Category Archives: Blog

Moral Hazard

View From the Top – Part 1, January 29 2009:

Mort Zuckerman, co-founder and chairman of Boston Properties, talks to Chrystia Freeland, US managing editor, and the economic crisis, the credit crunch and what government intervention should look like.

At about 3:20:

Zuckerman: …some how or another the federal govt is going to have to join in some way with guaranteeing bank loans. Not the full amount but let’s just say that commercial banks would make loans for 10 or 15 or 20…

Freeland: Guarantee new loans?

Z: New loans, not old loans. Because we must find a way to start credit flowing in the economy again or else we stand a chance of a real bust. So some how or another we have to get the government involved.

F: Wouldn’t that impose a risk of moral hazard? Isn’t that sort of Fanny Freddization all over again…

Z: Moral hazard, ideology, these are the things we can no longer think about – when you’re talking about saving the system. I wouldn’t care if we save the system by violating concerns about moral hazard or ideology.

F: If the govt has to intervene even more deeply in the financial system how much extra money do you think it’s going to end up spending on that?

Z: Well I saw where Larry Summers estimated that it would take somewhere between a trillion and a half dollars and three trillion dollars just in a sense to refloat the financial system. I think that’s a very good range. If anything I would come out near the top end of the range.

F: Of government money?

Z: Or government credit.

F: And do you think the American people, the American political system, is prepared to sign off on that amount of money?

Z: I think when they see what the alternatives are I think they’ll be prepared to do that.

At about 6:45:

Z: …because without that confidence nothing will work. No matter what this is a consumer led economy. 72% of our economy is based on consumption. If the consumer holds back and pulls back – which he or she can do – people can live very well with alot of what they already have other than food and drink and fuel.

F: No one needs to buy a new a car this year, no one needs to buy a new TV set.

Z: Right. A lot of people can live – it’s the TV programming that needs to be changed not the TV set. And I’ll tell ya, this is going to be an extraordinary year in American public life no matter who is in the Congress and who is in the White House.

View From the Top – Part 2, January 29 2009 begins:

F: You’re also a publisher. How is the print publishing business doing?

Z: Well the print publishing business is an oxymoron. It is no longer a business. It is an advertising driven business and the advertisers have driven elsewhere.

Zuckerman goes on to claim that almost every major newspaper is losing money, but that he didn’t get into the business to make money, he’s just addicted to journalism.

At about 8:05:

F: Has the Madoff affair had a particular impact on the American jewish community?

Z: Well I suppose on some level it is, the fact is that what he did was completely against jewish values, against not only the way jews contribute to a community in human terms but in financial terms – he robbed alot of charities of the funds which they are contributing to…

F: Specifically actually jewish charities that he was involved in.

Z: Yeah, alot of jewish charities, yes. My charity isn’t specifically a jewish charity – I mean I support cancer research, and scholarships, and things like that, but having said that, but you know as I said Ponzi, last time I checked, was an Italian and he was the person who gave the name to this kind of thing and it doesn’t mean that all Italians are involved in this. So the fact that he happens to be jewish, he’s also a sociopath, and that was the dominant feature of this man, who was willing to damage all sorts of people almost without remorse.

Freeland would seem to disagree. She’s concerned about the particular impact on jews, and specifically actually jewish charities.

It’s easy to imagine Madoff, at least up until December 2008, was thinking about his private pyramid scheme along the same lines Zuckerman is still thinking about the larger consumer-based economy: moral hazard, ideology, these are the things we can no longer think about – when you’re talking about saving the system.

Jewish charities. Keep people spending. Save the system. This is how jews really contribute to a community in financial terms.

Ponzi, last time I checked, was a piker compared to Madoff. From here on Madoff should be the person who gives the name to this kind of thing. As Zuckerman should readily agree, nobody will think that means all jews are involved.

how to be HAPPY, dammit

I was going through a box of books separating the wheat from the chaff when I came upon how to he HAPPY, dammit – a cynic’s guide to spiritual happiness. It was a gift and I never had any interest in reading it. Wincing once more at the garish cover I was about to toss it in the trash when on a whim instead I cracked it open, just to see what kind of wisdom about happiness I was about to forgo…

Life Lesson #15

You must unlearn.

