Category Archives: Blog

Giffords Shot, White Vitriol Blamed

How do we know it’s White vitriol? Because that’s the only vitriol anybody in media or politics ever calls vitriol.

Many of the initial news reports spread blame via broad references to Arizonans, Tea Partiers, and Sarah Palin (and her fans).

A typical example of the mass White guilt-by-association is Sarah Palin under fire as Arizona sheriff blames political ‘vitriol’ for triggering ‘unstable’ Safeway gunman’s massacre:

‘When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government,’ Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik told a news conference.

‘The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous.

‘And, unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of the capital. We have become the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry.’

He added: ‘That may be free speech. But it’s not without consequence.’

In using the word mecca Dupnik was clearly implying that fanatically bigoted White people are flocking and clustering in Arizona. He wasn’t referring to crazy muslims, and definitely wasn’t trying to remind anyone about Nidal Malik Hasan. That mass murder was completely different. That took place in Texas, not Arizona, and Hasan shouted “allah ackbar”, which has nothing whatsoever to do with who he shared his views with. How can we be sure Dupnik wasn’t broadly disparaging muslims? Because nobody has accused him of that. The many, many people quoting that particular word all seem to understand exactly which “prejudiced bigots” Dupnik was putting down.

Likewise, nobody’s making any comparisons to black mass-“racist”-killer Omar Thornton. Which is odd because White “prejudiced bigots” were assigned responsibility in that case too.

On Saturday night it was still possible to wonder how a White guy shooting a bunch of White people could inspire such invective about bigotry. The link seemed unusually tenuous, based as it was on the fast and lose assumption that Giffords was shot because she was a leftwinger who favored immigration and healthcare reform. But apparently no smear is too tenuous to believe about prejudiced, bigoted White people, being the greedy stupid latent nazis we are, always looking for any excuse to vent our well-documented proclivity for vitriol, mob violence, lynching, gassing, etc.

The link came into better focus in Sunday’s news. Gabrielle Giffords shooting reignites row over rightwing rhetoric in US | World news | The Guardian:

The National Jewish Democratic Council – Giffords is the first Jewish woman elected to Congress from Arizona – saw the attack as emanating from the polarised political debate: “It is fair to say – in today’s political climate, and given today’s political rhetoric – that many have contributed to the building levels of vitriol in our political discourse that have surely contributed to the atmosphere in which this event transpired.”

Giffords’s father was blunter. Asked if she had any enemies, he said: “Yeah, the whole Tea Party.”

“Rightwing rhetoric” is a codeword for “evil White speech”, because it’s clear the NJDC is not talking about jewish rhetoric. The full NJDC statement was even broader and blunter than Gifford’s father. Statement on the Attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords | NJDC Blog:

National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) Chair Marc R. Stanley and Vice-Chair Marc Winkelman today issued the following statment:

“NJDC’s leaders and members are stunned and horrified by the attack today on Gabby Giffords, Arizona’s first Jewish Congresswoman. Representative Giffords is a courageous and vibrant leader dedicated to advancing the causes and values we care so deeply about. Beyond being an advocate for health care reform and immigration reform, as well as the people of Arizona, she is our close friend. Gabby, those who were murdered and injured, and their families all remain in our thoughts and prayers.

The tragic attack on Representative Giffords, her staff, and citizens participating in the practice of democracy in Arizona is beyond reprehensible. One suspect, now in custody, may be directly responsible for this crime. But it is fair to say – in today’s political climate, and given today’s political rhetoric – that many have contributed to the building levels of vitriol in our political discourse that have surely contributed to the atmosphere in which this event transpired. Throughout the health care reform debate, we saw an ever-worsening level of political discourse – frequently pointing fingers at Democratic members of Congress who were supposedly directly threatening our country and our way of life. As elections approached, members of Congress increasingly received death threats, even as our public debate became more and more coarse.

As we learned in Israel through the tragic assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, words – and an eroding public discourse – can have profound consequences. The rhetoric of hate and anger must be banished from our political discourse before the next calamity takes place.

The loss of any life – and the injury of any American – is unacceptable. While we do not yet know exactly what motivated this deranged gunman, improving the tenor of our public debate can only help. It is up to us to act now. Nothing less than our democracy is at stake.”

Got that? The NJDC doesn’t know what motivated the shooting, but they know White political discourse equals vitriol and their desire to banish political discourse equals dedication to advancing their causes and values. They also know that jew does not equal White. Because if it did they would be silencing their own rhetoric of hate and anger.

