Category Archives: Blog

Jeet Heer, Afraid of Nazis

In my recent post about Sobran I linked Jeet Heer’s Joseph Sobran: Far Worse than a Holocaust Skeptic. I left a few critical comments there which were greeted by Heer and his peanut gallery with the usual dehumanizing and intolerant attitude jews and their sympathizers so typically project onto others.

To Heer’s credit, he let my comments stand. Last night I made a lengthy response to another comment and it got stuck in the moderation queue. Six hours later Heer announced that he was tired of letting “nazis” say “nazi” things and therefore, ACHTUNG!, he was closing the comments. I don’t expect Heer will let my last remark through, so I’m posting it here instead. For context I encourage you to first read Heer’s attack on Sobran and the thread of responses that followed.

PuffsPlus writes:

For those of you who don’t know, Tanstaafl is a blogger who wants a white-only ethnostate that excludes anyone with Jewish DNA. That would include his kids, because his wife’s father was a Jewish convert, IIRC. So Tanstaafl’s unreasonable hatred of Jews extends to the point of dreaming of a white-only country that would exclude his own children. Chew on that for a moment.

I realize I’m among enemies here, but I’m still chagrined to find such intellects overlooking the link in my name, and now acting like they’ve unmasked a stealthy boogeyman. Those who want something more than gossip and innuendo can chew on what I’ve actually written and decide for themselves if it’s unreasonable:

Of Whites, by Whites, and for Whites

A Personal Disclosure

It pleasures me to point out to my own kind (passing by or lurking here) the dishonesty of jewish partisans when facing non-jewish partisans. Regarding exclusion, my kids and I are excluded from Israel. Jewish hypocrisy rankles, but the exclusion from Israel not at all. You’d think those alienated by Whites would, of their own volition, not want to live among us. But no, the truth is they panic at the thought of being removed from their host. Claws and fangs come out because they much prefer to neutralize our partisans in order to lord over the rest. It reflects the jewish tendency toward totalitarianism which fully bloomed most recently and catastrophically as bolshevism. More recently it manifests as orwellian language, political correctness, and the criminalization of “hate”, all while they project their own control-freak nature onto “nazis”. As Chomsky put it, 98% control just isn’t enough.

I see the norm here is to make grade school cases that rest on, for example, Sobran being “a fellow traveller to Nazism” and a “white nationalist defense of Sobran is far more damning”. Never mind that Sobran’s “nazism” is no more than the allergic reaction he causes jews, or the chauvinist jewish premise, unspoken and undefended, that Whites must not have what jews have (White nationalism) because it’s bad for jews. The attack on Sobran and response to my counterpoints amounts to the presumption that anyone who will not accept that jewish interests outweigh their own is a heretic. Yes, such heresy is literally unthinkable for most jews, and most would make it unspeakable as well. No so the rest of us. So I ask again Heer, are you a jew, or a useful idiot?

The sad fact is that jew-firsters will have to keep repressing the rest of us, or get far away from us. I think the main reason more diaspora jews don’t opt for the latter (beside not wanting to live among their own kind) is because they suspect when the lid comes off the precedents set by the Nuremberg trials and the later worldwide manhunts may repeat. As David Sachs worries, he and every jew he knows would all be forced (by “anti-semites” of course) to leap to every other jew’s defense. The one thing that is virtually certain, evident in a millenia-long pattern, is that jews will continue to blame whatever goes wrong entirely on everybody else, especially those who reject their authority.

I went to Heer’s latest post, Coren and Conservative Revisionism (wherein he denounces “conservative revisionism” as a defense of “nazism” and “fascism”) and left another comment:

A comment of mine on the Sobran thread has been stuck in the moderation queue since six hours before you declared it closed.

Speaking of fascism, I’m wondering if you’re going to let it through, or delete it.

I then read his post and watched the Michael Coren Show video he linked, to which I made the following comment:

Regarding the video you linked, the earnest disagreement about Vietnam-era US military demographics was interesting. Apparently, in cases like this, it’s acceptable and important to argue about who was overrepresented, even though the whole enterprise is long past. What makes this part of the discussion so interesting is how it is interwoven with a non-debate of jewish overrepresentation in media today. Discussion of that disparity ended almost before it began, caricaturized and dismissed by Gordon as a “standard anti-semitic myth” that’s “boring”, and ultimately transformed by Coren into a red herring about how two jews can be counted on to have three opinions.

The point is that in the current mainstream media environment jews are free to argue out loud and at length about what’s good for jews. Meanwhile, anyone who complains about this, or who tries to discuss what’s good for their group (especially Whites), is pathologized and excluded with terminology such as “kook”, “nazi”, “fascist”, “racist”, “nativist”, “xenophobe”, “anti-semite”, “denier”, “minimizer”, “revisionist”, etc.

