Tag Archives: jewish influence

Obama = Hitler

ABC News’ Jake Tapper: Obama Won’t Answer Holocaust Question
By Debbie Schlussel

An Israeli journalist called out to Obama: “Can you ensure that there will be no second Holocaust?”

Obama walked into the museum’s main building without responding. . . .

Schlussel’s response:

Disgusting. The question is a no-brainer. If you don’t have an automatic, “I will assure that there won’t be a second Holocaust,” response, then you don’t deserve to occupy a square foot of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Apparently Obama didn’t get the memo. Besides visiting israel and donning a jewish cap all US candidates for president must now also turn off their brain and make an unqualified pledge to rescue jews whereever they go from whoever they consider to be their enemy. Otherwise you’re just a “yarmulke-wearing fraud”. For her readers it’s an invitation to vent their hitlerosis.

Frankly I’m envious. I’d like a reporter, any reporter, to ask either Obama or McCain: “Will you defend America from invasion?” Sure I’m like Hitler just for wanting that question asked. And I know the reporters and politicians all know the answer is no. But hearing the answer out loud might help a few more bitter gun- and bible-clinging redneck racists in fly-over country understand that upon joining the US military their utmost priority will not be to defend their families and friends, it will be to serve the interests of people who consider them bitter gun- and bible-clinging redneck racists and who couldn’t care less about the invaders flooding fly-over country. The reporters and politicians know that too. That’s why that question doesn’t get asked.

UPDATE 26 July 2008: Auster objects to Rush Limbaugh’s “unhinged characterization of Obama’s speech” in Germany, calling it “insanely overwrought, imputing all kinds of vicious thoughts to Obama that Obama never stated or implied”:

America sucks, America’s deficient, America’s guilty, but America is now willing to pay the price because we have a Messiah who understands the faults, the egregious errors made by the United States and her people. We are racists, sexists, bigots, homophobes. We discriminate against people who worship differently than we do, have skin color different from ours, and we have not always behaved properly in the world. And we torture. And we, of course, are biased against people who want to get into our country illegally. We have a lot to pay for.

I find this to be a fair characterization of cultural marxist talking points. The problem with Limbaugh, as well as Republican conservative commentators Hannity and O’Reilly, is that they consistently misidentify both the cultural marxists and their target. They don’t want to be seen as racist, so they use “America” and “left” as euphemisms for White and anti-White.

It is this fear of being openly pro-White, just as much as their political partisanship, that causes their blind spots. In contrast to Auster I don’t think Limbaugh’s failure to criticize Bush, especially relative to Obama, means he is “incapable of seeing truth” or is “in a frenzied state in which they accept any negative statement about the other side, no matter how absurd, and see only goodness on their own”.

That’s ridiculous. But it certainly is a good description of Auster himself when he flips into anti-anti-semite mode. In that mode he imputes all kinds of vicious thoughts on people that they never stated or implied. And Auster doesn’t seem concerned enough about unhinged characterizations to object to this:

E. writes:

Obama was certainly in the right country for his rousing speech–the only thing missing was the shouts of “Sieg heil.”

Auster I think senses that Limbaugh’s words are perhaps too accurate a description of cultural marxism. Limbaugh’s “American” listeners might start trying to understand where it came from. Whites might start thinking about how PC and the whole hate-ideology (racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia, and the grandaddy of them all: anti-semitism) sprang largely from jewish minds filled with resentment towards Europeans. Whites might realize how over the past 150 years this archetypically jewish victimology has been progressively generalized and applied to minorities of every type and color – except White. The one common theme: Whites are the enemy.

Auster, as usual, wants the buck to stop with “liberalism”:

Yes. Liberalism, consistently followed, means the destruction of literally every distinct thing, because liberalism demands the end of all inequality and exclusion, and every distinct thing that exists, by the fact of existing, is unequal to and exclusive of everything that is not itself.

This is not only simplistic, it’s wrong. Neither the classical liberal values of fair-play and equality before God and law, nor the neo-liberal values of anti-racism and anti-discrimination eliminate all distinction. Not in theory and not in practice. Neo-liberalism – which dominates Western politics, media, business, and academia – is extremely divisive and makes quite clear distinctions. It is, for example, anti-White and pro-jew. That’s why the West has laws promoting “diversity” and punishing “hate”. That’s why neo-liberals invite violent, uneducated, indigent non-whites from the turd world and send “Americans” out to fight and die in the turd world protecting the interests of international corporations. That didn’t happen when America was founded and ruled by White classical liberals, and it didn’t become the norm until they lost control.

Who’s on Top?

