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Jews Cry, Trump Jumps


Nothing is more deserving of the epithet FAKE NEWS than the mainstream corporate jewsmedia, which for a year and a half has been promoting the big lie that Trump is a “fascist” “racist” “anti-semite” who is pandering to “White nationalists” and “neo-nazis”.

In reality Trump has repeatedly and explicitly disavowed “racists”, never says anything explicitly in favor of Whites, regularly praises and expresses his desire to serve non-Whites, and behaves especially deferential and servile toward jews. Trump has only ever appealed indirectly to Whites, by posturing as an opponent of (((political correctness))) and criticizing (((the globalist elite))). Recently he has called the jewsmedia “the enemy” and “fake news”. The jewsmedia screeching intensifies.

It’s all an elaborate charade.

Trump fails to treat his supposed enemy as if they really are an enemy, fails to call out their most blatant fakery. The jews despise and attack Trump, and in return Trump declares his love for the jews and defends them. Trump has surrounded himself with jews and like-minded kikeservatives. The jews bark. He obeys.

Federal Authorities Investigate Bomb Threats Targeting Jewish Centers, NBC News, 21 February 2017:

Federal authorities were investigating a wave of bomb threats at 10 Jewish community centers across the country on Monday, the FBI said.

In a statement, the bureau said it was helping investigate the threats as possible civil rights violations. The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division was also investigating.

Centers in Alabama, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Florida, New Mexico, Tennessee, Texas and New York reported phoned-in threats, the Jewish Community Center Association of North America told NBC News.

No one was injured, and the threats appeared to be hoaxes, the association said.

The events come just weeks after another round of bomb threats targeted 53 Jewish community centers across 26 states and one Canadian province during three days in January.

Ryan Lenz, a senior writer with the nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups, told NBC News that the threats coincided with what appeared to be a spike in hate speech and hate group activity since Donald Trump’s election.

“We don’t know who’s behind these threats,” Lenz said. “We don’t know if groups are organizing them. We do know they’re in line with an increase in hate incidents and bias incidents over the last three months.”

On Monday, the Anti-Defamation League issued a security advisory warning Jewish institutions across the United States to review the organization’s security manual and bomb threat guidance assembled by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

“We look to our political leaders at all levels to speak out against such threats directed against Jewish institutions, to make it clear that such actions are unacceptable, and to pledge that they will work with law enforcement officials to ensure that those responsible will be apprehended and punished to the full extent of the law,” the group’s chief executive, Jonathan Greenblatt, added in a statement.

There’s no sneaky double-talk to decode here. Organized jewry is clearly claiming and the jewsmedia is clearly reporting that the “civil rights violations” they’re all screeching about are imaginary. No perpetrators have been identified. The simple fact is that jews expect their screeching alone to compel “political leaders at all levels” to single out and reward jews with very real privileged treatment.

Trump could have responded by maintaining his anti-media, anti-globalist shtick. “Look, this is the epitome of fake news. This is the best example of just how rigged the system is, how corrupt the globalist elite are. The most wealthy, most powerful, most organized group in America, who largely own and operate the dishonest media and drive the globalist agenda, are making outrageous demands based on imaginary claims. And as usual they’re doing this all for their own benefit, at the expense of the American people. Sad.”

Instead the real Trump, the kikeservative anti-“racist” responded.

Trump Calls Anti-Semitism ‘Horrible’ and ‘Painful’, The New York Times, 21 February 2017:

During a visit to the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, Mr. Trump said he was reminded of the need to combat hatred “in all of its very ugly forms.” He spoke one day after 11 bomb threats were phoned in to Jewish community centers around the country and a Jewish cemetery in University City, Mo., was vandalized.

“The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible, and are painful, and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil,” Mr. Trump said.

This is the tough guy who never backs down, who always counter-attacks, at least as long as he can pretend he’s not talking to or about the jews. Trump is never more sincere and passionate than when defending the jews who despise him.

Obsequiousness breeds contempt. Feeling emboldened and empowered, the jews are already demanding more.

“The president’s sudden acknowledgment of anti-Semitism is a Band-Aid on the cancer of anti-Semitism that has infected his own administration,” said Steven Goldstein, the executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect. “When President Trump responds to anti-Semitism proactively and in real time, and without pleas and pressure, that’s when we’ll be able to say this president has turned a corner. This is not that moment.”

