Tag Archives: interview

A Conversation About Fairy Tales with William Scott


I spoke with William Scott on the 8th of January to discuss the significance of fairy tales to White identity, and how this relates to the age-old struggle between Europeans and jews. Our focus was on one particular tale from the Brothers Grimm. William uploaded his reading of Snow White and Rose Red to YouTube, and I’ve taken the liberty of transcoding to mp3 in order to put it on TFeed. It’s only 16 minutes long, well worth a listen even if you aren’t interested in what William or I have to say about it.

William has divided our conversation into two parts. The first part he’s just published on YouTube as Conversation with Tanstaafl A (mp3).

If you have time, see also his Interview with Ayla – an intelligent and insightful exchange about the same tale which stayed more directly on topic.

William also posted a monologue, Trailer for Tanstaafl, as an introduction to our conversation and to lay out his thoughts on racial differences. William’s website is FOLKWAYS/Teleolojic. His introductory post, Intention: Deep racial identity explains where he’s coming from and what he’s trying to do.

Anti-Semitic Legends contains a short collection of European tales, including several published by the Grimm brothers, in which the jews are more explicitly identified. The following bit of impudent spin appears at the top of the page:

These legends reflect an anti-Jewish sentiment long exhibited by European Christians. These tales, like their witchcraft analogs, illustrate a tragic and lengthy chapter in ecclesiastical history. Archives, like microscopes, often reveal root causes of sickness and evil. Our best hope of correcting the errors of the past lies in exposing their root causes to the light of day.

In fact the deep wisdom and values reflected in European fairy tales long predates Christianity. Recent analysis suggests that the tradition and themes trace back to the Aryans, just as the Grimm brothers and their contemporaries surmised.

The wisdom in these tales is as valid with regard to the jews as anything else, and that’s so whether they are represented directly or via stereotypically jewy characterizations (like the dwarf in Snow White and Rose Red). The hostility and arrogance of jews is no fiction. It is clearly visible in the reality-inverting spin quoted above. Fairy tales indicate that the origin of “anti-jewish sentiments” lies in the jews and their behavior. Their attempts to excuse themselves by literally pathologizing and demonizing Europeans only confirms this.

UPDATE 28 Jan 2016: William’s final cut ended up in three parts, and parts B and C have been on YouTube for a few days. I’ve transcoded them to mp3 and they can be downloaded here and here (they’ll appear on TFeed soon). In these two parts our conversation meanders a bit farther from fairy tales and into White identity, the invasion and rape of Europe, Jonathan Bowden, Appalachia and mountain folk, Christianity, the racial roots of Europeans, and more. Apologies for my Skype dropouts.

Talking with John Friend


A week and a half ago I spoke with John Friend concerning various aspects of the jewish problem. His post on our conversation is here. Below are some additional links for context and reference.

The Jews – Who, What, Why and How sums up a comprehensive series of podcasts I did on the jewish problem. The Jewish Problem and “Anti-Semitism” addresses the importance of identity and point of view.

Kevin MacDonald’s Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review.

Radio Nordfront interview with Professor Macdonald, Part 1 and Part 2.

My criticism of “White pathology” traces back to “White Pathology” on Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn, recorded in November 2013. My criticism of “pathological altruism” started with Pathology and Pathogen, Fear and Genocide, and Gaslighting, recorded in February of this year. The comments on those posts contain further clarification and some debate. Solipsism and Narcissism, recorded in June, summed up the argument and added a couple of new points.

Regarding Jared Taylor: Pathological Altruism | American Renaissance, Jews and American Renaissance | American Renaissance, Tan Staafl on Twitter: “This is why Taylor’s “race realist” idea that jews are White is so pernicious. Whites are not extincting themselves. http://t.co/AueJUSyx6J”, “The Jewish Question” – Jared Taylor Vs. Brit.

Here’s a PDF of The Great Jewish Masque. This book came to my attention recently via a reading by The Editor who included his own insightful commentary.Start with Part 1 of 4.

My criticism of Wilmot Robertson’s majority/minority terminology – pussyfooting around the jews, to put it in his own terms – is laid out in the comments here.

Contrasting Francis Parker Yockey’s view of race in Imperium vis-a-vis what Adolf Hitler laid out 25 years earlier in Mein Kampf: Yockey on Culture and Race – Part 8, Part 9, and Part 11.