Here’s the Jewish Daily Forward’s view of how well Giffords senses and serves jewish interests. Gabrielle Giffords Shot in the Head:

Giffords, 40, is a member of the powerful Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Science and Technology. A third-generation Arizonan, she is part of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog and New Democrat coalitions.

She is a vocal advocate for renewable energy, particularly solar energy, and has said improving security along the U.S.-Mexico border is among her top priorities. She is also a supporter of Israel, and is considered a safe pro-Israel vote in the House.

Giffords’ Jewish roots run deep. As the Forward reported back in 2006, her paternal grandfather, the son of a Lithuanian rabbi, was born Akiba Hornstein. He changed his name, first to Gifford Hornstien and later to Gifford Giffords, apparently to shield himself from anti-Semitism out West.

The congresswoman is the daughter of a Jewish father and a non-Jewish mother. In 2001, then a state senator, Giffords traveled to Israel on a trip sponsored by the American Jewish Committee. It was that trip, she said,, that solidified her connection to her Jewish roots and her commitment to living as a Jew.

“I was raised not to really talk about my religious beliefs,” Giffords said, in an interview with Jewish Woman magazine. ”Going to Israel was an experience that made me realize there were lots of people out there who shared my beliefs and values and spoke about them openly.”

Giffords is an active member of Congregation Chaverim, a Reform synagogue in Tucson, where she said Rabbi Stephanie Aaron is her spiritual mentor. She is also among five members of Congress to serve on United States Holocaust Memorial Council.

The two links embedded in the quote above drive home the significance jews attach to their identity, group awareness, and overrepresentation in politics. Note: none of this is bigotry until jewish political organizations see some bigot trying to practice democracy and engage in political discourse about it.

Giffords is 1st female Jew elected from Ariz.:

While Jews comprise roughly 2 percent of the U.S. population, they’re now at a record-high level of 8 percent in the 110th Congress, statistics provided by the National Jewish Democratic Council show.

Giffords, who attends Tucson’s Congregation Chaverim, is one of six freshman Jewish members in the U.S. House of Representatives, and one of 30 Jews with House seats. Thirteen of the U.S. Senate’s 100 seats are held by Jews.

Interview with Gabrielle Giffords:

The member of Congress from Arizona’s 8th District says her Jewish values have played an important part in shaping her philosophy.

Naturally Cathy Lynn Grossman, writing in her Faith & Reason column for USAToday, wondered if Giffords and her aide, Gabe Zimmerman, were targeted because they’re jewish. Sure, one of Loughner’s favorite books was Mein Kampf, but the real reason is Giffords’ strong jewish identity.

Again, the “global news service of the jewish people” was broader and blunter. Memo notes Giffords’ Judaism in motives of alleged attacker:

A U.S. Department of Homeland Security memo reportedly notes that Gabriel Giffords is Jewish in describing the motives of the Arizona congresswoman’s alleged assailant.

The memo, obtained by Fox News Channel, says that Jared Lee Loughner mentioned American Renaissance, an extremist anti-immigrant group, in some of his own postings.

“The group’s ideology is anti-government, anti-immigration, anti-ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), anti-Semitic,” says the memo sent to law enforcement, which also notes that Giffords, a Democrat, was the first Jewish congresswoman from Arizona.

The bigotry at American Renaissance runs so deep that they don’t accept the jewish premise that jews aren’t White. To prove the point, AmRen responded with that classic incriminating line, “some of our best friends are jews!”

The people who wrote and reported that FOX/DHS memo may have known this, or maybe they just think being anti-government and anti-immigration is close enough to “anti-semitism” for government work. Sure, jews were anti-government back in the sixties, full of angry vitriol about the White establishment. But that was good. It’s only “anti-semitism” if you say it was bad. Now that jews are so overrepresented in government, anti-government is bad and the government’s obsession with fighting “anti-semitism” is good.

To drive home just how unacceptable AmRen’s kind of bigotry and “anti-semitism” really is the “global news service of the jewish people” article included this gem about wise jewesses:

“If you want something done, your best bet is to ask a Jewish woman to do it,” Giffords, a former state senator, said at the time. “Jewish women — by our tradition and by the way we were raised — have an ability to cut through all the reasons why something should, shouldn’t or can’t be done, and pull people together to be successful.”

To be honest, “zionist occupied government” is a kind of joke. Jews can recite a million ways the government could better serve their interests, and only a fraction of those have anything to do with zionism. Sure, shootings prompt jews to round up and silence their enemies, but that’s just a dim echo of the glory days in the old Soviet Union, when “anti-semitism” was punishable by death.