To justify their power and privilege the jews invert reality, claim that the bagel republic is hostile toward them. Trump aids and abets their fraud. He endorses it.

How to square the Trump who deplores “anti-semitic threats” and wants “to root out hate and prejudice and evil” with the Trump who promises to “unite the civilized world against radical islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate from the face of the Earth”? By noticing that there is nothing to square. The jews define “hate” and “evil”. The jews designate the threats to combat and eradicate. The jews call the tune, Trump dances.

(((Anti-Trump))) Versus (((Anti-Anti-Trump)))


David Harsanyi on Peter Beinart on David Frum, Eliot Cohen, David Brooks, Jonathan Tobin, and Nachama Soloveichik on Jonathan Freeland and Peter Beinart on Jared Kushner.

Following this exchange backward through time you see jews conducting an entirely jewy debate about what’s best for jews, trying to cloak it the hackneyed terms of left versus right only after it erupted out of the jewiest corners of the jewsmedia and threatened to become a full-blown shanda fur die goyim.

This particular debate came to light in the mainstream via Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That’s Happened To Donald Trump, published by the Federalist’s senior editor David Harsanyi on 14 February 2017:

In a recent Atlantic piece titled “The Anti-Anti-Trump Right,” by Peter Beinart, the subheadline reads: “For conservative publications, the business model is opposing the left. And that means opposing the people who oppose Trump.” As is customary these days, the Left, much like Trump, questions the motives of political foes rather than addressing their arguments. Beinart goes on to name the two only honorable conservatives in the entire country (according to Democrats), David Frum and David Brooks.

Here is one jew describing another jew naming two other jews – without mentioning that it’s all about jewing. Unless you’re familiar with the names you might think the the story has nothing to do with jews. But here’s another little hint:

What seems to most vex critics of the anti-anti-Trump contingent (and I am mentioned in the Atlantic piece) is that conservatives aren’t appropriately agitated about the world that liberals see — a world that has turned out to be far less apocalyptic in the early going than they imagine. But if it’s a zero-sum choice they’re offering, that includes picking Neil Gorsuch over Planned Parenthood; tax cuts over teachers unions; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Iran’s Holocaust deniers; deregulation of the bureaucratic state over legislation, or forcing progressive cultural mores on everyone. And so on.

What Beinart was actually talking about was a divide on the “right” between Whites and the “right”-posturing jews those Whites like to imagine are their allies. The Anti-Anti-Trump Right was published by The Atlantic on 13 February 2017:

Several weeks into the Trump presidency, one can divide the reaction among conservative commentators into three categories.

At one extreme sit those conservatives who championed Trump during the campaign, and still do: Breitbart, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, among others. Their base is talk radio. They pride themselves on speaking for those plainspoken, dirt-under-the-fingernails conservatives who loathe not only Hillary Clinton, but Paul Ryan. Their chief enemies are globalism and multiculturalism, which they believe infect both parties, and are destroying America from without and within. Their ideological forefathers are Joseph McCarthy, George Wallace and Pat Buchanan, who claimed that America’s cosmopolitan, deracinated ruling elite had betrayed the white Christians to whom the country truly belonged.

At the other extreme sit conservatives like my Atlantic colleague David Frum, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced and International Studies Professor Eliot Cohen, and New York Times columnist David Brooks, who warned against Trump during the campaign, and believe he is now vindicating their fears.

Beinart’s first extreme, the White kikeservatives who love love love the jews but kinda sorta temporarily don’t like some of the jewed elite’s agenda, is what anti-White anti-Trumpers more commonly refer to as “racists”, “anti-semites”, “White nationalists/supremacists”, or simply “neo-nazis”. In Beinart’s eyes they are the chief enemy.

On the other extreme are Beinart and his tribemates, the anti-Trumpers who identify more with (((America’s cosmopolitan, deracinated ruling elite))). Beinart specifically names three “right”-posturing jews. He could have added vociferous anti-Trumpers Bill Kristol, John Podhoretz, Robert Kagan, Max Boot, Jennifer Rubin, or Jamie Kirchick to the list, but perhaps he thought that would make his point too plain.