Whether this situation arises as a consequence of jewish disparities in ownership, control, employment, or just naive goyim favoritism for jews is really beside the point. The point is that there is a clear double-standard in how Whites and jews are treated – jews and their concerns strongly favored, Whites and our concerns strongly disfavored. This is no myth. Nor is it boring. But it is perfectly understandable why jews and their supporters try to deny or minimize it.

Upon posting this I noticed that my previous comment had been deleted. A few minutes later this last comment disappeared as well.

It’s telling that reasoned and on-topic comments are deleted by someone who so hates “nazism” and “fascism”. It’s not pigeon-holing enemies or squelching dissent that disturbs Heer. He’s a comic fanboy and culture critic. In those very jewish worlds dehumanization and censorship are only crimes when it happens to the nazi-fighting good-guys. Naturally I wonder if Heer is some kind of desi-jew. If not, then I wonder if he’s ever wondered just how steeped in jewish thought he is.

Curiously, Heer has been critical of zionism and neocons, writing things like Israel’s creation: Ethnic cleansing by any other name, The Jewish state and its enablers, and Operation Anglosphere. Perhaps he’s trying to compensate for this by pathologizing other people’s criticism of jews.

In Heer’s Anglosphere piece he attaches significance to where someone is born. Why then his hostility to the notion that an identity conveyed by genes and upbringing can have significance? Is it only jewish identity which is exempt, or exempt from critique? He’s not squeamish about attaching significance to “anti-semitism” and “nazism”. What’s that? Where does it come from? He doesn’t seem to care. He uses the words as if they’re magic.

Maybe he’ll drop by and clear up some of these questions. Based on his lame response to challenges at his own blog, I doubt it.

Consider This

Reconsider Columbus Day appeared on YouTube last year. Links to it are circulating again this year.

October 12 is Columbus Day
A day that “our” government has deemed worthy of rememberance
But with all due respect
With all due respect
With all due respect
There’s an ugly truth that has been overlooked
For waaay too long
Columbus committed heinous crimes
Against the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean
And millions of natives throughout the Americas
And Columbus set the stage for the slave trade in the New World
So please
Please reconsider if this is a man you want to honor
Reconsider if you want to celebrate the crimes of Columbus
It’s not your fault
It happened a long time ago
But remaining neutral
And pretending like it didn’t happen
Or that it doesn’t still impact us today
So please
Take the day to learn the whole story
Celebrate the people who were here first
Petition for a nationally-recognized indigenous holiday
So please
Reconsider how you plan to spend October 12th
Reconsider the story of Columbus

Yes, let’s stop pretending. Let’s reconsider multiculturalism, reconsider multiracialism, and reconsider anti-racism. The people pushing these ideas are disingenuous. They don’t oppose discrimination, oppression, or genocide. They’re animated by hate and anger. They blame Whites for all the world’s ills. In their mind it’s payback time. Scapegoating Columbus is just the tip of an anti-White iceberg.

The purpose of the Reconsider Columbus Day campaign isn’t to hold Columbus accountable for his “crimes”. That was 500 years ago. The purpose isn’t to celebrate “the people who were here first” either. “Our” government has already dedicated 30 days to celebrating them.

This campaign is aimed at White people. It’s about guilt-tripping, criminalizing, and pathologizing us. It’s telling us to stop enjoying a Eurocentric view of history, to stop having a sense of pride in our European heritage, and to instead feel ashamed and be more concerned about everyone else’s point of view. The purpose is to convince us to celebrate and put the interests of other people above our own. It isn’t an argument for non-discrimination or race-blindness. The people driving this campaign despise us and our point of view.

Instead of going along with the browbeating of people who hate us, or even simply ignoring them, I’m inclined to do just the opposite of what they want. Therefore I encourage Whites to reconsider the mestizo holiday Cinco de Mayo, which commemorates the killing of Europeans and swimming the Rio Grande (not necessarily in that order). And the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, commemorating “racists” not acting quickly enough to help black looters. And the mother of all anti-White guilt-tripping, The Holocaust TM – which academia and media and politicians commemorate day in and day out.

The common theme here is: Whites suck. Why should we go along with that? Reconsider who does or doesn’t care about you. Reconsider what they tell you to care about. Reconsider whether it’s all about doing what’s “right” or “moral” or whether they just want you to better serve them. Respond accordingly.

Columbus: Continuation of a Genocidal Legacy is a Mexica Movement video connecting the dots from Columbus, to Cortez, to Custer, to Hitler. It presents a thoroughly one-sided view of the brutal facts of past conquest and war. Unlike the original blood-thirsty, slave-trading indigenous people, White newcomers kept relatively detailed records. But why dwell on the past? Do the job the anti-White moralizers in the media won’t do. Compile in your mind a video of current events – the robbery, rape, and murder “people of color” perpetrate against Whites no matter when or where we have the misfortune of living together.

