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Posis1959 commented on a recent interview on TFeed:

@24m27s has Steve Jones gone Lamarckian?

“…that’s because we have this new means of transmitting information, not through sperm and egg, but through words. And once that happens, the need, in inverted commas, to evolve goes almost away. [… ‘speech and language have interfered with natural selection’…] the more you learn about genetics, the less you feel it tells you about what it means to be human…”

. . .

Also, there seems to be some nod to the ‘ideas’ apparently propagated in cult book ‘The Language Crystal’ by “Lawrence Lyons”…

The observation is that memes trump genes. This unique aspect of hominins, the communication of ideas, only complements the more general understanding of the evolutionary process rather than contradicting it.

I took Jones as trying to be semitically correct, minimizing the import of hominin genes, which is the norm for contemporary biologists. He did so in other subtle ways, for example by referring to epigenetics, which has been hyped for similar reasons.

Jones’ point was that language is in effect the oldest form of epigenetics, that ideas trasmitted via words serve as a mechanism of unconscious meta-genetic adaptation. But he spoke of it in universalist terms, accepting and promoting the one-race-the-migrating-mixing-nigger-race narrative of jewed anthropology, thus indirectly demonstrating the effect of the mechanism in the course of trying to explain it’s import.

I gather that The Language Crystal gets at this deeper point. Language can also be seen as the oldest form of genetic engineering, in that it has served as a mechanism of conscious adapation. This is especially relevant with regard to race, specifically because the jews have for millennia used language to manipulate non-jews, jew-a-forming the shit out of the hominin gene pool.

Serendipitously, the next audio in TFeed was Oliver on the Jewish Plague: The Summing Up, which provides an overview of the jew problem, and to the point here, the nature of the interplay of memes and genes:

Our race, the White race, evolved in the harsh environment — the forests, plains, mountains, and wide-open spaces — of Europe and environs over long ages, including centuries of intense cold in which intelligent planning was absolutely necessary to survive the winter. In the last few dozen thousands of years, we evolved in relatively fixed dwelling places that eventually came be called “countries,” attached to particular pieces of land, on a continent of very low population density in which the main enemies were the elements and other warlike tribes. High abstract intelligence and high-trust societies were prominent among the biological, evolutionary results. The primary skills of conflict were the martial virtues: One’s enemies were warring tribes who attacked openly, sword in hand.

The Jews, on the other hand, are a largely Semitic and largely nomadic hybrid race of much more recent appearance that emerged in the relatively heavily populated, multiracial, multicultural, and polyglot Middle East, where the climate was much milder and the main problem — for the Jews, at least — was surviving and prospering as a small, stateless group in territories ruled by others. High verbal intelligence and a concealed dual moral code — one for dealing with fellow Jews, another for dealing with the non-Jews in whose societies they lived — were the prominent biological, evolutionary results. Their primary skills of conflict were negotiation, diplomacy, pretense, duplicity, mimicry, and “reading” the psychology of their enemies — who were very seldom sword-wielding invading armies, but rather were the omnipresent non-Jewish peasants and warriors and priests and tradesmen and rulers among whom they lived — and off of whom they fed.

The European race evolved into a mode of life that involved living off the land, as did many other races and peoples. The Jews, on the other hand, evolved into a mode of life that involved living off those who lived off the land.

There is a name for the relationship between Jews and people like us. That name is parasitism. . . .

The parasite analogy fits. The jews use moralizing and narrative as well as pheromones and fangs. This complements the general understanding of parasitism rather than contradicting it. There are multiple species of hominin. Though the species called jews have worked hard and obviously benefited by encouraging the mistaken belief otherwise, all you have to do is listen to them when they’re screeching to see they don’t actually believe it.

President Jew


Stephen Miller Stayed in the Shadows to Kill His Boss’ Deal:

That Miller operated largely out of view was by design. Multiple sources in the Trump White House tell The Daily Beast that he is acutely aware of how other senior Trump aides—including former chief strategist Steve Bannon, another immigration hardliner—have been banished to the doghouse by President Trump for assuming too large a public profile.

Miller worries about being portrayed as the true master of Trump’s immigration policy—a “President Miller” capable of vetoing any “deal” the actual president might strike with Democratic leaders—and has operated more carefully and less ostentatiously than someone like Bannon.

“He actively fears becoming that… [and] goes to great lengths to avoid the ‘Bannon overlord’ image that killed Bannon” in the Trump White House, one of Miller’s West Wing colleagues told The Daily Beast. “The last thing he wants is for the president to see him as some showboat.”

