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Fake Hate Exposed, Organized Screeching Intensifies


Earlier this month anti-White black nationalist jewsmedia employee Juan Thompson was arrested for harassing an ex-girlfriend. What we know about Thompson’s “hate”-related shenanigans comes from two primary sources – his Twitter feed and the FBI complaint filed against him (PDF).

Jewsmedia articles consistently mischaracterized Thompson as a “liberal”, “leftist”, “communist”, “Clinton supporter”, “Bernie supporter” who threatened jews – though it is clear enough from his Twitter feed that he sees the world around him primarily in racial terms and to the extent he expressed any racial hostility he directed it mainly at Whites, not jews.

The FBI complaint made it plain enough that Thompson’s supposed “bomb threats” were from the start deemed not credible, and ultimately not prosecutable. That’s because he didn’t make any real threats, or even fake threats, but instead concocted ridiculously overwrought false warnings about non-existent threats.

It turned out Thompson had a history of using fake “hate” to harass individuals who vexed him in some way. His general method attack was to pose as an anonymous tipster and supply fabricated charges of “hate” to someone in a position power, hoping to incite them to harm his target for him. Whereas the common “hate” hoaxer seeks sympathy or something else for themselves, Thompson used “hate” like a weapon, to harm others.

Now come reports exposing much more of the “bomb threat” jews have been screeching about as imaginary.

Israel’s cyberattack unit arrests Israeli-American teen for ‘hundreds’ of bomb threats against Jewish institutions worldwide –

A resident of Israel in his late teens with both American and Israeli citizenship is suspected of being behind a host of fake bomb threats directed at Jewish institutions and other targets worldwide.

The suspect has lived in Israel many years. The army refused to draft him after finding him unfit for service. The suspect’s motive is unknown, but police accuse him of hundreds of incidents involving threats to institutions around the world, including Israel, over a period of two or three years.

Some five computers were confiscated as well as other equipment, including antennas he used to access other people’s networks and to commit the alleged crimes undetected. This initially threw off the police and it led them to question others whose network were used.

The first incident attributed to the Israeli suspect is a bomb threat that a Jewish institution in New Zealand received in 2016. Police in New Zealand identified the IP address as originating from Israel. A similar incident occurred in Australia, and Israel was also identified as the source.

. . .

The FBI handed over the information to the Israel Police after finding that these threats too had originated from Israel.

JCC bomb threats: Teen suspect arrested in Israel –

Israeli police are still trying to determine the teen suspect’s motive. The FBI confirmed the arrest and said in a statement it could not provide further information on the investigation.

Leaders of Jewish institutions, including the Anti-Defamation League, said they were “relieved” by the arrest.

“While the details of this crime remain unclear, the impact of this individual’s actions is crystal clear: These were acts of anti-Semitism,” ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement. “These threats targeted Jewish institutions, were calculated to sow fear and anxiety and put the entire Jewish community on high alert.”

Yes, some details remain unclear, but they hardly matter. The big picture is that the supposed crime, the “hate”, has again been exposed as a hoax. No real threat was made against jews, and the hoaxing was obviously not motivated by any real hatred of jews. In fact the hoaxers leveraged a pre-existing and on-going culture of “hate” hysteria – a climate created and maintained by jews for the benefit of jews.

As we see from the details that have already been disclosed, organized jewry and government investigators were well aware of the fake nature of both Thompson and the Israeli hoaxer, but engaged in their own fakery, pretending that the threats were real. The jews not only define “hate”, they define crime. They have literally organized themselves to perpetrate the larger, original “hate” fraud, the unpunished corruption whose crystal clear impact extends to the highest levels of government.

Westminster Attack


Yet another non-White alien attack. Specifics are still unclear. Here’s what we already know for certain.

Low-level government officials claim they are searching for more attackers, doing everything they can to prevent more attacks. None dare note any connection to race or immigration, that such incidents are part and parcel of the larger meta-attack, the ongoing invasion and colonization by hostile aliens aided and abetted by traitors at the very top of government.

The “left” jewsmedia speaks of race, specifically blaming White norms and attitudes. Their narrative is that the root problem is native “nativism”, “islamophobia”, “xenophobia”, “racism”, “hate”. Their solution is more “tolerance” and “diversity”.

The “right” jewsmedia speaks of religion, specifically blaming muslim ideology. Their narrative is that the root problem is “radical islamic terror”, which they see as akin to “fascism” and “nazism” (i.e. bad for the jews). Their solution is to drop more bombs on the jew state’s neighbors, provide more special protection and funding for jews.

High-level government officials parrot the jewsmedia narrative.

Shortly the furor will die down and the jewsmedia can go back to screeching about Russian influence and “anti-semitism”.