Reconsider the never-ending lectures we’re fed about defamation, discrimination, stereotypes, blood libels. Think about these lectures the next time somebody quickly and blithely ticks off the usual politically correct litany of White “crimes”. Think about what they will rationalize as right and just once they gain the upper hand completely. If you need a hand, that Mexica video graphically depicts what they have in mind.

Happy Columbus Day.

The Most Important Thing To Know About Joe Sobran

Jews hated him.

Sailer’s “Joe Sobran, RIP” links Coulter’s Not your average joe.

A Sailer commenter links Michael Tomasky’s Rick Sanchez and Joe Sobran, which links Jeet Heer’s Joseph Sobran: Far Worse than a Holocaust Skeptic.

Sobran once wrote that “anti-semite” used to mean a man who hated jews. Now it means a man who is hated by jews.

In Hard-line commentator, at the Washington Post, Matt Schudel writes:

Over the years, Mr. Sobran’s views veered ever more wildly to the right, beyond the ken of National Review and anything resembling the mainstream. He praised an unabashedly racist publications called Instauration, which, in Mr. Sobran’s own words, was “openly and almost unremittingly hostile to blacks, Jews, and Mexican and Oriental immigrants.”

An archive of Wilmot Robertson’s Instauration Magazine is online. Go see what the fuss is about.

How I Was Fired By Bill Buckley is Sobran’s account of his ejection from the mainstream for violating what Buckley called “the structure of prevailing taboos”.

UPDATE 19 Oct 2010: A few links provided by Jim Jones in the comments, from which I’ve extracted samples of Sobran’s thoughts about jews.

Sobran’s — The Jewish Faction, May 2004:

In truth, the charge of “Christ-killing” is hard to find anywhere, outside of schoolyard taunts. Yet the Tribe “remembers” it, just as innumerable baseball fans used to “remember” seeing Babe Ruth’s legendary (and apocryphal) “called shot” in the 1932 World Series, the most famous home run never hit. Such non-happenings are a regular feature of Tribal memory, as witness the many testimonies of “Holocaust survivors” that have turned out to be delusions or outright forgeries. A large proportion of the Tribe is still absolutely convinced that Pius XII was “Hitler’s Pope,” despite mountainous, and mounting, evidence to the contrary. (Hitler’s media called Pius “the Jews’ mouthpiece.”)

Sobran’s — The Jewish Establishment, September 1995:

Not only persecution of Jews but any critical mention of Jewish power in the media and politics is roundly condemned as “anti-Semitism.” But there isn’t even a term of opprobrium for participation in the mass murders of Christians. Liberals still don’t censure the Communist attempt to extirpate Christianity from Soviet Russia and its empire, and for good reason — liberals themselves, particularly Jewish liberals, are still trying to uproot Christianity from America.

It’s permissible to discuss the power of every other group, from the Black Muslims to the Christian Right, but the much greater power of the Jewish Establishment is off-limits. That, in fact, is the chief measure of its power: its ability to impose its own taboos while tearing down the taboos of others — you might almost say its prerogative of offending. You can read articles in Jewish-controlled publications from the Times to Commentary blaming Christianity for the Holocaust or accusing Pope Pius XII of indifference to it, but don’t look for articles in any major publication that wants to stay in business examining the Jewish role in Communism and liberalism, however temperately.

When Joe McCarthy accused people of being Communists, the charge was relatively precise. You knew what he meant. The accusation could be falsified. In fact the burden of proof was on the accuser: when McCarthy couldn’t make his loose charges stick, he was ruined. (Of course, McCarthy was hated less for his “loose” charges than for his accurate ones. His real offense was stigmatizing the Left.)

The opposite applies to charges of “anti-Semitism.” The word has no precise definition. An “anti-Semite” may or may not hate Jews. But he is certainly hated by Jews. There is no penalty for making the charge loosely; the accused has no way of falsifying the charge, since it isn’t defined.

A famous example. When Abe Rosenthal accused Pat Buchanan of “anti-Semitism,” everyone on both sides understood the ground rules. There was a chance that Buchanan would be ruined, even if the charge was baseless. And there was no chance that Rosenthal would be ruined — even if the charge was baseless.

Such are the rules. I violate them, in a way, even by spelling them out.

“Anti- Semitism” is therefore less a charge than a curse, an imprecation that must be uttered formulaically.