To get what you want, you must be open not only to learning – but un-learning. You must sign up for un-lessons – where you un-learn learned fear, guilt, anger, jealousy, insecurity – and that’s just for starters.

Hmm. This is interesting. I know I’ve got a lifetime of guilt-tripping to un-learn. Eagerly I turned the page…

In other words, before you write your to-do list of what you want, you have to write your un-do list and to-don’t list. So you get a piece of paper and you write down the following six categories: money, love, sex, family, power, happiness. Next to each of these categories you write down your negative views – your fears, your guilts, your insecurities – that you must un-learn and un-feel.

Hmm. Well, those aren’t necessarily the categories or priorities I would pick, but let’s see where this is going…

For instance, you ask yourself what negative views you have about money. Like: Do you believe all rich people are superficial jerks – hence if you become rich you too might become a superficial jerk? Do you suffer from Keeping Down with the Joneses syndrome? Do you feel guilty about surpassing your friends – and/or parents – in wealth? If so, you must un-learn and un-feel these negative ideas and negative emotions…And you find that when you trade in these negative beliefs and emotions for positive ones, you start getting more in harmony with receiving money. You start seeing money everywhere.

Even in the word harmony, which suddenly now looks to you like harmoney.

Wait a minute…what kind of spiritualist wrote this materialist crap?

karen salmansohn


A Censorious Debate

In a post at Oz Conservative titled A curious debate, Mark Richardson writes:

Should the liberal state permit the existence of non-liberal communities? There has been a debate amongst academics in recent years on this issue.

One curious feature of this debate is the concept that the liberal academics have of themselves. They usually take themselves to be free, autonomous individuals leading self-directing and self-chosen lives in contrast to the unreflective, non-liberal individuals in traditional communities.

He quotes an academic named Jacob Levy who questions our right to exist.

Seeking to engage in the debate I used a response from Lawrence Auster as a launching point:

Auster writes:

The signs are gathering that the Western societies are heading into an age of civil wars. Not between white and nonwhite, not between Christian and Muslim, but between liberal whites and non-liberal whites. That’s shaping up as the major divide of our time.

That’s right. Our biggest problem is not muslims. It’s the “liberal whites” who prepared the ground and opened the gates, who enabled the muslims and the rest of the non-White world to invade and rape the West. The “liberal whites” are raping it too.

Western societies have been in an age of treason since the French revolution ended and jewish emancipation began. Here was the first ill-fated deployment of liberal egalitarianism – the recognition of jews and Europeans as equals. This egalitarianism led directly to the emancipation of negroes and the emancipation of women. In 1965 egalitarianism became equalitarianism, which produced civil rights and open borders. This mutated into “non-discrimination”, an Animal Farm-like regime where some groups are more equal than others. We see it today in the elevation and celebration of homosexuals and illegal aliens. Big Lies abound. They come for the jobs! Diversity is our greatest strength! Islam is a religion of peace! But anyone with eyes can see what’s going on. Under the neo-liberal regime all that is deviant, non-White, non-Christian, or non-European is sacrosanct and held in the highest esteem, while all that is traditional, White, Christian, or European is suspect, tainted, held up for scorn and ridicule.

Indeed, the major divide of our time is between neo-liberal “whites” and non-liberal Whites. It’s not so much a civil war as it is a race war. On the one side are the bolshevist, totalitarian, anti-liberal, anti-White “liberal whites”. The hippies, cosmopolitans, plutocrats and globalists who dominate all sides of politics, finance, media, law, and academia. They’re revolutionaries, left and right, whose highest calling is to erase all borders, “mobilize” labor, and “harmonize” the world’s laws. They want world government. One system. Death or the gulag for their critics.

In their way are Whites – the ordinary, unassuming natives of Europe and the descendants of European pioneers elsewhere. We occupy the center politically, divided against each other. We are the middle class economically, our resources outmatched by our corporate- and endowment-funded enemies. We share Main Street, family-oriented values. We’re skeptical of change and wish to be left alone to live, think, speak and worship in peace. Many of us see what the “liberal whites” have been up to and are aghast, appalled, or apoplectic. Some of us see how the “liberals” have now moved beyond pathologizing and gagging us, that they intend to exterminate us via immigration.