Afghanistan = Homeland

Napolitano Visit Aimed at Beefing Up Afghan Border Security, Customs:

KABUL, Afghanistan — During an unannounced New Year’s Eve visit to Afghanistan, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano traveled to the country’s mountainous border region near Pakistan to see first-hand her department’s efforts in the war effort there.

“Seeing is worth a thousand words,” Napolitano said after the tour, to which Fox News was granted exclusive access. “This all involves safety and security in this part of the world. And that is something that has direct connection as well to the United States.”

Direct connection to the United States?

What I’m seeing is a regime engaging in Orwellian doubletalk, crushing us with debt and sending our soldiers to die on the other side of the world defending other people’s borders while it obstructs our attempts to beef up safety and security in our own part of the world.

The regime could hardly demonstrate its illegitimacy any more clearly.

Sidebar Link Update, Dec 2010

A commenter astutely noted that many of my lame-ass links are vestigal and could stand some reevaluation and pruning.

Many dead links were removed, a few were moved/renamed/recategorized. As I ran out of steam the links lower down got less and less scrutiny. It was simple enough to zap the whole Wrong section, but I put off a more thorough review of the Right/Jihad/Neocons links for later.

My current interests are reflected in the following highlights, mostly additions:


The Occidental Quarterly – Western Perspectives on Man, Culture, and Politics – Visually upgraded and relaunched a few months ago. White nationalist Yggdrasil returns: Why The Occidental Quarterly Exists.

Former TOQ editor Greg Johnson has moved to Counter-Currents Publishing. About.

The Occidental Observer – White Identity, Interests, and Culture. Read Kevin MacDonald’s Mission Statement. Matt Parrot upgraded the site, combining the magazine and blog.

Instauration MagazineThe Authorized Online Edition of Wilmot Robertson’s Instauration Magazine 1975-2000.

Solutrean Liberation Front. The blog of Kyle Bristow, author of White Apocalypse.

From The Provinces – Reaction and Rebellion in Red America. John Pelham cross-posts to Occidental Dissent as Hunter Wallace.

Vanishing American – Back from hiatus.

Hail To You – What you’re looking for, is what is looking.

INCOG MAN – SICK OF THE BS! – Dumped by, link updated.

Racial Realities – angrywhitefemale.

Rebellion Blog – Old Rebel.

Southern Nationalist Network – Independence & Identity!

Free The Order / David Lane – Better late than never.


Immigration Control Platform (Ireland)



Erectus Walks Amongst Us – The evolution of modern humans. Out of Africa is bunk, Which Way Western Man?

The Peopling of Europe

Anthroeurope – A humble anthropological study of Europe

Who Rules America

New York Vs. Washington: Whose Menorah Is Bigger? – The Shmooze –, 2 Dec 2010:

Is a New York-Washington rivalry about to erupt over menorah size? While NY1 News is claiming Mayor Michael Bloomberg lit “the world’s largest menorah” to kick off Hanukkah in New York last night, some news sources are claiming the National Menorah on the White House Ellipse — ignited yesterday in a ceremony attended by a Jewish Obama Administration official — is, in fact, the biggest in the world.

Original image: National Chanukah Menorah lit in Washington –

Gordon Duff, Friend or Foe?

This post is dedicated to the discussion of an issue raised in the comments of Wikileaks, Israel, and Iran.

Who is Gordon Duff? Are he and the network of friends and colleagues who interact closely with him what they appear to be? What do they appear to be? Are they potential allies of White ethnonationalism, or enemies?

Readers are invited to provide evidence and arguments. Comments already made on the subject are reproduced here (clickable links and blockquoting added):

fellist said…

I don’t have the time these days to really read deeply on these stories and come to an educated view of my own but I have been impressed lately by the Veterans Today guys, Gordon Duff and Jeff Gates. They have a few analyses up already and I’d be inclined to give them more credence than most:


12/04/2010 05:11:00 AM

fellist said…

Peter B. Collins interview of Gordon Duff here from August:

The World According to Gordon Duff

In the first few minutes Duff goes into his and Gates’s background and talks about the backgrounds of the writers and sources for his site. It looks like something of a fight-back by patriotic elements within the intelligence services of various countries run by Jews for Jews.