Sobran’s — “For Fear of the Jews”, September 2002:

It was once considered “anti-Semitic” to impute “dual loyalty” to Jews — that is, to assert that most American Jews divide their loyalty between the United States and Israel. This is now passé. Today most politicians assume, as a matter of course, that Israel commands the primary loyalty of Jewish voters. Are they accused of “anti-Semitism” for doing so? Does this assumption cost them Jewish votes? Not at all! Dual loyalty nothing! Dual loyalty would be an improvement!

Once again, it’s a practical necessity to know what it would be professional suicide to say. No politician in his right mind would accuse Jews of giving their primary loyalty to Israel; but most politicians act as if this were the case. And they succeed.

You can read Jewish publications like Commentary for years, and you’ll read interminable discussions about what’s good for Israel, but you’ll never encounter the slightest suggestion that what’s good for Israel might not be good for America. The possibility simply never comes up. The only discernible duty of Jews, it seems, is to look out for Israel. They never have to choose between Israel and the United States. So much for the “canard” of dual loyalty.

Terry Graham’s Genocide Complaint to the UN

Subject: genocide complaint
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 10:52:26

I’m writing to verify that you are Terry Graham, and that you did indeed write the letter and press release referred to at the following links:

I’d like to ask a few questions with the intent to publish your answers, as well as your press release, on my blog –

Is there a public website or forum where the definitive version of your complaint is available, where you post status updates, or answer questions?

Why did you specifically identify “European-American Christians” as the target of genocide, rather than “European-Americans” in general?

Have you received any response from the UN? The US government? Representatives of news or media organizations?

What kind of response have you received from other groups or individuals? Questions? Opposition? Support?


From: T Graham (
Sent: Fri 9/17/10 12:01 PM
Subject: RE: genocide complaint

Yes, I did the filing and this email box was almost immediately shut down until this morning. It may be shut down again, so I will try to send this out.

I included “Christian” because that is what I am, and religious “groups” can be the target of genocide. You know of others who have made claims based on religious persecution/targeting.

I have no website to post the complaint, but you are welcome to do so. All anyone has to do is file the SAME filing, but putting their name and contact info at the end of the complaint. I hope others MAIL it to Geneva (REGISTERED to prove delivery).

The best we can do is wait and see. This is the THIRD time I have filed this complaint with the UN. (1999, 2007) and have never even received a response, though I have the receipt of delivery from 2007.

Hope this answers your questions. Please let others know that my EMAIL was BLOCKED for days, and I have not been able to even see who emailed me until this morning.

Terry Graham

Attached to Terry’s email was the following (in docx format, which I converted to html using OpenOffice):

Date: September 3, 2010 SENT VIA REGISTERED MAIL: Sept. 3, 2010

TO: Ms. Navanethem (Navi) Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

OHCHR address: 
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais Wilson
52 Rue des Pâquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland

Mailing address: 
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Email: Website:

FROM: Terry Graham on behalf of European-American Christians

RE: Formal Complaint Charging the U.S. Federal Government with the Crime of Genocide of European-American Christians.

There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one’s native land.”

Euripides, 431 BC, posted on the United Nations Human Rights website:

Dear Ms. Pillay:

I hereby file a formal complaint with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, charging the United States’ Federal government with violating human rights laws by intentionally committing GENOCIDE against myself and other European-American Christians through its immigration laws, policies and procedures, including failures to enforce existing laws. I further charge that U.S. Federal immigration laws, policies and procedures – and actions and lawsuits filed by the Federal government against individuals and States including, but not limited to, Arizona with the result of continuing the intentional GENOCIDE of European-America Christians — violate the U.N. Genocide Convention of 1948, international customary law, international treaty law, and U.S. law.

Because the ongoing destruction of the European-American Christian population is a serious legal, moral, cultural, social, religious, political and economic issue, and a matter of the survival of my people, and because the pace of that destruction is escalating, I petition the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to promptly investigate this charge of GENOCIDE, and to make an immediate formal request of the United States federal government to place a judicial stay on all immigration laws, policies, procedures, lawsuits and legal actions that advance this GENOCIDE.

This stay must halt all admissions into the U.S. of all non-European/Christian immigrants, refugees, asylees, parolees, foreign students, temporary workers, etc. until the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights can complete a thorough investigation of this claim, and take immediate, appropriate steps to remedy this egregious situation.

In 1960, European-American Christians constituted nearly 90 percent of the U.S. population. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that by as early as 2050, well within the lifespan of today’s children, European-Americans will be reduced to less than 50 percent of the U.S. population.

Rafael Lemkin, creator of the term “GENOCIDE” defined it as follows:

Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean destruction of a nation… It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups. Genocide is directed against the national group as an entity, and the actions involved are directed against individuals, not in their individual capacity but as members of a national group.”

The U.N. Genocide Convention, Article II, Section C defines GENOCIDE in part as, “Deliberately inflicting on the group (national, ethnic, racial, or religious) conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. (Citations on relevant international customary and treaty law, as well as U.S. federal law and legal decisions, are provided below.)