What “liberal white” Jacob Levy wrote is just a couched way of saying what “liberal white” Jeremy Hardy put more explicitly:

On the 9th of September, 2004, the Marxist comedian, Jeremy Hardy, said this on the Radio 4 show Speaks to the Nation:

“In some areas of the country the British National Party has been doing quite well electorally…

The BNP are Nazis…

If you just took everyone from the BNP, and everyone who votes for them, and shot them in the back of the head, there would be a brighter future for us all.”

Hardy was not vilified, warned, cautioned or threatened with prosecution for making these remarks.

Or what “liberal white” Susan Sontag (born Rosenblatt) expressed more generally:

Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history.

Or what “liberal white” Noel Ignatiev put more bluntly:

“Make no mistake about it,” he says,

“we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed–not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”

“Liberal whites” who think like this have been in control of the West since WWII ended. They’ve been sending ever louder signals for some time that their “tolerance” for our existence has reached its end. It’s high time we recognized the war they’ve been waging against us and respond.

When I checked back my comment was gone. Mark Richardson explained why:

Taanstafl, I eventually decided to delete your comment, even though there were parts of it written to a high standard.

Your initial description of the political divide was interesting. You wrote that on one side there were:

“The hippies, cosmopolitans, plutocrats and globalists who dominate all sides of politics, finance, media, law, and academia. They’re revolutionaries, left and right, whose highest calling is to erase all borders, “mobilize” labor, and “harmonize” the world’s laws. They want world government. One system.”


“In their way are Whites – the ordinary, unassuming natives of Europe and the descendants of European pioneers elsewhere. We occupy the center politically, divided against each other. We are the middle class economically, our resources outmatched by our corporate- and endowment-funded enemies. We share Main Street, family-oriented values. We’re skeptical of change and wish to be left alone to live, think, speak and worship in peace. Many of us see what the “liberal whites” have been up to and are aghast, appalled, or apoplectic.”

The problem for me is that you then left this larger view of things for a more reductionist one, by suggesting that it is specifically Jews who control the West and that it is they who are no longer willing to tolerate the existence of Christian whites.

I’m ruling this out of bounds for this site. I’m willing to recognise that Jews have been disproportionately represented in the radical movements. However, when nearly the entire political class shares a liberal orthodoxy, I don’t think it’s right, or helpful, to blame one group alone.

Auster responded like so:

On another subject, I note that the comment by Tanstaafl that Mr. Richardson has deleted is very mild compared to his usual anti-Semitic outpourings. Tanstaafl has written, “Jews are my enemy,” and criticized me for, among other things, not directing “all” my criticisms against Jews. The basic Tanstaafl position (and the Darwinian anti-Semitic position) is that everything that Jews or people of Jewish background do and say (including everything that I have ever written) is directed at undermining white gentiles in the interests of Jewish power. The only good Jew, in the anti-Semites’ book, is one who agrees with the anti-Semites’ position that I’ve just summarized.

I am about to post the following. I’m curious to see if it is also considered reductionist, or has some other defect:

Mark, this is your blog and you can delete what you want. If you’d prefer I not post here at all just say the word and I won’t.

Thank you for taking the time to explain why you deleted my previous comment. Obviously it will be harder now for others to judge whether your characterization of it is fair. I was actually trying to expand Auster’s one-dimensional vague assertion about “civil wars” into a deeper view, rooted in history going back generations, and to provide an interpretation linking many of the themes you discuss in isolation elsewhere in your blog. In that respect what I wrote is a synthesis into a more complex whole, not a reduction into simpler parts.

As for Auster, I trust readers will note his very “liberal” smear tactics. If there’s a reductionist view here it is his own – with every problem springing either from “liberals” or “anti-semites”. Like “liberal whites” he believes certain people should not be permitted to express our opinions. Like Jacob Levy he’s capable of rationalizing all sorts of reasons. Unlike Levy, Auster claims to oppose liberalism, so when he gets censorious there’s really only one explanation that makes sense. He resents that I see it and point it out. For example, notice that he’s not nearly as willing to shun and silence “liberals” or to delve into their motives as he is with “anti-semites”.

Prior to his civil war comment above Auster has been describing our predicament as “suicidal white guilt”, as if it is our idea to destroy ourselves, and it sprang from thin air. I consider this an unacceptable libel against my people, offered in bad faith in the interest of protecting his own.

