Tag Archives: race

No Separation, No Peace

The whole purpose of throwing a self-righteous, self-conscious tantrum is to divert attention away from something even more disturbing than the tantrum.

In this case blacks are painfully aware they are their own worst enemy. They realize how violent and uncivilized they are. Most want to live in a nice, clean, peaceful White neighborhood. They want more welfare, not less. They want blonde, blue-eyed baby-mommas.

For this intolerable reality someone must pay, and it’s not themselves.

Blacks, as a group, say: No justice, no peace. What they’re implying is that if they don’t get what they want they will cause trouble for the rest of us.

Our notions of justice are so different that they cannot be reconciled.

Charles Murray Misrepresents the Hostile Judaized Elite as a Friendly White Elite

Charles Murray introduces his short article, Five myths about white people (alternate link), published by The Washington Post on 20 January 2012, by telling us what “our” problem is:

For decades, trends in American life have usually been analyzed through the prism of race, with white Americans serving as the reference point — comparing black unemployment with white unemployment, for instance, or the percentage of Latino high school students who go on to college compared with white students. Those comparisons are illuminating, but they neglect how that reference point itself is changing. Our understanding of white America is subject to a number of outdated assumptions that need rethinking.

Murray thinks up four relatively innocuous myths to take issue with before tripping and falling flat on the last:

5. White Americans are yesterday’s news.

You don’t need to see a young black family in the White House to understand that American demographics are changing. In the 2010 census, non-Latino whites made up 64 percent of the population, down from 69 percent in 2000, 76 percent in 1990 and 80 percent in 1980. In 2011, non-Latino whites for the first time constituted a minority of children under age 2 — the harbinger of a nation in which whites will be a minority. That’s no myth.

Yet, 45 of 50 governors and 96 of 100 U.S. senators were still non-Latino whites in 2010. Whites also were 92 percent of the directors nominated for Academy Awards between 2000 and 2011. They were 96 percent of Fortune 500 chief executives in 2011. The numbers are similar for other influential positions in U.S. society. At least for now, the rhetoric about the fading role of whites in American life outruns reality.

Murray makes the same point anti-White anti-“racists” make. To buy it, for good or ill, all you have to do is buy the most important myth of all – that jews are White. Acknowledging and dispelling this myth would shed further light on most of the myths Murray mentions, and especially the last. But Murray fails to account for it, even while he tries to brush off its consequences.

It isn’t possible to honestly discuss trends in American life, rethinking outdated assumptions, changing demographics, and disproportions in influential positions without mentioning jews. Murray compounds this lie of omission with an outright fabrication: Whites have nothing to worry about, because “whites” still control America. No outdated assumption. No rethinking necessary.

The big disconnect in the worldview of Whites like Murray, who so altruistically embrace jews as fellow “whites”, is that jews don’t reciprocate those warm feelings of solidarity. Jews distinguish themselves from Whites. They are focused on what’s good for jews, not Whites, and not even a hybrid “whiteness” which obligingly includes them. That’s why they go on and on about “anti-semitism”, not anti-Whitism. To the extent Whites like Murray do retain some measure of power, it is only by very deliberately not focusing on what’s good for Whites.

Facing these facts squarely, we can fairly state that it’s jews who are most overrepresented in influential positions in U.S. society. Beside that, it’s clear the anti-White rhetoric Murray so blithely dismisses is actually an expression of deep-seated anti-White animus coming from the very people he misrepresents as racial compatriots.

Murray has already made it clear that he is capable of distinguishing Whites and jews. He is also aware of jewish overrepresentation. In 2007 he wrote Jewish Genius to examine “one of the most obvious topics of all: the extravagant overrepresentation of Jews, relative to their numbers, in the top ranks of the arts, sciences, law, medicine, finance, entrepreneurship, and the media.” Murray’s explanation for this overrepresentation is intelligence, which he goes on to speculate was a product of generations of jewish endogamy.

Murray confirms the distinction with an obligatory regurgitation of the jewish version of history – faulting Whites for trying to defend their interests while lauding jews for advancing theirs:

The sparse representation of Jews during the flowering of the European arts and sciences is not hard to explain. They were systematically excluded, both by legal restrictions on the occupations they could enter and by savage social discrimination. Then came legal emancipation, beginning in the late 1700’s in a few countries and completed in Western Europe by the 1870’s, and with it one of the most extraordinary stories of any ethnic group at any point in human history.

