Tag Archives: immigration

Afghanistan = Homeland

Napolitano Visit Aimed at Beefing Up Afghan Border Security, Customs:

KABUL, Afghanistan — During an unannounced New Year’s Eve visit to Afghanistan, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano traveled to the country’s mountainous border region near Pakistan to see first-hand her department’s efforts in the war effort there.

“Seeing is worth a thousand words,” Napolitano said after the tour, to which Fox News was granted exclusive access. “This all involves safety and security in this part of the world. And that is something that has direct connection as well to the United States.”

Direct connection to the United States?

What I’m seeing is a regime engaging in Orwellian doubletalk, crushing us with debt and sending our soldiers to die on the other side of the world defending other people’s borders while it obstructs our attempts to beef up safety and security in our own part of the world.

The regime could hardly demonstrate its illegitimacy any more clearly.

Rule of Bullshit

My family and I live in the mountains of North Carolina. Appalachia. We couldn’t be happier about that. There’s a lot I could say about the contrast between the chaotic, overrun southern Mexi-china-hindoo-arab-fornia we used to live in, and here, but I’m moved today to write by a North Carolina “voter guide” I just received in the mail.

Due to the vagaries of local politcs only North Carolina Supreme Court and Court of Appeals candidates appear in this guide. A total of five seats are in dispute. I’m struck by the language in the personal statements of these candidates.

Supreme Court “Bradey Seat”: Robert C. Hunter vs Barbara Jackson. Hunter finds it important not only to mention his “mountain values”, that he is “working tirelessly to protect North Carolinians”, and that he is “the only Justice residing west of Greensboro/Charlotte” – but to print these points in bold text. For some reason he doesn’t also bold that he “enjoys golf, fishing, hunting, and NASCAR.” His challenger, Jackson, emphasizes her “service to the people of NC” and her “oath of office” “to serve as guardian of NC’s constitution” “who has the utmost respect for the rule of law”.

Appeals “Calabria Seat”: Ann Marie Calabria vs Jane Gray. Calabria “consistently uphold(s) our Constitution and faithfully interests the laws”. She writes “I believe the U.S. and N.C. Constitutions establish federal and state governments of limited powers. I believe our Founders intended to guarantee freedom, property rights, and individual rights. I believe in judicial restraint, not judicial activism.” Her challenger, Gray, believes in “the rule of law, as decisions cannot be based on political considerations or popular opinion.”

Appeals “Elmore Seat”: Rick Elmore vs Steven Walker. Elmore notes his service to “his fellow North Carolinians”, and writes “[a]n appellate court is no place for judicial activism”. “I have a reputation as a fair, couteous, and diligent judge who closely adheres the rule of law.” His challenger, Walker, writes “[a]s a child growing up in North Carolina, I was taught the values of family, faith, integrity, and community. I still hold these values today. My judicial philosophy is simple. Judges are to interpret the laws as written by the legislature. The Constitution means what it actually says, not what a judge may wish it says.” “I am a conservative who understands the value of following the law as written.”

Appeals “Geer Seat”: Martha Geer vs Dean R. Poirier. Geer cites the number of her decisions, her endorsements, and her commitment to “taking the time to fully understand the details of each appeal before writing a quality, impartial decision.” Her challenger, Poirier, describes himself as “a Christian, Constitutional, Conservative.” He believes in “judicial humility” and “judicial restraint” as opposed to “judicial arrogance” and “judicial activism”.

Appeals “Steelman Seat”: Sanford L. Steelman Jr. is unopposed. Steelman writes that “[t]he conservative values learned as an Eagle Scout and as a lifelong Baptist will continue to be my guides. I am humbled that members of both major political parties felt that I should run without oppostion” “and look forward to continuing to serve this great State where my family has resided for 8 generations.”

What strikes me is the use of hardly-coded language to the effect that, you should trust me, I’m “conservative” (i.e. White), like you, and I’m opposed to all this leftist, revolutionary garbage you might have heard swirling around. Yet despite this, as I was well aware even before moving to this state, North Carolina is, with regard to immigration, what might be called a second tier state. Where California, Texas, and Florida are first tier states, almost completely overrun now with interlopers, the governments of second tier states like Colorado, Virginia, and North Carolina appear eager to follow the first tier into economic and social oblivion. Here in the mountains it is a different story – but short of secession mass immigration will be the doom of us all.

The point I’d like to make is that when election time comes around nearly every politician trys to pose as “conservative”. They know where the votes are, what the citizenry wants. But when it comes time to do their duty, to pass judgement, to enforce the law, or uphold the Constitution, they somehow find it possible to abide their “fellow North Carolinians” being rapidly replaced by alien interlopers, with or without “papers”.

“Rule of law”, my ass.

Invasive Species? Full-Speed Attack Mode!

