Tag Archives: anti-white

How Jews Jewsplain Jewing

the_nose_knowsHow do you define anti-Semitism? It’s complicated.:

“[T]he JCC bomb threat hoax wasn’t just an isolated swastika daubing — it was an ongoing story affecting Jewish institutions in nearly every American Jewish community. It shaped a communal narrative that something ugly and insidious was happening out there. And it fueled a political crisis among most American Jewish organizations and the White House, with the former accusing the latter of taking too long to denounce anti-Semitism and to comfort Jews traumatized by the bomb threats and at least two major cemetery desecrations.”

Kadar, 18 at the time of his arrest in April, “deserves” the dubious distinction for another reason: He personifies a Jewish question, perhaps the Jewish question of 2017, which is, “How do you define anti-Semitism?” Kadar’s circumstances are of course peculiar to him, asking if a series of hoaxes that terrified Jewish institutions stop being anti-Semitism because the caller is Jewish. The question I am talking about is both semantic and political, pitting left against right on at least two battlegrounds.

“Anti-semitism” is defined by jews. In practice the term denotes anything one or more jews don’t like, as jews. They have difficultly acknowledging this, but it’s not because they can’t agree on what they don’t like. The difficultly arises from what they do agree on, which is that “anti-semitism” is entirely a goyim malfunction and has nothing whatsoever to do with jews jewing. This assertion of theirs is both essential to and contradicted by the way they acutally brandish the term, like a weapon, using their imagined victimhood to justify their aggression, to excuse whatever harm jewing causes non-jews.

Kadar is an excellent example. Jews screeched and jews profited, non-jews weren’t involved except as subordinates. The “anti-semitism” was nothing more than a supposed failure of the kikeservative-in-chief to service the jews when and how they expected. The only question jews ask is how far they can ride their loxism.

Left-leaning groups — on campus and on the outside — worry that labeling even hostile political rhetoric as hate speech puts Jews on the wrong side of the free speech debate. They say that a tool that has only recently been applied to anti-Semitic activity on campus — Title VI of the Civil Rights Act — takes too broad a brush in defining anti-Semitism and ends up blaming legitimate critics of Israel of creating an “unsafe” environment for Jewish students.

Two of the most active groups in promoting the use of Title VI — the Zionist Organization of America and the Lawfare Project — are on the right.

The jews define “hate” too, primarily as a pretext to restrict what anyone else can say or do about what they don’t like. The cry-out-in-pain-as-you-strike nature of jew aggression becomes obvious whenever they try to formulate a precise meaning for “anti-semitism”, and especially when they read it into ostensibly secular liberal law.

The pantomime of left-jew versus right-jew serves as a thin disguise for the fact that Title VI is simultaneously promoted and exploited by jews. The upshot is that the supposed anti-discrimination law is interpreted to discriminate jews from Whites. Organized jewry wants Whites trying to be White criminalized as “hate”, while at the same time they demand their jewing be specifically privileged and protected. The courts, the schools, the corporations, all dance to jewry’s tune.

On the political front, the anti-Semitic debate broke in almost exactly the opposite way: The left was quick to label President Donald Trump as a fomenter of anti-Semitism and some of his aides and minions as anti-Semites outright. The failure of the White House to name Jews in its formal statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day — like Trump’s tepid condemnation of the racist and anti-Semitic marchers at Charlottesville — was not just an inadvertent mistake, many on the left reasoned, but a dog-whistle to the nationalist, and sometimes racist and anti-Semitic, right that supported Trump.

On the political front, the jews kick and the kikeservatives lick. White voters, deracinated and demoralized, too forgiving and forgetful, get only disingenuous dog-whistling. The jews, hyper-ethnocentric and ever-moralizing, never forgiving or forgeting, swiftly swarm to pillory any figurehead who steps over one of their many semitically correct lines.

Charlottesville demonstrated that Whites cannot freely assemble and speak, as Whites, in public. The swift and hysterical reaction from the local, state, and federal governments, officially condemning Whites because “anti-semitism”, demonstrated that Whites and jews are poltical opposites. Decades of phoney judicial dancing around race and privilege have suddenly been supplanted by explicit executive and legislative proclamations that the regime is officially anti-White out of deference to jews.

The ongoing chutzpathic attempt to invert this reality, to portray the kikeservative-in-chief as a tool of “anti-semites” rather than jews, merely reflects how thoroughly jewed the media and current political system are. Trump viciously counter-attacks anyone who attacks him. Everyone but the jews. When the jews kick, Trump licks.

Or maybe it’s not such a new phenomenon after all, because behind the debate are a familiar series of issues that have long divided the Jewish activist class: tikkun olam vs. “peoplehood”; universal justice vs. particularist priorities; a broad human rights agenda vs. a narrower focus on Israel. A polarized political climate only created the conditions for divides that were there all along.

Their toxic “communal narrative”, their hoax culture, their intersectional jewing, their left-vs-right dissembling, their constant screeching and gesticulating. No, none of this is new, only more blatant. To jewsplain their virulent collective behavior jews pretend it’s more complicated than it actually is, moaning about the divisiveness they themselves manufacture. Behind it all is the same old game – two jews, three opinions how to jew.

