All posts by Tanstaafl

Fake Gassing News Triggers Fake American Hitler to Bomb Fake Syrian Hitler, Jewsmedia Cackles


After Trump’s Syria Air Strikes, Alt-Right Is Not Alright, Eric Levitz,, 7 April 2017:

Donald Trump’s rebrand of American conservatism was largely aesthetic. The mogul was far from the first Republican to dress up the one percent’s agenda in populist garb; or to pin blame for the middle class’s decline on a conspiracy between rootless elites and an undeserving minority; or to shore up a fragile sense of national esteem and identity by defining it against an evil, foreign other.

Like most pop-culture phenoms, Trump added a few idiosyncratic touches to a tried-and-true formula, and, thus, generated a sound both reassuringly familiar and thrillingly new. Specifically, the candidate traded the party’s decades-old racial dog whistles for foghorns, while revitalizing the genre of right-wing demagoguery by borrowing flourishes from the domains of professional wrestling and reality television.

Still, Trump’s innovations weren’t entirely stylistic. Nor were they all merely amplifications of inherited themes. His anti-trade diatribes were genuinely new for a Republican nominee, at least for the past half-century. And, occasionally, he directed his populist fury past the bureaucrats and cultural elites whom Nixon so reviled, and up to the owners of capital (albeit, strictly the “international,” implicitly Jewish sort).

Over 18 months of campaigning, the geriatric demagogue maintained a consistent line on very few things. But the hypocritical horrors of humanitarian intervention was one of them. The Trump doctrine on the Middle East was, in many respects, evil, impractical, and illegal. But it offered coherence, and a cathartic acknowledgement of the oft-ignored trauma of Iraq: If we drop bombs over there, let’s do it to kill terrorists and their families, or to confiscate natural resources, but not to save a bunch of Muslims from a secular dictator who kills jihadists.

Of course, this posture was not Trump’s own invention. It was broadly similar to the brand of isolationism preached by Pat Buchanan and the long-marginalized, paleoconservative wing of the Republican Party. Which made Trump’s primary victory its own kind of regime change: The foreign-policy elite was the one segment of the GOP coalition to abandon its standard-bearer in large numbers and loud tones. When Trump won anyway, the neo-paleocons (a.k.a. the alt-right) collected the keys to the kingdom.

Or so they thought.

Trump loves a conspiracy theory. Now his allies in the fringe media say he’s falling for one in Syria, Adam Taylor, The Washington Post, 7 April 2017:

Before the U.S. strikes even hit, an alternative take on Tuesday’s horrific chemical attack — widely attributed to the Syrian government — had begun to spread across the Internet. It was a “false flag,” the theory went, designed to trick Trump into intervening more forcefully in the Syrian war. Those spreading the theory were often closely linked to the “alt-right,” a small, far right movement whose members are known for espousing racist, anti-Semitic and sexist points of view.

Any other president at any other time might have barely noticed the “false flag” narrative — Trump, like his predecessors, has at his disposal an entire intelligence community that can offer expertise and context. He doesn’t need to listen to obscure online voices if he doesn’t want to.

However, growing distrust of the media has allowed wild theories to enter mainstream discussion in recent years. Throughout his campaign and in the early stages of his presidency, Trump has shown himself willing to court this distrust and look to the fringes of debate.

The U.S. president loved to court the fringes. But now, after pursuing military action against the Syrian regime, the conspiracy-loving U.S. president finds himself in a new and perhaps odd position: He is viewed as a dupe, conned by a conspiracy, by many who share his worldview.

(((Yair Rosenberg))): “You’re never going to guess who many on the far-right and far-left are blaming for the Syria strike. OK, you totally will.”

(((Yair Rosenberg))): “Anti-Semites are basically the world’s worst detectives: they always know who is behind a crime but somehow never manage to prevent it”

Ironically these accounts shine more light on the critical role played by jews than the supposedly “anti-semitic” alt-jew figures they mock.

A Shift in Revulsion


The revulsion at race mixing was transformed into revulsion directed at “nazis”, because jews.

Science. 1973 Nov 23;182(4114):790-6.

Geneticists and the biology of race crossing.

Provine WB.


Geneticists in England and the United States clearly reversed their published remarks on the effects of race crossing between 1930 and 1950. The reversal occurred in two steps. First came the change in the 1930’s from a condemnation of wide race crosses to an agnostic view. The second change, from the agnostic view to the belief that wide race crosses were at worst biologically harmless, took place during and shortly after World War II. The entire reversal occurred in the light of little new compelling data from studies of actual human race crosses. The lack of new data is unsurprising. Few geneticists wished to initiate experiments that took three human generations to complete. And controlled race crosses are hard to arrange, even with government grants. What might be more surprising was the willingness of geneticists to make such positive statements about race crossing when they had so little reliable genetic evidence. I interviewed or wrote to ten prominent geneticists who worked on human genetics between 1930 and 1950. Not one believed that new evidence on race crossing was the primary reason why geneticists changed their minds about the effects of race crossing. One plausible explanation, that the rise of “population thinking” (44) caused geneticists to change their minds, does not fit the evidence. Castle was no more of a “population” thinker than East, yet they differed radically in their conclusions about race crossing. What, then, did cause geneticists to change their minds? Most important was the revulsion of educated people in the United States and England to Nazi race doctrines and their use in justifying extermination of Jews. Few geneticists wanted to argue, as had the Nazis, that biology showed race crossing was harmful. Instead, having witnessed the horrible toll, geneticists naturally wanted to argue that biology showed race crossing was at worst harmless. No racist nation could misuse that conclusion. And geneticists did revise their biology to fit their feelings of revulsion. Geneticists’ ideas about the related question of hereditary mental differences between races is perhaps undergoing a similar development to that seen earlier in their ideas about race crossing. In 1951, judging from the response to the Unesco second statement on race and comments in genetics literature, most geneticists agreed with Muller that races probably differed in significant average mental traits. By 1969, when Arthur Jensen advocated this view in his controversial article (45), most geneticists who spoke publicly on the issue had adopted an agnostic position. Knowledge of hereditary racial differences in IQ had scarcely changed since 1951, but society had changed considerably in racial attitudes. It will be interesting to see if during the next several decades geneticists will argue, on the basis of little additional evidence, that hereditary mental differences between races do not exist. I am not condemning geneticists because social and political factors have influenced their scientific conclusions about race crossing and race differences. It is necessary and natural that changing social attitudes will influence areas of biology where little is known and the conclusions are possibly socially explosive. The real danger is not that biology changes with society, but that the public expects biology to provide the objective truth apart from social influences. Geneticists and the public should realize that the science of genetics is often closely intertwined with social attitudes and political considerations.

