whites criticize jews.”

Excellent point. Charlie Hebdo is a recent illustration. Jews define “hate”, which is criminalized, but also “humor”/”satire”, which is given a pass. Semitically correct “humor”/”satire” can be magically transformed into “hate” by simply swapping the target.

There is a true dilemma facing Whites which jews take great pains to misrepresent as a false dilemma. Are jews White, or not? Jews clearly want Whites to see them as “white”, as allies, as Us, and to see anyone who argues otherwise as a stupid/crazy/evil “racist”, “anti-semite”, “hater”, as the enemy, as Them. For the most part they succeed. Yet jews also clearly see and speak about themselves as distinct from and at odds with Whites. Jew regard Whites not only as an Other, but as their bugbear, their eternal mortal enemy. The tragedy is that Whites generally do not recognize this enemy and their hostility, much less reciprocate.

30 thoughts on “Dilemmas False and True”

  1. “Semitical Correctness” is better than “Semitic Correctness”. Why?

    1) Although “semitical” is incorrect, it retains the meter of “political”. This is important: the phonological equivalency reinforces the underlying semantic equivalency.

    2) The incorrect formulation of the adjective “semitical” is a little tickle, or irritant, which draws attention to the phrase.

    3) The incorrectness of “semitical” is also a little meta-joke: just as the speaker knowingly formulates “semitical” incorrectly at the grammatical level, so too does he tacitly acknowledge his political/semitical incorrectness at the ideological level.

    Political Correctness is Semitical Correctness.

  2. Daniel,

    The issue is whether or not Whites are responsible at all. If they aren’t – i.e. if Jews are that powerful – then we cannot extricate ourselves from our predicament. If you are suggesting that there is some mutual ‘responsibility’ this seems to be a departure from your previous position. At the very least, you are ‘coming off’ differently from how you have in the past or I was misinterpreting you.

    I haven’t changed my position. I think Whites are responsible for being parasitized by jews like we are responsible for being afflicted by diarrhea. Does it involve failure on our part? Of course. The main failure has been in mistaking, misunderstanding, and underestimating the jews and their hostility. The jews, for their part, go to great lengths to encourage that failure. The jews are far more racially conscious than Whites and have had more power for longer than even most racialists will acknowledge.

    I don’t think the jews are omnipotent, but even if I did I suspect I’d still kick against the pricks.

    What happened to your Twitter account?

  3. Daniel,

    I’m not seeing how your position differs substantially from my own, Greg’s, Kevin’s, etc. here. Do you think it does?

    I laid out the differences in Pathology and Pathogen, Fear and Genocide, and Gaslighting. I expanded on it in subsequent podcasts and posts.

    Jared Taylor’s poisonous “White pathology”/”pathological altruism” meme serves to obscure rather than explain. It is based upon and feeds into a willful blindness to the jews. MacDonald and Joyce are deliberately exposing jewish hostility, so whenever they insert Taylor’s meme into their discussions it comes across as a non sequitur. MacDonald and Joyce argue that the anti-White regime is “massively incentivized”. I agree and argue that this suffices to explain the pathologically corrupt and degenerate behavior they point at. The jews call the tune for the anti-White regime, not the Whites who go along to get along, and certainly not the cat ladies Taylor wants to focus on.

    So why do MacDonald and Joyce talk about “White pathology” as if it’s something wholly apart from and comparable in effect to jewish influence? I don’t know for sure, but I suspect it has alot to do with their seeing Taylor as an authority and peer. More specifically I think they cite it to insulate themselves from the accusation that they’re stupid/crazy/evil because you-just-want-to-blame-the-jews-for-everything. It’s a perfectly understandable concern for an intellectual to have. In fact Greg Johnson tried to use it on me when he blundered forth to defend his friends.

    I’ve since seen evidence that Joyce, MacDonald, and Johnson are all shifting my way. I doubt it has anything to do with to any argument I’ve made, but the invasion of Europe has certainly had an effect. It’s clearer now than ever before that what’s going on is not bottom-up suicide but top-down genocide, that it’s driven not by pathologically altruistic cat ladies but fiercely tribal anti-White jews aided and abetted by self-interested White traitors.