John Savage wrote an interesting post titled The Leftist Social Pyramid. It was not my intent but in commenting there I upset him, and he closed the thread to further comment. He may withdraw the post, which is his perogative, but I hope he doesn’t. It begins like so:

This week, commenter Mark P. at VFR predicts a coming factionalization of the Left. This goes back to the question I keep asking: Why is the Left so monolithic, in the sense that we rarely hear of fights over whether one or another thing is a proper leftist principle? Whatever difficulties there have been in making the decisions, they seem to have been out of the public spotlight, and discontent among the losers seems to have done little damage to the overall movement.

I suggested last fall that there is a Hierarchy of Entitlement on the Left. To recap, non-Western immigrant groups seem to be at the top. The toleration of violence and even ethnic cleansing by these groups against native-born blacks demonstrates that these groups stand above blacks. The attempt to prosecute disabled whites for racist “hate speech” demonstrates that nonwhites still stand above the disabled, and the toleration of nonwhite violence against homosexuals demonstrates that nonwhites stand above homosexuals. The toleration of nonwhite rape of white women demonstrates that white women are considerably lower than any nonwhites, while white heterosexual men are at the very bottom.

My emphasis.

At my prompting we exchanged a few comments concerning where jews fit in this hierarchy. I argued they’re on the top. John discussed it, but I think he would really have preferred to leave them unmentioned. It’s a common problem. It supports the point I was trying to make. Of all the elephants in the room the jewish elephant is the one everyone seems most eager to ignore. Thus when someone will not ignore it it’s easy to paint them as abnormal, just as John eventually did to me.

Whether or not jews are on top, they certainly are one of the most prominent, powerful victim groups in the “Leftist Social Pyramid”. Opinion on anti-semitism is more monolithic than any other social or political principle in the West. It transcends left and right.

The principle of anti-semitism is this: no matter the merits of what you say, if it is critical of jews then you are insane. It doesn’t matter whether you are ancient egyptian, contemporary korean, amerindian, leftist former president (Jimmy Carter), or rightist former presidential candidate (Pat Buchanan).

In a presentation titled For Fear of The Jews Joe Sobran said:

What, exactly, is “anti-Semitism”? One standard dictionary definition is “hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group.” How this applies to me has never been explained. My “hostility” toward Israel is a desire not for war, but for neutrality — out of a sense of betrayal, waste, and shame. Our venal politicians have aligned us with a foreign country that behaves dishonorably. Most alleged “anti-Semites” would wince if Jews anywhere were treated as Israel treats its Arab subjects. Moreover, Israel has repeatedly betrayed its only benefactor, the United States. I have already alluded to the place Dante reserves for those who betray their benefactors.

These are obvious moral facts. Yet it’s not only politicians who are afraid to point them out; so are most journalists — the people who are supposed to be independent enough to say the things politicians can’t afford to say. In my thirty years in journalism, nothing has amazed me more than the prevalent fear in the profession of offending Jews, especially Zionist Jews.

Emphasis mine.

I’m sorry if making this point upsets jews, or John Savage, or anyone else. I raise it because it’s important. Not many people will discuss it calmly. John’s accusation that I’m “unreasonable” and “see jews everywhere” is itself unreasonable – it imagines only two extremes: either jews are not worthy of mention, or they control everything. That’s a false dichotomy. I reject it.

Overcoming Our Blooming Idiocy

Luke Ford’s A Chat With Stephen Bloom, Author Of Postville, from 2003 (via Steve Sailer) is frank and revealing. You may find this Postville context useful.

Stephen: “I’ve spoken in a lot of public places. It’s rare when I’m in a metropolitan venue and someone doesn’t stand up and scream something like, ‘Shame, shame, shame. For a Jew to say this about other Jews, shame on you.’ I’m not going to surrender my role as a journalist based on erroneous inferences that some may draw that this is a story about Jews in general.

“I spoke in Chicago to the American Jewish Congress. I was introduced as a culinary Jew, as a lox and bagels kind of Jew. That did not sit well with me. It made me think that there is some kind of pecking order. That there are certain Jews who are less Jewish than other Jews. That if you keep kosher, you are a better Jew than others. If you go to synagogue every week, somehow you are a better Jew. It was a rating game. I didn’t like being relegated to the bottom of that rating card. I think that fractures the collective nature of what it is to be a Jew.”

Luke: “I know you emotionally didn’t like it but didn’t you intellectually realize that there was something to it, in that only the people who observe Jewish Law are going to perpetuate Judaism and the Jewish people?”

Steve: “No. If you and I were together, I’d probably be grabbing your shoulders right now and shaking you. Absolutely not. It’s not in an intellectual way, it’s in a visceral way that I found that offensive. My son Michael, his Hebrew name is Moishe, was just Bar Mitzvahed two weeks ago. To say that because I like lox and bagels that I’m not going to carry on the tradition of Judaism, shame on you. Shame on anyone. That’s like the Orthodox saying, ‘The Conservatives are the goyim.’ That’s like the Conservatives to the Reform, ‘They don’t know anything.’ No, that’s a bunch of bulls—. My kid is just as Jewish as any of those kids in Postville. And my kid read his parsha [Torah section] without mistake. My son wore a tallit and was able to carry a Torah around a synagogue. And to say that somehow because I don’t keep kosher, I’m less committed to carrying on a Jewish tradition. No, that’s the height of hypocrisy.”

