Category Archives: Blog

Gilets Jaunes

gilets_jaunesGilets Jaunes, pronounced jillay june, refers to the yellow vests worn by protestors in a month-old uprising sweeping France. It’s difficult to understand what’s going on, but I’d like to. Did it begin as an organic (if unconscious and incoherent) revolt against jewing? How far will it go before it is put down, co-opted, or otherwise defused?

Despite one superficial indication – the use of a color in the name – this revolt doesn’t fit the usual Soros-driven color revolution mold. It appears instead to be an authentic populist revolt against a thoroughly jewed globalist ruling regime. For one thing, the anglophone jewsmedia has been trying to ignore or play down the demonstrations rather than tout and boost them. For another, the French police have made relatively free use of force and tear gas against the demonstrators, who are overwhelmingly visibly White, flying French flags and colors, and sallying forth mainly on the weekends. These are all indications that Gilets Jaunes is a legitimate expression of the indigenous French workers and taxpayers.

Here are a few other positive indications.

In Jews against the Gilets Jaunes, Czakal points out that Hervé Ryssen, perhaps the most thorough-going French critic of jewing, backs the uprising, while prominent jews and jew organs are condemning it.

Jake Hanrahan: “Footage of what is said to be French Antifa fighting fascists amidst the #YellowVests protests again today.×360/EDH_v5iZio8JUWXS.mp4 ”

Reflecting the zeitgeist of contemporary political discourse, whatever problems the jewed globalists don’t blame on “anti-semitism” or “White supremacism” they blame on Russians. So naturally… Eventually This Had To Happen: France Investigates Russia Over Yellow Vest Riots.


A haunting ballad lamenting the parasite/host relationship.

Crestfallen – Smashing Pumpkins

Who am I?
To need you when I’m down
And where are you
When I need you around
Your life is not your own
And all I ask you
Is for another chance
Another way around you
To live by circumstance,once again
Who am I?
To need you now
To ask you why, to tell you no
To deserve your love and sympathy
You were never meant to belong to me
And you may go
But I know you won’t leave
Too many years built into memories
Your life is not your own
Who am I?
To need you now
To ask you why, to tell you no
To deserve your love and sympathy
You were never meant to belong to me
Who am I to you?
Along the way, I lost my faith
And as you were, you’ll be again
To mold like clay, to break like dirt
To tear me up in your sympathy
You were never meant to belong to me
You were never meant to belong to me
You were never meant to belong to me
Who am I?

Jews Hunting King

anti-white_jews_attack_steve_kingIn the wake of yesterday’s midterm selections one of the top stories in the jewsmedia concerns the seething fear and loathing jews are directing at Steve King.

Steve King, dubbed America’s ‘white supremacist congressman,’ wins re-election – U.S. News –

King has been criticized by members of his own party for comments and support for candidates with white supremacist affiliations – The New York Times has dubbed him the “White Supremacist Congressman” in a recent article.

Last month, King tweeted a photo of multiple breeds of dogs, noting “all the diversity” at his annual pheasant hunt.

King has a long track record of remarks decried as racist, but the comments came under renewed scrutiny after a massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue in late October.

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During a recent trip to Europe financed by a Holocaust memorial group, King met with officials from an Austrian far-right party with ties to neo-Nazi groups after touring Holocaust sites, according to the Washington Post and other media outlets.

After the Pittsburgh shooting, King told the Washington Post he was not anti-Semitic. He also retweeted a Twitter post quoting the late Pope John Paul II saying that Jews are “dearly beloved brothers.”

White Nationalist Rep. Steve King Reelected In Iowa – The Forward:

In his interview, King also accused billionaire liberal megadonor George Soros, who is Jewish, of being behind the Great Replacement and funding the U.S. midterm elections, the Washington Post reported.

King also endorsed a white nationalist candidate for Toronto mayor who’s running to prevent “white genocide,” according to Esquire, and retweeted a British neo-Nazi.

Following the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue late last month, some religious communities in Iowa came together to denounce King and urge donors to dump him. Two Jewish leaders said he is “an enthusiastic crusader for the same types of abhorrent beliefs held by the Pittsburgh shooter.”

Antisemitic candidate wins tight race in U.S. House – American Politics – Jerusalem Post. The text of this article is a subset of the other two. The key word, “antisemitic”, is in the title.

The gist of these jewsmedia articles is to assert a very specific racial grievance. King is being attacked for acting too White. He is being attacked by jews, who are making it clear that they are anti-White because they are jews.

King’s jew problem stretches back several years. As King increasingly saw and described himself as a defender of Western civilization, jews have become increasingly hostile toward him. In March of 2017 yids flipped their lids when King indicated that he understood Western civilization as a racial construct, and more to the point, that he saw a difference between the us responsible for constructing it and the them who can only deconstruct it.

Are Jews Part Of Steve King’s ‘Western Civilization’?“, jews mockingly-aggressively ask. They know how crucial the perception of us and them is. They know the answer to their coy question.

Unfortunately for Whites, King and similar self-described defenders of Western civilization imagine jews and their jew-first state as part of the us they seek to defend. To the extent such people think in racial terms at all they see jews as “white”. They imagine the jew-first state as an outpost of Western civilization, its greatest ally, a bulwark against the muslim them who threaten us.

