Tag Archives: media

Jewsmedia Language Matters


In the latest development in the jew war on Whites, a few dozen men gathered in public in Charlottesville and chanted, “you/jews will not replace us”, and, “we will be back”. As usual, this triggered the jewsmedia to unleash an immediate torrent of hysterical anti-White invective. In a textbook example of the exception proving the rule, there was at least one lapse, swiftly remedied.

NBC29: “#BREAKING @Pdeluca29 reports: white activists gather in Emancipation Park with torches. https://t.co/ZAINeAcRlv”

Charles Johnson: “@NBC29 @PDeLuca29 “White activists?!” Are you fucking kidding me? These are NAZIS. https://t.co/SsqCXlCHab”

Charles Johnson: “@NBC29 @PDeLuca29 When I see media refer to these rotten scumbags as “white activists” it makes me sick. Cut it out. Don’t legitimize them.”


NBC29: “Correction: White nationalists, not activists, gathered in Emancipation Park on Saturday evening.”

The Jewsmedia Script, Vegas Edition


A man with white skin is alleged to have shot into a White crowd in Las Vegas, injuring over 500 people and killing some five dozen. How does the anti-White jewsmedia react?

Cohencidence #1. Two professional anti-White jewsmedia house niggers, one a transracial fraud, the other some kind of tragic mulatto, push the same reality-inverting narrative.

The White Privilege of the “Lone Wolf” Shooter, by Shaun King:

No expensive wall along the Mexican border would’ve prevented this. No Muslim ban stopping immigrants and refugees from a few randomly selected countries from reaching our shores would’ve slowed this down.

Paddock, like the majority of mass shooters in this country, was a white American. And that simple fact changes absolutely everything about the way this horrible moment gets discussed in the media and the national discourse: Whiteness, somehow, protects men from being labeled terrorists.

The privilege here is that the ultimate conclusion about shootings committed by people from commonly nonwhite groups often leads to determinations about the corrosive or destructive nature of the group itself. When an individual claiming to be a Muslim commits a horrible act, many on the right will tell us Islam itself is the problem. For centuries, when an act of violence has been committed by an African-American, racist tropes follow — and eventually, the criminalization and dehumanization of an entire ethnic group.

America’s white man problem: After Las Vegas, a familiar script unfolds, by Chauncy DeVega:

Whenever a white man commits an act of mass gun violence in America — politically motivated or otherwise — there is a cultural script that is closely followed by the mainstream news media, politicians and too many members of the public. This narrative is obvious and predictable. Alas, it provides some small measure of comfort to many, even if that familiarity is rooted in gross hypocrisy and flagrant contradictions.

Unlike the impulsiveness he has shown when Muslims are accused of committing a terrorist act, either in the United States or abroad, Donald Trump will be reserved and careful in his statements. The American news media will respond by observing that Trump has now magically become “presidential,” as if his sins could be washed away by a chattering class desperate to make the abnormal into something palatable and routine.

Cohencidence #2. The brainiacs at Vox and Newsweek invoke statistics while pretending they don’t understand proportions.

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners, says Vox:

But in the eight months since Trump took office, more Americans have been killed in attacks by white American men with no connection to Islam than by Muslim terrorists or foreigners.

Adopting extremist views and committing horrendous acts of violence in the name of some “righteous” cause, be it religion or politics or just plain old hatred, isn’t something that only Muslims, or Arabs, or immigrants, or any other group of people do. It’s something humans do.

White Men Have Committed More Mass Shootings than Any Other Group, says Newsweek:

Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.

Here behind the stupid act they’re pushing the same fundamental delusion, reading from the same script as the house niggers. “Oy vey, the mass media is always unfairly blaming non-Whites, especially aliens, and especially muslims. We should start blaming Whites, because we never blame Whites for anything!”

The details of such articles hardly matter. The payload is in their headlines. The point is that race matters. The premise is that Whites are evil, non-Whites are good. The author sees their own perception of someone’s Whiteness as evidence enough to justify condemnation. Actual identity and motives are regarded as irrelevant. It doesn’t even matter whether the individuals in question were doing the shooting or getting shot. They’re White. That’s the problem.

Cohencidence #3. The jewsmedia’s late night comedy wing takes a different tack, refers to race only implicity, but pushes the gun grab agenda hard.

