

Well done Jason Kessler, and every White who participated. Whatever else comes of this, you have flushed out the enemy, and thereby performed a great service for your race.

The anti-White/pro-jew regime does indeed seek to replace us. The jews, who rule, have designated Whites personae non gratae. The jews cry out in pain as they condemn “white nationalism” and “white supremacy”, while their servants, who specifically praise “the jewish people” and their parasitic alien ethnostate, obsequiously echo their masters.

How? Why? Revilo Oliver was right.

Google’s Diversity Problem


Some Google software engineer wrote an internal memo complaining about the echo chamber at Google, the same jewy anti-White environment which prevails at corporations generally, as well as academia, media, and government.

The author treads cautiously, focusing mainly on sex, barely touches race, and says nothing directly about jews. But the thrust of their argument and choice of words indicates a deeper understanding. The tone smacks of the race-realist HBD-o-sphere. This is someone who is disturbed by the impact jewing is having on their life, and though they have the requisite insight and capacity to figure it out, they instead try to imagine it’s about something else.

Though they can see the bias they’re complaining about is sexual and racial, against White males, they still lamely try to misunderstand the conflict as an abstract “left” versus “right”. They’re upset that the “PC-authoritarians” are replacing “villains” like themselves with non-White “victims”, because “diversity” and “oppression”. They refuse to accept what their own description of the situation means, and try instead to rationalize some way out.

The engineer is likely a White man, or someone who might be mistaken for one, but certainly doesn’t want to be mistaken as arguing in favor of Whites. Like any good “conservative” he’s only trying to signal his enlightened liberal attitude, his willingness to play along with the jewed elite’s language and agenda, if only his tormentors would let him:

I hope it’s clear that I’m not saying that diversity is bad, that Google or society is 100% fair, that we shouldn’t try to correct for existing biases, or that minorities have the same experience of those in the majority. My larger point is that we have an intolerance for ideas and evidence that don’t fit a certain ideology. I’m also not saying that we should restrict people to certain gender roles; I’m advocating for quite the opposite: treat people as individuals, not as just another member of their group (tribalism).

He drops a hint about the nature of this tribalism in a footnote, implying the ideology of Google’s senior leadership is akin to the anti-White jewing of the Frankfurt school:

As it became clear that the working class of the liberal democracies wasn’t going to overthrow their “capitalist oppressors,” the Marxist intellectuals transitioned from class warfare to gender and race politics. The core oppressor-oppressed dynamics remained, but now the oppressor is the “white, straight, cis-gendered patriarchy.”

Perhaps he believes he can dance around the crux of the issue, but these two sentences and the reference to tribalism overshadow everything else he said. Any jew who can read will understand what he’s complaining about, even if he doesn’t. And by downplaying race he only made it easier for Google to ignore it.

Of course, when the “diversity” commissar was hired and her agenda was explained, race was front and center. The Google leadership says Google is too White. Just like Hollywood, or Wall Street, or social science departments. It’s a big big problem, and there’s no mystery why. A ridiculous number of the “whites” are actually jews. They’re all on board with the anti-White agenda. They’d all screech if anyone tried to count the jews as jews.

To understand what’s happening here you need only understand that the racial distinction between Whites and jews is what matters most. That’s the big taboo. Nothing is more “politically correct” than pretending some bit of jewing isn’t jewing. Nothing is more semitically correct than white-washing that jewing by actively shifting the blame for it onto Whites.

A Brief History of the Bagel Republic


Emma Lazarus, 1903: Fill the bagel republic with huddled masses of wretched refuse.

Israel Zangwill, 1908: Abracadabra, the bagel republic is now officially a melting pot.

George Orwell, 1949: Lol, by 1984 they’ll be saying “Diversity is Strength”.

The ADL, 1958: Diversity is our greatest strength. Shazam, the bagel republic is now a nation of immigrants.

Susan Sontag, 1966: By the way, the White race is the cancer of human history.

Studs Terkel, 1984: Good thing (((we))) won The Good War. Good goys! Greatest generation!

Stephen Miller, 2017: To preserve the bagel republic we must shut it down just a bit.

The jewsmedia, 2017: English is racist.

Stephen Miller, 2017: You’re the real racist. I’m shocked, shocked by your cosmopolitan bias.