Though Murray refuses to acknowledge it, today a hostile judaized elite treats Whites to savage discrimination. It’s one thing when an ordinary, relatively uninformed person naively mistakes jews for White. It’s another thing entirely when a White intellectual, well aware of the distinction, makes a big deal about it in one context, and pretends it doesn’t matter in another.

A White Guide to the Jewish Narrative

jewish morality

To most Whites morality is an entirely universalist notion. This means that, with some exceptions, if something is right or wrong then it is assumed to be right or wrong for everyone, everywhere, all the time. This notion of morality is reflected in Christian ethics as The Golden Rule. Universalist morality is one of the tenets of Western-style liberalism.

Jews have a more particularist notion of morality: Is it good or bad for the jews? If something is good for jews then it is right, otherwise it is wrong. Jews are also well aware that universalist-sounding rhetoric can bamboozle Whites into serving or at least acceding to jewish particularist interests.

It is this particularist morality that enables jews to unselfconsciously assert that Israel is for the jews but White countries are for everybody. Likewise that the jews are a people, but White is just a meaningless skin color or social construct.

Criticism of jews along these lines is often mistaken, sometimes intentionally, as an accusation of dual loyalty. As Joe Sobran once observed, dual loyalty would be an improvement (from either a liberal universalist or White particularist point of view).

the hate narrative

Jews tend to identify people they hate for specifically jewish reasons as jew-haters.

According to jews, anyone who comes into conflict with the jews must be to blame. Entirely. This blame cannot be explained in any way that leaves blame unassigned, because then some portion might be ascribed, even if only implicitly, to the jews. Thus the tendency to characterize anyone who vexes them as simply mentally or morally defective, driven to hate jews solely for the sake of hating.

the jewish version of history

A one-sided version of history entirely sympathetic to jews. This means that for any historic conflict with other groups or individuals, the non-jews are and always have been entirely to blame. In a nutshell: jews have always been the victims of horrible persecution and oppression at the hands of stupid, crazy, evil haters.

A corollary of this is the anti-White version of history: Whites have always been stupid, crazy, evil haters, persecuting and oppressing everyone else, and specifically jews.

the jewish guilt-trip

The use of any portion of the jewish and/or anti-White versions of history as an accusation, assigning collective responsibility and guilt to Whites. This is a form of psychological aggression – an attack on White self-worth and self-confidence, placing Whites on the defensive.

The purpose of such aggression is to gain concessions benefiting their own group – to promote or defend jewish power and interests.

the blood libel narrative

One specific jewish anti-White libel/story in the larger jewish version of history. This is the jewish claim that on multiple occasions Europeans killed jews who were accused of kidnapping and killing European children for their blood. Since the idea that jews could be guilty of anything is unthinkable, the Europeans must be the ones who were, and still are, guilty.

Oddly enough, according to jews themselves these accusations of bloody kidnap-killing recur across time and space, following jews wherever they go.

the holocaust narrative

Another jewish anti-White libel/story, the most prominent of all. This is the jewish claim that Whites killed (or otherwise aided and abetted the killing of) six million jews in gas chambers between 1939 and 1945. Today this narrative almost completely overshadows anything else that occurred before during or after World War II.

Over time the target of jewish accusations and guilt-tripping has broadened from the Nazis, to Germans (for not stopping the Nazis), to Europeans in general (for not more effectively opposing the Germans), to Whites in general (for restricting immigration, not joining the war in Europe against Germany soon enough, not making the bombing or liberating of prison camps a higher priority). Meanwhile, in an increasing number of Western countries, open dispute of the holocaust narrative is considered a violation of the law, punishable by fine or imprisonment.

the nation of immigrants narrative

Jews in diaspora are the archetypical nation of immigrants, thriving for millenia while regularly migrating from one host country to another. Well aware of this history, jews overwhelmingly favor open borders for all countries, except Israel. Virtually every jew has a story to tell about how their own family benefited from immigration, or was harmed because they couldn’t migrate freely.