    The hostile elite are actively and openly promoting White guilt and altruism using the jewish narrative, starring jews as the archetypical “refugees”. They ultimately disregard popular opposition to their pro-“refugee” policies. This is making Jared Taylor’s jew-blind blame-Whites meme all the more obviously false and insidious.

  4. The reason that Jews can get away with claiming to be White is that they ARE White; or at least
    phenotypically convincing borderline cases.

  5. It really all boils down to race. Different races have different abilities to comprehend the world around them. Whites have a notion of what lying is, what cheating is, what honesty and honor are. Whites are able to build and function in high trust societies where a man’s word is binding. jews and other races do not. jews do however know how to manipulate trust to their advantage and they have no compunction about doing so. Taylor really doesn’t believe in race or he couldn’t make the statement, “They look White to me”. I don’t know what motivates him but I don’t trust him anymore. Too many who call themselves race realists only really see race as skin deep and do not fully grasp the difference and importance of cognition. You can’t teach a jew to be honest in a White man’s terms anymore than you can teach a pig to fly. What may appear to be “honesty” is simply in their interest. We can’t “fix” the jew we can look realistically at them and speak truthfully of them and conduct ourselves accordingly.

  6. The entire paradigm of the “phobic” is a pathway to understand the core of Jewish psychological warfare. Note that the same kikes who preach that we must never degrade people for observed “weakness,” that this is is “sexist” or “heteronormitive,” or “toxic masculinity,” always say that their opponents are weak.

    When you say that one is a “-phobe,” you are simply saying he is a “pussy.” We are at once told that to slight one’s masculinity is evil, while all labels we are slandered with are tailored towards demasculinization. As is so common in our current world, the category is said to be invalid, while the specific targeted attacks based upon this same category are said to be valid.

    This is but one example of the same pattern to which judaic pilpul always holds. They simply can not be honest, and they are acutely aware of this fact.

  7. To clarify my previous statement, calling one a “-phobe” means that you are calling him “afraid/weak.”

    “Phobe” is just the schoolyard taunt of “pussy” dressed up in hoity-toity language.

  8. Daniel,

    I’m a retard. Shame on me.

    Shame on you indeed. The lesson of jewry’s long list of expulsions is two-fold: 1) they’re the source of the problem, and 2) expulsion is part of that problem.

    Your take conforms to the guilt-tripping the jews so relentlessly propagandize Whites with. Beside that, you’re not admitting YOU are a retard, you’re saying it about those other Whites who have tolerated and even trusted the jews. You’re saying they did something wrong in hindsight, from a broad racialist point of view most of them do/did not share with you.

    Bringing it back to the topic of this podcast… the problem starts with a lack of conscious Us/Them thinking, mistaking an enemy for ally, and thus following his lead. When jews moralize and lecture Whites to not be “racist” or “anti-semitic” and to instead be “tolerant” and love “diversity” they’re advising Whites to drink poison they themselves are immune to. The jews are racially hyper-conscious and very deliberately speak in misleading terms. They invoke the righteousness of what’s best for “us” and Whites mistake this as including ourselves rather than grasping what they really mean, which is, as always, what’s best for themselves.

    When we see jewish terms for what they really mean, rather than what we want them to mean, then we see the jews as they really are, rather than what we want them to be. And vice versa.

  9. If Jews didn’t possess effective camouflage they never would have gotten past square one in their rise to power in the twentieth century. They ditched the funny haircuts and alien-looking religious garb and started dressing like WASPs. They look the part and are consummately clever bullshitters who will remain thick as thieves.

  10. Daniel,

    Are you excusing our ancestors for their stupidity? We’ll never get better making excuses. Shame on you for being just like a nigger blaming Whitey for everything.

    It’s jews driving the blame-Whitey-for-everything idea. The blacks and the rest are drafting. Whites are responsible for accepting blame too easily, especially on behalf of other Whites. This is what makes the “White pathology” meme fly.

    As I said, I think the main failure has been in mistaking, misunderstanding, and underestimating the jews and their hostility. It’s not new. It’s not unique to Whites. It occurs largely because jews themselves do everything in their power to make it happen. The failure is more induced than inborn. I think Germany’s transformation from Weimar to National Socialism demonstrates this.

    You don’t have to be a retard or sucker to get defrauded or poisoned. Recognizing what the jews do isn’t making excuses. It’s simply necessary in order to put an end to it.