The White Race and its Discontents


Regarding the war on Whites – the origin and destruction of White/Western civilization.

Remarks by President Trump to the People of Poland, 6 July 2017:

Under a double occupation the Polish people endured evils beyond description: the Katyn forest massacre, the occupations, the Holocaust, the Warsaw Ghetto and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the destruction of this beautiful capital city, and the deaths of nearly one in five Polish people. A vibrant Jewish population — the largest in Europe — was reduced to almost nothing after the Nazis systematically murdered millions of Poland’s Jewish citizens, along with countless others, during that brutal occupation.

The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it? (Applause.)

We can have the largest economies and the most lethal weapons anywhere on Earth, but if we do not have strong families and strong values, then we will be weak and we will not survive.

Our own fight for the West does not begin on the battlefield — it begins with our minds, our wills, and our souls.

. . .

Our freedom, our civilization, and our survival depend on these bonds of history, culture, and memory.

. . .

I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail. Our people will thrive. And our civilization will triumph.

Trump’s speech was reportedly written by jewhadi Steven Miller and though he specifically condemned “nazis” and specifically mourned the jews, and only referred ambiguously to “our civilization” and “the West”, this was enough to trigger non-White jewsmedia critics to immediately vent their anti-White animus.

The Racial and Religious Paranoia of Trump’s Poland Speech, Peter Beinart, 6 July 2017:

In his speech in Poland on Thursday, Donald Trump referred 10 times to “the West” and five times to “our civilization.” His white nationalist supporters will understand exactly what he means. It’s important that other Americans do, too.

The West is a racial and religious term. To be considered Western, a country must be largely Christian (preferably Protestant or Catholic) and largely white. Where there is ambiguity about a country’s “Westernness,” it’s because there is ambiguity about, or tension between, these two characteristics.

The most shocking sentence in Trump’s speech—perhaps the most shocking sentence in any presidential speech delivered on foreign soil in my lifetime—was his claim that “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive.” On its face, that’s absurd. Jihadist terrorists can kill people in the West, but unlike Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, they cannot topple even the weakest European government. Jihadists control no great armies.

Trump’s sentence only makes sense as a statement of racial and religious paranoia. The “south” and “east” only threaten the West’s “survival” if you see non-white, non-Christian immigrants as invaders. They only threaten the West’s “survival” if by “West” you mean white, Christian hegemony. A direct line connects Trump’s assault on Barack Obama’s citizenship to his speech in Poland. In Trump and Bannon’s view, America is at its core Western: meaning white and Christian (or at least Judeo-Christian). The implication is that anyone in the United States who is not white and Christian may not truly be American but rather than an imposter and a threat.

. . .

America is racially, ethnically, and religious diverse. So when Trump says being Western is the essence of America’s identity, he’s in part defining America in opposition to some of its own people. He’s not speaking as the president of the entire United States. He’s speaking as the head of a tribe.

Beinart’s critique only makes sense as a statement of racial and religious paranoia. He is shocked to hear words like survival because he understands it to mean White racial survival. He understands it is his own tribe which threatens White survival, thus interprets any concern for White survival as an implicit threat to his own tribe.

The white nationalist roots of Donald Trump’s Warsaw speech, Jamelle Bouie, 7 July 2017:

To the extent that he does have an ideology, it’s a white American chauvinism and its attendant nativism and racism. It was the core of his “birther” crusade against Barack Obama—the claim that for reasons of blood and heritage, Obama couldn’t be legitimate—and the pitch behind his campaign for president. Trump would restore American greatness by erasing the racial legacy of Obama’s presidency: the Hispanic immigration, the Muslim refugees, the black protesters.

House nigger Bouie also links approvingly to some hysterical Haaretz jew complaining that the kikeservative-in-chief’s recounting of the jews’ big lie “erases victims of Polish anti-Semitism”.

Here are some other examples. The hallmark is explicit anti-White animus, often marked by a telling attempt to shift blame for the speech from Miller to Bannon. Zeleny: Trump address in Poland a ‘White America, America First’ speech, Trump’s theo-nationalistic Poland speech sounds a whole lot like Steve Bannon, Trump’s alt-right Poland speech: Time to call his white nationalist rhetoric what it is, Fourteen words? Three words from Trump’s speech in Poland are truly terrifying.