In fact, when called out directly on this point King defended himself by citing his life-long support for the jew-first state. Steve King shouts down question linking his worldview to Pittsburgh shooter’s | The Times of Israel:

Iowa Republican, who has been accused of supporting white nationalism, defends himself by pointing to his support of Israel

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“Do not associate me with that shooter,” King interrupted, pointing at the questioner. “I knew you were an ambusher when you walked in the room, but there is no basis for that and you get no question and no answer.”

When the questioner, speaking calmly, attempted to speak, King said loudly: “No, you’re done, we don’t play those games in Iowa. You have crossed the line. It is not tolerable to accuse me of being associated with that guy who shot 11 people in Pittsburgh. I am a person who has supported Israel since the beginning. The length of that nation is the length of my life and I’ve been with them all along, and I will not answer your question and I will not listen to another word from you.”

The jews attacking King know all about his life-long support for the jew-first state. They condemn him in spite of this support, and specifically for also supporting a future for White babies. Will the pro-Israel community separate itself from Rep. Steve King? |

“Faith Goldy, an excellent candidate for Toronto mayor, pro Rule of Law, pro Make Canada Safe Again, pro balanced budget, &…BEST of all, Pro Western Civilization and a fighter for our values. @FaithGoldy will not be silenced,” tweeted King, who represents his state’s 3rd congressional district.

Members of the pro-Israel community slammed King’s endorsement.

“I fervently condemn any support for despicable, racist white supremacists,” national president of the Zionist Organization of America Mort Klein told JNS. “Congressman King should retract his support of this bigot immediately.”

Professional jews, openly organizing and speaking as jews, are accusing people like King (and Goldy, Gorka, Trump) of being too White, and for that reason attack them. They despise White Western civilization.

To objective observers it might seem bizarre to see professional jews so explicitly directing such bile and vehemence at Whites for being White in our own countries, for merely wanting some semblance of what jews have in their own jew-first state on the other side of the planet. It can only seem all the more bizarre that the people jews most viciously attack have only ever professed their deference and fealty to jews and their jew-first state.

This seemingly bizarre behavior is easily understood. Just accept the nature and substance of the accusation and reverse it. The jews agree there is an us and a them – they just see jews as us and Whites as them. They realize most people mistake jews for “white”, but know they identify as jews first and foremost. You can see them dancing around this distinction whenever they try to jewsplain how they feel about “White privilege”. And you can see it whenever unapologetic supporters of an alien jew-first state brazenly condemn domestic White nationalism.

Robert Bowers

robert_bowersA White man, fed up with jewing, stopped gabbing and started shooting, shaking the anti-White/pro-jew regime to its core.

Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter Identified As Robert Bowers, Yelled ‘All Jews Must Die’ As He Opened Fire:

United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions has issued a statement, saying the Department of Justice will file hate crime charges against Bowers for the shooting. Those charges could “lead to the death penalty.”

His full statement reads:

“Hatred and violence on the basis of religion can have no place in our society,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said. “Every American has the right to attend their house of worship in safety. Today 11 innocent people were suddenly and viciously murdered during religious services and several law enforcement officers were shot. These alleged crimes are reprehensible and utterly repugnant to the values of this nation. Accordingly, the Department of Justice will file hate crimes and other criminal charges against the defendant, including charges that could lead to the death penalty.

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“The Department of Justice will continue to support our state and local partners and we will continue to bring the full force of the law against anyone who would violate the civil rights of the American people.”

The Latest: Trump: Americans’ hearts are filled with grief:

President Donald Trump says “the hearts of all Americans are filled with grief, following the monstrous killing” at a synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday.

Trump told a crowd at a political rally in Murphysboro, Illinois, that “the evil anti-Semitic attack is an assault on all of us.” He said: “This was an anti-Semitic attack at its worst.”

The president said it must be “confronted and condemned everywhere it rears it very ugly head” Trump said “through the centuries the Jews have endured terrible persecution” and said “When you have crimes like this… we have to bring back the death penalty.”

The biggest lie of our time is that Trump is somehow opposed to jewing. Bowers apparently understood this and, whether it was his intent or not, helped expose this big lie as such.

Jew Slaving

jew_slavingYou will drink the milk of nations and be nursed at royal breasts. – Isaiah 60:16

What follows here is a post-length response to an insightful comment from High Arka concerning Janissaries, the kidnapped White slave-soldiers of the jihadi/jewhadi joint venture commonly known as the Ottoman Empire. The jews are in fact world historic slavers with a penchant for enslaving Whites. This is a reflection of the essentially parasitic nature of the relationship between the two groups.

Under the Ottomans White women enslaved by jews were probably the most common source for mischlings. Blond, Tall, with Honey-Colored Eyes: Jewish Ownership of Slaves in the Ottoman Empire:

Hundreds of Hebrew written sources, dozens of official decrees, judicial records (sijillat), and reports of European travelers indicate that slaveholding – particularly of females of Slavic origin – in Jewish households in the urban centers of the Ottoman Empire was widespread from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries.

