All posts by Tanstaafl

Moral Fraud


Concerning elementary morality and the moral inversion by which the active promotion of jewish interests is regarded as right and good for everyone, including the Whites jews demonize, while any expression of White interests is treated as wrong and evil for everyone, including Whites themselves.

This moral fraud is driven more or less directly by jews for the benefit of jews. It both enables and is enabled by jewish power, flowing from the highest levels of government and mainstream corporate media outward.

The jew-driven anti-White guilt-trip harms Whites, causing confusion and even psychological problems. To the extent White “pathological altruism” (see the two previous podcasts) plays any role it is clear that jews are the racial aliens whom White leader-traitors treat most obsequiously. The most poisonous policies (e.g. welcoming invaders and punishing “holocaust denial”) are enacted to satisfy the jews, in spite of the desires of the majority of Whites.

Multiculturalism “moral duty” for Germans, Fria Tider (“Free Times”, nationalist media), 4 May 2015 (automated translation from Swedish):

Germany has a moral obligation to accept more immigrants from the third world than any other country. The reason is the German people’s “barbaric” past, according to the Jewish Central Council President Josef Schuster.

It was during a ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp as Schuster declared his harsh judgment upon the German people.

– Germany has spent so much evil to the world. We are deeply indebted to so many countries – we are the last country that can afford to reject refugees and persecuted, he said, according to Junge Freiheit .

Germany is currently the country in the EU, alongside Sweden, currently receives by far the most asylum seekers. The massive inflow has aroused strong protests – which among other things has manifested itself in the Islam-critical demonstrations organized by People’s Movement Pegida.

Josef Schuster took the opportunity during his address to go to the furious attack against Islam critics, which he says makes him “feel bad”.

– When I see that at least 10,000 people in Dresden cheering for an Islam-haters and right populists like Geert Wilders, so I feel bad.

The Jewish leader also emphasized that prisoners who sat in Dachau had to watch how a “supposedly civilized people” as the Germans could turn into a “people of the barbarians”. That “certain citizens” now speak ill of asylum seekers and Jews makes you forced to question how it really stands out with respect for “human dignity” among the German people, he noted. Schuster rounded off by demanding that the government spend more money on fighting right-wing extremism.

German Embassy on Twitter: “In 2015, we are celebrating 50 yrs of GER-Israeli ties. More about this important partnership:”, 7 May 2015.

German Missions in the United States – German-Israeli Relations:


Germany is profoundly aware of the special responsibility it bears toward the Jewish community and toward the State of Israel as a result of the crimes of the Nazi regime. This responsibility, a cornerstone of German policy, requires remembrance, reconciliation and ongoing vigilance – now and in the future.

Graffiti was evil and beyond mere mischief, Derby Telegraph, 8 May 2015:

Mr Fisher, the father of two mixed-race children, put up street adverts. The nursery logo shows three children, two white and one of mixed race, holding hands together.

What could be more innocent or warming than that, you might think?

But to one or more people, it seems that it was so incendiary that they slapped on stickers announcing that “multiculturalism is genocide”.

Just to add to the menacing effect, a skull and crossbones was also featured.

Who are these people? There can be no question this was an impromptu act. These stickers had been printed, a calculated act to spread whatever perverted message the offenders want to portray.

And what is the message that they want us to accept? That allowing children of different coloured skins to mix together at nursery is a practice which will lead to death and destruction of our civilisation?

Genocide – the word has such horrors, ironically being brought into play as we mark the 70th anniversary of VE Day and victory over a Nazi regime which practised it.

German Left Haunted by the Holocaust — Split Over Israel,, 10 May 2015:

Growing up in reunified Germany, Eva Meyer remembers being overwhelmed by the Holocaust studies that were part of each school year. Meyer and her classmates were assigned to read books about the Holocaust. They heard personal stories from Holocaust survivors. They had to write essays about the Holocaust, too.

Learning so intensively about the horrors committed by Germans left her feeling shame and guilt, Meyer said. But that same education communicated something else:

“There is Israel, and that’s the solution,” Meyer said, describing the role that was assigned to the Jewish state in her education. “That’s the salvation. It makes you feel better. All the shame and guilt is not that bad, because there is Israel and everything is fine now. And whatever Israel wants — give it to them. And whatever a Jewish person wants — don’t ask, just give it. That’s what I learned about it.”

Even as Germany’s conservative Christian Democratic government reaffirms its historic commitment to a special relationship with Israel, public opinion polls show that 62% of Germans overall view Israel negatively. A 2012 survey by the German magazine Stern found that 59% of Germans described Israel as “aggressive.” Seventy percent agreed that Israel pursues its interests without consideration for other nations.