In common use the term is an oxymoron used to idealize unrelated, hostile alien tribes colonizing countries founded and formerly controlled by Whites.

the jewish narrative

All together, the phenomena and attitudes described above, and more, constitute the jewish narrative, which is now the dominant narrative in Western society. The pervasiveness of the jewish narrative is a consequence of jewish influence in media, culture, and politics. This is in turn a consequence of jewish wealth and activism.

the jewish question

Prior to the Enlightenment Europe and Christendom were seen, by Europeans, as synonymous. Jews were seen primarily as members of an ancient religious sect who hadn’t yet gotten around to converting to Christianity.

In the late 18th century, with the fig leaf of religion shriveling, European intellectuals began to wonder aloud – Who are these rude, uncivilized, aliens who call themselves The Jews? Why do they behave as a nation within a nation? Whatever shall we do with them?

jewish emancipation

The jewish question was eventually answered by fiat, imposed from above by European political leaders who were sympathetic to and already in the process of assimilating with the jews. These leaders declared jews equal citizens and granted them full political equality. This process occurred in fits and starts, at various times and places in Europe, during the first half of the 19th century. In exchange jews were expected to drop their particularist identity, to stop being jews and assimilate.

Debate on the jewish question dragged on however. Europeans did not generally accept jews as social or racial equals, and jews did not generally abandon their jewish identity. As partially assimilated jewish intellectuals joined the debate, they turned it more and more into an indictment of Europeans.

Today this portion of European history is taboo. Only the jewish version and their guilt-tripping remain in the mainstream. Calling the process jewish emancipation is itself a sign of deference to jewish sensibilities. It was, in retrospect, more of a slow-motion jewish putsch. In the end, jews were free to operate as a particularist team inside a larger, universalist society.

the jewish template and the minority narrative

The struggle for dominance over Western society came to a head in the middle of the 20th century. Whites waged a cataclysmic, fratricidal war on each other and lost. Long before that war, even while Whites still dominated the US politically, jews were already helping blacks found the NAACP and pathologizing White racial identity.

Now, in the 21st century, jewish power and influence increase essentially unchecked. For the last six decades the jews have gone into overdrive, generalizing and adapting elements of their narrative to other “minorities”. Slowly but surely this is what has turned European-founded societies inside out and upside down. When jews and other diversities exclaim, “Diversity is our greatest strength”, they are exactly right.

[Image data source.]

The Month Formerly Known as February

The title comes from the text of Counter-Currents Publishing’s Black History Month Resources.

In the news, the first black president has announced his determination to secure the votes of the 5% of his people who didn’t vote for him the last time around – Obama Announces 2012 Launch Of “African-Americans For Obama”:

Today, we’re announcing the 2012 launch of African Americans for Obama.

There’s no better time than African American History Month to consider the tremendous progress we’ve made through the sacrifice of so many—or a better time to commit to meeting the very real challenges we face right now.

There’s also no better time to enjoy this classic clip of Morgan Freeman explaining that he doesn’t want a Black History Month, with Mike Wallace explaining that jews aren’t White.

The photo captures an important moment in recent black history: Looterman’s triumph over “racism” in the wake of Hurrican Katrina.

An Unamusing Mischling Meltdown

(Unamused’s first comment on this blog was made back in July:

Warning: Unamused is a sneaky half-Jew and does not believe in conspiracy theories, Jew-related or otherwise. He thinks the problem is liberal Jews, and liberals in general; not liberal Jews, and Jews in general. He does however prefer Nazi neighbors to black neighbors.

In September he came up again in the comments at Svigor’s.)

Svigor’s Half Sigma: Female Jewish race-realist, Jewish Supremacy prompts Unamused to protest:

“Ashkenazis are born to Jewish Supremacy.”

I’m half Ashkenazi, and therefore a “Jew” according to the WN types. I didn’t know I was until I was a teenager, and I’ve never cared since. Was I born to Jewish supremacy or not?

“Ashkenazis aren’t overrepresented among pro-White movements or organizations — they’re totally absent.”

This is, and always has been, nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy. No matter what a “Jew” does, as soon as the supposedly pro-White types find out about his “Jew blood,” they reject him. Then they point to the lack of “Jews” as evidence of how bad the “Jews” are. The other “Jews” keep their mouths shut and so they, too, are not counted.

Again, my ban from Stormfront provides a clear example. When they were judging me by what I do and what I write, the Stormfronters believed I was thoroughly pro-White and therefore not a “Jew,” joking that my flyer on race differences in intelligence could not have been written by a “Jew.” Somehow my work magically become Jew propaganda when they found out I’m a “Jew.”