I was trying to contribute to the discussion here and don’t wish to derail it. I’ll gladly continue to debate any of this at my own blog.

The image above is from The Censorious Race.

Genocidal Immigrationists

Or immigration genocidalists. Either phrase captures the meaning of the point I’m going to make here.

Several items in the news recently provide strong indications that our hostile, illegitimate rulers are preparing to once again foist amnesty and more aliens upon us. Whether they succeed or not hardly matters in the long term. The West is already brimming with aliens. Many are illegal and most are producing babies at a faster rate than the natives. Even so, legitimizing those aliens and inviting more is one of the highest priorities of our ruling class. After being rebuffed in their last treacherous attempt in the US in 2007 the housing bubble burst. Obviously then, at least to bubblists, a big part of getting the Holy Global Economy back on track is to jack up the already unprecedented migration of human herds to ever more unprecedented levels.

I wrote about one of the signs of this preparation in my last post, Now the NYT Wants to Talk About Immigration. Below are several more.

– – –

In October 2008 the Sunday Express article titled Secret plot to let 50million African workers into EU revealed:

A controversial taxpayer-funded “job centre” opened in Mali this week is just the first step towards promoting “free movement of people in Africa and the EU”.

Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states will “need” 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the “demographic decline” due to falling birth rates and rising death rates across Europe. 

The report, by the EU statistical agency Eurostat, warns that vast numbers of migrants could be needed to meet the shortfall in two years if Europe is to have a hope of funding the pension and health needs of its growing elderly population.

It states: “Countries with low fertility rates could require a significant number of immigrants over the coming dec­ades if they want to maintain the existing number of people of working age. 

“Having sufficient people of working age is vital for the economy and for tax revenue.” 

The report, by French MEP Francoise Castex, calls for immigrants to be given legal rights and access to social welfare provision such as benefits. 

Ms Castex said: “It is urgent that member states have a calm approach to immigration. To say ‘yes’, we need immigration … it is not a new development, we must accept it.”

No. We do not need immigration, we know this treachery is not new, and no we don’t have to accept it. And by “we” I mean as in “We the People”, as opposed to the royal “we” bureaucratic servants of the plutocrats are wont to use.

The proposals include the creation of a “blue card” system, based on the American green card, that provides full working and welfare rights.

Blue card holders would be entitled to move freely across the EU, setting up home in any of the 27 member states.

This is how a bait-and-switch works. First they create the EU, telling everyone what an advantage it will be for Europeans to visit each other. Then they make Africa part of the EU. Et voila, métissage EU-wide! Instead of co-opting the elected leaders of 27 countries all the immigrationists had to do was co-opt one. They may be genocidal, but they’re not stupid.

The proposals – part of the Africa-EU Partnership signed in Portugal last December – also warns of the negative effects of mass immigration and calls for “better integration of African migrants”.

It calls too for a compassionate approach to the eight million illegal immigrants already living in the EU.

It states: “Irregular migrants must not be treated like criminals. Many risk their lives seeking freedom or the means of subsistence in Europe. As long as the EU has a higher standard of living than those countries to its south and east, the temptation to come will exist – especially if there are jobs to be had.”

Eight million invaders and umpteen million guest aliens isn’t genocidal enough for the immigrationists.

If our leaders were not hostile toward us then this concern they constantly express for the well-being of “migrants”, “irregular” and otherwise, would instead be directed at least once in a while toward the natives. In the past this “there are jobs to be had” line was a dishonest way of saying “there are wages to be lowered”. Today, with jobs evaporating, it’s a dishonest way of saying “jobs, schmobs, all we care about is getting more africans into Europe”.

The declaration calls on the EU to assist African governments to set up migration information centres “to better manage labour mobility bet­ween Africa and the EU”.

One of the “negative effects of mass immigration” is that it lowers the quality of living of the natives and depresses their rate of reproduction. In consciously pursuing a policy that assists non-European “migration” and “labour mobility” the EU is perpetrating genocide on Europe’s native people.

– – –

Today in Tom Friedman disses Mexicans Steve Sailer links Friedman’s The Open-Door Bailout:

“All you need to do is grant visas to two million Indians, Chinese and Koreans,” said Shekhar Gupta, editor of The Indian Express newspaper. “We will buy up all the subprime homes. We will work 18 hours a day to pay for them. We will immediately improve your savings rate — no Indian bank today has more than 2 percent nonperforming loans because not paying your mortgage is considered shameful here. And we will start new companies to create our own jobs and jobs for more Americans.”