It appears Ford understands the nature of judaism better than Bloom does. It is not liberalism. Modern liberalism, or neo-liberalism, is anti-racialism, an ideological solvent whose core tenet, and primary effect, is to dissolve racial consciousness. That’s all.

Bloom is confused. One moment he’s noting how his jewish critics cry shame, then he does it to Ford. He decries the internal pecking order of jews, then he explains how he, vicariously, claims a place in it. After Bloom ticks off a list of exclusive metrics by which he separates himself as a jew from non-jews Ford fingers the core contradiction facing every liberal who simultaneously professes themselves jew:

Luke: “Do you think it is wrong of Lubavitchers to ignore non-Jews?”

Steve: “They can do what they want. The way I carry on my life, I want to include people. There are too many bountiful things in this world for me to put blinders on so I can’t allow myself to say hello to somebody on a Saturday morning in the middle of Iowa because his mother isn’t Jewish. No, that’s what you call racism. It’s based on blood. Lubavitchers don’t even see the guy on the sidewalk because to acknowledge him would be the beginning of assimilation. Then his children will play with my children and that’s the end of our faith. I don’t think it is the end of my son’s faith if he plays stickball with Hispanic kids. I want him to do that.”

Luke: “How would you feel if he married a non-Jew?”

Steve: “That’s his decision. Isn’t it presumptuous for me to tell my son to marry somebody based on solely on who somebody’s mother is?”

Luke: “I don’t think so, but I affiliate Orthodox. We’re talking about the clash of Orthodox Judaism with modernity.”

Bloom is in denial. He denies race. He denies that he is not a good jew. He denies the one contradicts the other. Most jews resolve the contradiction by understanding liberalism as anti-racism, specifically anti-Whitism. Bloom adheres to anti-racialism. He tries lamely to hold jews to the same standard of racial disarmament he expects of Whites. And he fails. Good jews will not have it.

What interests me is not orthodoxy or modernity. It is the clash between jews and Whites. What distresses me is the deleterious effect that clash is having on my people. Whites. The problem is that anti-racialism, anti-racism, and philo-semitism have come to dominate White thought. Generally speaking our leaders deny race, dislike Whites, and love jews. Just like jews.

This is good for jews, but bad for Whites. Bloom can see it. My anti-anti-semite foil Larry Auster can see it. Most jews can see it. Or they could if they ever turned their self-obsessed thoughts about what’s good for them outward and recognized that Whites might think the same way about themselves. The problem is: they won’t and we don’t. We cannot expect jews to change. The majority perceive that as bad for themselves. Get it? It’s up to Whites to set aside the anti-racialist crack pipe. Recognize that we are White. Recognize that anti-racism is anti-Whitism. And think, as Whites: What is good for Whites?

Not Yoshor

Feds: Drugs made at kosher meat plant:

Federal authorities charged that a methamphetamine laboratory was operating at the nation’s largest kosher slaughterhouse and that employees carried weapons to work.

In a 60-page application for a search warrant, federal agents revealed details of their six-month probe of Agriprocessors. The investigation involved 12 federal agencies, including the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the departments of labor and agriculture.

According to the application, a former plant supervisor told investigators that some 80 percent of the workforce was illegal. They included rabbis responsible for kosher supervision, who the source believed entered the United States from Canada without proper immigration documents. The source did not provide evidence for his suspicion about the rabbis.

The Des Moines Register has written many reports that provide details not found elsewhere. In who and what they quote many of the reports are as biased in favor of the invaders as any other mainstream source. See their Related Stories links. They’re not all bad. I’ll highlight just a few things I think stand out.

Claims of ID fraud lead to largest raid in state history:

Father Nils Hernandez of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Cedar Rapids came to Waterloo after he heard about the raid.

“This is inhumane,” he said.

The article implies the padre was speaking about the raid, which by other accounts was perfectly civilized. A large number of invaders with children were immediately released. Contrast this treatment with the persecution and injustice the Feds have recently inflicted on FLDS families.

In Postville the inhumane people are the criminal alien employers greedily exploiting mostly latino alien invaders and lording their wealth and power over the natives:

Another plant worker told federal officials that undocumented workers were paid $5 an hour for their first few months before receiving a pay increase to $6 per hour. The minimum wage in Iowa is $7.25 an hour.

Company officials could not be reached for comment. The plant, which produces kosher and nonkosher meats, opened in 1987 when butcher Aaron Rubashkin and about 200 Hasidic Jews from New York took over a defunct meatpacking plant. Hasidic Jews follow strict laws. It is a branch of Orthodox Judaism.

