Tag Archives: white nationalism

Matthew Heimbach on RT

‘Caucasians under attack!’ – student organizes white defense group

A brief interview with Matthew Heimbach, founder of the Towson White Student Union, a topic I discussed as part of two tWn podcasts in September – Guilt and Pride and especially Discrimination and Exclusion.

Heimbach is intelligent and articulate. He provides reasonable, sensible answers to the kinds of questions most often posed by disingenuous anti-Whites:

What’s a White interest?

What qualifies as a White person?

Who’s allowed in your group?

You don’t consider jewish people White?

How have you personally been discriminated against?

Do you consider yourself to be a White nationalist?

The judaized media – owned, operated and policed as it is by jews and useful idiot others whose overriding concern is what’s best for jews – doesn’t usually ask such probing questions of non-Whites advocating what they believe is best for their people’s particularist interests. They also don’t usually provide any opportunity for Whites to answer such questions.

The most important issue broached in the interview – rarely if ever addressed in the judaized media – is the confusion whether jews are White. As Heimbach quite correctly notes, they aren’t. While I don’t think Heimbach’s answer was wrong, it could have been made more directly.

The difference between Whites and jews is most obvious exactly in how we’re regarded when attempting to discuss and organize in pursuit of our interests. The current political and academic environment is characterized by a deeply dishonest but ever more obvious racial double-standard. Here are frequent, emotional expressions of concern for the best interests of non-Whites, first and foremost jews, coupled with a relentless pathologization and demonization of Whites, past and present, in parts and as a whole. The foundation of this anti-White regime is a long-standing jewish narrative damning Whites as congenital oppressors while sanctifying jews (and, more recently, various other “minorities”) as our eternal and entirely blameless victims.

In other words, even in terms of judeo-liberal identity politics itself, jews aren’t White. According to the jewish narrative Whites are the people who aren’t supposed to notice this disparity, aren’t suppposed to have an identity, and aren’t supposed to organize to pursue the interests we aren’t supposed to have.

George Lincoln Rockwell – Vote White

George Lincoln Rockwell – Vote White

In the United States of America there is only one group, only one, with the courage and the guts to face up to the fact that this battle is racial – it has nothing to do with politics, or economy, free enterprise, taxes – it is a question if this country going to be dominated and run by the White Christian people who built it, or is it going to be run and dominated by a bunch of beatnik scum, negroes, jews, communists, aliens and no good people who are trying to take it away from us and tell us that we mustn’t even talk about this because it’s hate. Well I don’t see anything hateful about defending your home and country and family from aliens who are invading and taking it away from you. And that’s what they’re doing.

The same problem happened in Germany, and one man was able to rise up and unite his people as White people. He said the White people are a master race. That’s what Adolf Hitler preached and I believe it. And I think most White Christians in America who have any sense realize that’s true. The jews have been telling us that Adolf Hitler was a monster and he murdered alot of people, and so forth. I learned that that’s alot of garbage. Just like they say the people of Alabama, stormtroopers, and beating negroes, and villains, and heels, and so forth, that’s not true. The same people that lie about Alabama, lie about Germany. In short, Germany was the Mississippi and Alabama of Europe. And they got me and millions of other White Christians like me to go out and try to destroy it. And I think we made a mistake, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should have destroyed atheistic, soviet, race-mixing communism. Which is what Hitler was trying to do.

We didn’t however and now we have it all over us. Grinding[[?]] all over us and destroying us and boasting they’re going to bury us. Well I say to you, it’s just the other way around, we’re going to bury communism. And I believe that only a leader and only a group that’s willing to face up to the whole truth, not part of it, but all of it, is going to be able to bury communism. To do it we need the strength of the enormous masses of the people of America. Not right-wingers, such as voted for Goldwater. We need the White Christian masses. The only group in the country with the courage and the guts to go after these masses is the American Nazi party.