While his tongue was slightly in cheek, Gupta and many other Indian business people I spoke to this week were trying to make a point that sometimes non-Americans can make best: “Dear America, please remember how you got to be the wealthiest country in history. It wasn’t through protectionism, or state-owned banks or fearing free trade. No, the formula was very simple: build this really flexible, really open economy, tolerate creative destruction so dead capital is quickly redeployed to better ideas and companies, pour into it the most diverse, smart and energetic immigrants from every corner of the world and then stir and repeat, stir and repeat, stir and repeat, stir and repeat.”

How very slick of him to attribute the idea, and the backlash, to Gupta. Note however that Friedman quotes his own imagination in the second paragraph. The hooey about creative destruction and dead capital might smell less fragrant if it weren’t being spouted in the wake of a trillion dollar save-the-financiers bailout, a trillion dollar printing frenzy by the Fed, and a multi-trillion dollar save-the-financiers stimulation. And that’s in just the last six months. Imagine what kind of wage-slave-funded prizes the coming months hold for our wealthiest risk-takers.

In truth what fuels the “open economy”, and what the financiers really want, is much closer to what Gupta describes. Billions of little worker bees, working their little hearts out for the profit of rootless cosmopolitan bankers who have no scruples whatsoever about saying whatever they have to to keep the whole rotten scheme rolling. Gupta isn’t trying to sell his idea to the American public. He’s selling it to our hostile rulers. Through propaganda like Friedman’s (stir and repeat) nearly everyone is convinced that America is a big multicult corporation, and “wealth” is the only measure of what is good and right.

Friedman goes on to complain about restrictions on using bailout money to hire H-1B visa holders:

In an age when attracting the first-round intellectual draft choices from around the world is the most important competitive advantage a knowledge economy can have, why would we add barriers against such brainpower — anywhere? That’s called “Old Europe.” That’s spelled: S-T-U-P-I-D.

There’s a part of “Old Europe” these immigrationists seem very eager to reproduce across the entire West. It’s spelled: B-A-L-K-A-N-S.

The fantasy Friedman has for America already exists in San Diego. As recently as 25 years ago San Diego and it’s suburbs were populated mostly by conservative Whites with small town values. The blacks and latinos lived in enclaves. Today it’s one giant sprawl. The Whites who remain are mostly liberals who live in gated enclaves. The older communities have fractured and shrank faster than new ones could be built. Whites have been fleeing this dystopia for years but with the bubble bursting and a bankrupt government in denial the trend will accelerate. Replacing us is a tossed salad of aliens flowing in from every corner of the planet who want their piece of America.

The latinos dominate numerically, and once they’re legalized they’ll dominate politically too, as they already do in Lost Angeles. Lunch time at the food court in Sorrento Valley (home of Qualcomm and other high-tech employers) is a thoroughly multicult experience. A glimpse of what Friedman desires. It consists of predominantly latino food servers and custodians, supervised predominantly by middle easterners, serving a wide variety of foreign cuisine to a geeky clientele whose racial ratio is roughly 7-3-2-1 indians/pakis-“white”-chinese-other. By my inexpert eye a large fraction of the “whites” are related to Friedman.

“If you do this [H-1B hiring restriction], it will be one of the best things for India and one of the worst for Americans, [because] Indians will be forced to innovate at home,” said Subhash B. Dhar, a member of the executive council that runs Infosys, the well-known Indian technology company that sends Indian workers to the U.S. to support a wide range of firms. “We protected our jobs for many years and look where it got us. Do you know that for an Indian company, it is still easier to do business with a company in the U.S. than it is to do business today with another Indian state?”

