Tag Archives: race

Hate, Then and Now

Consider the position of the American Indians at the present day. They live side by side with a people which always wishes to increase in numbers, to strengthen its power. They see thousands of ships passing up and down their waterways. They know that the strength of their masters is irresistable. They have no hope whatever of seeing their native land one day delivered from their conqueror; their whole continent is henceforth, as they all know, the inheritance of the European. A glance is enough to convince them of the tenacity of those foreign institutions under which human life ceases to depend, for its continuance, on the abundance of game or fish. From their purchases of brandy, guns, and blankets, they know that even their own coarse tastes would be more easily satisfied in the midst of such a society, which is always inviting them to come in, and which seeks, by bribes and flattery, to obtain their consent. It is always refused. They prefer to flee from one lonely spot to another; the bury themselves more and more in the heart of the country, abandoning all, even the bones of their fathers. They will die out, as they know well; but they are kept, by a mysterious feeling of horror, under the yoke of their unconquerable repulsion from the white race, and although they admire its strength and general superiority, their conscience and their whole nature, in a word, their blood, revolts from the mere thought of having anything in common with it.

Arther Gobineau, circa 1854, p121 of The Inequality of Human Races, copyright 2009 by General Books LLC.


The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary …

The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea. …

Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.

It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself.

Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.

The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.

The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy.

Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities. …

~ Joseph Sobran (Sobran’s — April 1997)

(As quoted by Landser at OD.)

A Personal Disclosure

I have generally avoided discussing details of my personal life on this blog. I don’t wish to change that, but there is something I feel obligated to divulge.

My wife’s father was an ashkenazi jew. He died when she was young but was by all accounts a loving, intelligent, and productive man who was not involved in stereotypically jewish politics or activism. My wife was not raised as a jew, though she is of course genetically 1/2 ashkenazi, and thus our children are, on average, genetically 1/4 ashkenazi.

I have not previously written of this for several reasons.

When I first started blogging in 2005 it seemed no more relevant to what I was thinking and writing than any other detail of my personal life. At that time I had no explicit racial awareness. I knew little about jews and considered them “white”. People who thought otherwise seemed insane to me.

In 2007, with a deepening understanding of globalization and immigration, and especially neo-conservative hypocrisy (Sailer’s “invade the world, invite the world”), I began to violate PC in earnest. I became racially aware. I realized then that my wife and children’s jewish heritage was relevant, though at that time I saw it only as a potential shield from smears of “anti-semitism”. I did not use it then for the same reason I have never resorted to “some of my best friends are…” defenses. Such tactics are a distraction, ultimately a waste of time and energy.

Since 2007 I have come to appreciate the biological and psychological differences between Whites and jews, as well as the history of jewish aggression and malfeasance against Whites. What I had seen as a shield turned into an achilles heel. I cared less about offending jews and more about offending fellow Whites. My self-regard shifted from confidence to unease.

I love my family. What I want stands. I can’t roll back time and make this revelation sooner, but I can at least be forthright about it from here on.

A Moron Amused by a Fool Helping an Idiot

A good (and true) joke, according to Lawrence Auster:

From a discussion at the blog Half Sigma, where the topic is the irrationality of the Jew-hating and Israel-hating white nationalists. A commenter says:

As I said on the von Brunn thread, the bigger mystery is why they hate the Federal Reserve.

The Fed has nothing directly or indirectly to do with race or genetics. It is a purely economic issue. But von Brunn and the Stormfronters want a gold standard almost as badly as a second Holocaust.

Auster apparently didn’t find the pseudonym of the commenter or the rest of his comment funny. Neither did I, but here it is:

Yes, most Fed board members – including Bernanke and Greenspan – are Jewish; but the Stormfronters think the Jews already control ***Everything***.

If the Jews already control Western civilization from top to bottom then why should the Fed be such a focus of their hatred?

Posted by: The Undiscovered Jew | June 12, 2009 at 02:41 PM

The Undiscovered Jew’s “joke” was made in response to a brief post made by Half Sigma titled Why are white nationalists anti-Israel?:

More accurately they should be called white gentile nationalists, because they don’t want white people who are Jewish in their movement. They would love for all the Jews to leave the United States, but where would the Jews go if not to Israel?