12/09/2010 07:29:00 AM

Tanstaafl said…

I’m not sure about the fighting-back part. Duff states, right off the bat, that before 1993 he “was working for a nasty, unnamed government agency, writing the same kind of deceptive things I do today, apparently.” He then shares his suspicion that many of the VT writers and editors are on the payroll of intelligence agencies. Later he says half the staff are muslims and “the rest are jews”. He says he gets phone calls from Mossad people. He claims high level US military contacts and has tea regularly with the Pakistani/ISI elite.

Are these things true? If they are, how does this reconcile with the heretical things he says concerning jews and Israel? Why do these other people (except maybe the Pakis) not run away from him shrieking about his “hate”? He says Wikileaks is disinformation. I wonder if he and VT are disinformation.

And what to make of this: The Heretics’ Hour: Gordon Duff, Prescott Bush and the interview that wasn’t : Voice of Reason Broadcast Network?

How familiar are you with Duff’s work? Does he propound, as Yeager puts it at the end of her podcast, that “the nazis are now the zionists, the zionists are the nazis, there’s no difference between them, then they have the whole theory that the nazis and the zionists were conspiring back then, and they’re conspiring now, and that we can blame it all in the end on the nazis after all”?

12/10/2010 09:25:00 PM

fellist said…

It’s clear form the lists of editors and contributors posted at VT that nothing like half of the staff are Muslims or Jews, so I have to assume he’s talking figuratively there: VT has a lot of Muslim and Jewish input alongside Christian/regular American input. As to why a self-identifying Jew such as Alan Sabrosky would be involved with VT, well he has heretical views on Israel too (laying 9/11 at her feet), and presumably that’s true of the other Jews there. It’s not unprecedented, many writers at are Jewish and are content with or even add to its generally hostile view of Israel. And while VT writers are unusually critical of Israel I don’t think they really discuss the JQ in its essence a la MacDonald, say, who posts at Vdare and Alt.Right alongside ‘tolerant’ Jewish writers, despite his going deeper into forbidden territory than even Jeff Gates does.

What makes you think disinfo? What do you believe the aim of that disinfo may be? It seems to me the most likely effect of VT on its readers would be to undermine the imperial program, promote an America First foreign policy, and bring into light and focus criticism on the Israel lobby / War Party. If it’s disinfo rather than solid info it still would appear to be a project of rogue patriotic elements within the security services of the US and would-be allies.

I haven’t listened yet to Carolyn Yeager’s latest. Personality /style clash? Doesn’t Carolyn state on which of his comments or articles she bases her characterisation of Duff’s views?

I haven’t read anything by Duff suggesting that the Nazis are around today and running things in concert with the Zionists. (obviously ;) )

12/11/2010 06:47:00 AM

Anonymous said…

This is Duff’s main tactic; make White America the real guilty party in this chess game.

12/11/2010 04:09:00 PM

fellist said…

That last show of Yeager’s didn’t discuss Duff or his views much, focusing more on a representative article about the alleged connections between US bankers including Prescott Bush and the TR. She’ll tackle Duff next week she says. I like them both so I’m inclined to think it was more a misunderstanding than anything else, Duff too quick to dismiss her when Yeager, perhaps in retrospect ill advised, pretended never to have heard the stories Duff had every right to expect she’d be familiar with. As Yeager says, those stories are pretty hard to avoid.


Anonymous on Duff … bullshit! Duff hosts only one writer, Michael Leon, with any pronounced tendency to talk about race in a standard thus anti-White way. And comments are not censored — you’re free to disagree.

And I seem to recall Duff posting a video that showed David Duke to be a much more reasonable man than the celebrated liberal interviewing him on some TV show. Duff’s aim, stated quite plainly if I recall correctly, was to encourage his readers to question their training and consider whether Duke was really the bad guy of the pair.

12/13/2010 02:35:00 AM

Anonymous said…

Bullshit? I’ll prove it with a simple link. This is simply a small sampling of the “bullshit” this Duff character engages in.


Anyone who doesn’t think the real heart of American politics has always been racism is a liar. Family values means “white” family values. African Americans know shame at the relief they have felt seeing Muslims targeted for persecution. Every political position in today’s America is derived from institutionalized racism, be it immigration, health care or “constitution.”

When a return to the “constitution” is brought up, by people who wouldn’t know the document from a Croatian take-out menu, the reality is always race, fear, hate and envy, the glue that holds American society prisoner.

Decades ago, and even more recently during our last presidential election, African Americans were represented as animals, “goyim” to the Jews. Now we play “Kill the camel jockey.” Is this why the Christianized army we sent to Afghanistan murders innocent civilians for sport?