The Jews’ arrival turned Postville, a community of 2,273 people on the Allamakee-Clayton county border in northeast Iowa, into one of Iowa’s most ethnically diverse.

Emphasis mine. See my SchoolDigger-related comments below.

The governor said federal officials reassured his staff that those arrested and detained will have their rights protected. He also emphasized the importance of enforcing immigration laws.

“I have said before that I believe it is important that we crack down on illegal immigration,” Culver said. “Illegal means illegal, not just those that are crossing the border illegally, but also those who are responsible for helping to make it happen.”

Say governor, besides “illegal means illegal”, would it also be fair to say that “20 years of illegal means corruption”? Should not those in government responsible for letting this go on so long also pay?

Critics, including former Gov. Tom Vilsack, accused federal officials of violating the workers’ Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures. Federal agents also were criticized for separating parents from their children.

In Postville, ICE spokesman Harold Ort said that the children of anyone detained would be cared for, and that “their caregiver situation will be addressed.

“They were asked multiple times if they have any sole-caregiver issues or any child-care issues,” he said.

Forty Agriprocessors workers were later released, with supervision, “on humanitarian grounds,” said Dummermuth, the U.S. attorney.

“They assured us the kids were going to be taken care of,” said Postville Mayor Robert Penrod.

Penrod said a majority of townspeople understand the plant’s role in the Postville economy, while a small number would cheer the raid.

“There’s people who hate the Hispanics, and there’s people who don’t like the Jews and would like to run them out of town,” he said.

This moralizing, like most of the “arguments” made against this and other raids, is ridiculously skewed. It considers the alien interests superior to those of the natives.

First, anyone who really cares about the Constitution should recognize that by not protecting our country from invasion federal officials at the very highest levels have, for a long time now, failed to uphold their oaths to protect the Constitution and their country’s citizens. They are actively committing treason. Appeals to the Fourth Amendment are specious.

Second, anyone who really cares about the welfare of the invaders should focus their resentment on the employers who exploit them. Nobody is forcing the employers to pay subpar wages and provide substandard working conditions. They do it because they are greedy, and in doing so flout immigration, employment, safety, and tax laws. The poor undocumented migrant sob stories would never happen if the Feds enforced our laws. Government officials are guilty of not keeping the invaders out. They are guilty of waiting 20 years to crack down on Agriprocessors. That is their crime.

Third, native families and children are human beings. They pay taxes. They obey the laws. They work hard. Equalitarians and egalitarians belie their professed beliefs and demonstrate their disregard for natives when they so lopsidedly devote their concern and sympathy to invaders and aliens.

When we natives see our representatives, the people we pay taxes to, who are supposed to enforce our laws, instead give priority to the interests of aliens, we are naturally outraged. It makes us wonder why we pay taxes and obey the law. At the same time, the aliens who break our laws suffer little consequence and are thereby emboldened to ever more lawless and anti-social behavior, further harming and incensing the natives.

Immigration raid: biggest kosher meatpacker started by Jews in 1987:

Shutting down production at the plant will have a significant impact on the kosher meat sales, said Menachem Lubinsky, chief executive of Luicom Marketing and editor of KosherToday.

“They are a major supplier to retail establishments all over the world,” Lubinsky said.

The company processes and packages kosher meat and poultry products under the brand Aaron’s Best that it supplies to small grocery stores and meat markets across the United States. The company also processes non-kosher meat products including Iowa Best Beef.

Agriprocessors also operates a meatpacking plant in Gordon, Neb., called Local Pride LLC, which the Rubashkins opened in 2005.

The Rubashkins, Hasidic Jews from Brooklyn, N.Y., came to Postville in the late 1980s and created Agriprocessors, a kosher meatpacking plant run by observant Jews.

The Rubashkins have been in the kosher meat business since Aaron Rubashkin immigrated to the United States in 1952. Rubashkin and his sons, Sholom and Heshy, relocated their business to Iowa to be closer to livestock supplies. The company bought the former HyGrade meat processing plant in Postville in 1987.

Agriprocessors, Aaron’s Best, Iowa Best Beef, Local Pride. Check. If you buy these brands you’re aiding and abetting the exploitation of poor undocumented migrants. Stop it.

Lubinsky is (or was as late as 2005, see below) Agri’s paid PR guy. Honest, professional reporters should investigate and mention things like that, right?

– – –

Whenever I’m curious about the “diversity” of a community I find SchoolDigger very useful. Schooldigger, unlike census data, is finer-grained in time and space, and less prone to undercounting invaders, at least the asian and latino ones. SchoolDigger also offers graphs that reveal trends over the last 20 years, and make it crystal clear what “diversity” really means. From what I’ve seen “diversity” often means “pure latino, coming soon”. It almost always means “less White”. Therefore when the Des Moines Register writer and so many other invasion supporters celebrate diversity they’re celebrating one race getting pushed out and replaced with another. They seem so eager to perpetrate this “diversity” that they don’t care if it involves massive violation of laws. They are celebrating ethnic cleansing.