Each Indian state tries to protect its little economy with its own rules. America should not be trying to copy that. “Your attitude,” said Dhar, should be “ ‘whoever can make us competitive and dominant, let’s bring them in.’ ”

This indian technocrat wants us to think he wants us to do something bad for his relatives. Hire them. Keep them from enriching india. Uh huh. Right. Remember this pitch isn’t aimed at the typical American, it’s aimed at our treacherous ruling class. “If you don’t hire us we’re going to compete with you!” That isn’t a threat, it’s a lame attempt to take American jobs without competing and to move into our nice society without having to create one of their own. They have the internet in india. They can do these “knowledge economy” jobs there. The cost of living is much cheaper. But who could blame them for not wanting to live in Mumbai? Of course they want to live in the kind of society Whites produce. Everyone does. They prove it every time they scream in our faces over the prospect that we might keep them out. The big problem for all of us is that wherever enough mexicans, indians, or chinese collect you get mexico, india, or china. Where they mix you get something like San Diego circa 2009. The weather is nice, but it’s not America.

Message to Tom Friedman, the NYT, and all the rest of you genocidal freaks: It doesn’t matter to me whether you think importing latinos, indians, chinese, or koreans is “profitable”. It’s destroying my society. I’d rather be poor, unemployed, and starving – and keep my society.

One last thing. Notice how Friedman appeals to “competitive advantage” and Dhar appeals to “competitive and dominant”. It echoes the “competition” rhetoric Obama occasionally used on the campaign trail. The weird thing about these globalists is they never explain who “us” is or who “we” are competing against. In fact most of the time they’re saying competition is a bad thing, “we” are all the same, and “we” don’t need borders.

– – –

The last item is Progress by Pesach:

Progress by Pesach is endorsed nationally by American Jewish Committee (AJC), Anti-Defamation League (ADL), B’nai B’rith International, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), Jewish Reconstructionist Federation (JRF), National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), The Rabbinical Assembly, Union for Reform Judaism, and Uri l’Tzedek: The Orthodox Social Justice Movement . Progress by Pesach is endorsed locally by Am Kolel Jewish Renewal Center (Rockville/Beallsville, MD), Jewish Community Action (St. Paul, MN), Jewish Community Relations Council of Southern Arizona (Tucson, AZ), Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington (Rockville, MD), Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (Chicago, IL), Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (New York, NY), Jews United for Justice (Washington, DC), MIKLAT! A Jewish Response to Displacement (Milwaukee, WI), and the Progressive Jewish Alliance (Los Angeles, CA).

Progress by Pesach is the national Jewish campaign to encourage the new administration and congress to choose humanitarian immigration reform over the failed policy of exclusively relying on raids and enforcement tactics as a means of controlling immigration.

Passover is a time when we celebrate our freedom from bondage and remember when we were strangers in a strange land. Connecting our history to the struggles of immigrants today is the inspiration behind Progress by Pesach.

From Patrick Cleburne comes The Kvetcher: Who the hell do these Jews think they are?

Kvetcher’s post is titled Jewish Far-Leftist Boasts Goal of ‘Progress By Pesach’ is to Thwart the Will of the Majority Population! He writes:

I would love to declare that people like Rosenthal do not represent the mainstream Jewish organizations. But how can I reasonably claim that? Look at their “partners” list. These aren’t only radical and consistently shrill organizations…there are also mainstream Jewish organization that have signed on as well.

Who the hell do these Jews think they are?

Cleburne writes:

The Kvetcher’s Blog is inwardly directed to the Jewish community. In that respect, it could be very valuable. I appeal to’s unjewish friends not to intervene. The Kvetcher has his hands more than full.

No intervention here. I’d just like to echo Kvetcher’s question. I’ll take it one step farther and say I’d really like to live in an ethnostate with a big concrete wall around it. And I’d like it by Easter. Got that Obama? Short of that I’d like to encourage these oh-so-self-righteous Pesachers to choose to progress themselves over to israel and take up their important humanitarian immigration reform work there. After all, israel is a nation of immigrants. They should be looking for whoever can make them competitive and dominant. Stir and repeat, stir and repeat.

– – –

The comment I left on Sailer’s post regarding Friedman reads:

Being a world-class progressivist-globalist economist is simple. There’s only one principle to remember. It holds under all circumstances – boom, crash, or in between.

“We need more immigrants.”

Of course we need more immigrants like we need more gangs, more shortages, more diseases, more crowding, more deficits, more taxes, more slums, more distrust, and more violence.

We need immigrants like we need more houses and less farmland, woods, marsh, and wildlife. The rationale, such as it is, was described by Sailer in The circular logic of the bubble economy, 2002-2007:

Hire illegal aliens to build new houses in the exurbs for people wanting to get their kids out of school districts overwhelmed by the children of illegal aliens.