The mainstream cucked kikeservative defense of Trump’s speech uniformly downplayed race – ignoring the explicitly anti-White nature of the hostility and only obliquely acknowledging its jewy source. The hallmark in this case is the term “judeo-Christian” (which sprang into being during WWII) and otherwise reducing and equating civilization to judeo-liberal values: Trump’s Poland Speech — Western Values Trump Universalism, Yes, They Really Do Despise Their Civilization.

The anti-White critics are correct in that the West and Western civilization are euphemisms for European civilization – which is a product/construct/extension of the White race. As Beinart alludes, “the West” is understood to extend beyond Europe only because this is so. Though terms like White and European are much older than “judeo-Christian” they are all still newer than the people and gene pool to whom they are attached.

Who are these people? The answer isn’t as ambiguous or as complicated as anti-Whites pretend. If you ask them what they oppose they’ll tell you it’s “Whiteness”. If you ask what that is, they’ll claim it’s a social construct. Of White people. And so it is, of course.

From archeological and ancient genetic evidence it appears the particular mix of DNA which constitutes the White race was already relatively stable 40000 years ago, when Cro-Magnon hunter-gatherers settled what we now call Europe, replacing the Neanderthal inhabitants. Certainly this was the case by about 6000 years ago when the Yamnaya/Aryans swept westward, conquering and interbreeding with their distant Cro-Magnon cousins. Until the 20th century the European gene pool was only relatively slightly altered by additional migration and mixing and evolution. The jews were among the more recent interlopers, and certainly the most deleterious.

A civilization and its culture are racial constructs – the bottom up, grass-roots instincts of the masses largely modulated and moderated by the elite. The West’s elite is today thoroughly jewed, racially distinct from and hostile toward Whites. The disfigured culture of the current anti-White/pro-jew regime is expressed in its propagandized slogans: “Diversity is our greatest strength!” “Combat racism and anti-semitism!”

Loxism – the jews’ hatred for Whites – is not a new phenomenon. In the past the jews simply did not have the same breadth or depth of political power that they do today. Cuddihy’s The Ordeal of Civility describes the shift, the jewing of European civilization, exposing the roots of cultural Marxism, a collective effort personified primarily by Marx and Freud.

Freud’s psychopathologization of European social norms was particularly toxic and typically jewish. He imagined himself a conquering semitic general like Hannibal, waging war on Rome (yet another ancient expression of and metaphor for the White race). Freud waged his war culturally and cryptically, in part by projecting his own tribe’s sick predilections under the guise that he was revealing universal truths about “our” civilization.

Freud is just one example of historic jew hostility toward Whites. Jews as a group are the seminal source of anti-Western/anti-White critique. Another example is Susan Sontag (born Rosenblatt), who in 1966 produced a quintessential expression of loxism, infamously claiming that “[t]he White race is the cancer of human history” in Partisan Review, a journal founded and run by communist jews.

Sontag’s loxist outburst was never punished, and to this day is rarely discussed. Like Beinart, Sontag perceived Western civilization as an expression of the White race, and thus a righteous target for her loathing. This is clear from the context of her statement:

If America is the culmination of Western white civilization, as everyone from the Left to the Right declares, then there must be something terribly wrong with Western white civilization. This is a painful truth; few of us want to go that far. It’s easier, much easier, to accuse the kids, to reproach them for being “non-participants in the past” and “drop-outs from history.” But it isn’t real history Fiedler is referring to with such solicitude. It’s just our history, which he claims is identical with “the tradition of the human,” the tradition of “reason” itself. Of course, it’s hard to assess life on this planet from a genuinely world-historical perspective; the effort induces vertigo and seems like an invitation to suicide. But from a world-historical perspective, that local history that some young people are repudiating (with their fondness for dirty words, their peyote, their macrobiotic rice, their Dadaist art, etc) looks a good deal less pleasing and less self-evidently worthy of perpetuation. The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al, don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself. What the Mongol hordes threaten is far less frightening than the damage that western “Faustian” man, with his idealism, his magnificent art, his sense of intellectual adventure, his world-devouring energies for conquest, has already done, and further threatens to do.