U.S. names Asian carp czar:

On a conference call today with Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin and other congressional leaders, President Obama’s Council on Environmental Quality announced the selection of John Goss to lead the near $80 million, multi-pronged federal attack against Asian carp.

“This is a serious challenge, a serious threat,” Durbin said. “When it comes to the Asian carp threat, we are not in denial. We are not in a go-slow mode. We are in a full attack, full-speed ahead mode. We want to stop this carp from advancing.”

Asian carp, which have steadily moved toward Chicago since the 1990s, present a challenge for scientists and fish biologists. The fish are aggressive eaters, consuming as much as 40 percent of their body weight a day in plankton, and frequently beat out native fish for food, threatening those populations.

They are also prolific breeders with no natural predators in the U.S. The fish were imported in the 1970s to help wastewater treatment facilities in the South keep their retention ponds clean. Mississippi River flooding allowed the fish to escape and then move into the Missouri and Illinois rivers. Some species can grow to more than 100 pounds.

It was a mistake to import these aliens to do the jobs Americans wouldn’t do. It’s clear these prolific breeders threaten the native population. Yes they pose a serious challenge, a serious threat – but our brave and loyal government representatives are not afraid to meet it with a full attack in full-speed ahead mode.

These interloping carp may just be looking for a better life for themselves and their hatchlings, but there is no dishonest talk about that, or “comprehensive fishery reform”, or waving a magic wand to give the invasive alien species legal status. That would be silly. After all, the native population is threatened. What more does any faithful civil servant need to know?

Obama’s Jewish Vision of America

Transcript of Obama’s Immigration Speech.

In this treasonous speech, delivered on 1 July 2010, Barack Hussein Obama, president of the United States, advocates in favor of alien interlopers, claiming that “being an American is not a matter of blood or birth”. This is not surprising coming from someone with a cloud over their own blood and birth. His view is:

It’s a matter of faith. It’s a matter of fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear. That’s what makes us unique. That’s what makes us strong. Anybody can help us write the next great chapter in our history.

In other words, potentially every person on earth is an American.

What are these shared values “we” all hold so dear? Obama takes a while to get to that, finding it necessary to first disparage the founders and their posterity who for most of this country’s history haven’t shared his values. Eventually he comes to what he thinks “our” values are:

Finally, we have to demand responsibility from people living here illegally. They must be required to admit that they broke the law. They should be required to register, pay their taxes, pay a fine, and learn English. They must get right with the law before they can get in line and earn their citizenship — not just because it is fair, not just because it will make clear to those who might wish to come to America they must do so inside the bounds of the law, but because this is how we demonstrate that being — what being an American means. Being a citizen of this country comes not only with rights but also with certain fundamental responsibilities. We can create a pathway for legal status that is fair, reflective of our values, and works.

We have laws, see? Any alien who wants to be an American must admit they broke the law, see? Oh, and you’ll have to register, pay taxes and a fine, and learn English too. The punishment for not doing so? Well, you’ll probably still get your “legal status”. You just might not get to be a citizen. Maybe. But no big deal. A citizen is just an American whose fundamental responsibility is to create a pathway for “legal status” for any alien who wants it.

Obama didn’t mention his relative, Zeituni Onyango, who was recently granted “legal status” by immigration judge Leonard Shapiro even though she never admitted breaking any laws. Obama did however conclude his speech by mentioning that prototypical “nation of immigrants” whose interests so often seem to be more interesting than everyone else’s:

One of the largest waves of immigration in our history took place little more than a century ago. At the time, Jewish people were being driven out of Eastern Europe, often escaping to the sounds of gunfire and the light from their villages burning to the ground. The journey could take months, as families crossed rivers in the dead of night, traveled miles by foot, endured a rough and dangerous passage over the North Atlantic. Once here, many made their homes in a teeming and bustling Lower Manhattan.

It was at this time that a young woman named Emma Lazarus, whose own family fled persecution from Europe generations earlier, took up the cause of these new immigrants. Although she was a poet, she spent much of her time advocating for better health care and housing for the newcomers. And inspired by what she saw and heard, she wrote down her thoughts and donated a piece of work to help pay for the construction of a new statue — the Statue of Liberty — which actually was funded in part by small donations from people across America.

Unfortunately for Americans, Lazarus and her subversive tribemates weren’t long ago forced to flee America. Their golem Obama faithfully represents their twisted genocidal idea that, for their good, America’s highest value should be to displace and dispossess Americans.

Maywood, 96.4% Diverse

Maywood to lay off all city employees, dismantle Police Department | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times:

At a council meeting Monday night, city leaders said they were forced to dismantle the Police Department and lay off city workers because they lost insurance coverage as a result of excessive police claims filed against the department. They also blamed years of financial abuse and corruption from the previous council.

I have said that Mexico does not stop at its border, that wherever there is a Mexican, there is Mexico

Mexican President Felipe Calderon