Anyway, Beinart’s third category is who he is really upset about. This is the jewy group he’s calling anti-anti-Trump, whose modus operandi he describes aptly enough. “Their business model is opposing the left. And that means opposing the people who oppose Trump.” I.e. those jews who still believe their “right”-posturing is best for the jews.

Beinart is talking here about a White/jew divide and was actually responding to Nachama Soloveichik and other jews calling him out on a jew-jew divide, for critcizing jews as jews.

Soloveichik’s article, Jew-Shaming Liberals Discredit Religion & Themselves, was published by National Review on 6 February 2017:

Liberal Jews are falling over one another to label President Trump the latest incarnation of Jew-haters from Pharaoh to Haman to Hitler.

These attacks have ranged from the exaggerated to the absurd. And while these inflated diatribes are concerning enough, a new theme has developed that is as baffling as it is destructive: Jew-shaming.

There has long been an expectation in Jewish circles that members of the tribe should support leftist policies and candidates. The thinking is that the Jews’ centuries-long persecution compels them to support the party that professes to protect persecuted minorities. Like women and African Americans, leftists are often shocked to stumble across the existence of conservatives who are Jewish, female, or black.

As a member of this endangered species, I’m familiar with this phenomenon. As a Jewish, female political conservative, I am often met with bewilderment. I am also sensitive to the history of persecution. I lost too many relatives in the Holocaust. This persecution is undeniable and unforgettable. What’s baffling is why people think they can decide for me, for Jared Kushner, and for any other Jew what Judaism means to us or how we should vote as Jews.

One of the “left”-posturing jews Soloveichik named was Jonathan Freedland, and as an example of his “jew-shaming” linked Jews must oppose Trump’s new order, published by The Jewish Chronicle on 26 January 2017:

Put simply, Jews should want nothing to do with Trumpism. Some might be drawn to the new president’s hawkishness on Israel, typified by his promise to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and his nomination of the pro-settler extremist David Friedman to serve as ambassador. But those who care about Israel’s future viability as a state both Jewish and democratic know such moves can only hurt, not help. They are a bottle of vodka left on the doorstep of an alcoholic: presented as an act of friendship, they are in fact an encouragement to self-destruction.

Put simply, Freedland is saying to jews, “Don’t fall for the destructive tricks we use on the stupid goyim!”

There is an obvious place for Jews in Trump’s world — standing against every last bit of it.

This is a jew speaking as a jew, calling for jews to unite as jews, because he thinks Trump is bad for the jews. But Soloveichik found an even jewier example:

The worst of the worst came from the Forward, where senior columnist Peter Beinart sought to indict Kushner’s moral identity as a Jew.

Beinart goes straight for the jugular, declaring Kushner a failure of Modern Orthodoxy.

And in this era of vicious political attacks spread on social media, we’d all do well to take a moment and ask ourselves, “Who are we, that we should issue religious indictments on our fellow Jews?”

Soloveichik’s point is on beyond Freedland and Beinart, a reminder to them and other jews that jews jewing transcends any Trump Trumping.

Beinart’s original article, Jared Kushner’s Moral Failure Indicts Orthodox Judaism, was published by the Forward on 31 January 2017. Beinart was trying to express his dismay about Kushner failing to stop Trump’s lame “muslim ban”, which came out as a typically overwrought rehashing of the same jew victim narrative that’s real in Soloveichik’s mind:

In remarkable ways, modern Jewish history echoes the passage from powerlessness to power that begins in the Book of Exodus. Therefore, the challenge for Jared Kushner, and everyone in our extraordinarily privileged generation, is to remember our ancestors’ suffering and honor their memories by defending the weak, vulnerable and oppressed today.

How could Kushner — a Modern Orthodox golden boy — fail to internalize that?

Kushner’s failure is not his problem alone; it should chill every Modern Orthodox educator, rabbi and parent in the United States. How could the Modern Orthodox community, a community that prides itself on instilling in its children Jewish knowledge and ideals, have failed so profoundly?

Thus what started with jews calling each other race traitors, identifying Whites as the enemy, by the time it eventually bubbles to the surface of the luegenpresse has nothing to do with jews and is all about Trump.