Except the circular logic didn’t stop in 2007 and it isn’t restricted to illegals. It transcends bubbles. It transcends parties. It’s hard to imagine anything that would stop it – unless enough people recognize it for what it is: a crime of monstrous proportions.

It’s difficult for that to happen because the media aids and abets the crime by downplaying its importance and pathologizing the opposition.

The crime is a pyramid scheme motivated in part by greed and in part by malice. Those who believe in limitless growth, regardless of the costs, are frauds. Those who believe in limitless immigration, regardless of the consequences and over the objections of the natives it is displacing and dispossessing, are genocidal maniacs.

Now the NYT Wants to Talk About Immigration

The first editorial, dated 31 Jan 2009 and titled The Nativists Are Restless, starts the witch-hunt with a bang, accusing Vdare, The American Cause, and korean-jew Marcus Epstein of the second worst crime possible in their brave new progressivist-globalist world: “white supremacism”. (The worst crime being “anti-semitism”, of course. Surely the Times will eventually get to that.)

The next editorial, dated 2 Feb 2009 is titled The Nativists Are Restless, Continued. It continues the assault under the guise of seeking debate, accusing Republicans of not doing enough for latinos while saluting the Southern Poverty Law Center for sniffing out non-latino Whites distasteful enough to fret about our interests and audacious enough to actually pursue them. For the record, the Times states, they do not support open borders, and never have. They’re only concerned that their metaphorical “Golden Door” might be closed. They don’t favor “amnesty” either. They just want a “Golden Door” big enough so “that immigrants will go through, not around”. And that those who do go around get to stay. That’s not “open borders” or “amnesty”. It’s just the common sense of anyone who wants to “destroy America’s identity as a white, European country.”

The editorial dated 4 Feb 2009 is titled ‘The Nativist Lobby’. It broadens the witch-hunt to FAIR, CIS, and NumbersUSA, and is based entirely on the SPLC’s bolshevist smear tactics. Here the pretense at debate has been replaced with a list of people to be shunned and silenced. They conclude by saying “people should know about the groups’ history, something they and their allies don’t usually like to talk about”.

This from people who don’t like to talk about the history of immigration or their own group’s role in shaping it. People who scream ANTI-SEMITE!!! at anyone who notices their relentlessly harsh and extreme pursuit of their own racial interests. Who scream HOLOCAUST!!! at anyone who mocks their fretfulness about their own race, culture and ethnicity. Who scream RACIST!!! if anyone suggests closing the “Golden Door” they worked so long and hard to pry open in order to create the multiracial majority-minority dystopia they desire and thrive in.

The underlying assumptions made by the Times editorialists are outrageously hypocritical:

  • Whites should accept a political regime which explicitly panders to the interests of everyone other than Whites.
  • Whites should not express concern about non-White immigration despite the obvious hostility of those immigrants and their supporters toward Whites.
  • Whites should reject and distance ourselves from anyone who does not conform to these rules.

Jews seem incapable of doing so, but we Whites have no trouble substituting “jew” for “White” in the points above and recognizing the apoplectic reaction any such attack would cause in jews.

Ever since Congress and the media, including the Times, failed to ram Comprehensive Immigration Reform down our throats in mid 2007 we haven’t heard much from either source about immigration. Odd isn’t it? One day the “12 million” undocumented invaders is a critical issue we just absolutely have to address, immediately and comprehensively. Then when it doesn’t go the way they want the urgency evaporates and for some 18 months there’s hardly a peep. It’s doubly odd that this happened despite an intervening nationwide election. An election which, if the Times et al. really had been so eager to debate, would have been the perfect opportunity for Americans to debate and vote on immigration. Instead the Times, like the rest of the mainstream media and both major political parties, did their best not to talk about immigration. They quickly changed the subject when it did come up. It’s been so long since they talked about it they’re still throwing around the “12 million” number as if it hasn’t changed!

Actually, none of this is odd once you understand that our country has been hijacked by greedy and dishonest people who either don’t care about Whites or actively hate us. As Peter Brimelow says in a video the Times links at their own risk:

I think the issue in the immigration debate is not racism or xenophobia, it’s treason. The people who are running current policy embarked upon a course that will destroy the United States as we know it. They have no loyalty to it, they want to transform it. So it’s treason.

