Tag Archives: media

When Relentless Remorseless Exterminating Machines Control the Media

Revealing themselves and their tricks, again: The Secret Jewish History Of “Alien”.

Most of the “secret” connections are tenuous, having to do with media being totally jewed. It’s all just fluff padding out the core truth:

One might also consider the alien lifeform itself as an embodiment of the Jewish condition. Alone, wandering in space, it is as Ash calls it, a “survivor.” The organic-machine combination gives it an androgynous quality (it is a female entity but played by a male actor, Bolaji Badejo), again something which has been leveled historically at Jewish men in particular. Technically known as a Xenomorph, its ability to blend into the surroundings of the spaceship suggest a gift for mimicry – a hallmark of the Jewish condition — echoing that of the Transformers.

The very name of the film also suggests how Jewish immigrants have been perceived in Europe and the United States as reflected in the anti-immigrant legislation in Britain specifically designed to curb a Jewish “invasion,” The Aliens Act of 1905.

. . .

Finally, the alien is a relentless, remorseless exterminating machine. All biological organisms are its potential victims. In the prequel “Prometheus,” a crew member describes a pile of corpses he has stumbled upon as resembling a “Holocaust picture.” Thus, it has even been asked, “Can we say that behind those murderous vagina dentata of “Alien,” these atrocities of the twentieth century lurk?

They didn’t give the alien any lines because it would have sounded like nasally screeching in yiddish, letting the goyim know too quickly.

Some People Did Something

There’s so much jewing in the news I can’t keep up with it.

Biden announced his ambition to be the new kikeservative-in-chief. This triggered another six gorillion jewsmedia articles screeching as if the current kikeservative-in-chief is anti-jew.

After three years of depicting Trump as a Russian puppet, the jew paper of record slipped and ran this cartoon depicting something closer to the unfunny reality. This made a bunch of yids flip their lids, screeching as if The Jew York Times is anti-jew.

John Earnest shot some jews, citing toxic anti-White jewing as his motivation. Jews responded by screeching as if jewmerica and its totally jewed regime is anti-jew. And of course, Trump’s boss demanded an immediate increase in goyim support for toxic jewing.

It may have been some combination of these screechings, or nothing at all, which made Bari Weiss recite the standard jew narrative on anti-jewing:

Anti-Semitism is a virus. When the immune system of a society is healthy, anti-Semitism is kept in check. When it is weakened—as it is right now—the virus thrives, as it has so many times before in some of the most seemingly civilized cultures on the planet.


Jewy Anti-White Conversations Disguised as Something Else

Last night I finally pushed through and finished listening to an item I had put on TFeed in mid-February: This conversation (between two jews) will change how you understand misogyny. Several times over the past months I had stopped listening, in disgust, after only a few minutes. It is that bad. I can’t even recall why I thought it was worth putting on my feed in the first place, other than the general notion of listening in on enemy conversations.

Ezra Klein and Kate Manne talk for two hours and 15 minutes. They spend the first 50-60 minutes beating around the bush – speaking in platitudes and generalities, and in feminized academic jargon so thick that it’s hardly possible to see any point to what they’re saying. What makes it worse, especially in this first part, is how all the while they’re heaping praise on each other for their supposed bold insight and explication.

I want this hour of my life back, and I apologize for subjecting other listeners to it. If you haven’t listened yet you can skip it and lose nothing.

In the second hour the two jews loosen up and speak more plainly. At this point it becomes clear that what they are really talking about, and the cause for their mutual admiration, is not about sex or gender but about race. They share a loathing and resentment not toward men in general, but specifically toward White men for being White.

The last 15 minutes are the best. Having revealed the subtext of Manne’s book and this discussion as an extension of the broader long-running Freud/Authoritarian Personality shtick – to psychopathologize White men, to convince us to further lower our defenses – the two jews finally feel comfortable enough to confide that the driving force, their central concern, has everything to do with their jewness and their congenital anxiety about soap and lampshades.

By the by we learn Klein’s debate with tribemate Sam Harris still dogs him. That conversation was shorter and more worth listening to on the whole. Two anti-White jews, dissimulating as “white guys”, debating what take on race is best for the jews. Harris plays the “race realist”, Klein the anti-“racist”. As with Klein’s conversation with Manne, the crucial fact that both participants are jews, and hyperconscious of it, doesn’t come out until after an elaborate song and dance.

Klein’s toxic jewing first came to my attention ten years ago, during the Journolist scandal.

Taylor vs Twitter


Some twits and a press release this week claimed Jared Taylor’s lawyers had “won the first round” against Twitter. Reading the court transcript there are a few more realistic things to say about it.