  11. CC,

    Haven’t seen you in a while.

    If Jews didn’t possess effective camouflage they never would have gotten past square one in their rise to power in the twentieth century. They ditched the funny haircuts and alien-looking religious garb and started dressing like WASPs. They look the part and are consummately clever bullshitters who will remain thick as thieves.

    Crypsis enables infiltration, which facilitates manipulation, which maximizes exploitation. Some jews disguise themselves, others wear it on their sleeves. The two are complementary, not at odds.

  12. Fool me once shame on me. Fool me 192 times? I’m a retard. Shame on me.

    Whites were hamstrung by Christian moralism, itself a jewish attack on Whites. Christianity has always had an enervating effect on Whites, even centuries ago.

  13. We don’t need all, or even most, Whites to come to agree with us. All we need to achieve racial separation is a sturdy and determined minority to apply pressure in the right way – I mean the Covington way.

  14. Daniel, you had the best White men being persuaded to wear dresses, not get married nor have kids and live in relative poverty while pushing the line that only the multiplying Jews should be entitled to make money for nothing and put the nation in hock to them. At deep, dark root it wasn’t Whites behind that.

  15. @ Nick Dean,
    I think priests wore trousers under their cassocks.
    By the way, the Scots wear skirts, and are not extinct yet.

    Moldbug acolyte: “By exempting your beloved Puritans from all responsibility for Anglosphere history you reduce them to pitiful dupes.”

    Some people seem to be saying this: Stop blaming the Jews, and start blaming YOURSELF for not resisting the Jews!

    I think it doesn’t make any sense.
    It sounds like Jewish logic.

  16. One hundred and ninety two times of expulsion for Jews from gentile lands is hardly a reason for despair, but for rejoicing. That is exactly 192 times the powers that were, despite their initial compromises with Jewish machinations for the sake of their own enrichment, decided that in the end they and their people – the permanent and unexpelled residents of those lands – were to be better off ridding themselves in their entirety of the Jewish pestilence.

    Only the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, in our modern times attempted to gather that collected wisdom under one force and have it decided once and for all time. He was defeated. Yet his wisdom and strength need not have perished with him. It lives on in all of our blood which will take up his cause for the sake of their children and the innumerable generations to come.

  17. Expelling jews 192 times is 191 times too many, each of which was the “poisoning of other wells”!

    Wherever the kikejew again landed, it became a plague to that poor place, too soon to regain power, and eventually to return with vicious retribution against the expellers.

    Birobidzhan… or nothing at all

  18. Captainchaos 10 OCTOBER 2015 AT 5:07 AM wrote:

    Only the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, in our modern times attempted to gather that collected wisdom under one force and have it decided once and for all time. He was defeated. Yet his wisdom and strength need not have perished with him. It lives on in all of our blood which will take up his cause for the sake of their children and the innumerable generations to come.


    Yes, Hitler was defeated physically, yet those ideals he believed in live on because they are against bloodthirsty tyranny, as represented by the jews. Those ideals are a practical balance between individualism and social responsibility to our community.

    Something that I would have never have dreamed of thinking a few years ago has come to pass, namely that, “Hitler was right”.


    For my latest blog post: Hitler’s Mountain Home


  19. The Jews think we don’t have a right to expel them and live separately from them. Only they have a right to live separately from us (in Israel or in separate schools, for example). But for some reason, they don’t want us to help them get a separate life from us. They don’t know what they want!

  20. Are Jews White? We know that they are not us. Apart from that, it depends if we think that Arabs (as well as Turks, Armenians, Georgians, Chechens, and so on) are White. That is to say, it depends whether we want to use the word White as a synonym for European or as something with a larger meaning. We know the Arabs are not us, they are not Europeans, they usually don’t call themselves White, but they may still be counted as White by some people, especially by Jews trying to play on the ambiguity of words, as they always do.

    Many people in Syria don’t look very different from Europeans. If someone is half-European and half-Syrian, you won’t necessarily be sure, by looking at him, that he isn’t entirely European. It’s the same with Jews. Jewish populations that have been in Europe for a long time are racially mixed. They are partially European, and some of them are more European than others. But they are still genetically different from us, and they are still our enemies as a group.