Legal remedies for the crime of GENOCIDE include “reparations” as defined by international law that “…must wipe out all the consequences of the illegal act and re-establish the situation which would, in all probability, have existed if that act had not been committed.”

Therefore, I further petition the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to immediately demand that the Federal government of the United States take immediate steps to re-establish the European-American Christian population relative to the current U.S. population to its demographic size — 90 percent – on December 9, 1948, the day on which international customary law against GENOCIDE took effect.

If the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights refuses to investigate and act upon my complaint of GENOCIDE, I must conclude that:

(1) international law and human rights law are no longer binding on the United States of America federal government, or

(2) European-American Christians, alone, are not protected by these laws.

Please respond in writing to my complaint without delay, no later than September 30, 2010.

Θ Euro-American Christians Devastated by Non-European/Non-Christian Immigration

Background of Complaint Charging U.S. Federal Immigration Laws, Policies, and Procedures Result in GENOCIDE of European-American Christians:

The effect of U.S. immigration policy since 1965, when — for the first time in our nation’s history – the U.S. Congress permitted massive non-European immigration, has been to perpetrate GENOCIDE against the nation’s European-American Christian majority.

The term “GENOCIDE” is defined here by:

(1) International customary law,

(2) International treaty law, and

(3) U.S. federal law.

Today, Federal immigration policy is “deliberately inflicting on” European-American Christians, “…conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction in whole or in part,” one of the definitions of GENOCIDE set forth in the U.N. Genocide Convention of 1948. [Article II also defines GENOCIDE as: “(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group” and (d) “Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group”, which would include taxation policies that penalize and impose undue financial hardships upon European-American Christians, while providing tax-subsidized services for non-European, non-Christian illegal aliens and immigrants.]

Under international law, the following acts are punishable offenses: “conspiracy to commit genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, attempt to commit genocide, or complicity in genocide.”

To reiterate: Legal remedies for the crime of GENOCIDE include “reparations” as defined by international law that “must wipe out all the consequences of the illegal act and to re-establish the situation which would, in all probability, have existed if that act had not been committed.”

Θ European-American Christians Devastated by Non-European/Non-Christian Immigration

In a speech on immigration and its impact upon U.S. demographics, President Bill Clinton in June 1998 said that, “In a little more than 50 years, there will be no majority race in the United States.”

President Clinton’s public acknowledgement that the ongoing, intentional destruction of the nation’s European-American Christian majority was underway revealed that this destruction would continue until this majority (90 percent) national group was reduced to a minority. That is, Pres. Bill Clinton acknowledged the crime of GENOCIDE and did nothing to stop it; all Presidents since Clinton – in fact since Lyndon Johnson – have acted to expedite this GENOCIDE.

This unprecedented devastation of our nation’s majority population during peace time is confirmed by our national Census. In 1960, the Census found European-Americans were 89 percent of the nation’s population, compared with 81 percent in the 1790 Census, and eight-point increase that took more than 100 years. Yet the 1990 Census found the proportion of “white” had been reduced to 75 percent of the nation’s population – an astonishing 14-point drop in just 30 years. (Note: Since the “white” Census category includes non-European, non-Christian whites from North Africa, the Middle East including Israel, and the former Soviet Union, and non-European Mexicans, South Americans – who comprise a significant number of immigrants – the true number of white Americans of European and Christian descent is likely far lower. (See, for example, the U.S. Department of Justice’s racial and ethnic categories and definition of “White”.)

Citizens’ efforts to create a “European-American” category in the 2000 and 2010 Censuses were thwarted by federal officials. These and other Federal policies make it impossible to evaluate the true scale of GENOCIDE against European-American Christians. The 2010 Census failed to capture population figures for European-American Christians, demonstrating a double-standard because the Census questionnaires include many identifiers for the diverse racial, ethnic, and national origin of respondents who are not of European descent.

The sharp demographic decline – GENOCIDE — of European-American Christians is the direct result of immigration policies pursued by the U.S. government since 1965, resulting in 80 to 90 percent of all current legal immigrants coming from Third World sites such as Mexico and other parts of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. More than 90 percent of all illegal aliens amnestied – that is, granted legal status – by the U.S. government also come from the Third World. And nearly all of the estimated 300,000 to 500,000 illegal aliens who settle each year in the U.S. are from the Third World.

The U.S. Census Bureau projects that by as early as 2050, well within the lifespan of today’s children, European-American Christians will be reduced to less than 50 percent of the U.S. population. In California, European-Americans became a demographic minority by the year 1999, and will soon become a minority in Texas, Florida and New York.

