All posts by Tanstaafl

What’s Flipping Yid Lids Today: Tila Tequila

“Crazy asian slut? Wonderful! Fantastic! Brilliant! Edgy! Shocking! Put her on television! Make her a porn star! BWAHAHAHAHA, take that Puritans!”

“Oh wait, she’s a Hitler fan? How insulting! I’m offended! This is intolerable! She needs to be locked up in a mental hospital!”

Tila Nguyen‘s latest turn in look-at-me antics immediately captured the attention of the jewiest portions of the jewsmedia. Their usual irreverent snark muted, what came out instead was scandal and bemusement, anger and betrayal. “How dare this otherwise upstanding member of two (three? four?) oppressed classes be so careless and uppity?”

Tablet Magazine: Tila Tequila, Convert to Judaism, Poses as Sexy Hitler Atop Auschwitz

Animal: Tila Tequila’s Descent Into Nazism, Parallel Universes, and Reptilian Illuminati Warriors

Jezebel: Tila Tequila Is a Nazi Sympathizer Who Calls Herself ‘Hitila’

Hollywood Life: Tila Tequila In Nazi Uniform — Former Reality Star Rants About Nazism

Esquire: Wait, Hold On: Tila Tequila is a Neo-Nazi Now?

Of course, the jewsmedia being the jewsmedia, the shenanigans of even Z-list celebrities is BIG NEWS when it confounds the jews. Thus Tila Tequila’s transgressions against jewish sensibilities have not remained confined to celebrity-gawking cesspits, but has instead been elevated into a bona-fide mediacaust.

Business Insider: Tila Tequila Is A Nazi

International Business Times: Tila Tequila Ignites Twitter After Nazi Sympathizer’s Blog Defends Adolf Hilter

NY Daily News: Tila Tequila wears Nazi uniform, calls Hitler a ‘sweet kid’ in shocking Facebook rant

According to the News, Tila felt mocked and rejected when she tried to convert to judaism. This only adds to the case that this woman – from her fame to her infamy – is a product of judaization. It’s hard to fault the goyim for not understanding that the jews are jews and the goyim are goyim – after all, you don’t get anything but double-talk about it from the jewsmedia. Though the jews themselves are well aware of such distinctions (and indeed Tequila is an example of the tribe’s aphorism that a “philo-semite” is just an “anti-semite” who doesn’t know it yet), they’re also keen to stick to their age-old canard that jewishness is all about religious beliefs and that jews are always blameless victims. Thus Tila Tequila must be anybody’s fault but theirs.

Where will this go? Nowhere. And then quickly down the memory hole.

Going forward, as jews increasingly shift their attention toward new hosts, the “minority” coalition, being jew-led, is sure to be increasingly rocked by jew-centric controversies of this sort. During the awkward transition phase, professional jews like Brian Levin, whose job description is literally director of “hate” and “extremism”, is thinking it best to see it as a joke, a gift to sinecured jews like himself. Will the other “minorities” go for that? Does it matter?

Ding Dong, Mandela’s Dead

Nelson Mandela remembered by L.A.‘s South African Jews, published by the Jewish Journal today, provides more of the usual duplicitous jewish crowing that jews are “white”, love Mandela, and therefore helped him “lead” their overthrow of White rule in South Africa.

The broader jewsmedia brims with sorrow for the “civil rights leader”, who for decades has been THE black poster boy for the judaized internationalist elite. Mandela was of course a “civil rights leader” only in the ironic sense that his name and face embody the idea that Africa is for the Africans. “Civil rights” means non-White rights.

You see, the judaized internationalist elite plainly doesn’t have a problem with majority rule, or minority suffering, as long as it involves non-Whites ruling over Whites. It is just a corollary of the deeper law of “civil rights” illustrated by Israel, or for that matter anywhere else on the planet, whereby the rule of any number of jews over any number of non-jews is sacrosanct, and any challenge a sacrilege.

How Enemies Treat Enemies

Germany embarks on fresh attempt to ban NPD

The charge most often levelled against White nationalists is that they’re “supremacists” who seek to exclude, ban, imprison or otherwise impinge upon others. Many Whites make the mistake of thinking this charge stems from the violation of some general principle against exclusion, banning, or imprisoning people on the basis of their race or beliefs.

But at times the mask slips, and it’s clear that the current ruling judaized globalist regime regards banning and so forth to be a perfectly proper and acceptable way to treat their enemies. The real charge against White nationalists, as evident in the report above, is that any subset of Whites organizing politically to do what’s best for themselves, separate and apart from others, is bad because it is “anti-semitic”/”racist”, i.e. bad for jews and other non-Whites. By citing “anti-semitism” in addition to and distinct from “racism” the ruling regime is just making it crystal clear that for them the overriding principle is that the best interests of the jews come before anyone or anything else.

“Anti-Semitism” as Racial Animus

Why Netanyahu Gave Pope Francis His Father’s History of the Spanish Inquisition, Tablet Magazine:

Understanding the book’s unique argument enables us to understand why Netanyahu chose to give such an ostensibly undiplomatic gift to the Pope. The Times recounts:

As a historian, Mr. Netanyahu reinterpreted the Inquisition in “The Origins of the Inquisition in Fifteenth Century Spain” (1995). The predominant view had been that Jews were persecuted for secretly practicing their religion after pretending to convert to Roman Catholicism. Mr. Netanyahu, in 1,384 pages, offered evidence that most Jews in Spain had willingly become Catholics and were enthusiastic about their new religion.

Jews were persecuted, he concluded — many of them burned at the stake — for being perceived as an evil race rather than for anything they believed or had done. Jealousy over Jews’ success in the economy and at the royal court only fueled the oppression, he wrote. The book traced what he called “Jew hatred” to ancient Egypt, long before Christianity.

In other words, Ben Zion Netanyahu’s argument shifted the root blame for the Inquisition from religion to ingrained racial animus–from the spiritual to the secular. If one was going to give the pope a book about the Inquisition, then, this would be the one. Moreover, not only does the book’s revisionist reckoning partially absolve Christianity for Spanish persecution of the Jews, it offers a contemporary message of pressing relevance. At a time when Christian anti-Semitism has receded–evidenced not least by the friendly relations between the Vatican and the state of Israel–secular and racial forms of anti-Semitism have been on the rise, particularly in Europe, where a nearly a quarter of Jews say they are afraid to publicly identify as Jewish. The anti-Semitism diagnosed by Ben Zion Netanyahu is alive and well.

In other words, the diagnosis of the jews is that racial animus comes entirely from the goyim. This “unique argument” is the same double-talk that Douglas Rushkoff spews.

In trying to shift the root blame away from their parasitism, and particularly to their White hosts, jews try to have it both ways on race. They insist race doesn’t exist and the jews aren’t biologically distinct. Yet by invoking racial animus to explain “anti-semitism” they are implicitly acknowledging the reality of race and their biological distinctiveness.

Setting aside the self-serving jewish double-talk, “anti-semitism” is best understood as anti-parasitism. It has been the historic reaction of a variety of hosts to jewish infiltration, manipulation and exploitation.