Jews Hunting Gorka


The jews are screeching again, this time demanding Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka’s head. Their (((#GorkaMustGo))) hashtag was trending this weekend, but the campaign started more than three weeks ago. From the start it was evident Gorka was a counter-jihad useful idiot, an alt-jewsmedia jewhadi, as an early jewsmedia report made clear:

Breitbart, the “alt-right” publication, where Gorka himself served as national security editor prior to joining the White House staff, defended his wardrobe choice, writing on February 14 that, “as any of his Breitbart News colleagues could testify, Gorka is not only pro-Israel but ‘pro-Jewish,’ and defends both against the threat of radical Islamic terrorism.”

According to the screeching jews, Gorka was at fault for perhaps also imagining he could be pro-Hungarian and maybe defend Hungarians.

A second, louder wave of screeching began toward the end of last week when the jews decided that Gorka had in fact at one time actually been pro-Hungarian and thus had to go. One of the jews’ latest grievances is that Gorka’s mother “crossed paths with David Irving” in the 1970s.

At this point the most organized and powerful special interest lobby, organized jewry, began issuing official tribal fatwahs against Gorka:

Prior to the publishing of Gorka’s interview with Tablet, the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, which has been critical of the Trump administration, said Gorka should resign or be fired.

“Sebastian Gorka must resign — and President Trump must make it happen,” executive director Steven Goldstein said in a statement. “That Sebastian cannot even deny he has links with a Nazi-affiliated organization is symptomatic of the grotesque anti-Semitism that has infected the White House. How many ducks in the Trump White House must walk, talk and quack anti-Semitically before our country wakes up and sees the problem?”

The National Jewish Democratic Council, a political lobbying firm in Washington, said Trump should fire Gorka.

“Donald Trump has repeatedly said that the United States needs to implement, ‘extreme vetting,’ in order to determine if we should allow certain immigrants into our country,” the group said in a statement. “And yet, it seems like he failed to vet one of his most trusted advisers.”

Rabbi Jack Moline, president of Interfaith Alliance, called Gorka’s ties to Hungary’s far right “extensive and troubling.”

“The only reason he’s anywhere near the White House is Steve Bannon, his old boss at Breitbart, who has his own troubling associations with anti-Semitism,” he said. “It’s time for President Trump to take on anti-Semitism within the ranks of his administration and clean house.”

Trump has not yet addressed the issue, but the concerted screeching has already had a visible effect on other government officials. Three senators have joined in the screeching:

According to the Forward, leaders of the Historical Vitézi Rend have identified Dr. Gorka as a sworn member of the organization who took a “lifelong oath of loyalty.” The State Department identifies the original Vitézi Rend, as a virulently anti-Semitic organization that operated under the direction of the Nazis during World War II. Dr. Gorka was photographed wearing a Vitézi Rend medal on several occasions, including at a Presidential inaugural ball earlier this year. He has also identified himself as “Dr. Sebastian L. v. Gorka” in written testimony before Congress. Experts note that the initial “v.” is used by sworn members of the Vitézi Rend.

We note that this Administration purports to have a special interest in ensuring that those with extremist views do not exploit our immigration laws. The President’s January 27th Executive Order states, “In order to protect Americans, the United States must ensure that those admitted to this country do not bear hostile attitudes toward it and its founding principles. … the United States should not admit those who engage in acts of bigotry or hatred (including … the persecution of those who practice religions different from their own).” Membership in an anti-Semitic organization like the Historical Vitézi Rend should raise serious concerns regarding whether an individual holds the sort of “hostile attitudes” that concern the Administration. Failure to address this case would further confirm the intent of this Administration is to discriminate on the basis of religion, rather than combat extremist views.

Of course, none of this screeching has anything to do with protecting Americans or the founding principles of the United States. What it’s all about is a hostile, bigoted, hate-filled tribe of aliens acting as if they can dictate what the US Government must do. Whether the jews’ campaign against Gorka is successful or not, they are making it clear that they see themselves and their group interests as distinct from and superior to others, such as Hungarians or Americans, and furthermore, they expect their demands to supercede all other concerns.

As Jeff Stein put it in NewsWeek on Saturday:

Normally, second-tier White House foreign policy advisers are rarely seen and even more rarely heard. But these are not normal times, and Sebastian Gorka is no normal adviser.

No shit, Shylock – this is the jew normal.

The Clash of Goyim


David Batashvili tries to shift blame for the neocohen/jewhadist Clash of Goyim meme to the Russians.

Russia has weaponized ideas of Samuel Huntington:

Kremlin seeks at least to disrupt Western democracies and weaken the politicians who are willing to resist Russia’s attempt at re-expansion. If, however, some far-right players managed to go beyond this agenda and actually take control over a country or two, that would suit Moscow’s purposes to even greater extent.

In truth, Putin’s regime is not based on any ideology. It is a classical kleptocracy. Distorted elements of the Huntingtonian worldview are used pragmatically to exploit the West’s malaise and connect with the Western anti-establishment forces in the hope that they will prevent effective Western resistance to Kremlin’s geopolitical ambitions. Russia lays down the smokescreen of the clash of civilizations to cover its project of empire-building.


Same old story – jewry laying down the smokescreen of “let’s you and him fight” to cover its own predations upon you and him.