Despite grassroots efforts to stop present GENOCIDAL immigration policies and strong support expressed in every poll of citizens to steeply reduce – or halt – immigration and stop granting citizenship status to offspring of illegal aliens born in the U.S., Federal government actions are quickly reducing the European-American Christian population in this nation.

Since 1965, the Federal immigration policies — including recent legal actions and lawsuits filed against the State of Arizona and various individuals — imposed upon the European-American Christian majority by the U.S. Government have been both illegal and unconstitutional, for the following reasons:

#1 These policies violate international customary law against GENOCIDE, binding on the U.S. government since its adoption by the U.N. General Assembly on December 9, 1948. The Foreign Relations Law of the United States, Volume 2, Section 702, d, [c] which recognizes international customary law against GENOCIDE, prohibits “Deliberately inflicting on the group (national, ethnical, racial, or religious) conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. While just one of the legal definitions of “group” must be met under this law, European-American Christians in fact meet at least two. Racially, we are white or Caucasian; ethnically we are European, 90 percent are Christians or ethnic Christians; and as 89 percent of the U.S. population in 1960, we defined the nation and shared a common origin.

#2 U.S. Congress has recognized international customary law against GENOCIDE in U.S. Public Law 95-435. Enacted in 1978, Section 5 (b) states: “It is the sense of the Congress that the Government of the United States should take steps to disassociate itself from any foreign government which engages in the crime of genocide.” Since the Senate did not ratify the 1948 U.N. Genocide Convention until 1988, and the foreign country specified in this law as guilty of genocide – Uganda — also was not yet a signatory to the Convention, U.S. Public Law 95-435 can refer only to international customary law against GENOCIDE. By enacting this Public Law, Congress has recognized both the validity of international customary law against GENOCIDE and its applicability to acts of the Federal government. Federal, State and local governmental employees take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and laws, which they are violating with intent.

#3 The U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8 both recognizes international customary law and confers on Congress the power “to define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations.”

#4 The U.S. Supreme Court has held international customary law binding on the U.S. government since Paquete Habana in 1900 (175 U.S. at 708). In that opinion, Justice Gray wrote, “…international law is part of our law, and must be ascertained and administered by the courts of justice of appropriate jurisdiction as often as questions of right depending upon it are duly presented for their determination.”

#5 In 1988, the U.S. Senate ratified the 1948 U.N. Genocide Convention. Article II, Section C defines genocide in part as “Deliberately inflicting on the group (national, ethnical, racial, or religious) conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. Article IV of the Convention guarantees the right to take legal action against the U.S. federal government and others for violating this law, stipulating that those who commit GENOCIDE, “…shall be punished whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials, or private individuals.”

#6 U.S. Federal immigration policies violate Article VI of the U.S. Constitution which states that “all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land.”

#7 U.S. Federal immigration policies violate U.S. Public Law 100-606 which, in accordance with Article V of the 1948 U.N. Genocide Convention, made the provisions of that Convention federal law. This statute amended Part 1 of Title 18 of the United States Code by inserting “Chapter 50A – Genocide”. Section 1091 (a) (4), defines GENOCIDE to include act(s) which “subjects the group (national, ethnical, racial, or religious) to conditions of life that are intended to cause the physical destruction of the group in whole or in part” in time of peace or war.

#8 The U.S. Congress publicly and repeatedly declared that the 1965 Immigration Reform Act would not reduce the proportional size of the European-American majority population. U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy insisted that, “The distribution of limited quota immigration can have no significant effect on the ethnic balance of the United States.” Sen. Kennedy added that, “… [This] should set to rest any fear that this bill will change the ethnic, political, or economic make-up of the United States.” U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, floor manager of the 1965 immigration bill, stated at the onset of Senate hearings that, “The ethnic mix of this country will not be upset” by this legislation. In other words, Americans were assured repeated that 1965 changes in Federal immigration laws would not perpetrate GENOCIDE against the majority population at that time, i.e., European-American Christians. These assurances were misrepresentations – lies — designed to obfuscate and confuse Americans on the planned GENOCIDE of European-American Christians which Pres. Clinton and others now freely acknowledge and advance with impunity.

#9 U.S. immigration law, policies, and procedures violate human rights law and the rights of European-American Christians specifically.

European-American Christians Devastated by Non-European/Non-Christian Immigration: Two Separate – Unequal & Unjust – U.S. Immigration Policies

Since at least 1965, the U.S. Congress, the President and Executive Branch, and the judiciary have actively imposed massive Third World immigration upon the U.S., where European-American Christians have always been the majority population. In stark contrast to its domestic policies, the U.S. Congress, has actively opposed immigration policies that would upset the racial/ethnic makeup of five U.S. territories where non-European peoples form the majority populations – American Samoa, the Northern Marians, and the “Free Associated States” of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau – for the express purpose of preserving their respective ethnic majorities.