Jimmy Kimmel Calls Out Lawmakers By Name, Says They Better Pray For Forgiveness

Seth Meyers Is Fed Up With Congress Responding To Gun Violence Only With Prayers

Who’s driving the anti-gun agenda? Organized jewry. Why is the jewsmedia anti-White? Because it’s driven by jews.

By the way, this behavior isn’t a reaction to Trump. The jewsmedia faults Trump, and would not have faulted Clinton, but the anti-White premise doesn’t change. In 2013, for example, jewsmedia jews were blaming Whites for the Boston marathon bombing before any suspects had even been identified. It was the same script they’re using today, right down to the “oy vey, won’t somebody pity the poor muslims who don’t have White privilege” shtick.

Fake News, Lethal Narratives


The ever so subtly amended paragraph from America’s Lethal Politics now reads:

Was this attack evidence of how vicious American politics has become? Probably. In 2011, Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a supermarket parking lot, grievously wounding Representative Gabby Giffords and killing six people, including a 9-year-old girl. At the time, we and others were sharply critical of the heated political rhetoric on the right. Before the shooting, Sarah Palin’s political action committee circulated a map that showed the targeted electoral districts of Ms. Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized cross hairs. But in that case no connection to the shooting was ever established.

What is so special about Giffords? Why is the Jew York Times still promoting an imaginary connection between her shooter and Palin? Can you guess?

In 2011 the shooting of Giffords triggered the jewsmedia to unleash a torrent of vitriol at Palin and her White supporters. Palin called out the dishonest screeching in the jews’ own terms, which triggered the yids to really flip their lids.

In retrospect it wasn’t an isolated incident but a preview of the increasingly open anti-White hostility of the jewed elite, which they later really let hang out during Trump’s selection campaign. The thrust of the jewsmedia narrative, then as now, is that somebody else’s rhetoric is somehow inspiring violence. Of course words can inspire violence. Nobody understands this better than that most privileged tribe, constantly lecturing everybody else about the danger of tribalism, whose own toxic anti-White rhetoric prevails not only in the media but also in academia, the judiciary, and all major political parties.

The furor which erupted from the echo chamber in the wake of James Hodgkinson’s attack is theatre. The fakery extends well beyond a single paragraph, op-ed, publisher, or shooting. The spectacle created by the “left”-posing jewsmedia and the “right”-posing alt-jewsmedia, pointing and sputtering at each other, and especially at their designated kikeservative punching bags, is a deliberate and concerted distraction. The purpose is to keep the goyim on the defensive, scrambling to justify our beliefs, our speech, our guns, our very existence.

What all this jewsmedia screeching serves to do is shift attention away from the harm caused by their own rhetoric, harm so ubiquitous that it goes largely unremarked upon. Consider the disease, corruption, ripoffs, beatings, rapes, murders, bombings, and wars inspired or enabled or justified by the bipartisan anti-White/pro-jew regime’s narrative. Notice that they never take the slightest responsibility for causing any of this harm. They constantly screech as if they are victims not because they are ignorant or insane, but because they know well the harm they’re causing and the response it calls for.

Are Jews People


The jews have been screeching about Richard Spencer’s NPI conference in Washington DC this past weekend. Alot of it is just the usual jew normal wow-just-wowing that a handful of Whites still have the nerve to openly meet and speak positively about White identity and interests. The loudest wailing has to do with a bit of exuberant hailing at the end of Spencer’s closing speech, but there was a more telling response to a rhetorical question he asked at the beginning:

This was the year when random shitlords on Twitter, anonymous podcast hosts, and dissidents working deep within the beltway right proved that they objectively understood politics better than the “Republican strategists” and “political consultants” snarking at us every night on MSNBC. It’s not just that they are leftists and cucks. It’s not just the many are genuinely stupid. Indeed, one wonders if these people are people at all – or instead, soulless golem, animated by some dark power to repeat whatever talking point John Oliver stated the night before.

This twit, from one screechy jew organization to another, captures the gist of the reaction that immediately echoed throughout the Lügenpresse: “‘Alt-right’ Trump supporters are unsure if Jews are people. @jfederations, are you sure you want to support this admin? #JewishResistance”.

CNN pushed a similar line, which produced a swift jewlash and apoplectic apology. Of course, the apology was for offending jew sensibilities, not for distorting what Spencer said.

Spencer was speaking in terms of partisan political opposition, at the edge of the jew normal box – his alt-right and Trump versus the left and their cuck-right. His use of the term golem alludes to jews as the animators of the entrenched opposition, implying that the non-jews, the kikeservatives of whatever party affiliation, are behaving inhumanly, like robots.