That is not race realism, or realism of any other kind. It is irrational hatred of all “Jews,” no matter what they do. That is why “Jew”-hating WNs are not taken seriously. It doesn’t matter how much of Kevin MacDonald’s research they cite; the unbiased observer notes that their hatred of “Jews” is actually independent of what “Jews” may or may not do.

Responding to Porter, Unamused continues:

“… your ‘irrational hatred’ of blacks…”

I harbor no irrational hatreds. I hate the people who deserve to be hated, and blacks are over-represented among them. This is quite different from hating every single black person. Do you see the difference? That’s why I’m a race realist, and you’re just a Jew-hater.

“Whites are suspect of jews as time immemorial has proven they are well advised to be. This is hardly irrational.”

No, actually, it is irrational.

Go ahead, cite your God, Kevin MacDonald.

“Odd behavior for such irrational actors whose hatred exists independent of what jews actually say or do. Don’t you think?”

I’ve learned to expect odd behavior from Jew-haters.

“… both white and jewish interests…”

The fact that you have detected any “Jewish interests” on my part indicates, yet again, that you are indulging in irrational thinking. Basically, I’m an evil Jew with Jew interests because… I fail to be sufficiently genocidally anti-Semitic.

So Unamused’s point is that he isn’t a jew. If he hates you it’s only because you’re an indulgent, irrational hater of jews. His bugaboo about “jew”-hate has nothing to do with him. It’s all your fault.

Two days later Unamused was still kvetching about the rejection and other indignities he and the jews he supposedly doesn’t care about have suffered at the hands of “the WN types”, “the supposedly pro-White types”, “the Stormfronters” and that god of irrationality, Kevin MacDonald. Oh woe. Why? (A question for the reader):

Why would I keep doing this? What exactly is my motivation?

As context he cites a list of quotes he describes as “anti-jewish racism”.

The first commenter makes a rather obvious observation:

Most Internet comments are pretty juvenile. Unamused, you do have something of a sardonic writing style that would come off as rather mean-spirited and hateful to those not in agreement with your world-view, so it would seem rather petty to complain about others being insensitive towards the Jews.

Sardonic Unamused goes hyperbolic where jewish interests are concerned:

“Insensitive towards the Jews,” in this case, means genocidal anti-Semitism.

Not being a frequent reader of his I would appreciate it if someone who is could point out where Unamused has expressed such concern about genocidal anti-Whitism. Or perhaps where he explains that it’s actually suicidal.

Jewish conspiracy theories and anti-Jewish racism (basically, any time you make a claim about all Jews) are no longer permitted on Unamusement Park. An upcoming post will clarify our position.

This seems to have caught at least a few regular consumers of Unamused’s black “conspiracy theories” and anti-black “racism” by surprise. Others are delighted. The bashing of Whites Unamused hates will continue unabated.

Svigor made a good point about the comments Unamused cited:

Personally, I consider arguing with your worst your opponents can offer, and ignoring the best, is a form of the straw man argument. It’s doubly bad when you pretend that’s what your best opponents are saying, as you do.

Unamused’s response was more of his unamusing schtick:

Oh, don’t think I’m arguing with the Jew-haters. I’m merely demonstrating how diseased are their minds.

The ideas I quoted can be dismissed out of hand. They do not qualify as race realism; they are in fact simply racism. You know anti-white racism? Well… see above for some anti-Jewish racism.

Someone who wants to exterminate the Jews, won’t let any Jew “redeem” himself by participating in pro-white activities, or believes the Nazi genocide of Jews never happened, has disqualified himself from any serious, or even sane, discussion. I’m not interested in “the best” someone has to offer, when he’s so obviously fucked in the head.

Responding to another comment from someone who pointed out that he had claimed he wasn’t a “racist” at Svigor’s, Unamused writes:

Don’t make a fool of yourself by forgetting that just because liberals misuse the term, that doesn’t mean actual racism doesn’t exist. Have you not noticed my many posts addressing anti-white racism? Now, I am not a racist, as will be made clear in my next post. But attacking or excluding Jews because they are Jews is racism.