Sontag was condemning the White race in defense of the 1960s freakout, led by jews, and described the jewed mindset of the “kids” she sympathized with as “post-Freudian and post-Marxian”. She concluded her screed by distinguishing her tribe from the White race:

One last comparison, which I hope won’t seem farfetched. The Jews left the ghetto in the early nineteenth century, thus become a people doomed to disappear. But one of the by-products of their fatal absorption into the modern world was an incredible burst of creativity in the arts, science, and secular scholarship – the relocation of a powerful but frustrated spiritual energy. These innovating artists and intellectuals were not alienated Jews, as is said so often, but people who were alienated as Jews.

Intersectional Jewing


Concerning the jew victim narrative, AKA the jew version of history, which provides the much longer-term foundation for the past century’s jew-defined/jew-driven anti-White “anti-racism” and post-WWII identity politics. The latest twist in the jew narrative concerns intersectionality, which encompasses all the bitter squabbling over rank in the anti-White victim hierarchy. The Occupy Wall Street movement called this hierarchy the progressive stack.

Broadly put, intersectional jewing is what happens when one form of jewing comes into conflict with another. The conflict I focus on here arises mainly out of the clash between two jew narratives: the lie that jews are “white”, and the lie that Whites are evil. There is also a clash between the jew “anti-racism” fraud and the ongoing developments coming out of White science, mostly having to do with genetics and race.

In this podcast I reexamine a number of older topics and connect them with more recent examples.

The intersectional jewing connection first clicked for me while writing about Bret Weinstein at Evergreen. The Tuvel Affair and Trans-Reality are all about the jewing and alt-jewing around sexual degeneracy and transracialism/crypsis.

An early example was discussed in Liberalism as a Suicide Pact, which has to do with the common kikeservative assertion that “muh liberalism/constitution is not a suicide pact” (for the jews) originating from Jackson’s dissent in Terminiello.

The jewsmedia white-washing of the kikeservative Trump administration is discussed in A Tale of Two Steves: Decoding the Ongoing Bannonocaust and Intrigue in Trump’s Palace.

Non-White/anti-White jew double-talk is covered in Jews Debate Whiteness and Jew Identity: Non-White, Anti-White.

Ezra Levant jewsplains the jewing of “hate speech” jewing in Canada.

Lawrence Auster’s The First Law of Jewish Influence.

Alt-jew/JRx: On the Significance of the Neo in Neo-Reaction.

Jonathan Haidt at Duke: Two incompatible sacred values in American universities. A description of Haidt’s this-jewing-has-nothing-to-do-with-the-jews shtick:

“When I went to Yale, in 1981, it said above the main gate ‘Lux et Veritas’: Light and Truth. We are here to find truth,” Haidt says as he paces the stage at the Students for Liberty conference in Washington. “This is our heritage all the way back to Aristotle, Plato, Socrates.” But the pursuit of truth is being supplanted by a new mission, he warns, the pursuit of social justice. He paraphrases Marx: “The point is not to understand the world; the point is to change it.”

It’s human nature to make things sacred — people, places, books, ideas, Haidt says. “So what’s sacred at a university?” he asks. “Victims are sacred,” he answers. And a victimhood culture offers only two ways to get prestige: Be a victim, or, if you can’t manage that, stand up for victims. How? “By punishing the hell out of anyone who in any way, shape, or form, even inadvertently, marginalizes a member of a victim class.”

He clicks to reveal a slide titled “The Six Sacred Groups.” “The Big 3” are Blacks, Women, LGBT. “The Other 3” are Latinos, Native Americans, Disability. The list of sacred victims, he says, is growing. Among the newly sacrosanct are Muslims, transgender, and Black Lives Matter. “I’m in no way saying these are not victims,” Haidt says. “I’m not dismissing claims of systemic racism. I’m just pointing out that the quasi-religious conflicts we have on campus nowadays tend to revolve around these groups.”

Hysterical Jamie Kirchick’s Dykes vs. Kikes. The official response from the dykes:

Zionism is an inherently white-supremacist ideology. It is based on the premise that Jewish people have a God-given entitlement to the lands of historic Palestine and the surrounding areas. This ideology has been used to justify dozens of laws that discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel, segregated road systems in the West Bank, and forced removal of Palestinian families from their homes in order to make way for Jewish-only housing, among other violent and discriminatory practices. We recognize that Zionism is not synonymous with Judaism, but instead represents an ideology that uses legacies of Jewish struggle to justify violence.

Politics + Technology = Nonsense at the Speed of Light