Category Archives: Blog

Parasitism Elicits Instinctive Disgust

atypical_appearanceSix common types of disgust that protect us from disease revealed for the first time:

Disgust has long been recognised as an emotion which evolved to help our ancestors avoid infection, but now researchers have been able to show the human disgust system is likely to be structured around the people, practices and objects that pose disease risk.

This is the first time researchers have used the perspective of disease to break the emotion of disgust into its component parts, and identify six common categories triggering disgust – the others being skin conditions such as having lesions or boils, food that is rotting or has gone off and having an atypical appearance.

Disgust triggered by an atypical appearance? OYYYY VEEEEYYYYYY.

The results confirm the ‘parasite avoidance theory’, in which disgust evolved in animals, encouraging them to adopt behaviours to reduce the risk of infection. This behaviour is replicated in humans where disgust signals us to act in specific ways, which minimise the risk of catching diseases.

Professor Val Curtis, senior author at LSHTM said: “Although we knew the emotion of disgust was good for us, here we’ve been able to build on that, showing that disgust is structured, recognising and responding to infection threats to protect us.

“This type of disease avoidance behaviour is increasingly evident in animals, and so leads us to believe it is evolutionarily very ancient.

From the paper, The structure and function of pathogen disgust:

It is unlikely to be a coincidence that many of the stimuli that elicit the emotion of disgust in humans are also implicated in the transmission of infectious disease [1–3]. Human excreta, for example, are both a major source of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and helminths and an important elicitor of disgust.

Scatology is a major theme of jew comedy, making a mockery of normal, disease-resistant behavior.

Even if only subconscious, wariness and resistance to pathology and parasites is the biological default. This is not to say that subversion of this norm, a shift in revulsion, cannot be engineered – especially if a hyper-conscious parasite controls the mass media and broadcasts a toxic narrative relentlessly psychopathologizing healthy behavior and celebrating pathological behavior.

Yet instincts persist. Disgust is the common response when Whites hear Barbara Spectre boldly jewsplain how her tribe’s White-obliterating agenda must succeed, or “Europe will not survive”. Jonah Goldberg promotes the same political AIDS, toward the same end, by less in-your-face means. Whereas Spectre misidentifies the disease as cure, excusing her tribe by crediting them, Goldberg misdiagnoses the immune response as “suicide”, excusing his tribe by de-jewing the story.

White Opposition to Jewing is Illegal Because Jews are the Opposite of White

JEZWhite supremacist on trial for Downing Street speech calling on his ‘soldiers to rise up against the Jews’

This short jewsmedia article about Jez Turner’s prosecution in Britain is just long enough to include jewry’s most common buzzterms:

“singled out the group for hatred”

“defendant is absolutely obsessed with Jewish people and he despises the Jewish race”

“peddled conspiracy theories that Jews control the banks and the media and are determined to achieve world domination”

“The speech was a racial character assassination”

“some sort of white supremacist”

To read such an article is to see the world through the carnie’s funhouse mirror, but translating this psychoanalytic jewspeak into plain English isn’t hard. The banks and media are controlled by jews, and it’s illegal to say so because the government is also controlled by jews. The banks and media and government shit on Whites because jews are the racial, political, and legal opposite of White.

Live Stream with Norvin Hobbs

(((White genocide)))I’ll be joining Norvin at 8PM PT tonight, the 29th of April. As he put it in his invitation we’ll, “talk about how jews are ultimately to blame for the problems Our people have and debunk this whole we can’t blame the jews for everything argument, take questions for the chat maybe talk about some of these Alt-jews”.

discussing Alt-jewIing with TANSTAAFL

Norvin Hobbs Discussing Alt-jewing With Tanstaafl

Random Bits

revelation_of_the_methodThe Jewish Question: an Empirical Examination – a long, dry, thorough statistical argument.

From Rome to Charlottesville, a statue is never just a statue, Steven Fine, The Times of Israel:

In modern times, the Arch of Titus became a symbol both of newfound Jewish rootedness in Europe and a place of pilgrimage where Jews, religious and not, could proclaim, “Titus you are gone, but we’re still here. Am Yisrael Chai.” Or as Freud put it, “The Jew survives it!” Where once Mussolini had celebrated the Arch as part of the heritage of fascism, Jews after the war assembled there to demand a Jewish state. Others imagined exploding the Arch and thus taking final retribution against Titus for his destruction of Jerusalem. Instead, the State of Israel took the Arch back unto itself, basing the design for its state symbol on the menorah carved into its surface.