Conversely, if Israel is taken over by Muslims, there would be millions of Jewish refugees, and the bulk of them would probably wind up in the United States. Thus white nationalists seem to be actively working against their goals by being pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel.

The question was merely a rhetorical one, because the answer is that the white gentile nationalists hate the Jews so much that they just want to enjoy seeing Israel overrun by Muslims.

All of this – from Half Sigma’s indignant confusion, to Undiscovered Jew’s sack dance over a strawman, to Auster’s shallow smirking – comes across as puerile, not funny. I don’t presume to speak for James von Brunn or “the Stormfronters” or anyone else who “hates” the Federal Reserve, but it’s easy to demonstrate how self-servingly clueless these three jews are.

Let’s work backwards toward the source, in the order I’ve just introduced Larry and his cousins Moe and Curly.

– – –

Auster frequently provides grist for my mill. Some say too much. His part in this post is small. See Fruitloopable Presumption for more about him.

In the past few months Auster has spent a great deal of effort attacking and denouncing Darwinism. I’m not going to bother picking apart his “logic”, he’s clearly doing it for the same reason he does anything else. He thinks Darwinism is bad for jews, though it isn’t really Darwinism per se that he dislikes, it’s the use of evolution and genetics in understanding the world and how jews stand in it that Auster can’t stand. This he labels “jew-hate”, and there’s nothing he hates more than “jew-haters”. Except maybe “israel-haters”.

Auster’s passionate hatred for hate runs so deep that it wraps around and he actually gets a chuckle from the jokes one jewish Darwinist tells another about those jew-hating israel-haters, AKA “the Stormfronters”. This fills him with such mirth that he left the name and punchline of The Undiscovered Jew undiscovered.

The Undiscovered Jew’s name actually is a bit of a joke – an ironic reference to the jewish tendency to keep their jewish identity and interests from being discovered, except when they find it more convenient to proclaim the significance of their jewishness, which very often coincides with them ridiculing any non-jew who thinks jewishness has significance or is worth discovering.

The contradiction U-Jew sees in “Stormfronter” logic reflects his own witlessness.

The Fed has nothing directly or indirectly to do with race or genetics.

He finds this misunderstanding of “Stormfronter” understanding so critical that he reiterates it:

It is a purely economic issue.

Except it isn’t.

But von Brunn and the Stormfronters want a gold standard almost as badly as a second Holocaust.

Non sequitur. It is curious however that so many of those who think any negative proclamation about “the jews” is ipso facto “irrational” “hate”, but have no problem making truly irrational statements (as Half Sigma and U-Jew do) about the mythically monolithicness of “the Stormfronters”, which for Half Sigma and his commenters is nothing but a euphemism for pro-Whites they deliberately misconstrue instead as “jew-haters” (which they do because they are pro-jew).

Yes, most Fed board members – including Bernanke and Greenspan – are Jewish; but the Stormfronters think the Jews already control ***Everything***.

So here we see that right after denying it U-Jew actually does see “the Stormfronter” point; but what he’s really trying to do is distort it. Better than anyone else jews are acutely aware that they don’t control everything. Many wish they did. The ones most obsessed with control are exactly the ones who are so quick to tick off the various vexing ways jews don’t “control ***Everything***”. Jewish media influence? “Ted Turner isn’t jewish!”

If the Jews already control Western civilization from top to bottom then why should the Fed be such a focus of their hatred?

Here’s a better question. One that isn’t based on a false premise. If “the Stormfronters” are powerless why should they be such a focus of hatred from “anti-liberal” “race-realists” like Auster and Half Sigma? Don’t they have bigger fish to fry?

If U-Jew is in the slightest bit curious what causes anybody to “hate” the Federal Reserve he could begin by watching The Money Masters. This 215 minute documentary-style video reviews financial history, describing in deracinated jew-blind layman’s terms how the modern Western banking system evolved over the last several hundred years, largely through war and intrigue. The distinct impression it leaves is that the banking system is essentially fraudulent, based on the creation of wealth by trickery (AKA fractional reserve banking) and the subversion and subordination of citizens and their governments to plutocrats and their agents (eg. the “international bankers” who own and operate the Fed). All you have to do is add even a dim “race realist” recognition of disproportionate jewish involvement in finance such as U-Jew exhibits and you have the solution to U-Jew’s own very disingenous, very jewish reasoning.