Well now there’s a new president. The first sired by a resident alien. The first with illegal alien relatives. The first whose own natural born citizenship is in doubt. Oblivious to these notable and unprecedented firsts the Times focuses instead like a laser beam on race, “It is easy to mock white-supremacist views as pathetic and to assume that nativism in the age of Obama is on the way out.” Among the views they consider pathetic in the “age of Obama” is anyone daring to mock their “Magic Negro”. What else but magic could explain how so many embarassing firsts were ignored by the Times and most of the rest of the media during Obama’s campaign? It makes far more sense to attribute it to jewish media influence and their self-serving interests in destroying America’s identity as a white, European country. That seems to be what frightens the Times most about Brimelow’s view. If their treason becomes clear to enough people they know they’re going to have hell to pay. Which they see of course as just another reason to carry through the destruction of America’s identity as a white, European country. They’re committed to smothering even the most hapless, harmless Whites who fumble around trying to avoid being called “racist”.

Despite the Times’ attempt to guilt-trip us, we know that Juan “CIR co-sponsor” McCain’s best efforts to woo black, latino, asian, and jewish voters failed miserably. It failed because the non-Whites voted overwhelmingly for the non-White:

Sailer provides the numbers in Exit Polls:

Obama McCain Other
White (75%) 43% 55% 2%
African-American (13%) 96% 4% N/A
Latino (8%) 67% 31% 2%
Asian (2%) 63% 33% 4%
Other (3%) 66% 31% 3%

The Jerusalem Post reports on the jewish bias:

Jews voted for Barack Obama in overwhelming numbers, refuting speculation that Republican John McCain would peel away Jewish support due to concerns about the Democrat’s stance on the Middle East and other issues.

Obama picked up 78 percent of the Jewish vote in comparison to McCain’s 21% haul, according to exit polls. That rate is about two points higher than what former Democratic candidate John Kerry received in 2004 and similar to the numbers Al Gore and Bill Clinton garnered in previous elections.

Whites don’t deserve the blame for the lopsided non-White vote. The non-Whites do. After decades of legislated preferences for non-Whites, non-White immigration (legal and illegal), poisonous anti-White media propaganda (the NYT in the vanguard), forced integration, non-White on White violence, and piles of danegeld extorted from Whites and transferred to non-Whites by government mandate – after all this the hostility and resentment between non-Whites and Whites has only grown. The jewish-led, jewish-funded assault on Whites has only become more intense. The Times blames it all on Whites.

We have good cause to be angry. The harm done to us is by now crystal clear. Our country, as we knew it, seems doomed. What our enemies are doing now is trying to ensure that no one will be punished for the crime. The crime is genocide – a deliberately pursued policy to harm Whites. The editors of the Times and anyone who agrees with them are genocidalists. Their paranoia about what Whites might do to immigrants, or themselves, does not excuse them. Their response to White objections to the injustice inflicted upon us by immigration is not only unsympathetic, it is openly contemptuous and repressive. Their foot is on our throats. They meet our pleas to stop with derision and push harder. What they could in 1965 pretend was immigration, justified and debated on the basis of how many should be admitted in the best interests of the natives, has been revealed as a culture-killing invasion and alien colonization. Now we are told by our erstwhile dictators that it is expressly for the benefit of the immigrants, the cost to us irrelevant. It is a premeditated and coldly executed program to replace us, and the more we resist the more they pretend they are justified to dislike and fear us.

It may seem to the Times like a good time to once again discuss immigration. After the aforementioned 18 month quasi-blackout on the subject Pew recently announced that public concern for immigration is “slipping”. Never mind that every other issue people claim they are more concerned about is directly impacted by immigration. That the Times would advocate in favor of millions of alien interlopers just now, when so many natives are struggling to find jobs, confirms the malice and distain with which they regard us. I don’t believe this is a blunder. The Times considers it their duty, representing a combination of latino and jewish interests, to broach this subject now. They are preparing the ground so their Magic Negro and plutocrat-owned Congress can have another sham debate about the “12 million”, this time following the fast-track bailout bill template. In that they hope to secure the future of the non-White immigrants while definitively destroying America’s identity as a white, European country.

They hate us so much they can’t wait to forget we ever existed.