Perfectly typical jew behavior. Miller hasn’t been hounded with the same loxist gusto as Steve “GOY BYE” Bannon or Sebastian “NAAAAZI IN OUR WHITEHOUSE” Gorka. Rather than admit Miller is treated differently because he’s a jew, the pretense here instead is that he just cleverly avoids attention.

In reality, the use of the “President X” meme to goad Trump into firing someone has been driven exclusively by the jewsmedia, which has conspicuously passed on using it against Miller or the gaggle of influential jews who supposedly fear Trump. Again, the reality is that the jews around Trump are taunted primarily by their own tribemates, who want them to more emphatically speak and act for the benefit of jews, against Whites. And unlike the string of non-jews whose heads jews have demanded and Trump has consequently dumped, the jews whom jews screech at have a tendency to retain their positions of power and influence.

The irony in all this is that while the screeching about “President White Supremacist” grows ever louder, the true master is President Jew, and the kikeservative-in-chief is totally OK with that.

Jewsmedia Language Matters


In the latest development in the jew war on Whites, a few dozen men gathered in public in Charlottesville and chanted, “you/jews will not replace us”, and, “we will be back”. As usual, this triggered the jewsmedia to unleash an immediate torrent of hysterical anti-White invective. In a textbook example of the exception proving the rule, there was at least one lapse, swiftly remedied.

NBC29: “#BREAKING @Pdeluca29 reports: white activists gather in Emancipation Park with torches.”

Charles Johnson: “@NBC29 @PDeLuca29 “White activists?!” Are you fucking kidding me? These are NAZIS.”

Charles Johnson: “@NBC29 @PDeLuca29 When I see media refer to these rotten scumbags as “white activists” it makes me sick. Cut it out. Don’t legitimize them.”


NBC29: “Correction: White nationalists, not activists, gathered in Emancipation Park on Saturday evening.”

The Jewsmedia Script, Vegas Edition


A man with white skin is alleged to have shot into a White crowd in Las Vegas, injuring over 500 people and killing some five dozen. How does the anti-White jewsmedia react?

Cohencidence #1. Two professional anti-White jewsmedia house niggers, one a transracial fraud, the other some kind of tragic mulatto, push the same reality-inverting narrative.

The White Privilege of the “Lone Wolf” Shooter, by Shaun King:

No expensive wall along the Mexican border would’ve prevented this. No Muslim ban stopping immigrants and refugees from a few randomly selected countries from reaching our shores would’ve slowed this down.

Paddock, like the majority of mass shooters in this country, was a white American. And that simple fact changes absolutely everything about the way this horrible moment gets discussed in the media and the national discourse: Whiteness, somehow, protects men from being labeled terrorists.

The privilege here is that the ultimate conclusion about shootings committed by people from commonly nonwhite groups often leads to determinations about the corrosive or destructive nature of the group itself. When an individual claiming to be a Muslim commits a horrible act, many on the right will tell us Islam itself is the problem. For centuries, when an act of violence has been committed by an African-American, racist tropes follow — and eventually, the criminalization and dehumanization of an entire ethnic group.

America’s white man problem: After Las Vegas, a familiar script unfolds, by Chauncy DeVega:

Whenever a white man commits an act of mass gun violence in America — politically motivated or otherwise — there is a cultural script that is closely followed by the mainstream news media, politicians and too many members of the public. This narrative is obvious and predictable. Alas, it provides some small measure of comfort to many, even if that familiarity is rooted in gross hypocrisy and flagrant contradictions.

Unlike the impulsiveness he has shown when Muslims are accused of committing a terrorist act, either in the United States or abroad, Donald Trump will be reserved and careful in his statements. The American news media will respond by observing that Trump has now magically become “presidential,” as if his sins could be washed away by a chattering class desperate to make the abnormal into something palatable and routine.

Cohencidence #2. The brainiacs at Vox and Newsweek invoke statistics while pretending they don’t understand proportions.

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners, says Vox:

But in the eight months since Trump took office, more Americans have been killed in attacks by white American men with no connection to Islam than by Muslim terrorists or foreigners.

Adopting extremist views and committing horrendous acts of violence in the name of some “righteous” cause, be it religion or politics or just plain old hatred, isn’t something that only Muslims, or Arabs, or immigrants, or any other group of people do. It’s something humans do.

White Men Have Committed More Mass Shootings than Any Other Group, says Newsweek:

Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.

Here behind the stupid act they’re pushing the same fundamental delusion, reading from the same script as the house niggers. “Oy vey, the mass media is always unfairly blaming non-Whites, especially aliens, and especially muslims. We should start blaming Whites, because we never blame Whites for anything!”