This is all very Austeresque. The ambiguous jewish identity. The hostility to anyone put off by that ambiguity. The inability to accept Whites as distinct from jews even while taking for granted that jews are distinct from Whites. The self-righteous “white” advocacy. Hinging that advocacy on unfettered criticism of blacks while condemning Whites for criticizing jews. The histrionics. The hypocrisy. The projection. The rationalizations. The talmudic hairsplitting. The acceptance of jews and subordination of non-jewish interests as a moral litmus test. The irrational hatred of Kevin MacDonald. The dishonest “liberal” rhetoric. The control-freak need to edit and censor other people’s comments. I could go on.

Having already picked through this kind of jew-first dissembling and dissimulation with Lawrence Auster (and to a similar but less thorough extent with Ian Jobling, Guy White, Fjordman, and several others) I see hardly anything new here. Yet I’m fascinated by the situation and dismayed by how Unamused faces it. On the surface I see a conflicted man I’m inclined at first blush to feel some sympathy for – a part-jew/part-White who wants to “redeem” his jewish half and prove himself pro-White. Unfortunately I can’t help noticing his deception and duplicity. How he goes about trying to achieve his goal by attacking Whites. How he’s not simply trying to redeem himself, or half-jews, but all jews because they are jews.

Attacking and excluding “racists” for “attacking or excluding Jews because they are Jews” is in fact the quintessential jewish conceit. It is the epitome of jewish privilege and supremacy that jews as a group feel free to attack or exclude whomever they wish, which just makes them good jews, and at the same time painting Whites who attack or exclude jews, or by “liberal” extension any other “minority”, as the most stupid/crazy/evil people ever.

Svigor critiqued Unamused’s post in Because it’s good for the Whites. His conclusion:

No amount of arguing about tactics or “respectability” is going to convince me that Ashkenazis should have a right to ethno-states, and Whites should not. And this is the status quo we’re facing. Ashkenazi Supremacy. “White Advocates” who are okay with this are wrong-headed. “White Advocates” who put this problem on the back burner are wrong-headed.

One final note, about the less-capable ANTI-SEMITES!!! Sure, they’re a burden in the sense that the average person isn’t bright enough to separate the wheat from the chaff and forgo the guilt by association fallacy, given enough reason (nobody seems to apply these standards to leftoid values like blank-slatism and equalitarianism; mouth-breathers supporting these things abound). But there are plenty of idiots who criticize Blacks. I don’t see any HBD-ers, Race Realists, or White Advocates bemoaning the burden they create.

I’d rather share a foxhole with a mouth-breathing ANTI-SEMITE!!! than a philo-Semitic “White Advocate” any day. At least I know whose side he’s on.

Well said. I agree.

In the comments Svigor referred indirectly to my A Personal Disclosure:

E.g., I love TAN and think the world of him, but I don’t think he “came clean” for anyone’s sake but his own; he felt like he’d be deceiving people if he didn’t come out with it. The rest of us didn’t give a damn either way.

He is correct. I disclosed it because it pained me not to. I realized that it was important and that it would only reflect more negatively on my character and motives the longer I put it off.

The relevance here is twofold. For one thing I have at least a second-hand appreciation for Unamused’s situation. I understand that jewishness, like Whiteness, is part inborn and part mindset. The personality traits are more inborn, while the hostility toward Whites comes more from indoctrination – being taught that to be a jew is to be a victim, primarily of the supposedly senseless hate and oppression of Whites. Second, I recognize that Unamused exaggerates his case, and that he consistently does so in favor of his jewish half and at the expense of his White half. He’s obsessed with putting down Whites who in his own estimation have no real power or importance. He makes a self-righteous stink about “racist” Whites rejecting him, while the jews who reject him, or would if he tried to pass himself off as an advocate for jews, get a pass. The jews who hate him for being a “racist” also get a pass. You see, he’s not really a “racist”, he’s a “race realist”, and they’re not really jews, they’re “liberals”. Finally, I think what Unamused sees as genocidal jew-hate pales in comparison to the harsh, unrelenting criticism aimed at Whites because they are White. That Whites are born stupid/crazy/evil “racists” is a foregone conclusion broadcast by the MSM, taught in the schools, and codified in the law. The last thing Whites need are faux-“whites” who spout the same poisonous message.

By the way, a recent German translation of my personal disclosure post can be found at As der Schwerter – Tanstaafl: Eine persönliche Enthüllung (Google Translate). I’m sorry to have caused my comrades there, and here, any concern over my long break from writing.