Presidential Proclamation –Jewish American Heritage Month, 2015 | The White House

As we celebrate the rich heritage of the Jewish American community, it is impossible to separate their accomplishments from the struggles of Jewish people around the world. American Jews have worked to strengthen the promise of religious freedom because their ancestors were tested from the moment they came together and professed their faith. Today, they continue to teach us empathy and compassion, inspired by the lessons of their parents and grandparents who knew how it felt to be a stranger, and to stand up for a more perfect Union for all — relentlessly pursuing tikkun olam — because they have always understood that we must recognize ourselves in the struggles of our fellow man.

This year, Jewish American Heritage Month begins as the world commemorates the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Dachau by American soldiers, and we are once again reminded that the vibrant culture of the Jewish people has not always been embraced. As tragic events show us all too often, Jewish communities continue to confront hostility and bigotry, including in America. Our Nation shares an obligation to condemn and combat anti-Semitism and hatred wherever it exists, and we remain committed to standing against the ugly tide of anti-Semitism in all its forms, including in the denial or trivialization of the Holocaust.

Jewish American Heritage Month 2015:

Even those Jewish soldiers and sailors who were serving elsewhere in World War II understood that defeating the Axis would be a defeat for blind hatred of any ethnic group or nationality.

Blind hatred better describes the behavior of the White Allies in that war. The jews, in contrast, were far more conscious of exactly who they hated and why. They were enraged that the Germans recognized them as racial aliens and had rebelled against their rule.

Counter-Currents Radio: Greg Johnson interviews Richard Edmonds is well worth a listen. Edmonds describes the hostility of the contemporary (judaized) British establishment and the BBC toward the native Britons. He traces it back before WWII. He describes how they deceived Britons on immigration, how the Tory (torah) party leaders repeatedly “played the race card”, intimating they’d stop immigration only to increase it once in office. He notes the moral tone of the establishment’s post-war narrative being typified by (jew) Studs Terkel’s The Good War.

This is the moral fraud. That war was good for the jews. For Whites it was an unmitigated disaster.



Kyle Hunt has produced a gripping 90-minute documentary film, Hellstorm – Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany. The synopsis reads:

This documentary tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World Word II. This is the biggest cover-up in world history.

The words and images in this film are deeply disturbing, yet something Whites must confront.

In the judaized “mainstream” the sick celebration of “The Good War”, as the jew Studs Terkel called it, is increasingly supplanted by ever louder and more frequent hand-wringing about “The Holocaust”. This is no coincidence. The tragedy then was in the animus and violence White Americans, Britons and Russians, minds full of jewish poison, could be incited to direct against their racial cousins, the Germans, exactly because their leaders had properly identified the poison’s jewish source. The tragedy now is that so few Whites see it this way.

In this sense Hellstorm is a corrective, an antidote for the jewish poison which flows more freely now than ever before.

The film has it’s own website at There is also a Hellstorm page at IMDb.

The film is based on the book Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947, by Thomas Goodrich.

Hunt and Goodrich have discussed the thoughts and intentions behind their work several times in the past nine months. They appeared together in October 2014 and May 2015 at Renegade Broadcasting.

They were also interviewed together in December 2014 with Adam and Garth at The Crazz Files, and again in May 2015 with Henrik Palmgren on Red Ice Radio, whose description of the conversation is:

We look at the relevance of unmasking the accepted history of WWII, a narrative that fundamentally excludes the truth about the horrific slaughter of tens of millions of innocent German civilians by Soviet communists. We talk about the massive amount of money that has been dumped into Israel as a result of the “crimes” for which Germany has been forced to pay reparations. Then, we consider why the success story of Hitler’s Nazi Germany was so dangerous to the rest of the world.

Hunt also provided a written Q&A with Dan Poole at Detroit Political Buzz, where he talked about how the war relates to White identity.

Some excepts from Goodrich’s books have been published under the title “Good War . . . Better Peace”, at The Occidental Observer.

Hunt and Goodrich on Spingola and Friends 05/14.

Fear and Loathing and Treason – Part 2


Continuing from Part 1.

‘Swedes will compare this to the Holocaust’, The Local, 20 April 2015.

What’s wrong with the Swedes — and so many other Whites?, by Kevin MacDonald, 25 April 2015.

Sweden’s asylum offer to refugees from Syria, BBC News, 23 October 2013.

Kent Ekeroth, Wikipedia.

The Psychological Mechanism of White Dispossession, Kevin MacDonald, YouTube.

Swedish Journalist Blamed Jews for anti-Semitism, Israeli Ambassador Wins the Day, The Jewish Press, 18 February 2015.

Nigel Farage says only middle-class white people think UKIP is racist, Daily Mail Online, 24 April 2015.

Green candidate in hot water over tweets suggesting Nigel Farage ’emulates’ Hitler, Manchester Evening News, 25 March 2015.

Conservative candidate makes vile Jewish racist slur against Ed Miliband, Mirror Online, 26 April 2015.

Ed Miliband uses Holocaust Memorial Day to call for vigilance against the terrible roots of prejudice, Mirror Online, 27 January 2015.

The Realist Report: Top Jewish leader claims entire Western world culpable for “Holocaust”, John Friend, 26 April 2015.