TFeed Index 2014-2016


TFeed is an RSS feed for audio files I’m either interested in hearing or have already heard but think might appeal to others with similar interests.

You can send suggestions (please include link) for audio to put in the feed to tanstaafl at age-of-treason dot com.

Since TFeed’s inception just over two years ago I’ve posted roughly 300 items to it. A few of the items that I posted sight-unseen turned out to be uninteresting or worse, and others either never worked (thanks SoundCloud) or have since disappeared. Nevertheless I’ve enjoyed listening to the bulk of it and hope others have as well. I will continue to maintain the feed into the foreseeable future.

Here is a complete list of items posted through December 2016.

The Politics of Fear, The Psychology of Treason

(((donor class)))

In Fear and Loathing and Treason – Part 1 and Part 2 I discussed the psychological motives and mechanics of the White traitors aiding and abetting the invasion and colonization of Europe by “refugees”.

(((Corey Robin))) has written an article for the Jew Republic, What’s in it For The Collaborators?, getting inadvertently at what I was try to get at more deliberately. I’ve just taken the liberty here of deobfuscating (in the current year even the jews admit “elite” is just code for “jews”) and excerpting those portions which well describe the interplay of host collaboration and jew parasitism:

By conventional understanding, a collaborator is one who assists an enemy, helping groups to which he does not belong threaten groups to which he does belong. But this definition, it seems to me, is too restrictive. It presumes that a group is a discrete whole, that once in it, we can’t get out of it or have competing affiliations. Collaborators, however, cannot be so neatly bound.

Whether we belong to one group or another in some existential sense, in the course of our lives we do incur moral obligations to our comrades and friends, whom we betray when we aid our opponents.

But to avoid the question of identity that restrictive definitions of collaboration entail, I will use the definition contained in the word’s Latin root collaborare: “to work together.” By collaborator, I simply mean those men and women who work with jews and who occupy the lower tiers of power and make political fear a genuinely civic enterprise.

The collaborator confounds our simple categories of jew and victim. Like the jews, the collaborator takes initiative and receives benefits from his collaboration. Like the victim, he may be threatened with punishment or retribution if he does not cooperate.

Many collaborators, in fact, are drawn directly from the ranks of the victims. Perhaps then we can distinguish between collaborators of aspiration, inspired by a desire for gain, and collaborators of aversion, inspired by a fear of loss. The first are akin to jews, the second to victims. But even that distinction is too neat. Jews also fear loss, and victims hope for gain, and as the economist’s notion of opportunity costs attests, the hope of gain often informs the fear of loss.

Collaborators serve two functions. First, they perform tasks that jews themselves cannot or will not perform. These tasks may be considered beneath the dignity of the jews: cooking, cleaning, or other forms of work. They may require local knowledge—as in the case of informers, who provide information jews cannot access on their own—or specialized skills.

Second, collaborators extend the reach of jews into corners of society that jews lack the manpower to patrol. These collaborators are usually figures of influence within communities targeted by jews. Their status may come from the jews, who elevate them because they are willing to enforce the jews’ directives. More often, their authority is indigenous. Figures of trust among the victims, they can be relied upon to persuade the victims not to resist, to compound the fear of disobedience the victims already feel.

Because their functions are so various, collaborators come in all shapes and sizes. Some travel in or near the orbit of jew power; others are drawn from the lower orders and geographic peripheries. One common, though unappreciated, influence upon their actions is their ambition. While some collaborators hope to stave off threats to their communities and others are true believers, many are careerists, who see in collaboration a path of personal advance.

Whether the payment is status, power, or money, collaboration promises to elevate men and women, if only slightly, above the fray.

Though ambitious collaborators like to believe that they are adepts of realpolitik, walking the hard path of power because it is the wisest course to take, their realism is freighted with ideology. Careerism has its own moralism, serving as an anesthetic against competing moral claims. Particularly in the United States, where ambition is a civic duty and worldly success a prerequisite of citizenship, enlightened anglers of their own interest can easily be convinced that they are doing not only the smart thing, but also the right thing. They happily admit to their careerism because they presume an audience of shared moral sympathy.