Jewsmedia Language Matters


In the latest development in the jew war on Whites, a few dozen men gathered in public in Charlottesville and chanted, “you/jews will not replace us”, and, “we will be back”. As usual, this triggered the jewsmedia to unleash an immediate torrent of hysterical anti-White invective. In a textbook example of the exception proving the rule, there was at least one lapse, swiftly remedied.

NBC29: “#BREAKING @Pdeluca29 reports: white activists gather in Emancipation Park with torches. https://t.co/ZAINeAcRlv”

Charles Johnson: “@NBC29 @PDeLuca29 “White activists?!” Are you fucking kidding me? These are NAZIS. https://t.co/SsqCXlCHab”

Charles Johnson: “@NBC29 @PDeLuca29 When I see media refer to these rotten scumbags as “white activists” it makes me sick. Cut it out. Don’t legitimize them.”


NBC29: “Correction: White nationalists, not activists, gathered in Emancipation Park on Saturday evening.”

The Jewsmedia Script, Vegas Edition


A man with white skin is alleged to have shot into a White crowd in Las Vegas, injuring over 500 people and killing some five dozen. How does the anti-White jewsmedia react?

Cohencidence #1. Two professional anti-White jewsmedia house niggers, one a transracial fraud, the other some kind of tragic mulatto, push the same reality-inverting narrative.

The White Privilege of the “Lone Wolf” Shooter, by Shaun King:

No expensive wall along the Mexican border would’ve prevented this. No Muslim ban stopping immigrants and refugees from a few randomly selected countries from reaching our shores would’ve slowed this down.

Paddock, like the majority of mass shooters in this country, was a white American. And that simple fact changes absolutely everything about the way this horrible moment gets discussed in the media and the national discourse: Whiteness, somehow, protects men from being labeled terrorists.

The privilege here is that the ultimate conclusion about shootings committed by people from commonly nonwhite groups often leads to determinations about the corrosive or destructive nature of the group itself. When an individual claiming to be a Muslim commits a horrible act, many on the right will tell us Islam itself is the problem. For centuries, when an act of violence has been committed by an African-American, racist tropes follow — and eventually, the criminalization and dehumanization of an entire ethnic group.

America’s white man problem: After Las Vegas, a familiar script unfolds, by Chauncy DeVega:

Whenever a white man commits an act of mass gun violence in America — politically motivated or otherwise — there is a cultural script that is closely followed by the mainstream news media, politicians and too many members of the public. This narrative is obvious and predictable. Alas, it provides some small measure of comfort to many, even if that familiarity is rooted in gross hypocrisy and flagrant contradictions.

Unlike the impulsiveness he has shown when Muslims are accused of committing a terrorist act, either in the United States or abroad, Donald Trump will be reserved and careful in his statements. The American news media will respond by observing that Trump has now magically become “presidential,” as if his sins could be washed away by a chattering class desperate to make the abnormal into something palatable and routine.

Cohencidence #2. The brainiacs at Vox and Newsweek invoke statistics while pretending they don’t understand proportions.

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners, says Vox:

But in the eight months since Trump took office, more Americans have been killed in attacks by white American men with no connection to Islam than by Muslim terrorists or foreigners.

Adopting extremist views and committing horrendous acts of violence in the name of some “righteous” cause, be it religion or politics or just plain old hatred, isn’t something that only Muslims, or Arabs, or immigrants, or any other group of people do. It’s something humans do.

White Men Have Committed More Mass Shootings than Any Other Group, says Newsweek:

Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.

Here behind the stupid act they’re pushing the same fundamental delusion, reading from the same script as the house niggers. “Oy vey, the mass media is always unfairly blaming non-Whites, especially aliens, and especially muslims. We should start blaming Whites, because we never blame Whites for anything!”

The details of such articles hardly matter. The payload is in their headlines. The point is that race matters. The premise is that Whites are evil, non-Whites are good. The author sees their own perception of someone’s Whiteness as evidence enough to justify condemnation. Actual identity and motives are regarded as irrelevant. It doesn’t even matter whether the individuals in question were doing the shooting or getting shot. They’re White. That’s the problem.

Cohencidence #3. The jewsmedia’s late night comedy wing takes a different tack, refers to race only implicity, but pushes the gun grab agenda hard.

Jimmy Kimmel Calls Out Lawmakers By Name, Says They Better Pray For Forgiveness

Seth Meyers Is Fed Up With Congress Responding To Gun Violence Only With Prayers

Who’s driving the anti-gun agenda? Organized jewry. Why is the jewsmedia anti-White? Because it’s driven by jews.

By the way, this behavior isn’t a reaction to Trump. The jewsmedia faults Trump, and would not have faulted Clinton, but the anti-White premise doesn’t change. In 2013, for example, jewsmedia jews were blaming Whites for the Boston marathon bombing before any suspects had even been identified. It was the same script they’re using today, right down to the “oy vey, won’t somebody pity the poor muslims who don’t have White privilege” shtick.



Well done Jason Kessler, and every White who participated. Whatever else comes of this, you have flushed out the enemy, and thereby performed a great service for your race.

The anti-White/pro-jew regime does indeed seek to replace us. The jews, who rule, have designated Whites personae non gratae. The jews cry out in pain as they condemn “white nationalism” and “white supremacy”, while their servants, who specifically praise “the jewish people” and their parasitic alien ethnostate, obsequiously echo their masters.

How? Why? Revilo Oliver was right.