The details of such articles hardly matter. The payload is in their headlines. The point is that race matters. The premise is that Whites are evil, non-Whites are good. The author sees their own perception of someone’s Whiteness as evidence enough to justify condemnation. Actual identity and motives are regarded as irrelevant. It doesn’t even matter whether the individuals in question were doing the shooting or getting shot. They’re White. That’s the problem.

Cohencidence #3. The jewsmedia’s late night comedy wing takes a different tack, refers to race only implicity, but pushes the gun grab agenda hard.

Jimmy Kimmel Calls Out Lawmakers By Name, Says They Better Pray For Forgiveness

Seth Meyers Is Fed Up With Congress Responding To Gun Violence Only With Prayers

Who’s driving the anti-gun agenda? Organized jewry. Why is the jewsmedia anti-White? Because it’s driven by jews.

By the way, this behavior isn’t a reaction to Trump. The jewsmedia faults Trump, and would not have faulted Clinton, but the anti-White premise doesn’t change. In 2013, for example, jewsmedia jews were blaming Whites for the Boston marathon bombing before any suspects had even been identified. It was the same script they’re using today, right down to the “oy vey, won’t somebody pity the poor muslims who don’t have White privilege” shtick.

A Parasite’s Dream


Donald J. Trump: “Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can’t, I will revisit this issue!”

Donald J. Trump: “For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about – No action!”

Reagan, Thatcher, Schwartzenegger. Now Trump. More demonized by the jewsmedia, because his supporters are White. More supported by Whites, because dog whistling. The most “White supremacist” administration ever, more kikeservative than any before.

Like cuckoos, non-Whites screech. And like mindless reed warblers, Whites follow their cuckoo-loving misleader, because he makes the cuckoos cry. This is parasitism, no paradox.

MAGA meets DACA – same horseshit, different anti-White/pro-jew kikeservative. The White nightmare is a jew construct. Save DACA: We U.S. Jews won’t let Trump end the American dream:

Like generations of immigrants before, including millions of Jewish parents and grandparents, the parents of these kids have made enormous sacrifices, not for themselves, but in the hope that their children would have a chance at a real future.

. . .

This moment should feel scary, disturbing and eerily familiar to all Jewish Americans.

. . .

HIAS is the global Jewish organization that protects refugees. We stand for a world in which refugees find welcome, safety and freedom. Guided by our Jewish values and history, we bring more than 135 years of expertise to our work with refugees. But our work is just one piece of the larger culture of equality and welcome we strive to create together with our supporters in the American Jewish community. Threats to the DACA program are not only threats to immigrants, but to justice, fairness and the longstanding values of our country.

This country’s history of accepting refugees and immigrants has offered generations of Jewish Americans the opportunity to recognize our full human potential and become part of the fabric of America.

If jews actually believed their lies they’d be filling the jew state with these “immigrants” and “refugees” – instead they treat the wretched refuse like bioweapons, and deliberately aim them at the Whitest parts of dar-al-goyim.

Setting the usual lies aside, this jew state jewsmedia sandnigger self-righteously jewsplains how it is his tribemate’s duty to subvert governments and borders in dar-al-goyim, because that’s what’s best for the jews. Miller the DACA-killer: Trump aide a disgrace to Jews, and to our common roots:

Stephen Miller’s family came from my dad’s village, in Belarus. Immigration is why Steve and I are both alive; now it’s his job to help kill the program protecting young immigrants to the U.S.

. . .

Helping to kill DACA and curb immigration are why Steve is a disgrace to the memory of that town, to the memory of what the Nazis did there to the people who couldn’t escape and immigrate to the United States.

Because once upon a time, before World War II, a Republican president and a Republican Senate and a Republican House of Representatives made a law that choked off immigration. One of their main targets was the immigration of Jews from Eastern Europe, from places like Antopol.

Meanwhile, behind the “neo-nazi”/”White supremacist” curtain, the kikeservative-in-chief’s jews are jewing. Josh Caplan: “REUTERS: Jared Kushner set up secret back channel to help Dick Durbin (D-IL) lobby White House officials in favor of DACA amnesty”. Trump’s DACA decision followed months of meetings involving senior Democrat:

Durbin, in an interview with Reuters, described Kushner as a conduit to his father-in-law, President Donald Trump, and open to the idea of doing something to help the 800,000 Dreamers brought illegally to the United States as children.

How Trump DACA deal with Democrats could work:

But Trump may have stumbled upon a realization this week: If the Republican Party is now a cult of personality, and his base is going to like him whatever he does because of who he is, the most plausible path to increased popularity is doing substantive things that Democrats want.

The cuckoo cries out in pain, trusting the warblers will imagine this makes even the blackest suppository some kind of white pill. Trump, like other White misleaders, is no bird brain. He is where he is because he sided with the jews.