Now on to Half Sigma and his rhetorical question: Why are white nationalists anti-Israel?

More accurately they should be called white gentile nationalists, because they don’t want white people who are Jewish in their movement. They would love for all the Jews to leave the United States, but where would the Jews go if not to Israel?

Once again it’s not possible to ignore the simplistic and unjustified implication that all White nationalists (i.e. Whites who would prefer to live in a White country that defends and pursues White interests) oppose jewish nationalism. The fact is that jewish nationalists have a country they can go to, where jewish interests are openly pursued and non-jews are second class citizens. This is only one of the many inconsistencies that irritate White nationalists. Another fact is that many jews, whether they support jewish nationalism or not, are rabid opponents of Whites pursuing their own interests, never mind nationalism. Any White who begins to experience even the dimmest racial consciousness can’t ignore that jews are their most rabid opponents. Some jews who like the societies Whites build and desperately wish to be seen as “white” (as Half Sigma and Auster do) react to the undeniable reality of jewish aggression against Whites by desperately spinning excuses and rationalizations, in the end absurdly laying all the blame on “the Stormfronters” or “the jew-haters”.

There are myriad organizations dedicated to the defense and pursuit of jewish interests, many of them excluding non-jews, even if only implicitly. If only in response then it is reasonable that Whites, nationalist or otherwise, organize for our own interests and exclude jews. We have and would be more successful at it were it not for the constant, venomous attacks on us by jewish organizations.

Conversely, if Israel is taken over by Muslims, there would be millions of Jewish refugees, and the bulk of them would probably wind up in the United States. Thus white nationalists seem to be actively working against their goals by being pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel.

Yes, no doubt if israel collapses it will all be blamed on “the anti-semites”. And yes, jews are already preparing to evacuate to the US. See for example The Kvetcher’s Jewish Immigration Policy as Worst Case Scenario Appears Ever More Likely, especially the outrageously arrogant comments of blode0322, who in contrast to Half Sigma’s suggested terminology I’d describe as a white non-Gentile nationalist.

Half Sigma concludes:

The question was merely a rhetorical one, because the answer is that the white gentile nationalists hate the Jews so much that they just want to enjoy seeing Israel overrun by Muslims.

Race-realist Half Sigma’s question was rhetorical, and the answer oddly based on the same “hate” rationale that race-denying “liberals” use, because he doesn’t want to face the real answer, which is that jews aren’t White. Unfortunately for Sigma the real answer explains not only the general antipathy self-conscious Whites have for the jewish state of israel, but also for the obvious fear and loathing jews express toward anything White – whether it’s spelling White with a capital W, White nationalism, or even a Whites-only political party that doesn’t exclude them.

Half Sigma, recognizing this threat to his convenient and comfortable hatred of “jew-hate”, followed up later the same day with a lame assertion. In Jews are white he writes:

Judaism is a religion and not a race. Jews can be of any race, even black. If you think that Spaniards are white, then you would also conclude that Sephardic Jews from Spain are white.

Only white nationalists and Stormfront types insist that Ashkenazi Jews aren’t white, and that’s because they hate Jews but love whites, so they need some sort of rationalization for the inconsistency.

A year ago, Steve Sailer posted a 3-D chart showing how Ashkenazi Jews cluster genetically when compared to other ethnicities, and it’s clear from the chart that Jews are similar to Russians and Western Europeans, and quite dissimilar from Middle Eastern ethnicities such as Druze, Samaritans, and Yemenites.

You shouldn’t even need the chart to figure out that Jews are white, because common sense should inform you that you can’t tell the difference between Jews and other Europeans. It’s true that some Jews have a Jewish look about them, but Italians have an Italian look about them, Irish have an Irish look about them, and Poles have a Polish look about them, but those European ethnicities are rarely accused of not being white. No one is better at identifying other Jews than Jews themselves, and Jews usually can’t tell whether or not someone looks Jewish. I remember an organization in the Phoenix area which threw parties for Jewish singles, and they would always ask at the door, “are you Jewish?” The reason they had to ask the question is because they can’t tell by looking. It’s hard to imagine a black organization asking at the door, “are you black?”

I don’t know of any Ashkenazi Jews who consider themselves anything other than white. There are many Jews who, when asked their ethnicity, say that they’re Jewish, but I don’t say that. I tell people I’m half Russian and half Polish. I would encourage more Jews to identify themselves that way.