No matter what they call us, no matter what they say about us, we believe in the people – in the ordinary taxi drivers, the construction workers, the ordinary little guys that built this country. We believe that if we go to them with a pitch based on the truth, on the facts about race, on the facts about communism, and tell them the truth as we know it, and don’t try to hide it or disguise it any, we believe we can win political power because those little fellas will go into the ballot boxes and the ballot booths where nobody can see what they’re doing and no matter how much they may be terrorized outside, in that sacred American ballot box they’ll vote for a White man. They did it for Wallace, I believe they’ll do it for me in Virginia. I believe they’ll do it for me or any other leader with the courage to stand up and fight as a White man in this country.

So far, ladies and gentlemen, look at the leaders we’ve had. We’ve had some very great ones. I would have gladly given my life following Douglas MacArthur. And I offered to fight and do anything for Joe McCarthy. And yet not one of these men ever once had the nerve to stand up and say, “I am a White man and I’m gonna fight as a White man.” Even George Wallace today is still saying racism is evil. And I believe that if we keep saying this, for the benefit of the jews, so they won’t call us hate-mongers and racists, we’re going to get whipped.

I believe that time is too short. Time is desperate[[?]]. It is time to stand up and tell the whole truth, and to fight for it. To organize not as conservatives, not as republicans, not as democrats, not as liberals, not as northerners, not as southerners, not as Protestants, or religious or anti-religious, or anything else but as White men. Stand up with all our hearts and souls and unite. For the blacks vote black, the jews vote jewish. Ladies and gentleman, let’s let the White man vote White. Let’s let the White man support the White cause.

If you believe in and understand what I’ve been preaching, please, won’t you support, won’t you enable these young men who go out and risk their lives in the streets fighting communists? Won’t you support them? Keep them alive. Help them pay the bail the way the communists and the jews support their communist jew scum, to get them out of jail, I’ve got alot of men in jail right now, won’t you please support them? Listen to the group leader who has presented this film and give them all the help you can. It will be deeply appreciated by me and every other White American, every White Christian, in this country. I thank you very much and I hope to see you all personally some time.

According to Metapedia:

He ran unsuccessfully for governor of Virginia in 1965 as an independent, polling 5,730 votes, or 1.02 percent of the total vote.

To All Europeans

An alle Europäer – To all Europeans – A todos los europeos – À tous les européens « As der Schwerter:

Goldman Sachs receives money from European taxpayers

By Ace of Swords, Germany

Merkel does not represent Germany but the banks. All European politicians represent the banks, i.e. the international high finance.

There is no €uro crisis, the €uro is a tool used by the banks to suck off the wealth of the nations of Europe. The €uro works out perfectly according to the plan of its inventors.

Spain, Greece, etc. sink into poverty, and the media tell the Spanish, Greeks, etc., their money is taken by the Germans.

Germany sinks into poverty, and the media tell the Germans their money is taken by the Spanish, the Greeks, etc.

But where is the money actually? That’s not hard to find out, it is even stated openly: Banks must be “rescued”.

Look up the amount of interest in your country’s national budget. Banks create money out of thin air and lend it to nations at interest. The country’s taxpayers are to shoulder the interest.

Thus the wealth of Spain is destroyed and the wealth of Germany accordingly. That’s the fate of all countries with a central bank.

Inform yourself about the money system on the basis of the Dollar (watch the videos Money as Debt und The American Dream). The €uro serves the same purpose as the Dollar.

It is a gigantic heist.

Those who rob ALL our countries lie to us claiming we would rob each other.

Don’t let the robbers step out of the line of fire by using the trick “Divide and conquer”.

We are Europeans. Together we are a power. Divided we are nothing but the banks’ slaves.

Share this information!

The bankster Josef Ackermann has a decisive influence on Angela Merkel

The Anti-White/Pro-Jew Regime’s Position on Genocide

Remarks at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Forward-Looking Symposium on Genocide Prevention, USGOV Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, 24 July 2012:

Now, this gathering is yet another example of what the museum does so well. It brings us face to face with a terrible chapter in human history and it invites us to reflect on what that history tells us and how that history should guide us on our path forward. As Sara said when we were walking in this morning, human nature did not dramatically and profoundly change in 1945. We still struggle with evil and the terrible impulses and actions that all too often result in atrocities and violence and genocide. But I want to thank the Committee on Conscience for bringing attention to contemporary cases of extreme violence against civilians.