See Alain Leroy Locke Senior High for example, where latinos and blacks recently brawled. A glimpse at the SchoolDigger graph conveys a better understanding of what’s going on in that school’s neighborhood than any politically correct newspaper article.

The people writing these PC articles, like Alan Abramowitz, think so poorly of Whites that even when there are no overt signs of racism they consider it perfectly acceptable to conceive poisonous imaginary crimes like symbolic racism. Thus they can continue to demonize and scapegoat us until we are completely gone. They never express any concern about the very concrete anti-White racism that, for example, transforms peaceful White towns like Postville into alien-dominated scofflaw enclaves. That transformation, and the racist “diversity” mentality driving it and protecting it, is something to celebrate.

Look again at the Alain Leroy Locke graph. Look at the graph for Postville’s Cora B Darling school to the right. Look up the schools in places you care about. These graphs don’t reflect the imaginary or “symbolic” ravings of a paranoid anti-White journalist. They reflect very real ethnic cleansing. A displacement of people that is as real and tangible as racism gets.

The apologia, the disinformation, the disregard for corruption, and the outright denial of the illegitimate nature of this demographic shift – all of it coming from invasion supporters – makes the accusation of genocide both reasonable and justifiable.

– – –

Another report from the Des Moines Register. Worker describes scene at plant:

When she’s deported, she said she would rather be taken to Mexico, where it will be easier to reenter America.

She was put in a building with other women, she said, but could not identify the building. There were cots set up inside, and the group she was with was told to go to sleep.

Hours later, she told nurses she wasn’t feeling well. They checked her and instructed agents to return her to Postville. She was driven by a male and female agent in a white van back to town, but when they asked where she lived, she said she told them to take her to St. Bridget’s Catholic Church.

She said she was afraid of leading ICE agents to her house.

She rang the doorbell at the church again and again. Father Paul Ouderkirk thought a fellow pastor had locked himself out of the house.

Now, the woman said she’s worried for her children in Guatemala. The raid means she won’t make money this week, and can’t send any back, she said.

Ouderkirk said he toured the plant in 2002, one of seven he’s toured nationwide.

“It was one of the dirtiest plants I’ve been in,” Ouderkirk said.

Ouderkirk said he toured all sections of the plant, but was denied access when a new section was built.

“The pace was fast,” Ouderkirk said. “They had no place where people could sit down and eat, only a room about the size of (a 15 ft. by 15 ft. area) where they crowded in.”

Many of the immigrants detained in Postville on Monday came from small, rural towns in Mexico or Guatemala, Ouderkirk said, arriving in small groups with relatives or friends.

“It’s like any grapevine,” he said. “They hear it and they come.”

DHS and or the FBI should shut down St. Bridget’s as well as Agri’s plant. Aiding and abetting known criminals is a crime.

Do they have slaughterhouses, children, or laws in Guatemala? How would the reporter, Ouderkirk, or this Guatemalan lady feel if gueros were moving to Guatemala, disrupting Guatamalan communities, displacing Guatemalans from their jobs, ruining their schools, and then cried about fear? They would laugh. They would call the invaders invaders. Racist invaders. They would say, “yanqui go home”.

Lady, go back where you came from. Take your children with you.

– – –

The problems in Postville are not new. What’s happening there reflects what’s happening all over America, and why. Criminal aliens and their allies think of America as a “nation of immigrants” – a “proposition nation” where the proposition is “how fast can you make money, no matter what effect it has on the natives”. Natives who are harmed are just so many subhuman obstacles to be insulted and abused before being shoved aside.

Another recent story from the Register. Immigration raid: Proliferation of undocumented workers began in early ’80s:

Workers in the country illegally have likely been at the Agriprocessors plant in Postville for almost 20 years, said author Stephen Bloom, a journalism professor at the University of Iowa.

“This is the worst-kept secret in Iowa,” said Bloom, who in 2000 published a book chronicling how Agriprocessors’ Hasidic culture affected Postville, a town in northeast Iowa.

The only “thing you need to work at the plant was a strong back and a strong stomach” and a Social Security number, whether it was valid or not, he said.

“Iowans don’t want to do this kind of work for minimum wage and few or no benefits,” he said.

The proliferation of undocumented workers at meatpacking plants can be traced to the early 1980s, said Dave Swenson, an Iowa State University economist.

“Jobs Americans won’t do” is one of the more deeply dishonest ways of describing what’s going on. The invasion is not about Americans not wanting to do jobs. Iowans did the jobs in Postville for a long time before any aliens came to town. Many continued afterward. The real problem, there and elsewhere, starts with the employers who are too greedy to pay a wage citizens will accept, and too unscrupulous to obey the laws and pay their taxes. The other problem, as I’ve already mentioned, is a federal government that has failed in its primary responsibility: to defend our territory from invasion.