These distinct, conflicting immigration policies – one for the United States, another for five U.S. territories – show that the U.S. Congress is well aware of the direct relationship between immigration and racial, ethnic and religious demographic shifts that can constitute GENOCIDE, and is destroying the nation’s European-American Christians, its racial-ethnic-religious demographic majority, deliberately with assistance from the Executive and Judicial branches of government.

International law against GENOCIDE is jus cogens, that is it preempts, supersedes and nullifies any laws which violate its principles, including all current U.S. Federal immigration law, policies and procedures, legal actions and lawsuits that advance GENOCIDE.

I hereby demand “reparations” as defined by international law, specifically: to restore the United States’ nation’s racial and ethnic mix in 1948, when the law against GENOCIDE took effect.

Θ Overview of This Complaint and Remedies Sought:

* U.S. immigration laws, policies and procedures violate human rights law against GENOCIDE

* U.S. immigration laws, policies and procedures violate international and United Nations’ laws against GENOCIDE

* U.S. immigration laws, policies and procedures violate U.S. laws against GENOCIDE

* U.S. immigration law, policies, and procedures that are advancing GENOCIDE against European-American Christians are therefore null and void

* The U.S. government must re-establish the European-American Christian population to its demographic size — 90 percent relative to the current population — as of December 9, 1948, the day on which international customary law against GENOCIDE took effect.

* The U.S. government must immediately adopt and enforce an immigration policy which admits only ethnic Europeans until such time as the European-American population again constitutes 90 percent of the total U.S. population. The U.S. Federal government, with the full cooperation of State and local governments must also actively repatriate non-citizen immigrants to expedite that outcome.

Θ European-American Christians Meet Legal Requirements for Standing

European-American Christians meet the legal requirements for standing required to file this complaint:

I and other European-American Christians have (a) suffered some actual or threatened injury, (b) this injury can be traced to the challenged official conduct of the U.S. Federal government and (c) there is a substantial likelihood the alleged injuries can be redressed by a judicial decision in their favor. Those injuries include, but are not limited to, 3000 murders by immigrants on September 11, 2001.

European-American Christians satisfy the legal requirements for obtaining a stay since:

(1) We can establish legal standing

(2) We are suffering severe injuries from ongoing U.S. immigration policies, and

(3) We can show that the benefits to the European-American Christian population of a stay on all offending U.S. immigration laws, regulations, and policies outweigh any possible adverse impact that such a stay could have on others.

Θ U.S. Courts’ Rulings on International Law

U.S. Federal courts have a history of rulings based upon international customary law and international treaty law. In these cases, described below, neither the plaintiffs nor defendants were U.S. citizens or legal U.S. residents, nor did the alleged crimes occur in the United States or within its jurisdiction.

Some Relevant Legal Citations:

Filartiga v. Pena-Irala (1980)

Von Dardel v. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (623 F. Supp. 246) (1985)

Forti v. Suarez-Mason (No. CD-87-2058-DLJ) (1988)

Xuncax v. Gramajo (Civil Action No. 91-11564-DPW) (1995)

Kadic v. Karadzic (Docket Nos. 94-9035, -9069) (1995)

In summary, I ask that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights immediately act on my complaint, made on behalf of myself and other European-American Christians, investigating and acting upon my charge of GENOCIDE against the U.S. Federal government.

As I stated earlier, if the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights refuses or fails to investigate and rule on my complaint that the U.S. Federal government’s laws, policies, procedures and other actions are an act of GENOCIDE against U.S. European-American Christians, we must conclude that:

(1) Human rights and international law are no longer binding on the U.S. government and/or

(2) European-American Christians, alone, are not protected by those laws.

Thank you in advance for your immediate attention to this very serious matter,


Terry Graham


California, US

PS. This is the THIRD Complaint I have filed with your office, charging the United States of America’s Federal government with intentionally committing GENOCIDE against European-American Christians. I first filed a complaint 11 years ago during the Clinton administration on September 3, 1999 (sent via U.S. Post, Registered Mail #R732364784, received by your Geneva office on September 13, 1999). My second filing was made via email in 2007. Neither of your predecessors even acknowledged my earlier filings, which were similar to this. Given U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent filing with your office regarding international human rights law and the State of Arizona’s new immigration law, and U.S. President Obama and his administration in concert with the U.S. Department of Justice’s recent filing of lawsuits against the State of Arizona and Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arapaio – all of which actions may advance the illegal act of GENOCIDE outlined above — I ask for your immediate and equally serious attention to this my complaint as that you give to Ms. Clinton’s filings.