Jewish political groups aren’t doing anything to defend against the anti-Semitic meme that Jews aren’t white because Jewish groups tend to be very liberal, and liberals think that defending against the accusation that one isn’t white would be admitting that you believe that there’s something wrong with not being white, and it would be racist to think there’s something wrong with not being white. But in my opinion, it’s not racist to point out that some white nationalists are saying stuff about Jews which isn’t true.

Coming from a popular, supposedly intelligent, “race-realist” blogger this confused babble would be perplexing, except that it makes perfect sense and is perfectly consistent once we realize that it’s coming from a jew. Why should Whites not consider jewishness significant? Why should we look the other way while jewish apologists peddle such incoherent nonsense as a cover for jewish attacks on us? What Half Sigma is writing is in fact just another more insidious form of attack. “You can’t call yourself White! You should call yourself “white gentile”, because I as a jew consider myself “white” and I get to order you around because you hate jews!”

Immediately Half Sigma’s own pro-jewish commenters tried to point out his foolishness. Unlike Auster, Half Sigma runs a somewhat open forum, but like Auster he shows the same discomfort with criticism, meticulously inserting his rebuttals right into the first few dissenting commenters comments. Later on The Kvetcher responded with Overreaching on Jewish Whiteness:

Half Sigma starts out with a half-truth, noting, “Judaism is a religion and not a race. Jews can be of any race…” This is, in and of itself, true, of course. Judaism is not based or limited to any race. In fact, there is no explicit term for race in the Torah.

But Jews are, to a large degree, a specific people sharing similar genetic code. The reference to The Jews in our liturgy is filled with the mention of “am Yisroel,” or, “the nation of Israel.” Who comprises “the nation” of Israel? The twelve tribes. The convert is a “stranger.” Not the illegal immigrant — the convert.

Kvetcher points out a graph that better illustrates jewish genetic distinctiveness at Gene Expression: SNPs don’t lie. Another graph is attached to Criticizing Auster. It indicates ashenazi jews are genetically more distinct from Poles than Poles are from Italians or Greeks. I’m a Darwinist in the sense that I think the sociopolitcal distinctions I’ve already made between jews and Whites spring largely from personality differences which spring largely from genetics.

– – –

So what explains jewish “race realist” Half Sigma’s behavior? How can he be so acutely aware of his jewish heritage and yet unaware of its significance? What drives him to caricaturize and hate and wish to exclude “the Stormfronters” in the same way he mistakenly assumes “all” of “them” wish to do to jews? Why does he so desparately argue jews are “white”, while he, like so many other jews, shows such a deep disrespect and disdain for Whites who disagree?

I think the cause is his jewishness. And I think this kind of thing isn’t said more openly and more frequently because the West, or the White Gentile West to put it in terms Half Sigma might better understand, has become thoroughly judaized. After generations of effort by jewish-led intellectual and political movements, and more recently flipping into overdrive with the rise of mass media, and the aid of jewish influence in that media, any criticism of jews, even when they say the most hypocritical and self-serving things, is considered an egregious crime. To even say “you’re only saying this crap because you’re jewish” is considered “irrational” “jew-hate”.

For this reason many jews have become accustomed to facing little or no opposition, which leads them to overreach, becoming more and more overbearing and openly hostile and resentful of Whites, revealing in their continuous and brazen arrogance and hypocrisy that they are not motivated by any principle or reason higher than “what’s good for jews?”

– – –

I’ll conclude with a few miscellaneous related items.

In Just Another Day (Part 2) Prozium points to Half Sigma’s posts as just a small part of another typical day of jewish attacks on Whites. He also links to Ben Cohen at the Huffington Post who, big surprise, dictates MSNBC, Pull the Plug on Pat Buchanan. What is truly amazing is his reason why. It hinges on exactly the kind of pernicious race-based libels against Whites that jews are always so quick to see and denounce in any criticism of themselves:

When you consider the 6 million people the Germans managed to wipe out, there’s not much the Jews couldn’t take from Germany to make things right.

White Europeans committed perhaps the biggest genocide in history when they came to the Americas. The native population was literally wiped off the land to make way for white settlers, and for those who managed to survive, a few crumbs were passed off to them decades later for their troubles.