  21. @ Armor —

    Actually Sam Francis did an article on that years ago and I’m hunting it down. Post the link if I find it.

    His point briefly: For the World Health Org and all the other fruitfly outfits, “White” is a slippery term because it’s conflated with people who are not only not European-derived, but also often anti-European from history’s perspective.

    Jerks like Noel Igleziev use the “fifteen percent” of the global population as “White” for that reason, because it hides the fact that North African Berbers and many Middle Easterners (etc) are caucasian, technically, but they ain’t on our side. Stack them, Arabs and whatnot together, there’s a lot of “us ” who actually are not us.

    Whites worldwide, numerically, went below 10% a generation ago. For a few more years this fact has to be hidden from the fenced-off minority of Europeans who think they still comprise of the Earth’s major races.

    Optimists think the European-derived population is more like 7%. Maybe. Keep in mind to get that figure, we must trust United Nations figures. Might be right.

  22. The portions of North America which could make for a viable ethnostate for Whites don’t have, comparatively, many Jews in them anyway. The Pacific Northwest, the Dakotas, the upper Midwest, 2 or 3 of the western-most provinces of Canada and Alaska – there are probably, all told, less than 200,000 Jews in those collected regions. Those Jews could be encouraged to leave and join their brethren in places like NYC, Miami and Los Angeles.

    As for those individuals of partial Jewish descent who wished to permanently reside in the ethnostate, I doubt that, say, 1 individual in a 1000 of the total population would make much of a difference. Exceptions could be made on a case by case basis. DNA testing as a basis for citizenship could be employed.

  23. OT


    FKA Max – October 14, 2015 – 12:24 pm
    Hello Katana,

    I watched the entire speech by Mr. Murros, and he is a very talented orator, but I was a little concerned about his indirect and subtle incitement to violence.

    Especially younger White Nationalists can (mis-)understand his speech as an encouragement to and justification for violence, which can be very damaging to our cause. We do not need more Anders Breiviks and Dylann Roofs in my humble opinion, and Mr. Murros’ rhetoric can create and attract this type of personality and radicalization.


    If Kai Murros’ predictions are only partially likely, which I think they are at the least, then we are going to be in the situation where semi-civil war will erupt in the West, along with all the consequent extreme violence it entails. If it doesn’t, then it will signify that we will have gone to the slaughterhouse like well-fed sheep.

    The likes of Brevik and Roof are the direct creations and consequences of organized jewry and their minions’ attack on White societies. They are responsible for the natural lashing out in anger of enraged Whites to the ongoing destruction of our societies.

    As an observation, Whites, young White males in particular, will act out in seemingly “irrational violence” given any kind of provocation or encouragement, and again, it would be a sign of our collective forth-coming societal death if they did not. Raptors in the coal mine.

    The White world is being invaded by hostile masses that either hate us, or are just naturally destructive, and will eventually destroy us if not stopped, all because the people who rule us also hate us and want to destroy us. Our politicians are traitorous whores (apologies to traditional whores) and puppets to organised jewry who are facilitating this invasion of people that are literally killing, robbing, raping and pillaging us to hell.

    So, Max, we face a likely future where instead of wringing our hands about the past Breviks and the Roofs, we will be wishing that there were untold Breviks and Roofs to destroy our enemies both high and low. And our enemies will be fully responsible for such a terrible outcome to themselves.


    Kai Murros ‘National Revolution in England’ — TRANSCRIPT

  24. Some observers have criticized what they saw as a strongly politicized agenda to The Authoritarian Personality. Social critic Christopher Lasch argued that by equating mental health with left-wing politics and associating right-wing politics with an invented “authoritarian” pathology, the book’s goal was to eliminate antisemitism by “subjecting the American people to what amounted to collective psychotherapy—by treating them as inmates of an insane asylum.” Similarly, Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek wrote, “It is precisely the kind of group loyalty, respect for tradition, and consciousness of differences central to Jewish identity, however, that Horkheimer and Adorno described as mental illness in Gentiles. These writers adopted what eventually became a favorite Soviet tactic against dissidents: anyone whose political views differed from theirs was insane.

    Weaponized, subversive jewish evil like this is why they are so detested by those of us who are jew-wise.

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