PMID: 4583525

Fake Hate Exposed, Organized Screeching Intensifies


Earlier this month anti-White black nationalist jewsmedia employee Juan Thompson was arrested for harassing an ex-girlfriend. What we know about Thompson’s “hate”-related shenanigans comes from two primary sources – his Twitter feed and the FBI complaint filed against him (PDF).

Jewsmedia articles consistently mischaracterized Thompson as a “liberal”, “leftist”, “communist”, “Clinton supporter”, “Bernie supporter” who threatened jews – though it is clear enough from his Twitter feed that he sees the world around him primarily in racial terms and to the extent he expressed any racial hostility he directed it mainly at Whites, not jews.

The FBI complaint made it plain enough that Thompson’s supposed “bomb threats” were from the start deemed not credible, and ultimately not prosecutable. That’s because he didn’t make any real threats, or even fake threats, but instead concocted ridiculously overwrought false warnings about non-existent threats.

It turned out Thompson had a history of using fake “hate” to harass individuals who vexed him in some way. His general method attack was to pose as an anonymous tipster and supply fabricated charges of “hate” to someone in a position power, hoping to incite them to harm his target for him. Whereas the common “hate” hoaxer seeks sympathy or something else for themselves, Thompson used “hate” like a weapon, to harm others.

Now come reports exposing much more of the “bomb threat” jews have been screeching about as imaginary.

Israel’s cyberattack unit arrests Israeli-American teen for ‘hundreds’ of bomb threats against Jewish institutions worldwide –

A resident of Israel in his late teens with both American and Israeli citizenship is suspected of being behind a host of fake bomb threats directed at Jewish institutions and other targets worldwide.

The suspect has lived in Israel many years. The army refused to draft him after finding him unfit for service. The suspect’s motive is unknown, but police accuse him of hundreds of incidents involving threats to institutions around the world, including Israel, over a period of two or three years.

Some five computers were confiscated as well as other equipment, including antennas he used to access other people’s networks and to commit the alleged crimes undetected. This initially threw off the police and it led them to question others whose network were used.

The first incident attributed to the Israeli suspect is a bomb threat that a Jewish institution in New Zealand received in 2016. Police in New Zealand identified the IP address as originating from Israel. A similar incident occurred in Australia, and Israel was also identified as the source.

. . .

The FBI handed over the information to the Israel Police after finding that these threats too had originated from Israel.

JCC bomb threats: Teen suspect arrested in Israel –

Israeli police are still trying to determine the teen suspect’s motive. The FBI confirmed the arrest and said in a statement it could not provide further information on the investigation.

Leaders of Jewish institutions, including the Anti-Defamation League, said they were “relieved” by the arrest.

“While the details of this crime remain unclear, the impact of this individual’s actions is crystal clear: These were acts of anti-Semitism,” ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement. “These threats targeted Jewish institutions, were calculated to sow fear and anxiety and put the entire Jewish community on high alert.”

Yes, some details remain unclear, but they hardly matter. The big picture is that the supposed crime, the “hate”, has again been exposed as a hoax. No real threat was made against jews, and the hoaxing was obviously not motivated by any real hatred of jews. In fact the hoaxers leveraged a pre-existing and on-going culture of “hate” hysteria – a climate created and maintained by jews for the benefit of jews.

As we see from the details that have already been disclosed, organized jewry and government investigators were well aware of the fake nature of both Thompson and the Israeli hoaxer, but engaged in their own fakery, pretending that the threats were real. The jews not only define “hate”, they define crime. They have literally organized themselves to perpetrate the larger, original “hate” fraud, the unpunished corruption whose crystal clear impact extends to the highest levels of government.

Westminster Attack


Yet another non-White alien attack. Specifics are still unclear. Here’s what we already know for certain.

Low-level government officials claim they are searching for more attackers, doing everything they can to prevent more attacks. None dare note any connection to race or immigration, that such incidents are part and parcel of the larger meta-attack, the ongoing invasion and colonization by hostile aliens aided and abetted by traitors at the very top of government.

The “left” jewsmedia speaks of race, specifically blaming White norms and attitudes. Their narrative is that the root problem is native “nativism”, “islamophobia”, “xenophobia”, “racism”, “hate”. Their solution is more “tolerance” and “diversity”.

The “right” jewsmedia speaks of religion, specifically blaming muslim ideology. Their narrative is that the root problem is “radical islamic terror”, which they see as akin to “fascism” and “nazism” (i.e. bad for the jews). Their solution is to drop more bombs on the jew state’s neighbors, provide more special protection and funding for jews.

High-level government officials parrot the jewsmedia narrative.

Shortly the furor will die down and the jewsmedia can go back to screeching about Russian influence and “anti-semitism”.