First, hearings like this are by design biased in the plaintiff’s favor. Twitter doesn’t want to go to trial, so they’re trying to convince the judge that Taylor’s claims are baseless. The judge argued in this instance almost as if he were an advocate for Taylor. He favors a trial, but intimated several times that his attitude during a trial would be different.

Second, no surprise, Taylor’s complaint does not focus on race. He is not challenging Twitter’s anti-White censorship, much less highlighting the central role organized jewry has played in driving that agenda. Instead the focus of the complaint is on “viewpoint discrimination” and whether Twitter falsely led users to believe they really allow “all types of speech”. The judge sees it as a public interest lawsuit. Twitter’s lawyer argued that Taylor brought the suit to serve the narrower interests of himself and his non-profit organization. As he put it:

this is a suit about these two plaintiffs with an enormous public stake in this case; they say that their whole enterprise of spewing… white — you know, white racism to the world depends on Twitter; that they built their enterprise around this.

Finally, in comments like this one and the ones below Twitter’s lawyer made it clear that Twitter does indeed engage in anti-White censorship and asserted that they have the legal right to do so. While trying to excuse Twitter’s not-so-free speech fraud the lawyer said:

And that was not a promise that, for a — six, seven, eight years, everybody who’s come onto the platform, no matter what they do, no matter whether they’re white supremacist or not, contrary to the Twitter’s, you know, evolved standards, that was not a promise that we never can take your account down.

. . .

Your Honor, you’re suggesting that a general statement six years ago somehow binds Twitter — when does that stop? When does that — when does that stop? Twitter can’t evolve, as the world changes vastly, and sees that white supremacy is having a major problem on its platform, it can’t act to control that?

The lawyer admits that Twitter banned Taylor because of race. He takes it for granted they are justified to ban Whites merely for being White, at least as long as they tack on the semitic buzzterms “racist” or “supremacist”. This is the heart of the issue, despite Taylor’s attempt to avoid it.

Narrative vs Science: Cheddar Man Gaslighting

nehlen_banned_for_semitical_incorrect_mashup_of_propreitary_jew_memesRace is real. Race matters. The jews define the moral and financial terms in which nearly everyone else thinks. They use this power to disarm, manipulate, exploit, and ultimately destroy others. If hearing any of those points clearly enunciated reminds you of jews screeching, then you know what semitical correctness is. The other, original sandnigger sharia.

Since 1945 race science continues under new euphemisms, though largely with the direct involvement if not supervision of hyper-conscious tribemembers. Resources are allocated and mainstream interpretations are shaped as per “good for the jews”.

Update in the semitically correct jewsmedia narrative. The first Britons were black, Natural History Museum DNA study reveals:

The results show, contrary to popular belief, that the founding generations of Britons owed more in appearance to Paleolithic Africans, from whom all humans descend.

Scientists said they show that commonly understood racial categories are historically only “recent constructions”.

Up to nine previous colonisations of Britain, via the now flooded European landbridge known as Doggerland, had been wiped out due to harsh temperatures.

But the roughly 12,000 humans in Britain at the time of Cheddar Man thrived and their DNA now comprises roughly 10 per cent of the genetic make-up of most white people currently living in the UK.

The essence of the aggression:

Dr Yoan Dieckmann, from University College London, who took part in the project, said: “The historical perspective that you get just tells you that things change, things are in flux, and what may seem as a cemented truth that people who feel British should have white skin, through time is not at all something that is an immutable truth.

“It has always changed and will change.”

Science politicized, weaponized poz, White genocide. Also, shut it down. Mr. Composite: “Cheddar Man being used politically to synthesize: 1. All shades of dark skin color are supra-racial “black” (I remain unconvinced of black Britons) 2. Since we’re all “black,” the West must accept its demise via mass immigration “because we’re all black immigrants.” Also, jews.…”

Black Cheddar as part of the larger one-race-the-migrating-mixing-nigger-race narrative. The following article is the closest the jewsmedia gets to telling the truth about the racial history of Britain. What’s conspicuously missing from such tales is any actual discussion of race – the genetic similarity of the peoples who conquered, colonized, and combined then, much less the glaring dissimilarity of the contemporary multicult. After Cheddar Man: How the mongrel English found their home during the Dark Ages:

By 954… A mongrel people had at last secured a safe place in which to live.

