All posts by Tanstaafl

The Jew Normal, Screeching about Whites being White


What a difference a current year makes. The jews are genetically and psychologically alien to and alienated by Whites. Naturally the jews blame Whites for this. Unnaturally, so do many Whites. The objective truth is that what the tribe of Seinfeld and Weinstein regard as normal is seen as abnormal by Whites. And when the jews screech about Whites being normal, ooooy veeeeeeyyyy, that’s just the jew normal.

Outrage Over NY Times Story That Tries to Normalize Neo Nazi Who Likes “Seinfeld,” Eats at Panera, Shops at Target | Showbiz411:

In fact, it’s really stupid of the New York Times to have published an article that comes off with no irony. It’s lots of fun for Twitter-ers, and the Atlantic has already run a parody, but to a huge number of people this piece normalizes anti-Semitism, racism, and white supremacy.

. . .

Things are so bad now at the Times that they had to reference “the widely accepted estimate” of the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust with a link. Just in cause you don’t believe them.(The link is to Haaretz, which I’m sure every white supremacist believes.)

You know, the Holocaust, what Mel Gibson called “a numbers game.”

Dean Baquet, editor of the New York Times, this didn’t work. It’s disgusting. Talk about alienating your base.

NY Times article shows how not to write about neo-Nazis | Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

Too often he relays one of Hovator’s “uglier” ideas without explaining why they are vile, as when Hovator is shown “defending his assertion that Jews run the worlds of finance and the media, and ‘appear to be working more in line with their own interests than everybody else’s.’”

Fausset doesn’t comment on these assertions — presumably because the reporter feels that readers will need no reminder how awful they are. But maybe that presumption no longer holds. Maybe we need a sentence or outside source saying something like this: “Those kinds of conspiracy theories are at the heart of Western anti-Semitism, and formed the basis for the ideology, revered by Hovater, that justified the systematic slaughter of 6 million people.”

I’ve often argued that the strength and weakness of The Times is that it often acts as if it is having an “insider” conversation with the kinds of readers who form its core, or idealized, audience: liberals, the affluent, the highly educated and, yes, Jews. That assumption leads to highly critical Israel coverage, for example, because this is the way “family” talks with one another.

In this case, it led editors to assume that readers would read a portrait of a neo-Nazi “normie” as a cautionary tale about the mainstreaming of hate. But it forgot about a wider audience that still needs a reminder that some ideas are not merely “ugly” but vile, abhorrent and fundamentally un-American.

How dare these uppity goyim who don’t even read the Jew York Times doubt the six gorillion?



MakeApp Shows What Women Look Like Without Makeup, by Madison Malone Kircher:

Clearly, my gelled brows and tinted lips were intended to con some schmuck of the opposite sex into thinking I am extremely good-looking and then make him buy me six iPhone X’s.

Women and jews, and particularly jewesses, go to great expense to hide what they are. The effort to disguise themselves cosmetically extends beyond makeup into nose jobs and name changes. This effort does not change their essence, but instead ironically reveals it. The mask makes plain their bad faith, their willingness to deceive and defraud. And their lie revealed, they inevitably shift blame to the “schmuck” unmasking them.

In Memoriam – Paul Hickman


NS Outlook: October into November 2017 – British Movement News & Views:


The team at the BM Sunwheel Office were saddened to hear of the death of West Midlands racial Nationalist and activist Paul Hickman. Paul Hickman was the broadcaster behind the on-line radio ‘Voice of Albion’ and operated on the internet as ‘Birmingham Nationalist’. Ruthlessly hounded by self-styled anti-fascists, Paul lost his job and struggled to find work, his political activism also drew on to him the unwanted attentions of the State and its agencies. From what little information coming to us here, we are led to believe that Paul Hickman took his own life. A sad situation for someone still in their thirties and a loss to British Nationalism.

Also, from the sidebar at Renegade Broadcasting:

After 2 years of restrictive bail for posting non-PC stickers, being harassed and doxed by antifa and losing his employment, former Renegade host Paul Hickman took his life. RIP.

Listen to Paul’s archives here.

This is sad news. I first spoke with Paul Hickman a little over four years ago when he was starting his program Voice of Albion at the White network. I had the pleasure of joining him on air on two occasions, in February and April of 2014.

I did not know Paul well, but had hoped to meet him in person someday. He helped educate me in several ways. He was a somber and perceptive man. He could clearly see the horror unfolding in Britain specifically but also for the White race more generally. He had been increasingly openly active in the British National Party, but by 2014 had became dissatisfied with the leadership of Nick Griffin. In response Paul became more radical, in the best possible sense, shifting his attention and support to British Movement and National Action.

At tWn Paul focused mainly on the life and work of BNP founder John Tyndall, whom he clearly held in high esteem. He moved his program to Renegade in April of 2014 and while there interviewed a variety of bright contemporary European nationalists. Paul’s conversation with Simon Sheppard is a favorite.

At Renegade Paul also produced a three-part series on Arnold Leese’s book My Irrelevant Defence being Meditations Inside Gaol and Out on Jewish Ritual Murder, originally published in 1938. Leese was a brilliant writer, a learned student of the jew problem, not nearly as well known as he should be. I recommend Paul’s reading and discussion of Leese’s book as a way to get to know both of them.

Voice of Albion: Jewish Ritual Murder (10-8-14)Download

Voice of Albion: Jewish Ritual Murder [II] (10-29-14)Download

Voice of Albion: Jewish Ritual Murder [III] (11-12-14)Download

Paul Hickman was an intelligent and articulate man, an activist who tried to help his nation and his race, at great cost to himself. He will be missed.

Barrage on Farage


Nigel Farage: ‘Jewish lobby’ has disproportionate power in the US.

Farage is about to get the Hagel treatment. The jews, who have tirelessly organized and lobbied to codify the conflatation of jews and Israel, are screeching that Farage has…conflated jews and Israel while noticing they organize and lobby. Under jew rule speaking about jew power is a criminal offense.

Like any good kikeservative, Farage will likely attempt to atone by humiliating himself. This would involve loudly professing that he is not a “racist”, has always especially loved the jews, their lobbying, and their state, maybe while visiting one or more of the many prominent places of jew-worship and sliding a pile of shekels their way. The jews will then undoubtedly return to demonizing him, and he will return to acting as if they don’t exist except when told to speak or perform some service for them. As usual.