As John pointed out, the upshot of Pew Polls Jews is that the #1 “essential part of what being jewish means” to jews is “remembering the holocaust”. In How Anti-Whiteness is at the Heart of Jewish Identity I point out that the jews have been “remembering” (and advertising to anyone who will listen) their woe-is-us self-image as blameless victims. What’s so important about their “holocaust” narrative is that it explicitly paints Whites/Europeans as the collective victimizer/enemy.

My recent podcasts on cuckservatives and Trump: Calling Out the Cuckery and Treason is Trending (the associated image is a Rubin vase, named for “Danish” psychologist Edgar Rubin).

Jim Rizoli Interview with John Friend.

Talking with Henrik Palmgren


The title of the Red Ice Radio podcast sums up our discussion very well: Tanstaafl – Race, Biology & Modus Operandi of Jewish Extremists – Hour 1.

Some relevant context is provided via the links in the bottom half of the RIR page. See these as well:

The Racial Roots of Europeans – Part 1 and William Pierce’s Who We Are: a Series of Articles on the History of the White Race.

The Country Club Thing describes Revilo Oliver’s take on Claudius’ letter of warning to the jews of Alexandria, dated 41 AD.

The inequality of human races : Gobineau, Arthur, comte de, 1816-1882, Internet Archive.

The Ugly Nationalist Politics of Human Origins, The Daily Beast, 12 September 2015.

French far-right leader to face trial for inciting racial hatred, Yahoo News, 22 Sep 2015.

German politician Gregor Gysi calls native Germans “Nazis” and their extinction “fortunate”, YouTube.

The real meaning of Jaws is the “JPost” article I referred to, it’s actually from The Jewish Chronicle.

A White Guide to the Jewish Narrative, What’s Flipping Yid Lids Today: The Coultercaust, and A Personal Disclosure.

UPDATE 4 April 2016: Talking with Henrik Palmgren, Hour 2.

Talking with Bill Rhyes


I’ll be live with Bill Rhyes this Thursday night, 2 July 2015, at 8pm ET (7pm CT) on his program, The Might is Right Power Hour. You can listen and call-in via TalkShoe. Chat via http://mightisright.net/. The mp3 download will be linked here when it becomes available.

We plan to discuss A Personal Disclosure, my role and focus, the White network, White suicide vs genocide, The 14 Words, Breivik, Roof, and more. Join us.

UPDATE 02 July 2015: Bill and I spoke for a bit over 3 hours. Here’s the mp3.

Catching up with Kyle Hunt


I last spoke with Kyle Hunt in late 2013. I’ll be joining him again live on the Solar Storm at Renegade Broadcasting tomorrow (Sunday, May 24th) at 9PM ET.

Check out Kyle’s documentary Hellstorm and follow @RadioRenegades.

UPDATE 25 May 2015: The Solar Storm: Tanstaafl (5-24-15) at Renegade Broadcasting. It was a wide-ranging 2.5 hour long conversation. A few of the items we discussed:

The Culture of Critique in France: A review of Anne Kling’s books on Jewish influence in France, Part 1

Bahar Mustafa: As a white man, I’m surprised more women aren’t tweeting the hashtag #KillAllWhiteMen

Obama Stresses Support for Israel, but Refuses to ‘Paper Over’ Discord

Understanding Kostenki 14 (Markina Gora) concerns the murky topic of European racial roots. My best understanding is in a comment:

So to summarize, the two most recent ancestral populations of modern Europeans (=WHG+EEF+ANE) are: Old Europeans (=WHG+EEF, with EEF increasing southward), who were invaded by Aryans (=WHG+ANE, in a 3-1 ratio) about 5Kya. Kostenki 14 (=WHG+EEF+ANE) is dated to 37Kya, thus his apparently “modern” composition is difficult to explain. There are the anomaly/error possibilities Cochran suggests, or Lazaridis is wrong.

Cochran may not say it, but I will. Contemporary scientists very deliberately avoid connecting their work to anything that might validate the pre-DNA, pre-WWII race science understanding of Aryans. BECAUSE JEWS. If the scientists were finding genetic evidence that invalidated this prior understanding of Aryans they would say so, and the jewsmedia would crow about it. This political distortion compounds whatever confusion there is in deciphering and interpreting the evidence.