Tag Archives: interview

Talking with Luke Ford

luke_ford_hello_fellow_jewsArchive of the live stream: JQ Debate With Age Of Treason – good comments.

JQ Debate With Age Of Treason by Luke Ford on SoundCloud.

Is Luke Ford good for the Jews?

Our main topic was Cofnas’ attack on MacDonald.

My series of podcasts on crypsis starts here: Jewish Crypsis – An Introduction.

Here I discuss jew screeching about intermarriage: Jewish Crypsis – Half-Jews – Part 3.

Stephen Steinlight on Jewish Power and Interests.

The Secret Jewish History Of Peeps.

Assessing Auster (with Kevin MacDonald and Carolyn Yeager).

(((Luke Ford))) (@lukeford) on Twitter.

UPDATE 19 April 2018: JewTube circumcised the video. Ford has preserved some comments and linked a few related videos here: Debating The JQ With Age Of Treason Blogger.

Discussing Jewing and Alt-Jewing with John Friend


John and I spoke earlier this evening, mainly about the TRS debacle and the issues specifically around jew-mixing. In the course of the discussion we touched on LARPing vs fraud, poz/degeneracy reflecting the jew agenda, gaslighting as a metaphor for the relationship between Whites and jews, the insanity of the “good jew” argument, NRx, “left” vs “right” political theatre, and Trump.

More context:

Jews Denounce Trump’s ‘Dangerous Lie’ About Immigrant Voter Fraud, Forward.com.

Greg Johnson, “Why I Support Mike Enoch”.

Doxing Only Works Once, Greg Johnson speaking with Henrik Palmgren.

This is How We Jew It (webm), TixGirl = Peinovich’s turbokike wife.

Undeniable evidence that Michael Enoch is Jewish – “amongst other jews” – not sure what TDS episode this was, but it was some time prior to March 2016.

The following three snippets were taken from Rebel Shoah: Fashy Struggle Session, which has since been memory-holed.

Enoch admits he’s a jew part 1 by Cora 1488.

Enoch admits he’s a jew part2 by Cora 1488.

Enoch – “AltRight is not WN” by Cora 1488.

The Brown v. Board of Education Scam, by Paul Craig Roberts.

The Grave Dangers and Deep Sadness of ‘America First’, by Max Boot.

Full Event: President Donald Trump Full Speech at Department of Homeland Security (1/25/2017).

Catching up with John Friend


On Tuesday night John Friend and I discussed what’s happened since last year.

Topics included the ongoing jew war on Whites, the meaning of “conspiracy theory”, kikeservatives, Twitter, the jewsmedia, Trump, Bannon, (((the echo meme))), alt-right, Richard Spencer, Greg Johnson, Jared Taylor, Hitler and national socialist Germany, White racial consciousness.

Talking with Henrik Palmgren, Hour 2


The second half of my conversation with Henrik, recorded on 21 September 2015. The first half was published in mid October.

In this half, before getting into the invasion and rape of Europe, the rise of Trump, and anti-Nordic hostility, we touched briefly on the discovery of Homo naledi, which was described in a NOVA episode titled Dawn of Humanity.

As I mentioned, The Ugly Nationalist Politics of Human Origins is an example of the legacy of Franz Boas, the jewing of race science, with contemporary Boasian storytellers like Jonathan Marks not only hijacking the objective authority of science to promote a reality-distorting anti-“racist” narrative, but relatively openly describing how and why.

What and who were our ancestors?

It might seem as if the answer to this question is simply a question of biology, but in his new book Tales of the Ex-Apes: How we think about human Evolution anthropologist Jonathan Marks argues that the story we tell about our origins, the study of our evolutionary tree, has cultural roots. Evolution isn’t just a question of biology, he argues, it’s also a question of mythology. Our scientific facts, he says, are the product of bioculture and biopolitics.

The study of who we are and where we came from is inherently political, even as science. Understanding what he means by this is best explained by way of example. Take, say, race. In the U.S. the 19th-century “American school” of physical anthropologists used racial features to hypothesize that there were separate origins for the races. As late as 1962, the evolutionary “fact” that the black race was 200,000 years less evolved than the white race was used to argue in favor of segregation.

Evolutionary biologists often explain the emergence of morality in terms of Darwinian imperatives about survival and breeding.

This is about who gets to partake in, and to tell, the authoritative scientific story of our origins. It’s a lot more than biology.

There is much more to say about the semitically correct migrating/mixing/Out-of-Africa narrative and how it distorts science and morality. A recent, typical demonstration of the effect was provided when Bill Clinton preached his understanding of racial purity and mixing.