I tell these stories of Paris, Rome and Jerusalem as parallels to debate that which has been intensified following the horrible events in Charlottesville.

The march of the neo-Nazis, the texts they recited, the torches and flags they carried, and the violence they instigated are essential to understanding who these people are and what values they see in the statue of Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville.

Reading this event, one can tease out their entire worldview — and it is horrifying.

The jew infiltrates, manipulates, exploits, and destroys it. And that requires keeping the goyim informed about the jew version of history, the jew narrative, per Freud and the American Jewish Committee. ‘The Jew Survives It’:

The story of the Jews is a series aimed at non-Jews. Elegantly filmed and directed, with a crisp script that succeeds in handling the historical facts with both sufficient rigor and appropriate emotion, it is tempting to believe that Schama had a specific type of non-Jew in mind as the series went into production: the academics, journalists, and artists whose eyebrows arch in irritation when the subjects of Zionism and Israel are raised at dinner parties.

From the outset, Schama, who is not a religious Jew, explains the persistence of Jewish identity through the lens of peoplehood. Investigating why modern Jews felt so intimately tied to their biblical forebears, he turns up at the London house where Sigmund Freud resided after fleeing the Nazi conquest of Vienna. Among the ancient artifacts collected by the author of Moses and Monotheism, a work in which the atheistic Freud essentially deconstructs the Bible, Schama finds a small menorah. “The Jews had given themselves an extraordinary possibility of enduring not just as a faith, but as a people, when everything else had been lost—land, kingdom, power,” he says. “That was the meaning of the menorah.”

Schama also displays a postcard Freud sent to a colleague while visiting Rome in 1913. The picture on the front showed the Arch of Titus, decorated with representations of the Romans plundering the Second Temple after the fall of Jerusalem. On the back, Freud had written simply: “The Jew survives it!”

Louis Beam: YES – The REAL Problem (WHITE People) – “there is no such thing as jewish domination”. Movement Critic = Rodney Martin.

Similar theme, other side of the pond. Same decade? John Tyndall – The White Problem.

Whites just have to stand tall, be positive, assert ourselves. It’s an appealing idea. But you can’t defend yourself from an enemy, much less defeat them, by pretending their actions don’t matter.

Beam explicitly acknowledged the jews’ existence, but only to dismiss their toxic influence. Tyndall felt that influence – the “race hate” laws the jews were already imposing on Britons – knew the source, censored himself. Pathology is caused by a pathogen.

Alt-jew worldview: God’s Chosen People are the Smartest Race – with Charles Murray, Stephen Pinker, Greg Cochran, Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, Stephan Molyneux, Jordan Peterson, Bill Whittle, Scaramucci, Netanyahu, AIPAC.

Norm Macdonald on Bill Cosby. Good point. The worst thing is the harm, the virulence, the parasitism – not the hypocrisy.

The Jew Normal, Screeching and Warmongering


Report: Anti-Semitism mainstreamed and normalized:

“If in previous years we saw different types of anti-Semitism – anti-Semitism of the far-Right, anti-Semitism of the far-Left, and an anti-Semitism masked as anti-Israel – now it has transformed more openly into classic anti-Semitism. There has been an increase in open, unashamed and explicit hatred directed against Jews. The Jew as exploiter, the Jew as killer, the Jew as banker. It is like we have regressed 100 years.”

The jew as chutzpathic Chicken Little, turning everyone else’s world upside down while crying that the sky is falling on the jews.

Over the past century jewing has gone largely unopposed. In the aftermath of the short-lived slave rebellion in Germany jews shamelessly stood up a racial state for themselves. Meanwhile they also infamously marched through what remained of White institutions, shamelessly fomenting decades of destructive racial and sexual revolution in dar al goyim, redefining social norms from the top down.

Today jew screeching is so frequent and shrill it has conjured up a bizarre new abnormal of its own – a totally jewed reality in which everything jews hate is described as either “White supremacism” or “anti-semitism”, increasingly revealing the screechy warmongering anti-White/pro-jew agenda as two sides of the same shekel.