It is telling that jews immediately reduced what Spencer said to being entirely about jews – as if nobody else matters, as if nobody but jews is human. Much the same occurred last month when Trump started speaking stridently against the elite globalist bankers and media. Jews flipped out exactly because they perceived this as a coded threat to themselves, not at all out of concern for anybody else, elite or otherwise.

CNN’s crime was to highlight Spencer’s reference to the jews’ golem tale, in which the jews are saved from the inhuman goyim of medieval Europe, while deploring a modern day meeting of inhuman White “racists” and “anti-semites”. The jews are screeching so loudly because they feel exposed. By crying out they seek to ensure that everyone understands the jews are not just people, part of “us”, but are that extra special part of “us” who defines who “them” are.

When some member of the jewed elite equates Trump to Hitler what they’re implying is that Trump (and his supporters) must be attacked, destroyed, and even killed. Never Trump. Never again. By any means necessary.

The toxic anti-White jew Tim Wise put it this way: “Nazis must be crushed. No co-existence…crushed. If the “alt-right” wants to play Nazi, we need to play the Allies, circa 1944 and 45″.

Another toxic jew, jewsmedia editor Michael Hirsh, screeched his thirst for goy blood more explicitly: “Stop whining about Richard B. Spencer, Nazi, and exercise your rights as decent Americans. Here are his two addresses. …”

Are the jews people? In fact their definitive concern is for themselves, for their own peoplehood. As a parasitic people they not only organize around this exclusive sense of “us” as jews, but actively seek to co-opt, control, and ultimately destroy any similar sense among the goyim host “them” they feed upon.

One thing is certain. The jews aren’t White people. They are empirically collectively anti-White, the enemies of Whites. Indeed, when jews attack Whites while screeching about “anti-semitism” it is because they are drawing a clear distinction and expressing a truly racial animus.

The Jew Normal


A major theme for the jewsmedia this selection cycle, especially after getting a result they didn’t expect, has been to cry about how out of the ordinary this or that aspect of Trump’s campaign has been. The current year’s new normal is, “wow, just wow”, and we can expect more of the same for the next four current years.

Of course, many aspects of the Trump campaign were extraordinary, but a truly frank discussion of the who, what, and why isn’t something you can actually find in the jewsmedia unless you read between the lines. Trump’s many transgressions were, vaguely speaking, violations of political correctness, which his supporters actually liked. The loudest screeching and deploring of these violations came from the jews, who created this web of taboos in the first place.

At heart the conflict is over what constitutes normal, it’s about who gets to define what normal means. The jews, tremendously amplified by the jewsmedia, see themselves and their screechy, neurotic sensibilities as normal, and have for decades foisted their preferences and priorities onto everyone else. Whites, on the other hand, voted for Trump exactly because they don’t like this jew normal. They imagine he might actually change it and return them to a less jewed culture they innately perceive as more natural.

A clear example of this struggle over the definition of normal is occurring right now. The cabal behind The Bannonocaust perceives it as just one battle against the “normalization” of Trumpism. It’s an unselfconscious inversion of the term. The idea is that anyone treating Trump like any other candidate or president-elect has ever been treated is behaving abnormally. How many times do the jews have to announce that Trump is Hitler all over again, “anti-semitic”, fueling “anti-semitism”, or let’s just say he’s promoting “conspiracy theories”, “racism”, “xenophobia”, “intolerance”, “hate”, “oyyyy veeeeeeyyyy”. What is it about all these jew buzzwords the stupid/crazy/evil goys don’t understand?

The tone of this screeching isn’t new. What’s new is the volume and the clarity with which the battle lines are drawn. The jews are at war with Whites. To see it just take a peek behind the jewsmedia curtain:

Elad Nehorai: “In case you don’t think antisemitism is officially normalized in the US, take a look at @PeterBeinart’s feed.”

Peter Beinart: “In name of Jewish safety, America’s most powerful Jewish groups normalized Trumpism. And now it’s turning on us.” Beinart links his own article in Haaretz, America’s most influential Jewish groups have prioritized Netanyahu over U.S. Jews’ safety.

David Corn: “Read this: White Nationalists Celebrate Trump’s Victory and Early Appointments. (Don’t Normalize Trum) #DONT” Corn links Pema Levy’s article in Mother Jones, White Nationalists Celebrate Trump’s Victory and Early Appointments.