I don’t think Whites, Christian or not, have any cause to hope that the UN will speak in our favor. I commend and support Terry Graham’s effort if only because it highlights for our own people the double standards for genocide.

While U.S. government policy has become genocidal toward Whites, and especially White Christians, its policy is to defend jews worldwide:

The Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism (SEAS) advocates U.S. policy on anti-Semitism both in the U.S. and internationally. Anti-Semitism is discrimination against or hatred toward Jews. SEAS develops and implements policies and projects to support efforts to combat anti-Semitism.

SEAS was established by the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004, and is a part of the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL). DRL produces the State Department’s annual reports on Human Rights Practices and International Religious Freedom, and SEAS provides input on anti-Semitism for these reports.

Led by the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, DRL/SEAS welcomes information on anti-Semitic incidents, including personal and property attacks; government policies, including judicial/prosecutorial decisions and educational programs on the issue; and press and mass media reports.

Why is that?

Rule of Bullshit

My family and I live in the mountains of North Carolina. Appalachia. We couldn’t be happier about that. There’s a lot I could say about the contrast between the chaotic, overrun southern Mexi-china-hindoo-arab-fornia we used to live in, and here, but I’m moved today to write by a North Carolina “voter guide” I just received in the mail.

Due to the vagaries of local politcs only North Carolina Supreme Court and Court of Appeals candidates appear in this guide. A total of five seats are in dispute. I’m struck by the language in the personal statements of these candidates.

Supreme Court “Bradey Seat”: Robert C. Hunter vs Barbara Jackson. Hunter finds it important not only to mention his “mountain values”, that he is “working tirelessly to protect North Carolinians”, and that he is “the only Justice residing west of Greensboro/Charlotte” – but to print these points in bold text. For some reason he doesn’t also bold that he “enjoys golf, fishing, hunting, and NASCAR.” His challenger, Jackson, emphasizes her “service to the people of NC” and her “oath of office” “to serve as guardian of NC’s constitution” “who has the utmost respect for the rule of law”.

Appeals “Calabria Seat”: Ann Marie Calabria vs Jane Gray. Calabria “consistently uphold(s) our Constitution and faithfully interests the laws”. She writes “I believe the U.S. and N.C. Constitutions establish federal and state governments of limited powers. I believe our Founders intended to guarantee freedom, property rights, and individual rights. I believe in judicial restraint, not judicial activism.” Her challenger, Gray, believes in “the rule of law, as decisions cannot be based on political considerations or popular opinion.”

Appeals “Elmore Seat”: Rick Elmore vs Steven Walker. Elmore notes his service to “his fellow North Carolinians”, and writes “[a]n appellate court is no place for judicial activism”. “I have a reputation as a fair, couteous, and diligent judge who closely adheres the rule of law.” His challenger, Walker, writes “[a]s a child growing up in North Carolina, I was taught the values of family, faith, integrity, and community. I still hold these values today. My judicial philosophy is simple. Judges are to interpret the laws as written by the legislature. The Constitution means what it actually says, not what a judge may wish it says.” “I am a conservative who understands the value of following the law as written.”

Appeals “Geer Seat”: Martha Geer vs Dean R. Poirier. Geer cites the number of her decisions, her endorsements, and her commitment to “taking the time to fully understand the details of each appeal before writing a quality, impartial decision.” Her challenger, Poirier, describes himself as “a Christian, Constitutional, Conservative.” He believes in “judicial humility” and “judicial restraint” as opposed to “judicial arrogance” and “judicial activism”.

Appeals “Steelman Seat”: Sanford L. Steelman Jr. is unopposed. Steelman writes that “[t]he conservative values learned as an Eagle Scout and as a lifelong Baptist will continue to be my guides. I am humbled that members of both major political parties felt that I should run without oppostion” “and look forward to continuing to serve this great State where my family has resided for 8 generations.”

What strikes me is the use of hardly-coded language to the effect that, you should trust me, I’m “conservative” (i.e. White), like you, and I’m opposed to all this leftist, revolutionary garbage you might have heard swirling around. Yet despite this, as I was well aware even before moving to this state, North Carolina is, with regard to immigration, what might be called a second tier state. Where California, Texas, and Florida are first tier states, almost completely overrun now with interlopers, the governments of second tier states like Colorado, Virginia, and North Carolina appear eager to follow the first tier into economic and social oblivion. Here in the mountains it is a different story – but short of secession mass immigration will be the doom of us all.

The point I’d like to make is that when election time comes around nearly every politician trys to pose as “conservative”. They know where the votes are, what the citizenry wants. But when it comes time to do their duty, to pass judgement, to enforce the law, or uphold the Constitution, they somehow find it possible to abide their “fellow North Carolinians” being rapidly replaced by alien interlopers, with or without “papers”.

“Rule of law”, my ass.