Two years into his administration and President Kushner is once again in the news, a little.
Trump Demands WH to Grant Kushner Top Security Clearance Amid US Intel Concerns:
Trump ordered his chief of staff at the time John Kelly to grant Kushner security clearance despite warnings from intelligence officials and White House lawyers, the New York Times reported on Thursday.
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According to NBC News, two White House security specialists rejected last month Kushner’s application for a top-secret clearance after a FBI background check raised concerns about potential foreign influence on him, but they were overruled by their supervisor, according to two sources familiar with the matter.
No One Has More Influence on Trump Than Jared Kushner, Ex-NJ Governor Claims:
During an extensive interview with National Public Radio (NPR), Chris Christie, who wrote a memoir entitled “Let Me Finish: Trump, the Kushners, Bannon, New Jersey, and the Power of In-Your-Face Politics”, weighed in on reports that Ivanka Trump’s beloved husband Jared Kushner is de facto operating as White House chief of staff.
“I don’t know if it’s true. But let me say this: There is simply no one more influential in the White House on the president than Jared Kushner. He’s not the only person who he listens to, but I don’t think anyone as more influence than Jared has”, he said.
An October 2017 article in a similar vein, which I mentioned in the comments of President Jew, had the headline Trump Fired Tillerson To Protect Jared Kushner, noting:
By dismissing Tillerson, Trump has demonstrated that “blood is thicker than water” and that he will protect his family at great political cost, even if Kushner continues to generate negative media coverage.
Kushner is the embodiment of foreign influence in the White House. Negative jew influence, driving an agenda completely divorced from what Trump told his thirsty supporters they’d be getting. It’s a big, controversial story, and understandably it is taking time for the jewsmedia to settle on a way to jewsplain it. So far they’ve mostly just ignored Kushner, compensating by loudly and quite consciously shifting attention and blame to Russia instead. Likewise, and for the same reason, they’ve been screeching continuously about WHITE supremacism and WHITE nationalism, as jew-first governments across the West are literally making it illegal to oppose jewing.
I’m glad I took the time to write at least a little about the White-washing of Trump, and the petty intrigues which so characterize his 6000000% jew-first administration. At this point there’s not much more that needs to be said about the kikeservative-in-chief’s latest ever more jewy antics than, what’s President Kushner up to now?
It has come to point where Whites need non-Whites to speak up about jewish Supremacy, like Ilhan Omar, because we are being silenced.
(((They))) have their boot heels on Whites’ necks. Hhhmm? I wonder why there are so many White suicides and deaths by drugs in alcohol.
If not Trump himself, Kushner is definitely giving Israel and probably their best buddy Saudi Arabia every Top- Secret Security bit of information he knows.
They are selling us internationally and beating us down domestically.
Omar hates us too. The jews will ask her price to stop.
The jews are not going to be able keep it up. Whites are waking up. It’s inevitable!
There has been nothing in U.S. history to compare to the level, the absoluteness of betrayal that we see in this golem, this utter lying traitor. I ¨believed¨ the rhetoric of this nuclear double-crosser for one reason – I could not conceive of a human being climbing to the most visible, prominent, indeed the highest stage in the world and making the KIND of promises that this devil made DAILY for 18 months over and over and over again. I simply could not imagine that such a one could then ride to the American Presidency solely and completely on said promises to a desperate, beleaguered, withering (in mere numbers as well as psychologically) White remnant and then once there…ripping off the mask to reveal the complete REVERSAL of what was previously presented so vehemently and repeatedly. And along with the reversal, sure enough, he unabashedly further reveals that his sell-your-soul devotion to Jews wherever they may be is his one aim, his one purpose and raison detre. Remarkable to me – we really don´t see the kind of fierce condemnation and disowning of this beast that he deserves. Coulter comes the closest amazingly. The Trojan Horse trope is now second to the Trump Betrayal event in my judgment. One can only hope (a doubtful hope) that he will become the curse and byword that befits him in some future era.
Ann Coulter:
The jewsmedia will never goad Trump by referring to his jew handler as President Kushner, but this uppity kikeservative complaining about jew control just might trigger anudda Coultercaust.
When trump insulted coulter he was insulting whites by proxy.
‘President Javanka’: Ann Coulter Says Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Run the White House
OYYYY VEEEEYYYYYY this is getting into TROPE and CANARD territory.
All you need to know to understand why the jewsmedia, which supposedly hates hates hates Trump, has never made a big deal out of Trump’s connection to the Kushner crime family is that it’s the jewsmedia and the Kushners are jews.
They are all over Ilhan Omar like termites to. The true cuckservatives are furious she would criticize jewing.
it’s amazing that everyone still sees Trump as their hero, even though he is building his “wall” to fulfill his pledge to stop immigration. Yet his wall is adding to our national debt and he is only in office for eight years at the most and like Obama who passed his Affordable Care Act in his term as president and have it overturned by Donald Trump as President shows that if the Democrats get into office this next election or after Trump’s second term, that they, the Democrats, can disregard Trump’s “Wall”, making it a waste of money , yet adding to our national debt which no one cares to talk about.
Also trump gave phony Israel control of Jersuleum as their capital giving the Jews capital of their One World empire. Also Trump gave Israel the Golan Heights. Donald Trump also declared that he supports Israel 1000 per cent.
How do the phony Jews , get away with it: by reminding the gullible Christian world periodically that Jesus was a Jew, that his mother Mary was a Jew, and that if it wasn’t for the phony Jews, the Christian world would not have a religion of Jesus , Mary, Joseph, and one god religion.
How well the Jewish propaganda has worked is shown when the world knows Communism is Jewish, and that Christ called the Jews as belonging to the Synagogue of Satan and we bow our heads in shame when we’re accused by them of anti-Semitism, and we know that the Jews overthrew the Russian government and murdered the Christian Czar and his family and ruled Russia and many European countries after WW1and WW11 . And still do
and they are attempting to do to the United States and other white Christian countries what they used us to sympathize with apartide, to do to us-make us what was done to South Africa and Rhodesia, under minority rule of savages and destroy our history, culture, religion .
The Catholic Church can stop this evil, but their also in on it , as the Catholic Church seeks to rule the world also. So, its no mystery as to why the only major monarchy in the western world not overthrown is the British and why they have played such a dominant role in the United States wars and affairs and so much publicity has been given the royal family over the decades.
The Jews can have their control of the world’s wealth, the Catholic Church it’s religion and the British, the government.
The Catholic Church no longer teaches that Lucifer or Satan has long range goal of gaining control of the world, or that Lucifer asked for more time to gain souls and was given it.
Trump is no body’s friend, but that of Israel. All the things he is doing is deception to accomplish what he has already done. And we can see what the goals are by what is done .and all the talk of Russia influencing Trump’s election was distraction while he got away with what he has done and is to do just as the Republicans used Bengazi against the Democrats and Hillary Clinton.
Trump is the usual war monger President calling Russia , China, South Korea, and now Venezula and Muduro our enemy and a threat. It never ends. Enemies are made in advance because plans to take over the world are made in advance and events planned to bring them about.
We’ll get our taste of communism, just as the people of Russia and Europe had theirs because the Christian world wants to see the Bible prophecy fulfilled.
As a female the sight of this creature with it’s feminine touch makes me sick. Inbred.