An analogous question of origins in North America. Here the racial nature of the conflict is made fairly explicit, from an anti-White point of view. Rejecting the Solutrean hypothesis: the first peoples in the Americas were not from Europe:

A recent Canadian documentary promoted a fringe idea in American archaeology that’s both scientifically wrong and racist

First, in addition to the scientific problems with the Solutrean hypothesis which I’ll discuss shortly, it’s important to note that it has overt political and cultural implications in denying that Native Americans are the only indigenous peoples of the continents. The notion that the ancestors of Native Americans were not the first or only people on the continent has great popularity among white nationalists, who see it as a means of denying Native Americans an ancestral claim on their land. Indeed, although this particular iteration is new, the idea behind the Solutrean hypothesis is part of a long tradition of Europeans trying to insert themselves into American prehistory; justifying colonialism by claiming that Native Americans were not capable of creating the diverse and sophisticated material culture of the Americas.

Interesting critiques, arguments, evidence.

☼ Survive the Jive ☽ : “Cheddar man, green triangle on this PCA, plots with other European Holocene samples (brown shapes) as I expected. Closest modern genetic match is Northern Europeans (Baltic/Nordic/British). Non-Europeans are even further away from him! #CheddarMan Read it and weep lefties… https://t.co/g3XmH30e5m ”

☼ Survive the Jive ☽ : “You can see how the mesolithic British samples are distinct from the Neolithic ones which more closely resemble modern Iberians than modern Brits. That is because we descend from the Indo-European beaker folk invasion 4.5k years ago”

Raising questions at least. Cheddar Man – Debunked

Good to know. This isn’t the first Cheddar Hoax. Media madness (original title: Sykes)

In 1997 Professor Bryan Sykes of Oxford University claimed to have obtained mitochondrial DNA sequences from Cheddar man, Britain’s oldest complete skeleton. The Mesolithic remains were found in Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, and now reside in the Natural History Museum in London. Results were obtained for hypervariable region 1, and a DNA match was found with a local man Adrian Targett. The story was reported in a number of newspapers at that time including The Independent and the Los Angeles Times. The story of the DNA testing of Cheddar Man was subsequently recounted in Chapter 12 of Sykes’ book The Seven Daughters of Eve (Bantam Press, 2001). Significantly, however, the research has never been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Ancient DNA testing has advanced considerably since 1997, and it is now appreciated that very strict protocols need to be followed. (See, for example, Ancient DNA: do it right or not at all and How to tell if an ancient DNA study is legitimate.) The results of the 1997 testing are, therefore, subject to reasonable doubt. Bandelt et al (2005) have suggested that the sequence was from contaminating modern DNA. We understand that the Natural History Museum have plans to resequence Cheddar Man’s DNA.

Skin color DNA. Pozzidonius: “Now that the Cheddar Man DNA paper was released today, below are my final thoughts on the authors’ findings re: his skin pigmentation (tl; dr: They didn’t even look for the right gene when making the “dark/black skin” prediction)…”

Skin color DNA science versus the “Cheddar Man was black” narrative (emphasis mine). Blue-eyed, dark-skinned, earliest modern Briton. – Page 72:

In other words, the evidence now points to West/East Africans and Ancestral South Eurasians developing dark/very dark skin from a series of mutations & selection on the MFSD12 gene, while northern Europeans’ lighter skin resulted from a analogous process primarily on the SLC24A5 gene. Some Northeast Asians (particular Tungusic-speakers and the [likely related] population referred to by Japanese as the “Yayoi” type) appear to have developed their own lighter skin based on an as yet-undiscovered gene distinct from SLC24A5.

Why did the Cheddar Man study neglect the Crawford et al paper, which was released 5 months prior? Why did the Cheddar Man authors go out of their way to revisit the skin color debate for WHGs (they seemed to feel the need to “correct” the Loschbour study by asserting that Loschbour, too had “very dark” skin) and Anatolian Farmers without even bothering to test literally the only SNPs known to cause “dark to very dark” skin color in non-Africans???

The authors simply start from the faulty assumption that dark/very dark skin was the ancestral phenotype for all human populations everywhere, when the reality seem that this trait is just as derived as light skin. Totally unacceptable from an academic viewpoint.

If Cheddar Man lacked the variant SNPs on MFSD12 (as expected), the chances are extremely high that he possessed “intermediate” skin coloration, likely within the range found in the modern Near East.

Loci associated with skin pigmentation identified in African populations

Despite the wide range of skin pigmentation in humans, little is known about its genetic basis in global populations. Examining ethnically diverse African genomes, we identify variants in or near SLC24A5, MFSD12, DDB1, TMEM138, OCA2 and HERC2 that are significantly associated with skin pigmentation. Genetic evidence indicates that the light pigmentation variant at SLC24A5 was introduced into East Africa by gene flow from non-Africans.

To sum up: Even relatively subtle racial differences can be objectively detected, even in relatively ancient DNA. The “black Cheddar” narrative is agitprop, a form of psychological warfare.