Fear and Loathing and Treason – Part 1


For years thousands of Africans and other non-Whites have been invading Europe, crossing the Mediterranean ocean by boat. Rather than turning these boats around, or simply sinking these invaders, European security forces, ostensibly sworn to protect their countries from invasion, have been increasingly more likely to “rescue” the invaders, to help them ashore, feed them, and release them to do as they please in Europe.

Why do European governments permit this invasion? I’m sure the details of the incidents and legal arguments are complicated and confusing. But to put it simply, it happens for the simple reason that the invaders aren’t offically regarded as invaders, but instead are described as innocent victims, “refugees” who are just looking for a better life for themselves and their families. And the simple reason for that is treason. The governments are operated by aliens and indigenous traitors who demonstrate by their words and deeds that they place the interests of alien invaders above the indigenous Europeans.

UN expert: rich countries must take in 1 million refugees to stop boat deaths, The Guardian, 22 April 2015.

François Crépeau‘s bio at McGill says he is:

the Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Professor in Public International Law at the Faculty of Law of McGill University. In 2011, he was appointed United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants.

UN Rapporteur Francois Crepeau Has A Very Rude Word To Describe UK’s Attitude To Migrants, Huffington Post, 12 March 2014.

The only real solution to Europe’s migrant crisis is to let everyone in, by Dylan Matthews at Vox, 21 April 2015.

VOX’s Dylan Matthews: Ending Europe Forever Is The “Only” Solution To Migrant Crisis, by James Kirkpatrick at VDare, 22 April 2015.

‘Swedes will compare this to the Holocaust’, The Local, 20 April 2015:

A Swedish MEP [Cecilia Wikström] is stepping up a pan-European cross-party campaign for “legal and safe routes to Europe” for migrants in the wake of the latest Mediterranean boat disaster.

I think that my children and grandchildren are going to ask why more wasn’t done to help people running away from Isis, or violence in Eritrea or wherever, when we knew that people were dying in their thousands. People will ask the same question they did after the war, ‘if you were aware, why didn’t you do something?’. In Sweden we allowed our railroads to be used to transfer Jews to Nazi death camps.

Will Africa’s Northern Sea be the Mediterranean or the Baltic?, by Steve Sailer, 23 April 2015.

Swedish navy widens search for mystery submarine, Associated Press, 20 October 2014.

Francis Parker Yockey: The Destiny of America


Over the past year I’ve invested many hours reading and talking about Yockey, especially what he had to say about liberalism and race in Imperium, his magnum opus. I dove into the effort with the expectation of finding important insights. Long story short, I didn’t. Not to say it is a waste of time to read Yockey, but there are other authors a White man can and should read whose work in more concise and relevant. For instance, I would recommend any of Kevin MacDonald’s work before Imperium. Even better, read Revilo Oliver’s short book The Jewish Strategy.

In my opinion the flaw with the view of liberalism Yockey laid out in Imperium is that he largely ignored jewish influence on European thinking and history. Most every White historian and philosopher has. Most still do. They either ignore the jews, or regard them as fellow Europeans. In fact, this is proving to be a fatal mistake.

Whites did not stumble accidentally into the ideas of liberalism. Whites have long been infiltrated, manipulated and exploited by jews, who have all along been more fully conscious of themselves as a collective, distinct from and in fact hostile to Whites. Jews have directed the course of history, and their own destiny, exactly because they have organized and conspired to do that – to the long-term benefit of themselves and the detriment of Whites.

Though jew rule still isn’t overtly acknowledged as such, it is clear enough that the jews rode the values of liberalism – freedom, equality, tolerance – straight to the top. At this point in history it is jews who command the levers of financial, social and political power. Jews rule mainly in mind rather than body, by literally defining the very morals and terms by which the governing bodies of nearly the entire globe operate.

In this short essay titled The Destiny of America, published several years after Imperium, we can see that Yockey knew quite a bit about the difference between Whites and jews. I think it’s worth reading because in the sixty years since Yockey wrote, what he describes as the destiny of America has become the destiny of the world.

The version I’ll read is from, which carries this introduction:

The Destiny of America is a short essay by Francis Parker Yockey in which he discusses the American history and spirit, the Jewish history and spirit, and how Jews have manipulated Americans and took power over America. It is possible that this essay, as professor Revilo Oliver suggests, is an extract from the manuscript of The American Destiny, a book which Yockey wrote but was never published because the manuscript was taken and destroyed by authorities after Yockey’s arrest.

Though Yockey understood the jews as alien he still accepted the jewish narrative portraying them as historically persecuted and powerless. He misunderstood jewish parasitism and aggression as relatively recent and opportunistic behavior, as “revenge” for their “persecution”. As usual, Yockey is quite disdainful of White “liberals”, referring to them here as “sub-Americans with defective instincts”, essentially as useful idiots for the ruling jews. This is a strong distinction from Imperium, where Yockey presented European “liberals” as rational masterminds irrationally undoing themselves.