The greed and crime in Postville went on for 20 years. Why? Was the government forced to act after the crimes became so egregious they could no longer be ignored? Or are the government’s apparently haphazard raids deliberately calculated to drum up political and financial support for the invasion?

Lonewacko’s report, Agriprocessors meat packing raid, Postville, Iowa (kosher, UFCW), contains an interesting breakdown:

Of those arrested, 290 are Guatemalan, 93 are Mexican, four are Ukrainian and three are Israeli.

He also linked this summary of events leading up to the raid: Postville – A Sleepy Iowa Town Is Transformed Into A Multicultural Sewer, which in turn links to a page containing even more detail.

It turns out the same Steve Bloom quoted by the Register above wrote an interesting, relevant book concerning the culture clash in Postville. Published in 2000, it generated plenty of discussion:

Manuel came from a religious family in Guatemala, but he rarely has time for observance. AgriProcessors does not slow down for Sundays or for any Christian holidays, except Christmas. A more practical problem, however, arises on Jewish holidays, when the plant closes and the workers are not paid.

Pay is a recurring complaint from AgriProcessors’ workers. Manuel makes $7.25 an hour, having moved up from $6.25. But Manuel and many other workers said that their weekly paychecks come up three or four hours short regularly, a claim that the union organizers reported hearing frequently. When supervisors are alerted, they promise to correct things but rarely do, workers and union officials said.

How Agriprocessor came to town has already been described farther above. In hindsight, if we can find any fault with the people living in Postville in 1987 it would be that they foolishly put their desire for wealth and jobs above their sense of community. But then it’s not like they could have told the jewish aliens not to come to town. It may have taken the Feds 20 years to lift a finger against Agriprocessor’s flagrant immigration, tax, drug, and safety violations. But we can be sure that those same Feds would fly in instantly, anywhere, and armed for war if they heard even so much as a rumor that some alien’s civil rights were being violated.

Nevertheless, 10 years later, the locals aren’t exactly happy with their marriage of necessity. “The Jews,” as they’re called, drive like maniacs, never mow their lawns, build without permits, bargain furiously (which the locals feel implies the price is unfair), and wait months, if ever, to pay their bills. Disregarding the fundamental rule of Iowa coexistence, the Hasidim won’t even make eye contact on the street. One of Bloom’s local informants asks: “Hadn’t their mothers taught them any manners?”

Bloom does his best to be fair to the Hasidim as he explores their hermetically sealed world. He notes his relief at the familiar speech rhythms, the questions upon questions. He accepts an invitation for a Shabbat stay with a Hasidic family, revels in the food, and prays with his hosts on command. But finally, Bloom is a liberal, not a fundamentalist: He’s repelled by their intolerance, their insularity, their open delight in cheating “the goyim,” and their manipulative arguments. He quotes one Hasid as saying proudly: “I am a racist… . Why haven’t the Jews been extinguished after scores of attempts throughout history? That we are still here defies logic. There is only one answer. We are better and smarter. That’s why!” Bloom’s heart is with the Postville local who says: “It’s not such a great religion if they don’t want to be a part of the community, is it?”

Knowing this, isn’t it difficult to blame “the goyim” for not liking the jews? The dislike appears mutual. Mayor Penrod, quoted above, surely knows this and should have mentioned it. Instead he chose to smear the natives as irrational haters.

The jews, as they’re called, is a label they often use themselves. Bloom probably knows that. As a journalist who seems to sympathize with Iowans he should also recognize that it’s a more neutral than “the nativists”, “the racists”, “the rednecks”, and all the other not-so-subtle insults journalists, especially the jewish ones, prefer to “the Whites”.

Intolerance, insularity, cheating “the goyim” (a disrespectful label we do not attach to ourselves), and manipulative arguments are indeed fundamental, long-held characteristically jewish values. Certainly in comparison to those of European stock. The cheating and manipulation are especially alien and objectionable. From his thoughts Bloom seems a rare breed. Liberals like him usually have no problem cheating or making manipulative arguments. He enjoys his muted jewishness while disapproving, openly in a book, of others who feel their bigotry more strongly. That’s rare. And finally, jews usually get their panties in a bunch only when they sense intolerance, insularity, and fundamentalism in White Christians. Whoops, wait a minute…

Bloom, a largely secular Jew who frequently frames his relationship to his faith in terms of Jewish food, came to Iowa from San Francisco to teach journalism at the state university. At first, Bloom, his wife and their young son loved their new home.

But by their third year there, the blush had begun to fade.

“We were lonely. We didn’t fit into the local social order. . . . We missed people like us.”