Let me begin by acknowledging that here in this museum, it’s important to note that every generation produces extremist voices denying that the Holocaust ever happened. And we must remain vigilant against those deniers and against anti-Semitism, because when heads of state and religious leaders deny the Holocaust from their bully pulpits, we cannot let their lies go unanswered. When we hear Holocaust glorification and public calls to, quote, “finish the job,” we need to make clear that violence, bigotry will not be tolerated. And, yes, when criticism of Israeli Government policies crosses over into demonization of Israel and Jews, we must push back.

Here at this museum and in the work that many of you do every day, we are countering hatred with truth. Thanks to the museum and institutions like it and scholars and academics and activists around the world, we have accurate histories. We have memorials and archives that record the stories of those who survived and those who did not. And because we know what happened, our call to action is that much clearer and compelling. Bringing that dark chapter into light helps clarify and sharpen what we mean when we say “never again.”

But despite all we have learned and accomplished in the last 70 years, “never again” remains an unmet, urgent goal. At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, we have seen campaigns of harassment and violence against groups of people because of their ethnic, racial, religious, or political backgrounds, and even some which aimed at the destruction of a particular group of people, fitting the definition of genocide.

Clinton, presenting the official policy of the US government, advocates a baldly pro-jewish narrative, a view of history and morals dictated to the rest of us by a vengeful and vindictive people whose ghoulish museums and incessant guilt-tripping demonizes Whites.

Though Clinton spoke quite a bit about Africa, she made no mention of the harassment and violence Whites in Zimbabwe or South Africa have suffered.

President Obama was clear when he stated that preventing mass atrocities and genocide is a core national security interest as well as a core moral responsibility. So if a government cannot or will not protect its own citizens, then the United States and likeminded partners must act.

The rhetoric concerning “core national security interest” and “core moral responsibility” is utterly dishonest. The various groups of peoples living in the United States do not constitute a nation, and of these groups nobody but Whites are expected to be responsible to serve any group’s interests but their own. Open borders and forced integration are an effective way of destroying us. The current government of the United States does not protect it’s citizens (or anyone else) from this destruction, it helps inflict it.

Well, genocides and mass atrocities don’t just happen spontaneously. They are always planned. Genocides are preceded by organized, targeted propaganda campaigns carried out by those in power. Extremist leaders spread messages of hate often disguised as something else – a song on the radio, a nursery rhyme, or a picture book. The messages filter down. Those in power begin to dehumanize particular groups or scapegoat them for their country’s problems. Hatred not only becomes acceptable; it is even encouraged. It’s like stacking dry firewood before striking the match. Then there is a moment of ignition. The permission to hate becomes permission to kill.


Unfortunately for Whites, in the jewish narrative Whites can only be perpetrators of genocide, and only non-Whites can be victims. The thoughts and morals of the people currently in power are driven by this anti-White narrative. This is why the US government ignores violence against Whites. This is why it imposes open borders and forced integration. This is why it abides the dehumanizing and scapegoating of Whites in general, even as it defends jews.

A Jerusalem Post article regarding Clinton’s speech adds:

According to a poll unveiled at Tuesday’s event, 55 percent of the American public believes the United States should take military action against Syria, with 24% saying the US shouldn’t. At the same time, Syria ranked low on a list of foreign policy priorities.

The majority (55%) also felt Americans should provide ground forces in Syria, but only as a part of an international force.

In general, 69% of those surveyed said the United States should act to stop genocide in other parts of the world, with only 25% opposed. Another question worded slightly differently found that 78% support the US taking military action to stop genocide or mass atrocities with just 18% opposed.

I imagine Whites would be even more likely to support military action to stop their own genocide, if only they would come to understand what’s happening in such terms. To do so Whites must first overcome the constant anti-White propaganda, the scapegoating, the demonization, and realize that we have a more legitimate, more moral responsibility to defend our own interests than anyone else’s.