Purinton Triggers Haters


He yelled ‘Get out of my country,’ witnesses say, and then shot 2 men from India, killing one, The Washington Post, 24 February 2017:

Authorities in Kansas filed first-degree murder charges against a man accused of opening fire in a bar there, killed one Indian man, injuring two other people and causing fears about bigotry to reverberate across the globe.

According to witness accounts, the gunman reportedly told two of the people who were shot — both Indian men who work for Garmin, the technology firm — to “get out of my country” before opening fire and had also used racial slurs during the Wednesday evening shooting.

Multiple law enforcement agents launched an investigation into the deadly shooting inside Austin’s Bar and Grill in Olathe, a city about 20 miles southwest of Kansas City. Even as authorities said they had not yet identified a motive for the attack, relatives of the Indian men said they feared the shooting was connected to a climate of fear and xenophobia in America.

The father of one of the people injured pointed to the election of President Trump, who has routinely described a threat posed to Americans from people outside the country’s borders, and pleaded with parents in India “not to send their children to the United States.”

Witnesses told the Kansas City Star and The Washington Post that Purinton was thought to have been kicked out of the bar Wednesday night before the shooting took place.

“He seemed kind of distraught,” Garret Bohnen, a regular at Austin’s who was there that night, told The Post in an interview. “He started drinking pretty fast.”

He reportedly came back into the bar and hurled racial slurs at the two Indian men, including comments that suggested he thought they were of Middle Eastern descent. When he started firing shots, Grillot, a regular at the bar whom Bohnen called “everyone’s friend,” moved to get involved.

Authorities have shied away from releasing many details about the attack. They have have not said the shooting was a hate crime, instead saying they are investigating it to see if it was spurred by bias. During a briefing Thursday, officials cautioned that it was still early in the investigation and declined to offer a motive for the shooting.

Bridget Patton, a spokeswoman for the FBI in Kansas, said Friday that the bureau was continuing to work with local police to investigate and “determine if there were any civil rights violations.”

The Kansas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations called Thursday for state and federal hate crime charges to be brought against Purinton “in order to send a strong message that violence targeting religious or ethnic minorities will not be tolerated,” CAIR-Kansas Board Chair Moussa Elbayoumy said in a statement.

The infuriating silence of Donald Trump over an Indian engineer’s murder in Kansas, by Devjyot Ghoshal, 27 February 2017:

Trump’s silence is unsettling—and infuriating—for more than one reason.

By choosing not to openly condemn the attack in Kansas at a time when the US is deeply divided along racial lines, Trump risks giving the impression that he cares little for America’s influential Indian immigrants—or Indians in general.

“If the situation in Kansas were reversed, if two Indian immigrants attacked a group of white patrons to intimidate the larger community, there’s little question that Trump would respond with anger and condemnation,” Slate’s Jamelle Bouie wrote last week.

Trump’s silence about two Indians shot in Kansas speaks volumes, by Jamelle Bouie, 24 February 2017:

If accurate, witnesses and victims have described a hate crime: an attack meant to intimidate an entire community, as much as to harm a particular individual. Given the larger atmosphere of fear and hostility toward immigrants and people perceived as “foreigners,” this shooting has received wide attention from national outlets.

Donald Trump has not done much as president, but he has done this: He’s sent a clear signal to the country about who is worthy of empathy and concern—and protection—and who is not; about who deserves your outrage and indignation, and who doesn’t. Trump’s double standard is just another of the many ways he has told the American public that the lives and safety of immigrants and Muslims just don’t matter all that much.

First things first. The only reason Adam Purinton is in the news, nationwide, is because he looks White and the men he shot do not. It has nothing to do with who is president or what he hasn’t said. It has nothing to do with how many or what kind of non-White Purinton shot or what he said to them. It has everything to do with race.

From the more factual to the more hysterical the common theme of all the jewsmedia reports has been to send a clear signal that non-Whites, especially alien non-Whites, are worthy of empathy and concern – and protection – and that Whites, especially native Whites, are not. There is nothing but antipathy for Purinton in the jewsmedia. Though the cause of the altercation is unknown, and though it’s even possible the non-Whites threw the first racial slurs, the unanimous presumption in the jewsmedia is that Purinton was the aggressor, his motive and actions completely unjustified.

According to some reports, Purinton thought he had shot “Middle Eastern men” – and this has only multiplied the non-Whites screeching like jews for jew-like special treatment from the current anti-White government.

Bouie the jewsmedia house negro serves up only one of many disingenuous attempts to imagine the situation “reversed”. But we already know what the jewsmedia does when non-Whites kill Whites. A true reversal would be a media not owned and operated by jews, critical of non-Whites for anything anywhere at any time in history. A true reversal would be a real nation with real leaders, where terms like “my country” have real substance and bagel republic buzzterms like “civil rights violations” and “hate crimes” don’t.

In this case the most telling comparison that can be made is with jews. Organized jewry and the jewsmedia have been screeching longer and louder about entirely imaginary attacks. The more important difference is that the jews actually get the service nobody else does.