Soon Bloom begins to see “them” everywhere. Two female American Gothic types stare at the Bloom family in a restaurant, and as the Blooms leave ask “in an Almira Gulch tone, ‘You’re not from around here.’ ” Bloom took this to mean “what they were driving at wasn’t where we were from, but who we were, what we were: city folks, Jews. . . .”

Here is some insight into the mind of a self-righteous alien. Self-righteous because who else could move to a place and expect the people there, who by his own choice of words (“people like us”, “American Gothic types”, “Almira Gulch tone”) he obviously considers alien, not notice that he is in fact just as much an alien to them? If stares and getting called “city folk” is the worst story Bloom has then it’s no wonder rude, unscrupulous aliens are flocking to America’s heartland.

The Hasidim had some supporters, too, though many of them seem to be people who directly benefited from their arrival.

But the crux of the problem seemed to revolve around three major issues. The Hasidim were very aloof. They treated the locals as though they were diseased. “If they mix with us they think we’ll contaminate them,” someone told Bloom.

More disturbing to Bloom was that the Lubavitchers were dishonorable in their business dealings. They’d buy something and not pay for it or pay or withhold payment for a long time.

“I get bills and throw them away,” one bragged to him. “The more bills I get, the faster I throw them away. If they want to get paid that badly, they’ll send me another notice and then another. When I’m ready to pay them, I pay them.”

I’m very curious to see how people react to this story and how it plays out over time. Will anyone in Agri’s management go to jail? Will they be driven out of Iowa? Out of business? Will the jewish community, acutely aware of this case because it affects their supply of holy meat, rise up and shout, “Exploitation and lawbreaking! Not in my name!” Or will it be, “Oh my G-d! Stop the persecution, stop the anti-semitism!”

There is a precedent, from 2005, that would seem to favor expecting the latter response. The following blog post outlines a coldly calculated plan based on manipulative arguments. What a surprise.

PETA doesn’t play Kosher:

Now, how does a group of orthodox rabbis, the different groups that ordain food as Kosher, and, well, Agriprocessors take on an organization that is a well-oiled PR and grass roots machine? Well, the rabbis and the kashrut organizations hired Lubicom Marketing Consulting, a firm that has a long history of working with kosher companies and causes.

Quoted below is Lubicom’s founder, Menachem Lubinsky, who was quoted by the Register above as if he were a disinterested kosher pundit.

Lastly, the venom they have spewed and the degree of how they continue to go after a major supplier of glatt kosher meat in this country can only be construed as anti-Semitism, especially when stunned animals and practices at non-kosher plants certainly are nowhere as humane as the practices at Agri.

The comment section of a Yeshiva World News report on the Agri raid is also interesting. There you can see a battle being waged. The fair-minded people appear outnumbered. This window into alien “frum/yidden” thinking is more discomforting and more difficult to comprehend than anything Bloom has to say.

Quote “lets blame the unions, lets blame peta, lets blame the anti-semites…but god forbid we should blame rubashkin….sorry people, but rubashkin and others dont pass the savings at using illegal labor onto their customers…i for one hope they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law… ”

Comment by bacci40 — May 12, 2008 @ 6:04 pm

Is “bacci” short for bacon? since when do Yidden hope to see other Frum jews prosecuted to the full extent of the law, especially as you haven’t even heard his side.

Do you hire illegal immigrants to clean your house?

Comment by isi98 — May 12, 2008 @ 7:15 pm

The Rubashkins are AMAZING balei chesed and balei tzedaka……Please visit their store on 13th avenue and see all the homeless they feed daily (for free). For all those who are hoping they get punished and for those that claim they are not passing on their savings etc. Before you judge and make your comments please realize they have helped countless yisoimim – almanos – and continue to do so. I pray for them – I pray they should continue with their business and go from strength to strength.. Closing them down will only hurt hundreds and maybe thousands of people. Please don’t be so quick to chanmpion for another’s downfall. After all we are all one .. their goodness benefits all of us.

Comment by frumma — May 12, 2008 @ 9:54 pm

Yidden, frum, balei, chesed, tzedakah? We are all one? And who is this “us” to whom frumma refers? In trying to understand alien thoughts like these I’m getting the distinct impression I’m meant to misunderstand that the friendly-sounding translations apply to jew and non-jew alike. I suspect, however, they were originally intended to define how jews should treat each other, and that plenty of them still see it that way. Just as many muslims consider infidels inferior, and lie to us about it and other things they think.

But that’s probably just my “symbolic racism” peeking through.

– – –

The title of this post comes from what I understand to be the respected words of a respected jew:

In one of his most famous essays – entitled Glatt Kosher – Glatt Yoshor – [Rav Breuer] wrote:

‘Kosher is intimately related to yoshor. G-d’s Torah not only demands the observance of kashruth and the sanctification of our physical enjoyment, it also insists on the sanctification of our social relationships. This requires the strict application of the tenets of justice and righteousness which avoid even the slightest trace of dishonesty in our business dealings and personal life.’