White people transported millions of African slaves to the United States, subjected them to horrific treatment, murder and cultural annihilation. Blacks have only been treated as equal citizens in America since the 1960’s, and the notion that centuries of enslavement, degradation and economic disenfranchisement could be reversed in a few decades is just laughable.

Every minority in America has suffered at the hands of white people. It is a country founded by white people, built by white people and controlled by white people. To pretend otherwise is akin to holocaust denial. It is a fact.

Here’s a rhetorical question for Half Sigma. Does Ben Cohen consider himself “white”? As I noted in Not the Last Brainwashing it certainly isn’t uncommon for jews to peddle “blood libels” against Whites in the mainstream media. They’re not even aiming at “the Stormfronters”. They hate ordinary unsuspecting just-acting-natural White people.

Attacks like this on Whites by “liberal” jews are commonplace. What causes me to believe the source is more jewish than “liberal” is that even “anti-liberal” jews like Lawrence Auster, pro-West half-jews like Takuan Seiyo, pro-“white” philo-semites like Ian Jobling, and half honest jewish-but-I-wanna-be-white race-realists like Half Sigma won’t face a very simple fact:

The government and the mainstream media are staunchly anti-White, not anti-jewish. In fact an ever growing body of laws explicitly puts jews on a pedestal, whether they attend a synagogue or not. Laws and censorship curtailing “hate speech” are perpetrated and rationalized largely by jews whose first and foremost concern is to protect jews from criticism.

What these “race realist” faux-White dissemblers listed above have in common is their holier-than-thou insistence that they have every right to generalize about and criticize muslims, blacks, “the Stormfronters”, or anybody else they wish, but consider it unacceptable to treat jews in the same way. Rather than openly proclaiming their pro-jewish sentiments, acknowledging and defending their double standards, and/or moving to israel to be with the people they love so much, they instead spend a great deal of effort doing exactly what “liberals” do, pretending to be “white” while directing hate toward anyone who acts White.

Shocking Old News

In addition to reporting and opining on the latest developments in the ATCGs of human differences, n/a at race/history/evolution notes has a gift for finding and exposing historical evidence of the long struggle between race-realists and race-deniers.

Quoting Jonathan P. Spiro in Grant vs. Boas:

These students of Boas set about devising the intellectual weapons and amassing the ethnographic data they would need to combat the disciples of Grant. And while on a theoretical level the debate between the Grantians and the Boasians pitted the defenders of heredity and biological determinism against the proponents of environment and the primacy of culture, it was difficult not to notice that it was at heart a confrontation between the ethos of native Protestants and the Zeitgeist of immigrant Jews.

Quoting Gelya Frank in Boasianism as a cult:

THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN a lively, if sometimes hushed, in-house discourse about American anthropology’s Jewish origins and their meaning. The preponderance of Jewish intellectuals in the early years of Boasian anthropology and the Jewish identities of anthropologists in subsequent generations have been downplayed in standard histories of the discipline.

There has also been a whitewashing of Jewish ethnicity, reflecting fears of anti-Semitic reactions that could discredit the disci- pline of anthropology and individual anthropologists

Now I’m shocked, shocked to discover that jews, especially supposed professionals dedicated foremost to the study of man’s tribalism, could so whitewash the full extent of their own tribe’s dominance of that field until so long after the fact. Doubly shocking is the excuse, which is of course that “the anti-semites” made them do it.

Actually I’m well beyond shock, as the more I’ve examined the subject the more commonplace and even banal such revelations have become. Today, looking back at what transpired in the hundred years or so since the Grant/Boas struggle, I’m compelled to make two points:

1) The Boasians, prevailing as they did, have produced as a consequence a social and academic environment which is anti-racist only in name. The regime is in fact as race-based as ever, the discrimination has only been reversed. Today it is perfectly acceptable to be anti-White, and horribly taboo if not illegal to be “anti-semitic”.

2) Those who opposed the Boasians, to the extent they saw and objected to the self-serving jewish agenda and feared for the future of their posterity, were correct. And if it’s proper to label them and those of us who continue to struggle “anti-semites”, then it’s only fair to recognize that our opponents were and still are anti-White. It conforms to their own name-calling standards and, more important, accurately reflects the empirical results of their words and actions.

The image above is from Race: Reality and Denial by Richard McCulloch.