Organized Jewry Screeches About Jew Privilege


Pictured is a screenshot of this twit from Jonathan Greenblatt, which in turn links an ADL blog post, New Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos: Promises Made, Promises to be Kept.

A search for the language in this twit brought up a more detailed account from a Jerusalem Post op-ed, US Jewish students now protected from anti-Semitic abuse, 17 November 2010:

After a six-year Zionist Organization of America campaign, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights announced an important policy benefiting Jewish students in elementary, secondary and post-secondary schools. In a letter issued on October 26, OCR declared that it will enforce Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to protect Jewish students from harassment, intimidation and discrimination at federally funded schools.

This is a breakthrough. Until this announcement, OCR wouldn’t enforce Title VI to protect Jewish students, leaving them without the same civil rights protections that have been afforded to other ethnic and racial groups since Title VI’s enactment in 1964.

It was OCR’s policy denying Jews the protection of Title VI that largely accounted for the agency’s decision to dismiss the complaint the ZOA filed in 2004 on behalf of Jewish students at the University of California at Irvine. UCI students had been subjected to years of anti-Semitic harassment and intimidation, described in detail in the ZOA’s 11-page complaint to OCR.

One of the authors of that op-ed was quoted saying something similar several years earlier. SPME: New Legal Tools Fight Anti-Semitism, CLJ’s Susan Tuchman Says, The Jewish Chronicle of Pittsburgh, 5 July 2007:

“Campus anti-Semitism is a serious problem,” [director of the Zionist Organization of America’s Center for Law and Justice (CLJ), Susan] Tuchman said, “but the good news is there is a legal tool to address it.”

That legal tool is Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Thanks in part to the efforts of Tuchman, anti-Semitism can now be challenged under Title VI.

The good news, Tuchman said, is that the inclusion of Jews as a protected class under Title VI was recently endorsed by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, a bi-partisan agency that investigates and studies discrimination, reporting its findings to Congress and the president. In 2006, the Commission recognized that anti-Semitism encompasses more than name calling and threats, and that sometimes it is expressed as “anti-Israelism” or anti-Zionism.

The Commission accordingly recommended that colleges and universities come out and condemn anti-Semitism, Tuchman explained. The Commission rejected the argument that universities could remain silent because of the perpetrators’ right to free speech; instead, the Commission said, the schools had a moral obligation to take a stand against anti-Semitic speech.

The Commission’s findings have sent “a powerful message to colleges and universities,” Tuchman said.

The OCR had already publicly conceded to jew demands for special treatment in 2004 – Title VI and Title IX Religious Discrimination in Schools and Colleges, 13 September 2004:

OCR has recently addressed two kinds of race and sex discrimination allegations commingled with allegations of religious discrimination. First, since the attacks of September 11, 2001, OCR has received complaints of race or national origin harassment commingled with aspects of religious discrimination against Arab Muslim, Sikh, and Jewish students. Second, OCR has recently encountered allegations of racial and sex discrimination commingled with allegations of religious discrimination against Christian students. OCR does not tolerate either of these forms of harassment, which are prohibited by Title VI and Title IX.

As we pass the third anniversary of September 11, 2001, we must remain particularly attentive to the claims of students who may be targeted for harassment based on their membership in groups that exhibit both ethnic and religious characteristics, such as Arab Muslims, Jewish Americans and Sikhs. President George W. Bush and Secretary Rod Paige have both condemned such acts of bigotry. As President Bush has said, “those who feel like they can intimidate our fellow citizens to take out their anger don’t represent the best of America, they represent the worst of humankind, and they should be ashamed of their behavior.”

So the six-year campaign mentioned in the 2010 article appears to have actually been about cementing and/or broadening a special privileged status for jews. And now seven years beyond that organized jewry is still screeching as if at any moment jews might be treated as if they are White.

I touched on this particular point in Jews Versus Whites – Part 2. Behind the Orwellian language of civil rights – the disingenuous universalist moralizing against the evils of discrimination, disparate treatment, and disparate impact – lies a fundamental distinction between protected classes and everyone else.

So what the jews have been screeching about all this time, as if they are victims, is that the government, under the false pretext that “jew” is a religion, discriminates in favor of jews and assigns them special legal privilege as a protected class.