“Yoshor”, to put it in my terms and not to diminish the concept, seems comparable to Superman’s “truth, justice, and the American way”. I understand and respect that value. It’s why I feel compelled to leave the shithole this decidedly non-yoshor immigration invasion is turning California into, and to find a new home amongst natives who share my values. It’s why I write about it. Unlike Bloom when those “American Gothic types” notice I look different or act different I understand it to mean that I’ve accidentally brought some “city” with me. I accept it as my duty to assimilate, and my responsibility for failure, not theirs.

From their prior words and acts it seems the Rubashkins and their friends either have no regard for yoshor or think it only applies to their dealings with other jews. The latter view would explain why they have such a bad reputation as employers and yet a good one as yidden. What this raid and the subsequent revelations of their dishonest business dealings will do is provide other jews an opportunity to demonstrate what they think yoshor means.

Usurp This

Kevin MacDonald is a White advocate who has been condemned for expressing politically incorrect thoughts:

I am morally certain that Jewish involvement in the radical left in the early to middle part of the last century was a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for many of the horrific events in the Soviet Union and elsewhere. (About this, of course, one can disagree. I am simply saying that I find the evidence compelling.) But the main point is that I came to see Jewish groups as competitors with the European majority of the U.S., as powerful facilitators of the enormous changes that have been unleashed in this country, particularly via the successful advocacy of massive non-European immigration into the U.S. I found that I was being transformed in this process from a semi-conservative academic who had little or no identification with his own people into an ethnically conscious person — exactly as predicted by the theory of social identity processes that forms the basis of my theory of anti-Semitism (see MacDonald 1998a). In fact, if one wants to date when I dared cross the line into what some see as proof that I am an ‘anti-Semite,’ the best guess would probably be when I started reading on the involvement of all the powerful Jewish organizations in advocating massive non-European immigration. My awareness began with my reading a short section in a standard history of American Jews well after the first book was published. The other influences that I attributed to Jewish activities were either benign (psychoanalysis?) or reversible — even radical leftism, so they didn’t much bother me. I could perhaps even ignore the towering hypocrisy of Jewish ethnocentrism coinciding as it does with Jewish activism against the ethnocentrism of non-Jewish Europeans. But the long-term effects of immigration will be essentially irreversible barring some enormous cataclysm.

The immigration invasion clearly enriches and delights a small number of people even as it produces disastrous consequences for most natives and our progeny.

For a long while it puzzled me why the ruling class would tax, prosecute, and demonize citizens while they simultaneously excuse, forgive, and sanctify immigrants. Why do they not sympathize with their own people?

Polite society has no answers. If you ask the only answer you get is, “shut up racist”. Why? Because it is all about race.

The rulers consider themselves distinct and superior. They are outsiders and natives blinded by greed who have thrown in with the outsiders – adopting their rootless cosmopolitan values, fraudulent tactics, and totalitarian goals.

As their power has increased they have grown ever more explicitly and viciously anti-White. Nowadays they openly mock “flyover country” and the “rednecks” who inhabit it. They no longer feel constrained by the votes, laws, traditions, or heros of the “xenophobic” “hill-billies”. They’re importing new citizens. For the deracinated native collaborators it’s just business. The labor is cheap, the profit great. For the true outsiders it’s more than business. It’s also hypocritical hyper-racist payback for what they see as millenia of unrelenting and undeserved persecution at the hands of an ungrateful European “host”. The non-white hordes will end that most horrible jewish nightmare, White nationalism, and present a final solution to the White cancer – by destroying the White race.

Is it clear now why the shysters at the SPLC hound MacDonald but have precious little to say about Sontag or Ignatiev? They are anti-White. With every victory in the culture war the scapegoating and dehumanization of powerless Whites as “neo-Nazis” and “White supremacists” becomes ever more absurd. Does Kevin MacDonald or any of the other people that anti-anti-semites demonize wield anywhere near the social, economic, or political power they do?

Since when has a pro-White leader had any influence on public policy?

It was before our military became the world’s police. Before forced integration. Before our women and college kids freaked out. Before our borders were erased. Before our government sold its citizens to Wall Street, who sold them to the Arabs and Chinese. Before it became a requirement for US politicians to don a yarmulke and pray at the Wailing Wall. Before scatology became prime time humor and perversion became the norm. Before pro-White speech became hate speech, and pro-White thoughts became thought crimes.

Everything went to hell when the parasitical, traitorous usurpers took over. They profit from and celebrate the disowning, disenfranchisement, and displacement of my people. For the moment they still fear having to answer for it. This is why anything but celebration is very strictly discouraged.

Our rulers do not believe in civil rights or free speech. That is but cud for their cattle. In their minds they are our superiors and we have no right to indict them. I think otherwise. I support men like Kevin MacDonald who dig up evidence and supply the indictment.