You see where this guy is coming from. He attacks White Americans as stupid morons who are persecuters of blacks and other races. He speaks this way constantly. He hates “White America.” All this bile he spews against “Israel” always really comes back as White America’s fault. Germany is another one of his little attack subjects.

Yeager was right to call Duff out on his BS. Good for her. She smelled a rat. It is called good discernment.

12/13/2010 10:58:00 PM

Anonymous said…

Yeager posted this over at VOR:

The Heretics’ Hour: Gordon Duff, Prescott Bush and the interview that wasn’t

I was glad shortly afterward and I get more glad all the time because it would never have come off. I’ve been reading some of his older articles and listening to some past interviews; it’s now quite clear to me he’s working for somebody. His zingers are usually directed at Hitler/Nazis/Third Reich and Fox New/Rupert Murdoch. Those are Alan Hart’s favorite bad boys too, and a few others I could name. Just coincidence?

Exactly right.

12/13/2010 11:29:00 PM

Until recently I had not heard of Gordon Duff, the details of Prescott Bush’s links to German National Socialism, and have not delved into heterodox theories about 9/11. I have however already started to form a negative impression about Duff.

In her podcast Yeager mentions two recent holocaust-related articles by Duff. She may be referring to Who Speaks Up For Holocaust Survivors, dated 13 Nov 2010, and Israel Opens Door For New Look At Holocaust, dated 7 Jun 2010. The first is a condemnation of fraudulent holocaust survivors. Duff describes the problem in a section titled “Stolen Valor”:

There are concentration camp survivors living in America, people who suffered incomprehensibly at the hands of the Nazis. However, there are also, in America we now know, tens of thousands or more who claim falsely to be of the heroic numbers from that period and numbers inside Israel that are unimaginable. Why are these people not punished?

Why indeed. Is it because jews won’t defend their valor, or because there is no valor to defend? The fraudsters are mostly jews after all, and clearly don’t need any help helping themselves. Duff’s moralizing most likely comes across to them as an unwelcome and sneaky kind of attack. The sin is “holocaust denial”, not to mention his calling attention to specifically jewish fraud.

The basis for Duff’s moralizing is what I find notable. Duff could no doubt sincerely claim that he’s defending the “real” “heroes”. In Duff’s view “the nazis” and “racism” are the epitome of evil. His second holocaust article makes this even clearer:

Continual and unending references to the holocaust as a rationale for resettlement of “impure racial stock” deeply parallels the themes of “Jewish-Marxist” betrayal of the Kaiser’s Germany bringing about defeat in World War I. Hitler contended that the Rothschild’s used their financial control over Britain and France to manipulate the Treaty of Versailles to the extent where the Jewish banking house would be able to loot Germany of its assets and put a communist government in place there as it had in Russia. These theories were quickly translated into racial policies based on eugenics, a bizarre pseudo-science developed in the United States by the Bush and Harriman families.

Duff provides his metric of immorality, the “Hitler Scale”:

Ask any German, “What year did Hitler go crazy” and you will get an answer. Many despise this political views but many alsoadmire his accomplishments, often settling on 1938 as the watershed. Today, every nation can have the “Hitler scale” placed against it. In America, 9/11 brought on 1934 withPatriot Acts taking us to 1937 and the invasion of Iraq moving us to 1939. Israel hit 1939 with the Six Day War, but internally operated in pre-1935 areas until the murder of Prime Minister Rabin. Recent events would put Israel at 1941.

So zionists are wrong to the extent that they emulate “the nazis”, Duff’s gold standard of evil. He dates the wrongness back to 1934, apparently seeing a Germany run by Germans, for Germans, and not jews, as bad. After 60 years of post-war pro-jewish education and propaganda such a mindset is common enough. But how is it possible that an outspoken, well-informed critic such as Duff, someone who clearly sees and opposes the manipulative, corrosive, criminal behavior of zionists, cannot simultaneously see the similar behavior of non-zionist jews? How is it possible for someone who sees the US as controlled by zionists and blames 9/11 on zionists accepts the conventional wisdom on “racism” and “the nazis” as promulgated by self-interested diaspora jews?

Could it be that Duff only attacks what he does, they way he does, because, in the end, he’s most concerned about what’s good for jews? Does he make attacks he thinks someone, somewhere will make anyway, but in a way that pulls the punch, obscuring the full nature of the problem, and reserving the ultimate condemnation for “nazis” who would venture deeper?

I’m curious.