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The documents concern female slaves almost exclusively; I found only one case concerning a male.9 Slavery thus seems to have been limited to those who would provide household services of the kind exclusively performed by women, including sexual ones. This helps explain why nearly all the slaves were white females, principally of Slavic origin captured during Ottoman campaigns, or by their Tatar collaborators in Eastern Europe, with only a few of other provenance – Circassian, Caucasian, Hungarian, and Austrian. Black slaves are not mentioned. Physical descriptions of female slaves remark about fair hair and light-colored eyes, although, possibly, this simply reflects the general characteristics of the captured and enslaved women; male preference, however, should not be ruled out.10

Non-muslims were forbidden to own slaves, but jews did anyway – an empirical indication of their power and privilege. Then, as now, documented accounts minimize the jew role if not shift blame entirely onto the muslims who ostensibly ruled.

Here’s another example of jew slaving, long preceding (((the Ottomans))) and on the other side of Europe. The slave trade and neutering of Slavs in the Middle Ages:

In Europe, the slave trade was almost entirely Jewish. Goods come mainly from East Slavic lands. Bishop Agobard Lyons (IX century AD.) Mentions in his book De insolentia Iudaeorum number of cases where Jews kidnapped Christian Franks children, or even received from Christian children for sale and sold them to the Spanish Muslims.

Andrew Joyce has also written about Agobard. Agobard of Lyon and The Origins of the Hostile Elite:

In searching for the origins of the hostile elite I was therefore looking for the earliest possible example of a Diaspora Jewish community in which shtadtlanut was in evidence — the obtaining of privileges and protections from a European elite, contrary to the interests of the masses of a given European population. Although I would very much welcome further suggestions from readers, the earliest convincing case that I have come upon concerns that of the Carolingian dynasty during the lifetime of Archbishop Agobard (c. 779–840).

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Essentially, what we see here is the birth of the formal, symbiotic relationship between Jews and self-interested European elites. The charter of Louis the Pious enacted laws that protected Jews and also developed an administrative apparatus to enforce his policies — mainly via the office of the magister Judaeorum. Louis encouraged Jewish economic activity in the belief that he would be personally enriched by doing so.

This “encouragement” involved some very dark aspects. In particular, it involved turning a blind eye to the incredibly hostile and often illegal behavior of the Jews in his realm. Bachrach describes the Jews of Lyon as “militant, aggressive, and powerful,” and notes that Louis and his officials “apparently ignored gross violations of the law by Jewish slave traders who bought and sold Christian slaves and kidnapped and castrated Christian youths for the Muslim markets in Spain.”[9] Jewish slave trading was of course nothing new, nor was it unusual for European elites to permit Jews to trade in slaves.

The oldest evidence of jew slaving (of which I’m aware) traces back into to the dim origins of jewing itself. Ancient Sudan~ Nubia: Investigating the Origin of the Ancient Jewish Community at Elephantine: A Review:

A Jewish garrison community that was already settled in the island by the fifth century B.C., played an essential role in the interaction between Nubia and Egypt. Some historians and archeologists directed attention and research towards this Jewish community for it provides a wide range of evidence for the earliest Diaspora Jewish settlement.

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Members of the garrison owned Egyptian slaves and took handmaidens regularly. Although the living standards at Elephantine are not well known, the Jewish settlers were certainly wealthier than the average Egyptian commoners. Some of them seemed to be real state, owning several houses; many kept more than one Egyptian slave and purchased expensive gifts for their brides — 10 Shekels on average.

One of the most illustrative documents in the Elephantine Archives is the marriage contract of Ananiah b. Azariah, who was a treasury keeper of the Temple, to the Egyptian slave girl Tamut. Although Tamut was the wife of Ananiah after the contract was drawn, she still belonged to her original owner Meshullam b. Zaccur.

The black slave trade? Yep, more jewing. Unrolled thread from @LettersFromFF:

This will be my 7TH time posting after being banned, but I’m not going to stop. So here goes… Jews ran and controlled every aspect of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and brought the Africans to the Americas.

And of course jew slaving persists in modern times. In this report jews in the jew state are using White slaves as prostitutes to blackmail muslims: ‘You want a girl? How many?’: Tapes reveal how right-wing group tried to make East Jerusalem Jewish.

Jew slaving is even directly connected to the current mainstream political discourse. 7 Things You Need To Know About Trump And Sex Slave Island. All you need to know to understand why the jewsmedia, which supposedly hates hates hates Trump, has never made a big deal out of Trump’s connection to Jeffrey Epstein’s “Sex Slave Island” and “Lolita Express” is that it’s the jewsmedia and Epstein is a jew.

Knowing the media is jewed and that jews have a long history of enslaving Whites also explains why they propagandize an inverted reality depicting Whites as the world historic slavers and jews as historically oppressed and enslaved. Slaving is the most egregious example of jew White-washing – blaming Whites for criminal jewing, blaming Whites for acting like jews.

Update 5 Oct 2021: Via Tarnsteele: Radhanite: Difference between revisions – Wikipedia

Evidence of historic jewing actively covered up by contemporary jewing – history would look completely different if not for all this jewing.